Logic is a tool used to gain the ability to question in individuals. Therefore, its use in education is essential. In particular, it is necessary to use logical methods in order to develop inquiry skills in religious education of individuals who want to canalize their lives according to a certain religion. Because it is very important for religious education students to have a critical point of view both for their own religious and lives and for them to live in peace with individuals with different religions and worldviews.
In this study, the use of direct analogy forms, which are the formal expansion of educational analogy, which is used extensively in science lessons, was questioned in religious education lessons. Direct analogy forms are a good teaching tool. Because it is used to solve the difficulties that students experience in learning. Through direct analogy forms, students learn to make connections between what they have learned so that they can evaluate all aspects of the subject. Since they can also analyze information, they can easily remember the topic later. In addition, thanks to the direct analogy forms, it is easier to establish a relationship between the newly learned topics and the well-learned and understood previous topics. At this point, it is important to use logic effectively in the religious education lesson, both for the students to understand abstract and difficult concepts more easily, and for the instructors to teach the lesson more easily.
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