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Yıl 2021, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 34, 666 - 678, 10.06.2021


Toplumların tarihi söz konusu olduğunda, ilk çağlardan günümüze insanların müzik ile ilişkisi, yaşayan ve yaşananlarla ilgili önemli ipuçları sunmaktadır. 21. yüzyılın insanlık tarihine getirdikleri ile ilgili genel görüş, makineleşmenin yapay zekâya dönüştüğü bir süreç yaşandığı yönündedir. Bu yeni yaşayış biçimi, toplumların yeniden şekillendiği, yeni güç dengelerinin oluştuğu, yaşamın her alanında yenileşmenin bulunduğu; ekonomik, siyasal, teknolojik ve kültürel değişimlerin de beraberinde getirdiği dönüşümlerin yaşandığı bir hareket halinin süre gelmesidir. Müzik, insan var olduğu sürece yaşantının her alanında var olan, koşullara ve durumlara bağlı olarak şekillenen, bazen de şekil veren bir olgudur. Günümüzde yeryüzündeki tüm cihazların birbiriyle bilgi ve veri alışverişi için kullanılabildiği, her türlü araç gerece bütünleşebilen algılayıcı ve işleticilerle donanmış, İnternet bağlantılı akıllı elektronik sistemlerin varlığı, tüm yaşantımızda olduğu gibi müzik alanında da çok yeni ve farklı etkileri beraberinde getirmiştir. “Endüstri 4.0” ya da “4. Sanayi Devrimi” olarak da adlandırılan bu çağda, günümüz koşullarının müzik üzerindeki etkisi tartışılmaz niteliktedir. Bu araştırmada Endüstri devrimleriyle birlikte gelişen teknolojinin müziğe nasıl yansıdığı üzerinde durulmuştur. Gelişen teknoloji, elbette müzik alnında da pek çok yeniliği beraberinde getirmiştir. Bu yeniliklerin neler olduğunun ve bu yeni teknolojiyi hazırlayan koşulların nasıl oluştuğunun açıklanması, günümüz müzik çalışmalarını etkilediği kadar gelecekte yapılacak çalışmalara da yön vermesi ve bilgi aktarması açısından önem taşımaktadır. Dolayısıyla bu çalışmada, teknolojinin vardığı noktada günümüz koşullarının müzik üzerindeki etkileri tarihsel bir dizge ile ele alınarak, yeni müzik türlerinin oluşumu, yeni müziksel aygıtlar, donanımlar gibi yeniliklerin yanı sıra, müzikal bağlamda gelecekte bizleri nelerin beklediği ile ilgili tasarılar üzerine bir değerlendirme sunulmuştur.


