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Issue: 6, 4/30/22

Year: 2022

Research Articles


Book Review

Our Kurdiname journal, which is under the field of social sciences, aims to carry out academic and quality studies on Kurdish language, literature, history and culture, and all kinds of subjects that may be related to the Kurds. To pave the way for researchers and academicians in this regard, to be a stepping stone for them to specialize in this field, and to host studies that will form the basis for the future. Kurdiname aims to publish articles from every number of different countries. It aims to enter major international indexes in the near future and to publish a quality journal. For this, he wants to reach academics from different parts of the world.

Kurdiname publish 2 issues a year in fall and spring.

Kurdish language, literature, history and culture with Kurdish, Turkish, English, Persian, Arabic languages.

Guide for Authors

*The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the information stated in the articles.
*No copyright is paid to the articles published in the journal.
*Authors must upload the copyright transfer form to the system together with the article. They agree to waive the copyright of their articles with the copyright declaration form and transfer the copyright of the articles to be published to Kurdiname journal.
*The rest of the rights other than copyright are reserved by the author.
*The author may use the whole or a part of the article in his new works to be published in *Kurdiname journal, provided that the source is cited.
*The author may reproduce it for his own purposes, provided that it is non-commercial.
*Author's permission is required for commercial use of the content.
*The works submitted for publication in Kurdiname Journal must meet the following conditions:
- Studies to be sent to the Journal must be in Kurdish (all dialects and all alphabets), Turkish, English, Persian and Arabic.
- Studies to be included in the Journal must not have been published elsewhere or sent to another journal for publication.
- Studies that do not comply with the Journal Writing Rules will not be evaluated. However, in some cases of time problems, corrections can be left until after evaluation.
*Studies should be structured in accordance with the following principles:

Paper Size A4 Portrait
Top Margin Üst Kenar Boşluk 2.5 cm
2,5 cm
Bottom Margin 2,5 cm
Left Margin 2,5 cm
Right Margin 2,5 cm
Font Times Times News Roman
Font Style Normal
Text Size (regular text) 12
Font Size (footnote text) 10
Text in table-graphic 10
Paragraph Indent (First Line) 1 cm
Paragraph Spacing First 6 nk, then 0 nk (before and after 0 nk in tables and charts)
Line Spacing (1,15)
Bibliography Hanging and indentation 0,63 cm, Alignment: Justify, 6 pt before December, then 0 pt, line spacing 1,15 cm.

* Turkish and English abstracts: maximum 200 words and 10 points
* Keyword / keywords: 3-5 words and 10 points
* Title: The language in which the article was written and English
Articles written in another language should also include title, abstract and keywords in the language of the article as well as English.
* Title: It should be written in 12 font bold type, aligned to the center and without paragraph head and indent.
* Inner Titles: The titles in the article are bold, only the first letter of each word is uppercase, left aligned
* Number of Pages: The article should not be less than 6 pages and should not exceed 25 pages.
* “Introduction” and “Conclusion” sections must definitely exist.
* The name and surname of the author should not be written in the article to be sent.
* Name, place and date of the meeting in congress and symposium papers; page numbers and volume numbers, if published, should be indicated in the bibliography.
-In the articles, details such as page number, header and footer should not be included.
- In the citations in the notes, the surname of the author should be arranged in parentheses, with the publication year of the work and the page number. Example: (Yıldırım, 2009: 15).
- The work used in the note must be placed in the bibliography.
-Referred quotations in the article should be given in italic in quotation marks.
- At the end of the non-literal quotations, only the references should be cited in parentheses.
- If abbreviation is to be used, abbreviations specified in Turkish Language Institution Writing Guide should be taken as basis.

APA sisytem is taken as basis in references (references) and bibliography.
1. Citation in Text (Citation)
* Citations to the article should be given immediately after the relevant place, in the parenthesis of the author's surname, the publication year of the work and the page number, respectively.
* In citations given at the end of the sentence, the dot should be placed after the citation parenthesis
(Yıldırım 1996: 37).
Single Author, Single Study
* The surname of the author, the year of publication of the work / work and the page number should be given in parentheses immediately after the relevant location.
Example: (Yıldırım 1996: 37)
* If the cited source consists of volumes, the volume number is written before the page number and in Roman numerals.
Example: (Branch 1955: II / 30)




Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
Kurdiname Journal undertakes to implement the publication ethics at the highest standards and to comply with the following ethical principles:
* Manuscripts sent to the journal for publication have not been previously published in another journal.
*It should not have been sent to another journal simultaneously for publication.
*Submitted articles are checked on the plagiarism site iThenticate.
*The articles that contain plagiarism and do not comply with the standards will not be published in the journal.
* An editor and at least two blind referees are assigned to the articles sent to the journal.
*Peer-reviewed studies are based on the scientific method. In this respect, it is important that editors, authors and referees comply with ethical principles.
Kurdiname expects its editors, referees and authors to have the following ethical responsibilities within the scope of publication ethics:

The editor is responsible for every articles published in the journal. The editors are responsible for roles and responsibilities below:
*Ensuring the continuous development of the journal
*Conducting processes to improve the quality of studies published in the journal
*Editors should support freedom of thought.
*Authors should be encouraged to write articles in needed areas.
*Continuing academical processes without compromising ethical standards.
*Demonstrating openness and transparency in terms of publication on issues that require correction and clarification.
*Editors are responsible for transferring information between the author and the referee when necessary.
* Editors, authors and referees should be informed in an explanatory and informative way.
*Editors and publishers are obliged to hide the identity informations of the referees.
*Editors quickly correct judgements that contain errors, inconsistencies, or misdirections in articles.
*Editors are obliged to take the necessary precautions so that the contents of the articles do not violate the intellectual rights of others.
*Editors should consider complaints from authors, referees or readers and make necessary explanations.

