Alkan, Cecat. Açıköğretim. Uzaktan Eğitim Sistemlerinin Karşzlaştırmalı Olarak İncelerımesl. Ankara: Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, 1987.
----o Açık Üniversite: Uzaktan Eğitim Sistemlerinin Karşılaştırmalı Olarak Incelenmesi. Ankara: 1981.
Bates, Tony. «Trends in the Use of Audio-visual Media in Distance Education Systerns», Distance Education: International Perspectives. Editör: David Sewart, Desmorıd Keegarı ve Börje Holmberg. London: Croom Helm Ltd., 1983. ss. 227· 241.
Connors, Brendan. «Assessment in the Distance Education Situotion», Dlstance Teaching for Higher and Adult Education. Editör: Anthony Kaye ve Greville Rumble. London: Croom Helm Ltd., 1981, ss. 162·175.
Darıiel, John S. «Distance Education and National Development», Developing Distance Education. Editör: David Sewart ve John S. Daniel. Oslo: International Council for Distance Education, 1988, ss. 21-30.
Fidan Nurettin. Eğitimde Yeni Kavramlar ve ilkeler. Ankara: 1977.
----o Mektupla Öğretim Üzerine. Ankara: 1975.
Graff, Kurt ve Börje Holmbcrg (editör). International Study on Distance Education: A Project Report. Hagen: FcrnUniversitat-Gesaınthochschule, 1988.
Harry, Keith. «The Open University, United Kingdom», The Distance Teaching Universities. Editör: Greville Rumble ve Keith Harry. London: Croom Helm Ltd., 1982, ss. 167-186.
----o «Institutional Profiles», Distance Teaching for Higher and Adult Educatlon. Editör: Anthony Kaye ve Greville Rumble. London: Croom Helm Ltd., 1981, ss. 293-3n.
Hızal, Alişan. Uzaktan Öğretim Süreçleri ve Yazılı Gereçler «Eğitim Teknolojisi Açısından Yaklaşım». Ankara: Ankara Universitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, 1983.
Kaye, Anthony. «Students and Com-ses», Distance Teachlng for Higher and Adult Education. Editör: Anthony Kaye ve Greville Rumble. London: Croom Helm Ltd., 1981a, ss. 32-47.
----o «Media, Materials and Learning Methods», Distance Teaching for Higher and Adult Education, Editör: Anthony Kaye ve Greville Rumble. London: Croom Helm Ltd., 1981b, ss. 48-49.
Keegan, Desmond ve Greville Rumble. «Distance Teaching at University Level», The Distanee Teaching Universities. Editör: Greville Rumble ve Keith Harry. London: Croom Helm Ltd., 1982, ss. 15-31.
MacKenzie, Norman, Richmond Postoge ve 'ohrı Scupham, Open Learning: Systems and Problems in Post-secondary Edueation. Paris: The Uneseo Press, 1975.
McCormick, Robert. «The Central Broadcastirıg and Television University, People's Republic of China», The Distanee Teaching Unlverslties, Editör: Greville Rumble ve Keith Harry. London: Croom Helm Ltd., 1982, ss. 54-71.
Moore, Michaei G. «Trerıds and Issues in American Distance Education», Developlng Distarıce Educatlon, Editör: David Sewart ve John S. Daniel. Oslo: International Council for Distarıce Education, 1988, ss. 312-314.
Özdil, İlhan. Uzaktan Eğitim Teknolojisi. Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi, 1985. Penberthy, John. «Elemerıtary Education of Children at a Dlstance», Learning at a Distance: A World Perspecrive. Editör: John S. Daniel, Martha A. Stroud ve 'ohn R. Thompson. Edmonton: Athabasca University / International Council for Correspondence Education, 1982, ss. 82-85.
Rurnble, Greville. «The Universidad Estatal a Distancla, Costa Rica», The Dlstance Teaching Universttles. Editör: Greville Rumble ve Kcith Harry. London: Croom Helm Ltd., 1982, ss. 72-87.
Scupham, John. «The Operı University of the United Kingdom», Open Leaming: Systems and Problems in Post-secondary Education. Editör: Normarı MaeKenzie, Richmond Postage ve John Seupham. Paris: The Uneseo Press, 1975, ss. 321-364.
Taylor, James C. ve Vernon J. White. «Why Distance Education?», Distance Education in. Asia and the Pacific, Bulletln of the
Unesco Regional Office for Education in Asia and the Pacific. 26: 1-12, December, 1985.
Uneseo. Distance Learnlng Systems and Structures: Trainlng Manual. Volume II. Bangkok: Uneseo Regiorıal Offiee for Edueation in Asia and the Pacific, 1987.
----o «Distarıce Education-Corning of Age», Distance Education in Asia and the Pacific, Bulletin of the Unesco Regional Office fir Education in Asia and the Paciflc. 26: 37-74, December 1985.
