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Kapari bitkisinin bioaktif, farmakolojik etkileri ve nörodejeneratif hastalıklarda kullanımı

Year 2019, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 101 - 107, 31.12.2019


olarak bilinen Capparidaceae ailesine
ait bitki türleri
başlıca dünyanın sıcak bölgelerinde yaygın
olup,  Capparis spinosa (C. spinosa), Capparis ovata (C. spinosa) ve
Capparis  decidua
(C. deciduas)
terapötik ve besinsel özellikleri yönünden en yaygın araştırılan türleridir.
birçok fitokimyasal içermekte olup, farmakolojik ve terapötik etkilerinden
dolayı halk arasında birçok hastalığın tedavisinde kullanılmıştır.
İçeriğinde alkaloidler ve fitosteroller, flavanoidler,
fenolik asitler, glikosinolatlar, antioksidanlar, quarterner amonyum
bileşikleri ve vitaminlerin bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir. Kapari bitkisinin
yaprak ve tomurcuklarının fenolik bileşiklerden oldukça zengindir. Bu
bileşikler serbest radikal süpürücü özelliklere sahiptir ve içerdiği fenolik
bileşikler önemli bir fitokimyasal antioksidan grubunu oluşturmaktadır. C.
spinosa önemli miktarda rutin ve quercetin içermektedir. Yapılan çalışmalarda
kaparinin analjezik, anti-inflamatuar, antioksidan, antitümöral, diüretik,
antidiyaretik, hipoglisemik, balgam söktürücü, antibakteriyel, antialerjik,
antihipertansif, antifungal, antihiperlipidemik etkileri gösterilmiştir. Bu
etkilerinin yanı sıra kapari
ailesine ait bitki türlerinin sinir doku üzerinde görülen
ve tedavi olanaklarının sınırlı olduğu bazı nörodejeneratif bozukluklarda etkilerinin
olduğu da son yıllarda bildirilmektedir. Kapari türlerinin sedatif,
antikonvülsant, analjezik, antiepileptik etkilerinin olduğu, ve multiple
sclerosis, Alzheimer ve diğer merkezi sinir sisteminin nörodejeneratif tipte
hastalıklarında faydalı ve tedavi edici etkilerinin olduğu rapor edilmiştir.
Yapılan çalışmalar ve bunların sonucu capari bitkisinin bu tip bozukluklarda
umut vaat eden alternatif bir tedavi aracı olarak kullanılabileceğini


  • 1. Singh P, Mishra G, Sangeeta, Srivastava Shruti , Jha K. K, L. KR. Traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacological properties of Capparis decidua : An Overview. . Der Pharmacia Lettre. 2011;3(2):71-82.2. Tlili N, Elfalleh W, Saadaoui E, Khaldi A, Triki S, Nasri N. The caper (Capparis L.): Ethnopharmacology, phytochemical and pharmacological properties. Fitoterapia. 2011;82(2):93-101. 3. Tlili N, Khaldi A, Triki S, Munne-Bosch S. Phenolic Compounds and Vitamin Antioxidants of Caper (Capparis spinosa). Plant Food Hum Nutr. 2010;65(3):260-5. 4. Gull T, Anwar F, Sultana B, Alcayde MAC, Nouman W. Capparis species: A potential source of bioactives and high-value components: A review. Ind Crop Prod. 2015;67:81-96. 5. Duman E, Ozcan MM. Physicochemical properties of seeds of Capparis species growing wild in Turkey. Environ Monit Assess. 2014;186(4):2393-8. 