Aim & Scope

In the Journal of Health Sciences of Kocaeli University, scientific papers are published in fields such as Basic and Clinical Medical Sciences, Dentistry, Nursing, Health Management, Education in health-related fields, Midwifery, Sports Science and Sports Health, Emergency and Disaster Management, Social Services and Psychology and other fields of health sciences.

The aim of the journal is to share the original works and current developments in the area of interest detailed above with the scientific community and to create a platform where these studies and research might be discussed.

The Journal of Health Sciences of Kocaeli University is a double-blind peer review, independent and objective, unbiased, open access, triannual (January, May and September) online scientific publication of Institute of Health Sciences of Kocaeli University. The journal seeks articles related to the multidiciplinary health sciences and medicine. The language of journal is English and Turkish. DOI ID (DOI prefix: 10.30934/kusbed.[Manuscript ID]) numbers are given to all manuscripts. Total of three issues published in a year form a volume of the journal.

The Journal of Health Sciences of Kocaeli University is an open access, multidisciplinary scientific journal having a double-blind, peer-reviewed policy. 

The journal is publishing experimental and prospective/retrospective clinical studies, original research, invited reviews, case report and letters to the editor prepared in accordance with the ethical rules.

Manuscripts have been sent to the KOU Sag Bil Derg should not been published previously, and/or not submitted and/or being considered for publication elsewhere. The name, place and the date of the meeting should be written as footnote if manuscripts were presented in any scientific meeting.

The full text files (PDF) of all published articles can be accessed free of charge from KOU Sag Bil Derg has adopted to provide open-access journal policy defined by Budapest Open Access Initiative with the publication.

Period Months
January May September