Aim & Scope

Journal of Divinity Faculty of Kastamonu University publishes original articles in the fields of theology and social sciences, along with review articles, publication reviews and scientific meeting presentations. The subdomains are as follows:

Basic Islamic Sciences:

Tafseer (Interpretation), Hadith, Kalam (Islamic Theology), Islamic Law, History of Islamic Sects, Sufism and Arabic Language and Retoric.

Philosophy and Religious Sciences: Islamic Philosophy, Religious Philosophy, Religion Psychology, Religious Sociology, Religious Education, History of Religion, History of Philosophy, Logic, Religion Culture and Moral Education.Islamic History and Arts: Islamic History, Islamic Art History, Turkish-Islamic Literature and Religious Music.

Social Science
Literature, History, Sociology, Psychology, Education and Philosophy.

Dergide telif, çeviri (yazarından ve yayıncı kuruluştan izin alınmak koşuluyla), sadeleştirme, edisyon kritik, kitap-sempozyum değerlendirmeleri vb. çalışmalar yayımlanır. Derginin yayın dili Türkçedir. Diğer dillerdeki yazıların yayımına Yayın Kurulu karar verir. 

Period Months

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