  • Acton, A. (2018). Artificial intelligence: The future of music?: The world's first album composed using AI just launched and is changing music as we know it. Inc. https://www.inc.com/annabel-acton/artificial-intelligence-future-of-music.html (Erişim: 10.05.2019)
  • Assis, P. (2016). A brief overview of the volution of musical technology: Promises and risks for the diversty of cultural expressions. Diversity of Cultural Expressions in The Digital Era, (Ed.: Richieri Hanania, L. and A. T. Norodom), 39-57, Buenos Aires. https://www.teseopress.com/diversityofculturalexpressionsinthedigitalera (Erişim: 30.08.2019)
  • Bludov, S. (2018). Technology to shape the future of media & entertainment. Tech trends to watch in music, TV, and other creative industries. Mission Org https://medium.com/the-mission/technology-to-shape-the-future-of-media-entertainment-a1e3acd3b3ac (Erişim: 31.08.2019)
  • Fighter, A (Senarist), Le Meur, H. (Senarist), Didek, P.F. (Yönetmen), (2018) Season: 2, Episode 4, Dream The Future- Music of the Future [Belgesel Dizisi Bölümü]. An update Pructions and Bonne Pioche Coprodution
  • Mantaras, R. L. - Arcos, J. L. (2002) AI and music from composition expressive rerformance. AI Magazine, 23(3), 43-57.
  • Marr, B. (2019). The amazing ways artificial intelligence is transforming the music industry. Forbes, www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2019/07/05/the-amazing-ways-artificialintelligence-is-transforming-the-music-industry/#7fa0d2b75072 (Erişim: 20.07.2019)
  • O’Haire, S. (2019). The impact of artificial intelligence on the music streaming industry. Digital Music News. https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2019/03/21/ artificial-intelligence-music-industry (Erişim: 22. 06. 2019)
  • Owsinski, B. (2016). Music 4.1 Music 4.1: A survival guide for making music in the internet age. 2nd edition, Hal Leonard.
  • Önen, U. (2016). Müzik endüstrisine bakış (1. Bölüm) [Blog yazısı]. http://www.ufukonen.com/tr/muzik-endustrisine-bakis-1.html (Erişim: 26.03.2019)
  • Önen, U. (2019). Billboard top songwriters ve top producers listeleri. [Blog yazısı]. http://www.ufukonen.com/tr/billboard-top-songwriters-producers.html (Erişim: 21.07.2019)
  • Pattison, L. (2018). The future of music: 10 predictions from industry professionals. RedBull. https://www.redbull.com/za-en/future-of-music-10-predictions-from-industry-professionals (Erişim: 16.02.2019)
  • Tatar, K. (2018). An introduction to creative artificial intelligance for music. [Blog yazısı] https://kivanctatar.com/An-Introduction-to-Creative-Artificial-Intelligence-for-Music (Erişim: 08.03.2019)
  • Traykovska, B. (2019). 10 European music tech startups to look out for in 2019. EU-Startups. https://www.eu-startups.com/2019/02/10-music-tech-startups-to-look-out-for-in-2019 (Erişim: 16.04.2019)
  • Woods, B. D. (2007). Industrial music for industrial people: The history and development of an underground genre. Florida: Florida State University, Master Thesis. http://diginole.lib.fsu.edu/islandora/object/fsu%3A168948 (Erişim: 30.08.2019)
  • URL-1: “Hologram Musicians” https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/07/magazine/hologram-musicians.html (Erişim: 08.08.2020)
  • URL-2: “Roy Orbison” https://royorbison.com (Erişim: 18.10.2020)
  • URL-3: “Who is Hatsune Miku?” https://ec.crypton.co.jp/pages/prod/vocaloid/cv01_us (Erişim: 21.02.2020)
  • URL-4: “Lightpad Block” https://roli.com/products/blocks/lightpad-m (Erişim: 03.04.2019)
  • URL-5: “Seaboard Block” https://roli.com/products/blocks/seaboard-block (Erişim: (04.04.2019)
  • URL-6: “Playtronica” https://playtronica.com/studio (Erişim: 20.01.2020)
  • URL-7: “Amper Music” https://www.ampermusic.com/ (Erişim: 05.03.2020)
  • URL-8: “AIVA: Artificial Intelligence Virtual Artist” https://www.aiva.ai/ (Erişim: 06.07.2020)
  • URL-9: “ SACEM” (Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers of Music) https://societe.sacem.fr/en/presentation (Erişim: 06.07.2020)
  • URL-10: “Orb Producer Suite 2.0” https://www.orb-composer.com/ (Erişim: 18.05.2020)
  • URL-11: “Humtap, Interactive AI Music & Video Social Platform” https://www.humtap.com/ (Erişim:20.07.2020)
  • URL-12: “IBM Watson Music, cognitive music”. https://www.ibm.com/watson/music/uk-en/ (Erişim: 22.11.2020)
  • URL-13: “Magenta, make music and art using machine learning”. https://magenta.tensorflow.org/ (Erişim: 26.03.2020)
  • URL-14: “NSynth: (Neural Synthesizer) Making music using new sounds generated with machine learning”. https://nsynthsuper.withgoogle.com/ (Erişim: 27.03.2020)
  • URL-15: “Flow machines: AI assisted music”. https://www.flow-machines.com/ (Erişim: 07.08.2020)


Yıl 2021, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 34, 666 - 678, 10.06.2021


