Research Article
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Acil Durumlarda Engelliler ve Erişilebilirlik

Year 2022, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 40 - 45, 12.12.2022


Acil durum olarak ifade edilen; yangın, patlama, kimyasal sızıntı, doğal afetler, kazalar vb. bu ortak alanları paylaşan tüm sakinleri etkilemektedir. Özellikle doğuştan veya sonradan oluşan bir engeli olan kişilerin acil durumlara verecekleri reaksiyon süreleri daha uzun olmaktadır. İşletmesinde tüm çalışan ve ziyaretçilerin can güvenliğinin sağlanması konusunda yükümlülükleri bulunan işveren, işyerinin bütün alanlarının güvenli acil tahliyeye müsait hale getirilmesini sağlamalıdır. Bunun sağlanabilmesi için öncelikle günümüzde var olan engelli standartlarına uyumlu işyerlerinin teşekkülü için gayret gösterilmesi gerekmektedir. Yalnızca fiziki şartların standartlara uyumlu hale getirilmesi, başta engelliler olmak üzere tüm çalışanların güvenliklerinin sağlanması için yeterli olamamaktadır. İşveren, organizasyonunun her bir paydaşına sorumluluk yüklendiği, fikrini paylaşmasına izin verdiği, tüm bireylerin organizasyonun bir temel taşı olduğu hissine sahip olduğu bir güvenlik kültürünü oluşturmalıdır. Güvenlik kültürünün oluşturulabilmesi amacıyla bu çalışmada; acil durumlarda çalışanların güvenli bir şekilde tahliyesinin gerçekleştirilmesi için erişilebilirlik, tahliye tatbikatları, simülasyon programları başlıklarında dünya ve ülkemizdeki literatür incelenerek değerlendirilmiştir.