6. Zhou HF, Xie CH, Jian RJ, Kang J, Li Y, Zhuang CL, et al. Biflavonoids from Caper (Capparis spinosa L.) Fruits and Their Effects in Inhibiting NF-kappa B Activation. J Agr Food Chem. 2011;59(7):3060-5. 7. Argentieri M, Macchia F, Papadia P, Fanizzi FP, Avato P. Bioactive compounds from Capparis spinosa subsp rupestris. Ind Crop Prod. 2012;36(1):65-9. doi: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2011.08.007. PubMed PMID: WOS:000300921100011.8. Boga C, Forlani L, Calienni R, Hindley T, Hochkoeppler A, Tozzi S, et al. On the antibacterial activity of roots of Capparis spinosa L. Nat Prod Res. 2011;25(4):417-21. 9. Eissa TAF, Palomino OM, Carretero ME, Gomez-Serranillos MP. Ethnopharmacological study of medicinal plants used in the treatment of CNS disorders in Sinai Peninsula, Egypt. J Ethnopharmacol. 2014;151(1):317-32. 10. Matsuyama K, Villareal MO, El Omri A, Han J, Kchouk M, Isoda H. Effect of Tunisian Capparis spinosa L. extract on melanogenesis in B16 murine melanoma cells. J Nat Med-Tokyo. 2009;63(4):468-72. 11. Lassmann H, van Horssen J. The molecular basis of neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis. Febs Lett. 2011;585(23):3715-23. 12. Pulido RP, Ben Omar N, Lucas R, Abriouel H, Canamero MM, Galvez A. Resistance to antimicrobial agents in lactobacilli isolated from caper fermentations. Anton Leeuw Int J G. 2005;88(3-4):277-81.13. Inocencio C, Rivera D, Alcaraz F, Tomas-Barberan FA. Flavonoid content of commercial capers (Capparis spinosa, C-sicula and C-orientalis) produced in mediterranean countries. Eur Food Res Technol. 2000;212(1):70-4. 14. Moghaddasian B EA, Davood, Alaghemand A. Simultaneous determination of rutin and quercetin in different parts of Capparis spinosa. Bull Environ Pharmacol Life Sci. 2013;2:35-8.15. Sharaf M, ElAnsari MA, Saleh NAM. Flavonoids of four Cleome and three Capparis species. Biochem Syst Ecol. 1997;25(2):161-6. 16. Sharaf M, El-Ansari MA, Saleh NAM. Quercetin triglycoside from Capparis spinosa. Fitoterapia. 2000;71(1):46-9. 17. Fu XP, Wu T, Abdurahim M, Su Z, Hou XL, Aisa HA, et al. New spermidine alkaloids from Capparis spinosa roots. Phytochem Lett. 2008;1(1):59-62. 18. Ozcan M, Haciseferogullari H, Demir F. Some physico-mechanic and chemical properties of capers (Capparis ovata Desf. var. canescens (Coss.) Heywood) flower buds. J Food Eng. 2004;65(1):151-5. 19. Germano MP, De Pasquale R, D'Angelo V, Catania S, Silvari V, Costa C. Evaluation of extracts and isolated fraction from Capparis spinosa L. buds as an antioxidant source. J Agr Food Chem. 2002;50(5):1168-71. 20. Ao M, Gao Y, Yu L. Advances in studies on constituents and their pharmacological activities of Capparis spinosa. Chin Tradit Herb Drugs. 2007;38:463-7.21. Ahmed ZF, Rizk AM, Hammouda FM, el-Nasr MM. Phytochemical investigation of Egyptian Capparis species. Planta medica. 1972;21(2):156-60. 22. Matthaus B, Ozcan M. Glucosinolate composition of young shoots and flower buds of capers (Capparis species) growing wild in Turkey. J Agric Food Chem. 2002;50(25):7323-5. 