Article Types

a) Research Articles: These articles are prepared in full accordance with the writing style definitions given below, in which previously unpublished original research data are evaluated. The main text section of the research articles should include a title page with the title and names and affiliations of authors in a single page and rest of the manuscript should not have any information about authors to provide anonymity in evaluation process. Remaining of the manuscript should have "Introduction Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion" sections and (excluding title page, bibliography, tables/figures/pictures) should not exceed 20 pages. If some parts of the research data given in these articles have previously been discussed in another paper, this must be notified without fail when sending the paper and, in addition, reference should be made to the relevant paper within the bibliography.

b) Review Articles: Review Articles should cover subjects falling within the scope of the journal which are of active current interest. They may be submitted or invited. Invited reviews will normally be solicited by the Review's Editor, but suggestions for appropriate review topics may be sent to editor. The main text section of the review article should include a title page with the title and names and affiliations of authors in a single page and rest of the manuscript should not have any information about authors to provide anonymity in evaluation process.

Review articles submitted without an invitation are rejected. Only the reviews invited by the Editorial Board are published.

c) Case Reports:
These are articles which present and discuss the characteristics of one or more cases which have special features and scientific importance from the clinical evaluation, observation or other standpoint. Case presentations include the title page, summary, main text (includes introduction, case and discussion), bibliography, table/figure/picture sections; subtitles in the main text are organised according to the text content. Abstracts of the case presentations should have 150 words. The main text (excluding title page, bibliography, table/figure/picture) should not exceed 10 pages. The main text section of the Case Report should include a title page with the title and names and affiliations of authors in a single page and rest of the report should not have any information about authors to provide anonymity in evaluation process.

d) Brief Reports: These are articles in which original ideas dealing with important theoretical or practical problems related to a specific subject are presented and discussed. The main text section of the brief reports should include a title page with the title and names and affiliations of authors in a single page and rest of the report should not have any information about authors to provide anonymity in evaluation process. Remaining of the article should include summary, main text, bibliography, table/figure/picture sections; subtitles in the main text are organised according to the text content. The main text of brief reports (excluding title page, bibliography, table/figure/picture) should not exceed 10 pages.

e) Special Sections:
1. Letters to the Editor: These articles include evaluation and criticisms of articles published in the journal. These are published together with the responses of the author(s) of the paper concerned where possible. Letters to the Editor may not exceed 5 pages.
2. Meeting news/notes: These articles introduce scientific meetings held or to be held on subjects within the scope of the journal. The paper may not exceed 1 page.
3. Journal news: These articles introduce scientific journals being published within the scope of the journal. The paper may not exceed 1 page.
4. Introduction of websites: These articles introduce websites relevant to the scope of the journal. These articles may not exceed 3 page.
5. Book/Thesis Section: These articles introduce books/theses published on subjects related to the scope of the journal and may not exceed 3 pages.

Last Update Time: 1/22/25, 4:32:04 PM

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