We require authors to use Word (DOCX) or Open Document Format (ODF) for their application. Authors should pay close attention to article types page for limitations and other rules.
File Format: Submit as a single editable file ( e.g. docx, odt)
Page Setup:
Titles and headings:
Abstract should be 250 words or less
Introduction should be concise with no subheadings.
Structure should follow IMRaD guidelines (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion)
Each section is advised to follow PRISMA 2020 guidelines (https://www.prisma-statement.org/prisma-2020-checklist)
Additional sections can be added when necessary following this example:
Abbreviations should be defined at the first mention only to avoid repeating the same definition
Units should follow SI units (International System of Units)
Equations should be prepared using the preferred word processor; avoid images
All paragraphs should start with 1.25 cm of indent (MS Word’s default indent with a single tab)
Special text:
All figures, tables, and images will be published under a Creative Commons CC-BY license. Authors must obtain permission to use copyrighted materials from other sources, including figures and images that are republished, adapted, modified, or partially sourced
from the internet. It is the authors' responsibility to secure the necessary licenses, adhere to citation requirements specified by third-party rights holders, and cover any additional fees.
All figures and tables should be cited in the text with their sequential numbers
All figures should be sent as separate files and shouldn’t be in the manuscript.
Figure descriptions should be present in the manuscripts for their preferred location
Figures should be sufficiently high resolution and preferable in PNG format
Figures should be prepared with the printing layout of the journal in mind. Length of the text space in MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst. is 220mm and width of a single column is 90mm whereas double column figures is 190mm.
Tables should be in editable format and not as pictures
Table captions should be placed before the table and should not be longer than a paragraph
Tables can be sent as separate files or included in the manuscript
Tables shouldn’t be wider than the page width
Tables should be prepared as a basic table with all borders of 1/2 pt (Default MS Word setting)
Tables with multiple panels should use clear indications using labels such as (A), (B), (C) and (D).
Tables bigger than 190mm by 220mm printing size can not be added to the main text and they can be published as supplementary material.
Tables which don't follow the above guidelines will delay the publication process significantly.
Reference style should follow APA guidelines (https://apastyle.apa.org/)
Using a reference manager such as Mendeley, Zotero or Paperpile is highly encouraged to streamline this processes.
Manuscripts which don’t follow reference guidelines will delay the publication process significantly
Declarations: Include conflict of interest, funding sources, and ethics approval.
Permissions: For reproduced figures/tables, provide written permission.
Data that are not central to the main text or cannot be included in the article due to size or format limitations (e.g., videos, raw data traces, PowerPoint presentations) can be uploaded as supplementary material during submission. These files will be displayed alongside the published article with a link.
Each supplementary material should be submitted as separate files
Each supplementary material should be listed in a separate file (docx or odt) labeled with their description
Each supplementary material should be cited in the manuscript
Supplementary materials can be different types of formats listed but not limited to:
The Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute uses the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) for all published articles.