23. Anwar F, Latif S, Ashraf M, Gilani AH. Moringa oleifera: A food plant with multiple medicinal uses. Phytother Res. 2007;21(1):17-25. 24. Rathee S, Rathee P, Rathee D, Rathee D, V K. Phytochemical and pharmacological potential of kair (Capparis decidua). Int J Phytomed. 2011;2:10-7.25. Bektas N, Arslan R, Goger F, Kirimer N, Ozturk Y. Investigation for anti-inflammatory and anti-thrombotic activities of methanol extract of Capparis ovata buds and fruits. J Ethnopharmacol. 2012;142(1):48-52. 26. Arslan R, Bektas N. Antinociceptive effect of methanol extract of Capparis ovata in mice. Pharm Biol. 2010;48(10):1185-90. 27. Gaind K. JT, Bhandarkar P. Volatile principle from seeds of Capparis decidua. Kinetics of in vitro antibacterial activity against Vibrio cholerae ogava, inaba, and eltor. Indian J Pharm. 1972;34:86-8.28. Ali-Shtayeh MS, Abu Ghdeib SI. Antifungal activity of plant extracts against dermatophytes. Mycoses. 1999;42(11-12):665-72. 29. El-Ghorab A, Shibamoto T, Ozcan M. Chemical composition and antioxidant activities of buds and leaves of capers (Capparis ovata Desf. var. canescens) cultivated in Turkey. J Essent Oil Res. 2007;19(1):72-7. doi: Doi 10.1080/10412905.2007.9699233. 30. Tesoriere L, Butera D, Gentile C, Livrea MA. Bioactive components of caper (Capparis spinosa L.) from Sicily and antioxidant effects in a red meat simulated gastric digestion. J Agric Food Chem. 2007;55(21):8465-71. 31. Yang T, Wang C, Liu H, Chou G, Cheng X, Wang Z. A new antioxidant compound from Capparis spinosa. Pharm Biol. 2010;48(5):589-94. 32. Hammed AR, Abdel-Azim NS, Ismail SI, Hammouda FM. Chemical investigation of some Capparis species growing in Egypt and their antioxidant activity. Planta medica. 2007;73(9):942-. 33. Allaith AA. Assessment of the antioxidant properties of the caper fruit (Capparis spinosa L.) from Bahrain. JAAUBAS. 2016;19:1-7.34. Nadaroğlu H DY, Demir N. Kapari (Capparis spinosa) Bitkisinin Antioksidan ve Antiradikal Özelliklerinin incelenmesi Türkiye 10 Gıda Kongresi; Erzurum2008. p. 253-6.35. Cao YL, Li X, Zheng M. Capparis spinosa protects against oxidative stress in systemic sclerosis dermal fibroblasts. Arch Dermatol Res. 2010;302(5):349-55. 36. Naziroglu M, Akay MB, Celik O, Yildirim MI, Balci E, Yurekli VA. Capparis ovata modulates brain oxidative toxicity and epileptic seizures in pentylentetrazol-induced epileptic rats. Neurochem Res. 2013;38(4):780-8. 37. Alsaid MS, Abdelsattar EA, Khalifa SI, Elferaly FS. Isolation and Identification of an Anti-Inflammatory Principle from Capparis Spinosa. Pharmazie. 1988;43(9):640-1. 38. Aniyathi M., Latha P., Manikili P., Suja S., Shyamal S., Shine V., et al. Evaluation of hepatoprotective activity of Capparis brevispina DC stem bark. Nat Prod Rad. 2007;8:514-9.39. Chahlia N. Effect of Capparis decidua on hypolipidemic activity in rats. J Med Plants Res. 2009;3(6):481-4. 