Year 1990,
Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 550 - 575, 01.07.1990
Alkan, Cecat. Açıköğretim. Uzaktan Eğitim Sistemlerinin Karşzlaştırmalı Olarak İncelerımesl. Ankara: Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, 1987.
----o Açık Üniversite: Uzaktan Eğitim Sistemlerinin Karşılaştırmalı Olarak Incelenmesi. Ankara: 1981.
Bates, Tony. «Trends in the Use of Audio-visual Media in Distance Education Systerns», Distance Education: International Perspectives. Editör: David Sewart, Desmorıd Keegarı ve Börje Holmberg. London: Croom Helm Ltd., 1983. ss. 227· 241.
Connors, Brendan. «Assessment in the Distance Education Situotion», Dlstance Teaching for Higher and Adult Education. Editör: Anthony Kaye ve Greville Rumble. London: Croom Helm Ltd., 1981, ss. 162·175.
Darıiel, John S. «Distance Education and National Development», Developing Distance Education. Editör: David Sewart ve John S. Daniel. Oslo: International Council for Distance Education, 1988, ss. 21-30.
Fidan Nurettin. Eğitimde Yeni Kavramlar ve ilkeler. Ankara: 1977.
----o Mektupla Öğretim Üzerine. Ankara: 1975.
Graff, Kurt ve Börje Holmbcrg (editör). International Study on Distance Education: A Project Report. Hagen: FcrnUniversitat-Gesaınthochschule, 1988.
Harry, Keith. «The Open University, United Kingdom», The Distance Teaching Universities. Editör: Greville Rumble ve Keith Harry. London: Croom Helm Ltd., 1982, ss. 167-186.
----o «Institutional Profiles», Distance Teaching for Higher and Adult Educatlon. Editör: Anthony Kaye ve Greville Rumble. London: Croom Helm Ltd., 1981, ss. 293-3n.
Hızal, Alişan. Uzaktan Öğretim Süreçleri ve Yazılı Gereçler «Eğitim Teknolojisi Açısından Yaklaşım». Ankara: Ankara Universitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, 1983.
Kaye, Anthony. «Students and Com-ses», Distance Teachlng for Higher and Adult Education. Editör: Anthony Kaye ve Greville Rumble. London: Croom Helm Ltd., 1981a, ss. 32-47.
----o «Media, Materials and Learning Methods», Distance Teaching for Higher and Adult Education, Editör: Anthony Kaye ve Greville Rumble. London: Croom Helm Ltd., 1981b, ss. 48-49.
Keegan, Desmond ve Greville Rumble. «Distance Teaching at University Level», The Distanee Teaching Universities. Editör: Greville Rumble ve Keith Harry. London: Croom Helm Ltd., 1982, ss. 15-31.
MacKenzie, Norman, Richmond Postoge ve 'ohrı Scupham, Open Learning: Systems and Problems in Post-secondary Edueation. Paris: The Uneseo Press, 1975.
McCormick, Robert. «The Central Broadcastirıg and Television University, People's Republic of China», The Distanee Teaching Unlverslties, Editör: Greville Rumble ve Keith Harry. London: Croom Helm Ltd., 1982, ss. 54-71.
Moore, Michaei G. «Trerıds and Issues in American Distance Education», Developlng Distarıce Educatlon, Editör: David Sewart ve John S. Daniel. Oslo: International Council for Distarıce Education, 1988, ss. 312-314.
Özdil, İlhan. Uzaktan Eğitim Teknolojisi. Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi, 1985. Penberthy, John. «Elemerıtary Education of Children at a Dlstance», Learning at a Distance: A World Perspecrive. Editör: John S. Daniel, Martha A. Stroud ve 'ohn R. Thompson. Edmonton: Athabasca University / International Council for Correspondence Education, 1982, ss. 82-85.
Rurnble, Greville. «The Universidad Estatal a Distancla, Costa Rica», The Dlstance Teaching Universttles. Editör: Greville Rumble ve Kcith Harry. London: Croom Helm Ltd., 1982, ss. 72-87.
Scupham, John. «The Operı University of the United Kingdom», Open Leaming: Systems and Problems in Post-secondary Education. Editör: Normarı MaeKenzie, Richmond Postage ve John Seupham. Paris: The Uneseo Press, 1975, ss. 321-364.
Taylor, James C. ve Vernon J. White. «Why Distance Education?», Distance Education in. Asia and the Pacific, Bulletln of the
Unesco Regional Office for Education in Asia and the Pacific. 26: 1-12, December, 1985.
Uneseo. Distance Learnlng Systems and Structures: Trainlng Manual. Volume II. Bangkok: Uneseo Regiorıal Offiee for Edueation in Asia and the Pacific, 1987.
----o «Distarıce Education-Corning of Age», Distance Education in Asia and the Pacific, Bulletin of the Unesco Regional Office fir Education in Asia and the Paciflc. 26: 37-74, December 1985.