Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 27 Issue: 4, 50 - 60, 30.12.2019


1990’ların ortalarında hayatımıza girişiyle birlikte internet halkla ilişkiler uygulamalarını önemli
ölçüde etkiledi. Bu yeni ortam, paydaşların gücünü artırma, kuruluşların bilgi toplama,
kamuoyunu izleme ve kilit konularla ilgili hedef kitleyle doğrudan diyalog kurma yeteneğini
artırma eğilimindedir. Araştırmacılar 1990’lı yıllarda internetin halkla ilişkiler uygulamaları
üzerindeki etkisini tahmin ettiler ve yakın gelecekte halkla ilişkiler uygulayıcılarının hedef
kitleleriyle çevrimiçi iletişim kurmak için daha fazla zaman harcayacaklarını öngördüler. Halkla
ilişkiler literatüründe internetle ilgili sağlık iletişimi çalışmalarının sayısı giderek artmasına
rağmen, bu çalışmaların sistematik bir literatür taraması henüz yapılmamıştır. Bu nedenle
araştırmaların literatürdeki gelişimi belirsizliğini korumaktadır. Bu araştırmada; halkla ilişkiler
araştırmacılarının sağlık iletişimi uygulamalarında yer alan yeni teknolojiler hakkındaki
bilgilerini geliştirmek, gelecekteki araştırmaları yönlendirmeye yardımcı olmak ve dijital halkla
ilişkiler araştırmalarındaki yönelimleri belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini
1992-2018 yılları arasında yayımlanmış halkla ilişkiler literatüründeki sağlık iletişimiyle ilgili
makaleler oluşturmaktadır. www - dünya çapında ağlara erişimin ilk kez 1992’de sağlanmış
olması nedeniyle başlangıç yılı 1992 seçilmiştir. Araştırma kapsamında halkla ilişkiler alanının
önde gelen dergilerindeki tam metin makaleler değerlendirilmiştir. Her makale dört kategoride
incelenmiştir: a)genel bilgiler – dergi adı, yılı, yazarın ülkesi, b)içerik – genel araştırma konusu,
araştırma içeriği, c)araştırma biçim ve yöntemi, d)gelecek araştırma önerileri. Sağlık iletişimiyle
ilgili dijital halkla ilişkiler araştırmalarını içeren toplam 84 makale elde edildi. Bu makalelerin
%46.4’ü Health Communication, %33.3’ü Journal of Health Communication, %11.9’u Public
Relations Review, %8.3’ü Journal of Public Relations Research dergisinde yayımlanmıştır.