40. Kondawar M, Kamble KG, Khandare MM, Maharshi KH, Awale VB. Evaluation of the Locomotor and Diuretic Activities of Ethanolic Extract of Leaves of Ccapparis Divaricata Lam. (Capparidaceae). International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2011;3:265-7.41. Mali R., Mahajan S., K. P. Anthelmintic activity of root bark of Capparis spinosa. Indian J Nat Prod, . 2005;21:50-1.42. Mishra SK, Singh PN, D. DS. Evaluation of CNS Depressant Activity of Capparis zeylanica Lin. root. Research Journal of Medicinal Plant. 2011;5(6):738-46.43. Yaniv Z, Dafni A, Friedman J, Palevitch D. Plants Used for the Treatment of Diabetes in Israel. J Ethnopharmacol. 1987;19(2):145-51. 44. Ziyyat A, Legssyer A, Mekhfi H, Dassouli A, Serhrouchni M, Benjelloun W. Phytotherapy of hypertension and diabetes in oriental Morocco. J Ethnopharmacol. 1997;58(1):45-54. 45. Huseini HF, Hasani-Rnjbar S, Nayebi N, Heshmat R, Sigaroodi FK, Ahvazi M, et al. Capparis spinosa L. (Caper) fruit extract in treatment of type 2 diabetic patients: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial. Complement Ther Med. 2013;21(5):447-52. 46. Eddouks M, Lemhadri A, Michel JB. Hypolipidemic activity of aqueous extract of Capparis spinosa L. in normal and diabetic rats. J Ethnopharmacol. 2005;98(3):345-50. 47. Di Biase A, Salvati S, Di Benedetto R, Attorri L, Martinelli A, Malchiodi F. Eicosapentaenoic acid pre-treatment reduces biochemical changes induced in total brain and myelin of weanling Wistar rats by cuprizone feeding. Prostag Leukotr Ess. 2014;90(4):99-104. 48. Hafler DA, Slavik JM, Anderson DE, O'Connor KC, De Jager P, Baecher-Allan C. Multiple sclerosis. Immunol Rev. 2005;204:208-31. 49. Eraksoy M, Akman G. Merkez sinir sisteminin miyelin hastalıkları. E. Ö, editor. İstanbul: Nobel Kitapevi; 2004. 505-35 p.50. McMahon SB, Priestley JV. Peripheral neuropathies and neurotrophic factors: animal models and clinical perspectives. Current opinion in neurobiology. 1995;5(5):616-24. 51. Ozgun O, Arslan S, Sen A. An efficient preparation for potential treatment of multiple sclerosis—Capparis ovata extract—MSCov: molecular results. Turk J Biochem. 2012;37:120-1.52. Ozgun-Acar O, Celik-Turgut G, Gazioglu I, Kolak U, Ozbal S, Ergur BU, et al. Capparis ovata treatment suppresses inflammatory cytokine expression and ameliorates experimental allergic encephalomyelitis model of multiple sclerosis in C57BL/6 mice. J Neuroimmunol. 2016;298:106-16. 53. Ozgun-Acar O, Gazioglu I, Kolak U, A S, G T. A potential therapeutic role in multiple sclerosis for stigmast-5,22-dien-3β-ol myristate isolated from Capparis ovata. The EuroBiotech Journal. 2017;1(3).54. Goel A, Digvijaya, Garg A, Kumar A. Effect of Capparis spinosa Linn. extract on lipopolysaccharide-induced cognitive impairment in rats. Indian journal of experimental biology. 2016;54(2):126-32. 55. Turgut NH, Kara H, Arslanbas E, Mert DG, Tepe B, Gungor H. Effect of Capparis spinosa L. on cognitive impairment induced by D-galactose in mice via inhibition of oxidative stress. Turkish journal of medical sciences. 2015;45(5):1127-36. 56. Canatan D. Kapari ile yapılmış bilimsel çalışmalar. Ayrıntı dergisi. 2009;1:60-7.