  • Artuk, M. E., Gökçen, A., Yenidünya, C. (2002). Ceza Hukuku Makaleleri, Güven Kitap Kırtasiye, İstanbul, 2002.
  • Bendel, J., & Klüpfel, H. (2011). Accessibility and evacuation planning–Similarities and differences. In D. P. Richard, D. K. Erica & D. A. Jason (Eds.), Proceedings of pedestrian and evacuation dynamics (pp. 701– 712). Springer US: Boston, MA.
  • Budak, F., & Korkmaz, Ş. (2020). Covıd-19 pandemi sürecine yönelik genel bir değerlendirme: Türkiye örneği. Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Yönetim Dergisi, (1), 62-79.
  • Chen, T., Song, W., Fan, W. C., Lu, S., & Yao, B. (2003). Pedestrian evacuation flow from hallway to stairs. In Proceedings of the CIB-CTBUH conference on tall buildings: strategies for performance in the aftermath of the World Trade Centre, CIB TG50, (pp. 79–86). Malaysia.
  • Daamen, W., & Hoogendoorn, S. (2010). Capacity of doors during evacuation conditions. Procedia Engineering, 3, 53–66.
  • Engelli Çalışanlar İçin İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Rehberi (2016).
  • Engelliler İçin Depremde İlk 72 Saat (2009).
  • Engelli Ve Yaşlı İstatistik Bülteni (2019). İstatistiki verirler.
  • Gwynne, S., Galea, E. R., Owen, M., Lawrence, P. J., & Fılıppıdıs, L. (1999). A review of the methodologies used in the computer simulation of evacuation from the built environment. Building and Environment, 34 (6), 741–749.
  • Ha, V., & Lykotrafıtıs, G. (2012). Agent-based modeling of a multi-room multi-floor building emergency evacuation. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 391(8), 2740–2751.
  • Hashemı, M. (2018). Emergency evacuation of people with disabilities: A survey of drills, simulations, and accessibility. Cogent Engineering, 5(1), 1506304.
  • İşyerlerinde Acil Durumlar Hakkında Yönetmelik, (2013).
  • Jeon, G.-Y., Kım, J.-Y., Hong, W.-H., & Augenbroe, G. (2011). Evacuation performance of individuals in different visibility conditions. Building and Environment, 46(5), 1094–1103.
  • Jıan, M., Juan, C., Yao-Jıan, L., & Lo, S. (2013). Efficiency analysis of elevator aided building evacuation using network model. Procedia Engineering, 52, 259–266.
  • Jıang, C. S., Zheng, S. Z., Yuan, F., Jıa, H. J., Zhan, Z. N., & Wang, J. J. (2012). Experimental assessment on the moving capabilities of mobility-impaired disabled. Safety Science, 50(4), 974–985.
  • Jın, T., & Yamada, T. (1989). Experimental study of human behavior in smoke filled corridors. In Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, (pp. 511–520). Tokyo, Japan.
  • Kady, R. A., & Davıs, J. (2009). The effect of occupant characteristics on crawling speed in evacuation. Fire Safety Journal, 44(4), 451–457.
  • Kım, H., Jun, C., Cho, Y., & Kım, G. (2008). Indoor spatial analysis using space syntax. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 37(B2), 1065–1070.
  • Kulıgowskı, E., Peacock, R., Wıess, E., & Hoskıns, B. (2013). Stair evacuation of older adults and people with mobility impairments. Fire Safety Journal, 62, 230–237.
  • Manley, M., & Kım, Y. S. (2012). Modeling emergency evacuation of individuals with disabilities (exitus): An agent-based public decision support system. Expert Systems with Applications, 39(9), 8300–8311.
  • Mın, Y., & Yu, Y. (2013). Calculation of mixed evacuation of stair and elevator using EVACNET4. Procedia Engineering, 62, 478–482.
  • Nguyen, M. H., Ho, T. V., & Zucker, J.-D. (2013). Integration of smoke effect and blind evacuation strategy (SEBES) within fire evacuation simulation. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 36, 44–59.
  • Öz, Ş. (2013). “Engelli Din Eğitiminden "Özürsüz" Din Eğitimi Modelliğine: "Ötekileştirilen" Özürlülerin Din Eğitiminde Karşılaşılan Sorunlar ve Çözüm Önerileri”, Hikmet Yurdu Düşünce-Yorum Sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Dergisi, 6 (11), ss. 75-89.
  • Peacock, R. D., Reneke, P. A., Kulıgowskı, E. D., & Hagwood, C. R. (2017). Movement on stairs during building evacuations. Fire Technology, 53(2), 845–871.
  • Proulx, G. (1995). Evacuation time and movement in apartment buildings. Fire Safety Journal, 24(3), 229–246.
  • Sagun, A., Bouchlaghem, D., & Anumba, C. J. (2011). Computer simulations vs. building guidance to enhance evacuation performance of buildings during emergency events. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 19(3), 1007–1019.
  • Shi, L., Xie, Q., Cheng, X., Chen, L., Zhou, Y., & Zhang, R. (2009). Developing a database for emergency evacuation model. Building and Environment, 44(8), 1724–1729.
  • Şirin, H., & Özkan, S. (2020). Dünyada ve Türkiye’de COVID-19 Epidemiyolojisi. Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Dergisi. Tuğluoğlu, F., Türkiye’de Sıtma Mücadelesi (1924-1950), Aksaray Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Tarih Bölümü, Aksaray, Türkiye.
  • Thompson, P. A., & Marchant, E. W. (1995). A computer model for the evacuation of large building populations. Fire Safety Journal, 24(2), 131–148.
  • TS 9111 “Özürlüler ve Hareket Kısıtlılığı Bulunan Kişiler İçin Binalarda Ulaşılabilirlik Gerekler” (2011). Standartlar. Erişim Tarihi: 28 Ekim 2020,
  • Turhanlar, D., He, Y., & Stone, G. (2013). The use of lifts for emergency evacuation - a reliability study. Procedia Engineering, 62, 680–689.
  • Vanclooster, A., Neutens, T., Fack, V., Weghe, N. V., & Maeyer, P. D. (2012). Measuring the exitability of buildings: A new perspective on indoor accessibility. Applied Geography, 34, 507–518.
  • Zu-Ming, C., Jin, Z., & De-Pin, L. (2011). Smoke control–Discussion of switching elevator to evacuation elevator in high-rise building. Procedia Engineering, 11, 40–44üler/fenbil.html, (21.03.2003).
  • Warrence N.J., Bauder J.W., Pearson K.E. (2004). Basics of Salinity and Sodicity Effects on Soil Physical Properties. Land Resources and Environmental Sciences Department, Montana State University,, (15.12.2004).