The evaluation of the articles with the "BLIND REFEREE SYSTEM" is very important in terms of the principle of impartiality.
The article evaluation process in Kurdiname journal is carried out with the principle of double-blind refereeing.

*Referees cannot directly communicate with the authors, evaluations and comments are communicated through the management system on Dergipark.
*In this process, evaluation forms and referee comments about the article are sent to the authors via the journal system through the editor.
*Reviewers who are evaluating articles for the Kurdiname journal are expected to have the following ethical responsibilities:
* The referee should accept to evaluate only the work related to his/her field of expertise.
* The arbitrator should evaluate with impartiality and confidentiality.
* If the referee notices unethical situations during the evaluation phase, he should inform the journal editor.
* The referee should delete the articles after the evaluation process. He/She can use the article after it is published.
* The referee should make the evaluation impartially based only on the content of the study. The referee should not let his personal opinions affect the evaluation of the article.
* The referee should make the evaluation in a constructive and courteous language. Doesnt not make insulting personal comments.
* The referee should endeavor to complete the evaluation on time. It should not complicate the evaluation and publication process of the article.

Authors who submit articles to Kurdiname Journal have the following responsibilities:
* Submitted articles must be original. It must not have been published anywhere before.
* The author cannot submit his article to more than one journal at the same time. If this is noticed, the publisher will cancel the evaluation of the article.
*If the evaluation process of the author's article in another journal has been completed and the article has not been published, the author can send the article to the Kurdiname journal.
*If he/she used another work or benefited from the work of other authors, he should state this in the article.
* If more than one author wrote the article, the name of the author who contributed more to the article should be written in the first place.
* If there is another study on the same subject or with the same title, an explanation should be given about the difference of the study so that there is no problem with plagiarism.
* If the author notices an error in his work before the article is published, he should inform the journal editor and have the error corrected.
* It is not possible to add a new author to an article whose evaluation process has begun.

Publication Quality of the Journal
Publishers and Editors are responsible for publishing every article published in the journal in accordance with journal publication policies and international standards.
If you encounter an ethical violation;
If you encounter unethical content in articles published in Kurdiname, please let us know:



Publishing article in Kurdiname is for free. no payment.
Articles are open-access.
Articles are being archived in dergipark databases. And Publisher archives articles. But both of them are not responsible for being lost in any case.
Our journal offers an approach in favour of the authors during the control stage of the articles in order to avoid loss of time and increase scientific production.
Articles submitted to our journal should not have been published anywhere before.
Those who want to submit an article should submit their articles as a member of the Article Tracking System at http://www.dergipark.gov.tr/kurdiname.
Original research articles should not be less than 6 pages and not more than 25 pages. (Except work presentation of books and translation articles)
Editorial board is responsible for whether or not the articles are published.
Articles are checked for plagiarism before being evaluated.
Scientific and legal responsibility of the articles published in our journal belongs to their authors.
All publishing rights of the articles in the journal belong to Kurdiname Journal and cannot be printed, reproduced and transferred to electronic media partially or completely without the permission of the publisher.


Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.  


This license means:

You are free to:
Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Ethics Committee Approval:
According to the ULAKBİM decision dated February 25, 2020, Ethics Committee Approval must be obtained for clinical and experimental studies on animals and humans. It should be stated in the article that the approval was obtained. Ethics committee approval should be uploaded to the system with the article.
Studies that require data collection from the participants by using survey, interview, observation, experiment and interview techniques are in this scope.
For details please read this pdf in link

Etic details file

Kurdiname Journal aims to make all kinds of published works reach the benefit of the authors and researchers and therefore the public in an unlimited way. For this purpose, it supports the open access policy. Open acces policy is free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. The only constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited.

Researchers engage in discovery for the public good, yet because of cost barriers or use restrictions imposed by other publishers, research results are not available to the full community of potential users. It is our mission to support a greater global exchange of knowledge by making the research published in this journal open to the public and reusable under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution International -CC BY 4.0 -license.

Kurdiname Journal encourages authors to post their pre-publication manuscript in institutional repositories or on their Web sites prior to and during the submission process, and to post the Publisher’s final formatted PDF version after publication. These practices benefit authors with productive exchanges as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.

Submission of articles for the November issue has ended. Thanks.
Şandina gotaran bo jimara Mijdarê qedîya. Spas.
Kasım sayısı için makale gönderimi sona erdi. Teşekkürler.