Year 2019, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 101 - 107, 31.12.2019



  • 1. Singh P, Mishra G, Sangeeta, Srivastava Shruti , Jha K. K, L. KR. Traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacological properties of Capparis decidua : An Overview. . Der Pharmacia Lettre. 2011;3(2):71-82.2. Tlili N, Elfalleh W, Saadaoui E, Khaldi A, Triki S, Nasri N. The caper (Capparis L.): Ethnopharmacology, phytochemical and pharmacological properties. Fitoterapia. 2011;82(2):93-101. 3. Tlili N, Khaldi A, Triki S, Munne-Bosch S. Phenolic Compounds and Vitamin Antioxidants of Caper (Capparis spinosa). Plant Food Hum Nutr. 2010;65(3):260-5. 4. Gull T, Anwar F, Sultana B, Alcayde MAC, Nouman W. Capparis species: A potential source of bioactives and high-value components: A review. Ind Crop Prod. 2015;67:81-96. 5. Duman E, Ozcan MM. Physicochemical properties of seeds of Capparis species growing wild in Turkey. Environ Monit Assess. 2014;186(4):2393-8. 6. Zhou HF, Xie CH, Jian RJ, Kang J, Li Y, Zhuang CL, et al. Biflavonoids from Caper (Capparis spinosa L.) Fruits and Their Effects in Inhibiting NF-kappa B Activation. J Agr Food Chem. 2011;59(7):3060-5. 7. Argentieri M, Macchia F, Papadia P, Fanizzi FP, Avato P. Bioactive compounds from Capparis spinosa subsp rupestris. Ind Crop Prod. 2012;36(1):65-9. doi: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2011.08.007. PubMed PMID: WOS:000300921100011.8. Boga C, Forlani L, Calienni R, Hindley T, Hochkoeppler A, Tozzi S, et al. On the antibacterial activity of roots of Capparis spinosa L. Nat Prod Res. 2011;25(4):417-21. 9. Eissa TAF, Palomino OM, Carretero ME, Gomez-Serranillos MP. Ethnopharmacological study of medicinal plants used in the treatment of CNS disorders in Sinai Peninsula, Egypt. J Ethnopharmacol. 2014;151(1):317-32. 10. Matsuyama K, Villareal MO, El Omri A, Han J, Kchouk M, Isoda H. Effect of Tunisian Capparis spinosa L. extract on melanogenesis in B16 murine melanoma cells. J Nat Med-Tokyo. 2009;63(4):468-72. 11. Lassmann H, van Horssen J. The molecular basis of neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis. Febs Lett. 2011;585(23):3715-23. 12. Pulido RP, Ben Omar N, Lucas R, Abriouel H, Canamero MM, Galvez A. Resistance to antimicrobial agents in lactobacilli isolated from caper fermentations. Anton Leeuw Int J G. 2005;88(3-4):277-81.13. Inocencio C, Rivera D, Alcaraz F, Tomas-Barberan FA. Flavonoid content of commercial capers (Capparis spinosa, C-sicula and C-orientalis) produced in mediterranean countries. Eur Food Res Technol. 2000;212(1):70-4. 14. Moghaddasian B EA, Davood, Alaghemand A. Simultaneous determination of rutin and quercetin in different parts of Capparis spinosa. Bull Environ Pharmacol Life Sci. 2013;2:35-8.15. Sharaf M, ElAnsari MA, Saleh NAM. Flavonoids of four Cleome and three Capparis species. Biochem Syst Ecol. 1997;25(2):161-6. 16. Sharaf M, El-Ansari MA, Saleh NAM. Quercetin triglycoside from Capparis spinosa. Fitoterapia. 2000;71(1):46-9. 17. Fu XP, Wu T, Abdurahim M, Su Z, Hou XL, Aisa HA, et al. New spermidine alkaloids from Capparis spinosa roots. Phytochem Lett. 2008;1(1):59-62. 18. Ozcan M, Haciseferogullari H, Demir F. Some physico-mechanic and chemical properties of capers (Capparis ovata Desf. var. canescens (Coss.) Heywood) flower buds. J Food Eng. 2004;65(1):151-5. 19. Germano MP, De Pasquale R, D'Angelo V, Catania S, Silvari V, Costa C. Evaluation of extracts and isolated fraction from Capparis spinosa L. buds as an antioxidant source. J Agr Food Chem. 2002;50(5):1168-71. 