Persons with Disabilities and Their Accessibility in Emergencies

Year 2022, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 40 - 45, 12.12.2022


Expressed as an emergency; fire, explosion, chemical leak, natural disasters, accidents etc. it affects all residents who share common areas. Especially people with a congenital or acquired disability have longer reaction times to emergency situations. The employer, who has obligations to ensure the safety of all employees and visitors in his business, must ensure that all areas of the workplace are made available for safe emergency evacuation. In order to achieve this, efforts must be made to establish workplaces that comply with today's disability standards. Harmonizing physical conditions with the standards alone is not sufficient to ensure the safety of all employees, especially the disabled. The employer should establish a safety culture in which the organization assigns responsibility to each stakeholder, allows them to share their opinion, and that all individuals have the feeling that it is a cornerstone of the organization. In this study, in order to create a safety culture; In order to ensure the safe evacuation of employees in emergency situations, the world and our country literature under the headings of accessibility, evacuation exercises, simulation programs have been examined and evaluated. 


  • Artuk, M. E., Gökçen, A., Yenidünya, C. (2002). Ceza Hukuku Makaleleri, Güven Kitap Kırtasiye, İstanbul, 2002.
  • Bendel, J., & Klüpfel, H. (2011). Accessibility and evacuation planning–Similarities and differences. In D. P. Richard, D. K. Erica & D. A. Jason (Eds.), Proceedings of pedestrian and evacuation dynamics (pp. 701– 712). Springer US: Boston, MA.
  • Budak, F., & Korkmaz, Ş. (2020). Covıd-19 pandemi sürecine yönelik genel bir değerlendirme: Türkiye örneği. Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Yönetim Dergisi, (1), 62-79.
  • Chen, T., Song, W., Fan, W. C., Lu, S., & Yao, B. (2003). Pedestrian evacuation flow from hallway to stairs. In Proceedings of the CIB-CTBUH conference on tall buildings: strategies for performance in the aftermath of the World Trade Centre, CIB TG50, (pp. 79–86). Malaysia.
  • Daamen, W., & Hoogendoorn, S. (2010). Capacity of doors during evacuation conditions. Procedia Engineering, 3, 53–66.
  • Engelli Çalışanlar İçin İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Rehberi (2016).
  • Engelliler İçin Depremde İlk 72 Saat (2009).
  • Engelli Ve Yaşlı İstatistik Bülteni (2019). İstatistiki verirler.
  • Gwynne, S., Galea, E. R., Owen, M., Lawrence, P. J., & Fılıppıdıs, L. (1999). A review of the methodologies used in the computer simulation of evacuation from the built environment. Building and Environment, 34 (6), 741–749.
  • Ha, V., & Lykotrafıtıs, G. (2012). Agent-based modeling of a multi-room multi-floor building emergency evacuation. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 391(8), 2740–2751.
  • Hashemı, M. (2018). Emergency evacuation of people with disabilities: A survey of drills, simulations, and accessibility. Cogent Engineering, 5(1), 1506304.
  • İşyerlerinde Acil Durumlar Hakkında Yönetmelik, (2013).
  • Jeon, G.-Y., Kım, J.-Y., Hong, W.-H., & Augenbroe, G. (2011). Evacuation performance of individuals in different visibility conditions. Building and Environment, 46(5), 1094–1103.
  • Jıan, M., Juan, C., Yao-Jıan, L., & Lo, S. (2013). Efficiency analysis of elevator aided building evacuation using network model. Procedia Engineering, 52, 259–266.
  • Jıang, C. S., Zheng, S. Z., Yuan, F., Jıa, H. J., Zhan, Z. N., & Wang, J. J. (2012). Experimental assessment on the moving capabilities of mobility-impaired disabled. Safety Science, 50(4), 974–985.
  • Jın, T., & Yamada, T. (1989). Experimental study of human behavior in smoke filled corridors. In Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, (pp. 511–520). Tokyo, Japan.