  • Bortree, D. S., & Seltzer, T. (2009). Dialogic strategies and outcomes: An analysis of environmental advocacy groups’ Facebook profiles. Public Relations Review, 35: 317- 319.
  • Bruning, S. D. (2002). Relationship building as a retention strategy: Linking relationship attitudes and satisfaction evaluations to behavioral outcomes. Public Relations Review, 28: 39-48.
  • Cho, C.-H., & Khang, H. (2006). The state of Internet-related research in communications, marketing, and advertising: 1994–2003. Journal of Advertising, 35(3): 143–163.
  • Esrock, S. L., & Leichty, G. B. (2000). Organization of corporate web pages: Publics and functions. Public Relations Review, 26: 327-344.
  • Eyrich, N., Padman, M. L., & Sweetser, K. D. (2008). PR practitioners’ use of social media tools and communication technology. Public Relations Review, 34: 412-414.
  • Greenlaw, R., & Hepp, E. (1999). In-line=On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Boston, MA:WCB=McGraw-Hill.
  • Heath, R. L. (1998). New communication technologies: An issues management point of view. Public Relations Review, 24(3): 273–288.
  • Hill, L. N., & White, C. (2000). Public relations practitioners’ perception of the World Wide Web as a communication tool. Public Relations Review, 26(1): 31–51.
  • Huang Y.C., Wu F., & Huang Q. (2017). Does research on digital public relations indicate a paradigm shift? An analysis and critique of recent trends. Telematics & Informatics, 34: 1364-1376.
  • Ingenhoff, D., & Koelling, A. M. (2009). The potential of Web sites as a relationship building tool for charitable fundraising NPOs. Public Relations Review, 35: 66- 73.
  • Kaplan, A. M., & Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite: The challenges and opportunities of social media. Business Horizons, 53: 59-68.
  • Kent, M. L., & Taylor, M. (1998). Building dialogic relationships through the World Wide Web. Public Relations Review, 24: 321–334.
  • Kent, M. L., Taylor, M., & White, W. J. (2003). The relationship between Web site design and organizational responsiveness to stakeholders. Public Relations Review, 29: 63-77.
  • Ki, E.-J., & Hon, L. C. (2006). Relationship maintenance strategies on Fortune 500 company web sites. Journal of Communication Management, 10: 27-43.
  • Kim, S. T., & Weaver, D. (2002). Communication research about the Internet: A thematic metaanalysis. New Media & Society, 4: 518–538.
  • McAllister, S. M., & Taylor, M. (2007). Community college Web sites as tools for fostering dialogue. Public Relations Review, 33(2): 230–232.
  • Men, L. R., & Tsai, W. H. S. (2012). How companies cultivate relationships with publics on social network sites: Evidence from China and the United States. Public Relations Review, 38: 723-730.
  • Morton, L. P., & Lin, L. (1995). Content and citation analysis of public relations review. Public Relations Review, 21: 337–349.
  • Pasadeos, Y., Berger, B., Renfro, R.B. (2010). Public relations as a maturing discipline: An update on research networks. Journal of Public Relations Research, 22 (2): 136–158.
  • Pauly, D., & Stergiou, K.I. (2008). Re–interpretation of ‘influence weight’ as a citation–based index of new knowledge. Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics, 8: 75–78.
  • Rybalko, S., & Seltzer, T. (2010). Dialogic communication in 140 characters or less: How Fortune 500 companies engage stakeholders using Twitter. Public Relations Review, 36: 336-341.
  • Sashi, C. M. (2012). Customer engagement, buyer-seller relationships, and social media. Management Decision, 50: 253-272.
  • Schultz, F., Utz, S., & Göritz, A. (2011). Is the medium the message? Perceptions of and reactions to crisis communication via twitter, blogs and traditional media. Public Relations Review, 37: 20-27.
  • Seltzer, T., & Mitrook, M. (2007). The dialogic potential of weblogs in relationships building. Public Relations Review, 33: 227-229.
  • Sweeney, L., & Coughlan, J. (2008). Do different industries report corporate social responsibility differently? An investigation through the lens of stakeholder theory. Journal of Marketing Communications, 14: 113-124.
  • Sweetser, K. D., & Lariscy, R. W. (2008). Candidates make good friends: An analysis of candidates’ uses of Facebook. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 2: 175-198.
  • Taylor, M. & Kent, M.L. (2010). Anticipatory socialization in the use of social media in public relations: A content analysis of PRSA’s ‘‘Public Relations Tactics”. Public Relations Review, 36 (3): 207–214.
  • Taylor, M. & Perry, D.C. (2005). Diffusion of traditional and new media tactics in crisis communication. Public Relations Review 31(2): 209–217.
  • Vasquez, G.M., Taylor, M. (2000). Public relations: An emerging social science enters the new millennium. Commun. Yearbook 24: 319–342.
  • Wimmer, R. D., & Dominick, J. R. (2006). Mass media research: An introduction (6th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
  • Wright, D. K., & Hinson, M. D. (2008). How blogs and social media are changing public relations and the way it is practiced. Public Relations Journal, 2(2): 1-21.
  • Ye L. & Ki E.J. (2012). The status of online public relations research: An analysis of published articles in 1992-2009. Journal of Public Relations Research, 24: 409-434.
Year 2019, Volume: 27 Issue: 4, 50 - 60, 30.12.2019