20. Ao M, Gao Y, Yu L. Advances in studies on constituents and their pharmacological activities of Capparis spinosa. Chin Tradit Herb Drugs. 2007;38:463-7.21. Ahmed ZF, Rizk AM, Hammouda FM, el-Nasr MM. Phytochemical investigation of Egyptian Capparis species. Planta medica. 1972;21(2):156-60. 22. Matthaus B, Ozcan M. Glucosinolate composition of young shoots and flower buds of capers (Capparis species) growing wild in Turkey. J Agric Food Chem. 2002;50(25):7323-5. 23. Anwar F, Latif S, Ashraf M, Gilani AH. Moringa oleifera: A food plant with multiple medicinal uses. Phytother Res. 2007;21(1):17-25. 24. Rathee S, Rathee P, Rathee D, Rathee D, V K. Phytochemical and pharmacological potential of kair (Capparis decidua). Int J Phytomed. 2011;2:10-7.25. Bektas N, Arslan R, Goger F, Kirimer N, Ozturk Y. Investigation for anti-inflammatory and anti-thrombotic activities of methanol extract of Capparis ovata buds and fruits. J Ethnopharmacol. 2012;142(1):48-52. 26. Arslan R, Bektas N. Antinociceptive effect of methanol extract of Capparis ovata in mice. Pharm Biol. 2010;48(10):1185-90. 27. Gaind K. JT, Bhandarkar P. Volatile principle from seeds of Capparis decidua. Kinetics of in vitro antibacterial activity against Vibrio cholerae ogava, inaba, and eltor. Indian J Pharm. 1972;34:86-8.28. Ali-Shtayeh MS, Abu Ghdeib SI. Antifungal activity of plant extracts against dermatophytes. Mycoses. 1999;42(11-12):665-72. 29. El-Ghorab A, Shibamoto T, Ozcan M. Chemical composition and antioxidant activities of buds and leaves of capers (Capparis ovata Desf. var. canescens) cultivated in Turkey. J Essent Oil Res. 2007;19(1):72-7. doi: Doi 10.1080/10412905.2007.9699233. 30. Tesoriere L, Butera D, Gentile C, Livrea MA. Bioactive components of caper (Capparis spinosa L.) from Sicily and antioxidant effects in a red meat simulated gastric digestion. J Agric Food Chem. 2007;55(21):8465-71. 31. Yang T, Wang C, Liu H, Chou G, Cheng X, Wang Z. A new antioxidant compound from Capparis spinosa. Pharm Biol. 2010;48(5):589-94. 32. Hammed AR, Abdel-Azim NS, Ismail SI, Hammouda FM. Chemical investigation of some Capparis species growing in Egypt and their antioxidant activity. Planta medica. 2007;73(9):942-. 33. Allaith AA. Assessment of the antioxidant properties of the caper fruit (Capparis spinosa L.) from Bahrain. JAAUBAS. 2016;19:1-7.34. Nadaroğlu H DY, Demir N. Kapari (Capparis spinosa) Bitkisinin Antioksidan ve Antiradikal Özelliklerinin incelenmesi Türkiye 10 Gıda Kongresi; Erzurum2008. p. 253-6.35. Cao YL, Li X, Zheng M. Capparis spinosa protects against oxidative stress in systemic sclerosis dermal fibroblasts. Arch Dermatol Res. 2010;302(5):349-55. 36. Naziroglu M, Akay MB, Celik O, Yildirim MI, Balci E, Yurekli VA. Capparis ovata modulates brain oxidative toxicity and epileptic seizures in pentylentetrazol-induced epileptic rats. Neurochem Res. 2013;38(4):780-8. 37. Alsaid MS, Abdelsattar EA, Khalifa SI, Elferaly FS. Isolation and Identification of an Anti-Inflammatory Principle from Capparis Spinosa. Pharmazie. 1988;43(9):640-1. 38. Aniyathi M., Latha P., Manikili P., Suja S., Shyamal S., Shine V., et al. Evaluation of hepatoprotective activity of Capparis brevispina DC stem bark. Nat Prod Rad. 2007;8:514-9.39. Chahlia N. Effect of Capparis decidua on hypolipidemic activity in rats. J Med Plants Res. 2009;3(6):481-4. 