  • Kady, R. A., & Davıs, J. (2009). The effect of occupant characteristics on crawling speed in evacuation. Fire Safety Journal, 44(4), 451–457.
  • Kım, H., Jun, C., Cho, Y., & Kım, G. (2008). Indoor spatial analysis using space syntax. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 37(B2), 1065–1070.
  • Kulıgowskı, E., Peacock, R., Wıess, E., & Hoskıns, B. (2013). Stair evacuation of older adults and people with mobility impairments. Fire Safety Journal, 62, 230–237.
  • Manley, M., & Kım, Y. S. (2012). Modeling emergency evacuation of individuals with disabilities (exitus): An agent-based public decision support system. Expert Systems with Applications, 39(9), 8300–8311.
  • Mın, Y., & Yu, Y. (2013). Calculation of mixed evacuation of stair and elevator using EVACNET4. Procedia Engineering, 62, 478–482.
  • Nguyen, M. H., Ho, T. V., & Zucker, J.-D. (2013). Integration of smoke effect and blind evacuation strategy (SEBES) within fire evacuation simulation. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 36, 44–59.
  • Öz, Ş. (2013). “Engelli Din Eğitiminden "Özürsüz" Din Eğitimi Modelliğine: "Ötekileştirilen" Özürlülerin Din Eğitiminde Karşılaşılan Sorunlar ve Çözüm Önerileri”, Hikmet Yurdu Düşünce-Yorum Sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Dergisi, 6 (11), ss. 75-89.
  • Peacock, R. D., Reneke, P. A., Kulıgowskı, E. D., & Hagwood, C. R. (2017). Movement on stairs during building evacuations. Fire Technology, 53(2), 845–871.
  • Proulx, G. (1995). Evacuation time and movement in apartment buildings. Fire Safety Journal, 24(3), 229–246.
  • Sagun, A., Bouchlaghem, D., & Anumba, C. J. (2011). Computer simulations vs. building guidance to enhance evacuation performance of buildings during emergency events. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 19(3), 1007–1019.
  • Shi, L., Xie, Q., Cheng, X., Chen, L., Zhou, Y., & Zhang, R. (2009). Developing a database for emergency evacuation model. Building and Environment, 44(8), 1724–1729.
  • Şirin, H., & Özkan, S. (2020). Dünyada ve Türkiye’de COVID-19 Epidemiyolojisi. Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Dergisi. Tuğluoğlu, F., Türkiye’de Sıtma Mücadelesi (1924-1950), Aksaray Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Tarih Bölümü, Aksaray, Türkiye.
  • Thompson, P. A., & Marchant, E. W. (1995). A computer model for the evacuation of large building populations. Fire Safety Journal, 24(2), 131–148.
  • TS 9111 “Özürlüler ve Hareket Kısıtlılığı Bulunan Kişiler İçin Binalarda Ulaşılabilirlik Gerekler” (2011). Standartlar. Erişim Tarihi: 28 Ekim 2020,
  • Turhanlar, D., He, Y., & Stone, G. (2013). The use of lifts for emergency evacuation - a reliability study. Procedia Engineering, 62, 680–689.
  • Vanclooster, A., Neutens, T., Fack, V., Weghe, N. V., & Maeyer, P. D. (2012). Measuring the exitability of buildings: A new perspective on indoor accessibility. Applied Geography, 34, 507–518.
  • Zu-Ming, C., Jin, Z., & De-Pin, L. (2011). Smoke control–Discussion of switching elevator to evacuation elevator in high-rise building. Procedia Engineering, 11, 40–44üler/fenbil.html, (21.03.2003).
  • Warrence N.J., Bauder J.W., Pearson K.E. (2004). Basics of Salinity and Sodicity Effects on Soil Physical Properties. Land Resources and Environmental Sciences Department, Montana State University,, (15.12.2004).
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Fatih Ates 0000-0002-7497-2211

Mevlüt Albayrak 0000-0001-8673-6577

Publication Date December 12, 2022
Submission Date September 3, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 15 Issue: 1


APA Ates, F., & Albayrak, M. (2022). Acil Durumlarda Engelliler ve Erişilebilirlik. Kafkas Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 15(1), 40-45.