  • Bortree, D. S., & Seltzer, T. (2009). Dialogic strategies and outcomes: An analysis of environmental advocacy groups’ Facebook profiles. Public Relations Review, 35: 317- 319.
  • Bruning, S. D. (2002). Relationship building as a retention strategy: Linking relationship attitudes and satisfaction evaluations to behavioral outcomes. Public Relations Review, 28: 39-48.
  • Cho, C.-H., & Khang, H. (2006). The state of Internet-related research in communications, marketing, and advertising: 1994–2003. Journal of Advertising, 35(3): 143–163.
  • Esrock, S. L., & Leichty, G. B. (2000). Organization of corporate web pages: Publics and functions. Public Relations Review, 26: 327-344.
  • Eyrich, N., Padman, M. L., & Sweetser, K. D. (2008). PR practitioners’ use of social media tools and communication technology. Public Relations Review, 34: 412-414.
  • Greenlaw, R., & Hepp, E. (1999). In-line=On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Boston, MA:WCB=McGraw-Hill.
  • Heath, R. L. (1998). New communication technologies: An issues management point of view. Public Relations Review, 24(3): 273–288.
  • Hill, L. N., & White, C. (2000). Public relations practitioners’ perception of the World Wide Web as a communication tool. Public Relations Review, 26(1): 31–51.
  • Huang Y.C., Wu F., & Huang Q. (2017). Does research on digital public relations indicate a paradigm shift? An analysis and critique of recent trends. Telematics & Informatics, 34: 1364-1376.
  • Ingenhoff, D., & Koelling, A. M. (2009). The potential of Web sites as a relationship building tool for charitable fundraising NPOs. Public Relations Review, 35: 66- 73.
  • Kaplan, A. M., & Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite: The challenges and opportunities of social media. Business Horizons, 53: 59-68.
  • Kent, M. L., & Taylor, M. (1998). Building dialogic relationships through the World Wide Web. Public Relations Review, 24: 321–334.
  • Kent, M. L., Taylor, M., & White, W. J. (2003). The relationship between Web site design and organizational responsiveness to stakeholders. Public Relations Review, 29: 63-77.
  • Ki, E.-J., & Hon, L. C. (2006). Relationship maintenance strategies on Fortune 500 company web sites. Journal of Communication Management, 10: 27-43.
  • Kim, S. T., & Weaver, D. (2002). Communication research about the Internet: A thematic metaanalysis. New Media & Society, 4: 518–538.
  • McAllister, S. M., & Taylor, M. (2007). Community college Web sites as tools for fostering dialogue. Public Relations Review, 33(2): 230–232.
  • Men, L. R., & Tsai, W. H. S. (2012). How companies cultivate relationships with publics on social network sites: Evidence from China and the United States. Public Relations Review, 38: 723-730.
  • Morton, L. P., & Lin, L. (1995). Content and citation analysis of public relations review. Public Relations Review, 21: 337–349.
  • Pasadeos, Y., Berger, B., Renfro, R.B. (2010). Public relations as a maturing discipline: An update on research networks. Journal of Public Relations Research, 22 (2): 136–158.
  • Pauly, D., & Stergiou, K.I. (2008). Re–interpretation of ‘influence weight’ as a citation–based index of new knowledge. Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics, 8: 75–78.
  • Rybalko, S., & Seltzer, T. (2010). Dialogic communication in 140 characters or less: How Fortune 500 companies engage stakeholders using Twitter. Public Relations Review, 36: 336-341.
  • Sashi, C. M. (2012). Customer engagement, buyer-seller relationships, and social media. Management Decision, 50: 253-272.
  • Schultz, F., Utz, S., & Göritz, A. (2011). Is the medium the message? Perceptions of and reactions to crisis communication via twitter, blogs and traditional media. Public Relations Review, 37: 20-27.
  • Seltzer, T., & Mitrook, M. (2007). The dialogic potential of weblogs in relationships building. Public Relations Review, 33: 227-229.
  • Sweeney, L., & Coughlan, J. (2008). Do different industries report corporate social responsibility differently? An investigation through the lens of stakeholder theory. Journal of Marketing Communications, 14: 113-124.
  • Sweetser, K. D., & Lariscy, R. W. (2008). Candidates make good friends: An analysis of candidates’ uses of Facebook. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 2: 175-198.
  • Taylor, M. & Kent, M.L. (2010). Anticipatory socialization in the use of social media in public relations: A content analysis of PRSA’s ‘‘Public Relations Tactics”. Public Relations Review, 36 (3): 207–214.
  • Taylor, M. & Perry, D.C. (2005). Diffusion of traditional and new media tactics in crisis communication. Public Relations Review 31(2): 209–217.
  • Vasquez, G.M., Taylor, M. (2000). Public relations: An emerging social science enters the new millennium. Commun. Yearbook 24: 319–342.
  • Wimmer, R. D., & Dominick, J. R. (2006). Mass media research: An introduction (6th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
  • Wright, D. K., & Hinson, M. D. (2008). How blogs and social media are changing public relations and the way it is practiced. Public Relations Journal, 2(2): 1-21.
  • Ye L. & Ki E.J. (2012). The status of online public relations research: An analysis of published articles in 1992-2009. Journal of Public Relations Research, 24: 409-434.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Communication and Media Studies
Journal Section Research Articles

Banu Kumbasar

Publication Date December 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 27 Issue: 4