40. Kondawar M, Kamble KG, Khandare MM, Maharshi KH, Awale VB. Evaluation of the Locomotor and Diuretic Activities of Ethanolic Extract of Leaves of Ccapparis Divaricata Lam. (Capparidaceae). International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2011;3:265-7.41. Mali R., Mahajan S., K. P. Anthelmintic activity of root bark of Capparis spinosa. Indian J Nat Prod, . 2005;21:50-1.42. Mishra SK, Singh PN, D. DS. Evaluation of CNS Depressant Activity of Capparis zeylanica Lin. root. Research Journal of Medicinal Plant. 2011;5(6):738-46.43. Yaniv Z, Dafni A, Friedman J, Palevitch D. Plants Used for the Treatment of Diabetes in Israel. J Ethnopharmacol. 1987;19(2):145-51. 44. Ziyyat A, Legssyer A, Mekhfi H, Dassouli A, Serhrouchni M, Benjelloun W. Phytotherapy of hypertension and diabetes in oriental Morocco. J Ethnopharmacol. 1997;58(1):45-54. 45. Huseini HF, Hasani-Rnjbar S, Nayebi N, Heshmat R, Sigaroodi FK, Ahvazi M, et al. Capparis spinosa L. (Caper) fruit extract in treatment of type 2 diabetic patients: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial. Complement Ther Med. 2013;21(5):447-52. 46. Eddouks M, Lemhadri A, Michel JB. Hypolipidemic activity of aqueous extract of Capparis spinosa L. in normal and diabetic rats. J Ethnopharmacol. 2005;98(3):345-50. 47. Di Biase A, Salvati S, Di Benedetto R, Attorri L, Martinelli A, Malchiodi F. Eicosapentaenoic acid pre-treatment reduces biochemical changes induced in total brain and myelin of weanling Wistar rats by cuprizone feeding. Prostag Leukotr Ess. 2014;90(4):99-104. 48. Hafler DA, Slavik JM, Anderson DE, O'Connor KC, De Jager P, Baecher-Allan C. Multiple sclerosis. Immunol Rev. 2005;204:208-31. 49. Eraksoy M, Akman G. Merkez sinir sisteminin miyelin hastalıkları. E. Ö, editor. İstanbul: Nobel Kitapevi; 2004. 505-35 p.50. McMahon SB, Priestley JV. Peripheral neuropathies and neurotrophic factors: animal models and clinical perspectives. Current opinion in neurobiology. 1995;5(5):616-24. 51. Ozgun O, Arslan S, Sen A. An efficient preparation for potential treatment of multiple sclerosis—Capparis ovata extract—MSCov: molecular results. Turk J Biochem. 2012;37:120-1.52. Ozgun-Acar O, Celik-Turgut G, Gazioglu I, Kolak U, Ozbal S, Ergur BU, et al. Capparis ovata treatment suppresses inflammatory cytokine expression and ameliorates experimental allergic encephalomyelitis model of multiple sclerosis in C57BL/6 mice. J Neuroimmunol. 2016;298:106-16. 53. Ozgun-Acar O, Gazioglu I, Kolak U, A S, G T. A potential therapeutic role in multiple sclerosis for stigmast-5,22-dien-3β-ol myristate isolated from Capparis ovata. The EuroBiotech Journal. 2017;1(3).54. Goel A, Digvijaya, Garg A, Kumar A. Effect of Capparis spinosa Linn. extract on lipopolysaccharide-induced cognitive impairment in rats. Indian journal of experimental biology. 2016;54(2):126-32. 55. Turgut NH, Kara H, Arslanbas E, Mert DG, Tepe B, Gungor H. Effect of Capparis spinosa L. on cognitive impairment induced by D-galactose in mice via inhibition of oxidative stress. Turkish journal of medical sciences. 2015;45(5):1127-36. 56. Canatan D. Kapari ile yapılmış bilimsel çalışmalar. Ayrıntı dergisi. 2009;1:60-7.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Reviews

Asım Kart 0000-0002-5227-1289

Publication Date December 31, 2019
Submission Date September 4, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Kart, A. (2019). Kapari bitkisinin bioaktif, farmakolojik etkileri ve nörodejeneratif hastalıklarda kullanımı. Veterinary Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, 4(2), 101-107.