: When the history of societies in concerned, the relationship between people and music from the first ages to the present offers important clues about living and experiencing. In the history of humanity of the general view about the 21st century is that there is a process in which mechanization is transformed into artificial intelligence. This new manner of life is a period of transformation in which societies are reshaped, a new balance of power is formed, innovation is taking place in every field of life and economic, political, technological and cultural changes are brought about music is a phenomenon which exists in every aspect of life as long as human beings exist, shape of depending on the conditions and situations, and which is even formative. Today, the presence of intelligent electronic systems that integrate with all kinds of vehicles equipped with sensors and operators and which can be used in information and data exchange with each other have brought new and different effects in the field of music as in our entire life. In this age, which is also called Industry 4.0 or the 4th industrial revolution, the effect of today's conditions on music is indisputable. In this research, how the technology developed with the industrial revolutions is reflected in the music is emphasized. Developing technology, certainly, has brought many innovations in the field of music. It is important to explain what these innovations are and how the conditions that prepare this new technology are formed in terms of influencing today's music studies, directing future studies and transferring information. Therefore, in this study, at the point where technology has reached, the effects of today's conditions on music are approached with a historical system and the effects of today's conditions on music are discussed, new music genres, new musical instruments and hardware, innovations such as what will be expected in the context of music is presented.


  • Acton, A. (2018). Artificial intelligence: The future of music?: The world's first album composed using AI just launched and is changing music as we know it. Inc. https://www.inc.com/annabel-acton/artificial-intelligence-future-of-music.html (Erişim: 10.05.2019)
  • Assis, P. (2016). A brief overview of the volution of musical technology: Promises and risks for the diversty of cultural expressions. Diversity of Cultural Expressions in The Digital Era, (Ed.: Richieri Hanania, L. and A. T. Norodom), 39-57, Buenos Aires. https://www.teseopress.com/diversityofculturalexpressionsinthedigitalera (Erişim: 30.08.2019)
  • Bludov, S. (2018). Technology to shape the future of media & entertainment. Tech trends to watch in music, TV, and other creative industries. Mission Org https://medium.com/the-mission/technology-to-shape-the-future-of-media-entertainment-a1e3acd3b3ac (Erişim: 31.08.2019)
  • Fighter, A (Senarist), Le Meur, H. (Senarist), Didek, P.F. (Yönetmen), (2018) Season: 2, Episode 4, Dream The Future- Music of the Future [Belgesel Dizisi Bölümü]. An update Pructions and Bonne Pioche Coprodution
  • Mantaras, R. L. - Arcos, J. L. (2002) AI and music from composition expressive rerformance. AI Magazine, 23(3), 43-57.
  • Marr, B. (2019). The amazing ways artificial intelligence is transforming the music industry. Forbes, www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2019/07/05/the-amazing-ways-artificialintelligence-is-transforming-the-music-industry/#7fa0d2b75072 (Erişim: 20.07.2019)
  • O’Haire, S. (2019). The impact of artificial intelligence on the music streaming industry. Digital Music News. https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2019/03/21/ artificial-intelligence-music-industry (Erişim: 22. 06. 2019)
  • Owsinski, B. (2016). Music 4.1 Music 4.1: A survival guide for making music in the internet age. 2nd edition, Hal Leonard.
  • Önen, U. (2016). Müzik endüstrisine bakış (1. Bölüm) [Blog yazısı]. http://www.ufukonen.com/tr/muzik-endustrisine-bakis-1.html (Erişim: 26.03.2019)
  • Önen, U. (2019). Billboard top songwriters ve top producers listeleri. [Blog yazısı]. http://www.ufukonen.com/tr/billboard-top-songwriters-producers.html (Erişim: 21.07.2019)
  • Pattison, L. (2018). The future of music: 10 predictions from industry professionals. RedBull. https://www.redbull.com/za-en/future-of-music-10-predictions-from-industry-professionals (Erişim: 16.02.2019)
  • Tatar, K. (2018). An introduction to creative artificial intelligance for music. [Blog yazısı] https://kivanctatar.com/An-Introduction-to-Creative-Artificial-Intelligence-for-Music (Erişim: 08.03.2019)
  • Traykovska, B. (2019). 10 European music tech startups to look out for in 2019. EU-Startups. https://www.eu-startups.com/2019/02/10-music-tech-startups-to-look-out-for-in-2019 (Erişim: 16.04.2019)
  • Woods, B. D. (2007). Industrial music for industrial people: The history and development of an underground genre. Florida: Florida State University, Master Thesis. http://diginole.lib.fsu.edu/islandora/object/fsu%3A168948 (Erişim: 30.08.2019)
  • URL-1: “Hologram Musicians” https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/07/magazine/hologram-musicians.html (Erişim: 08.08.2020)
  • URL-2: “Roy Orbison” https://royorbison.com (Erişim: 18.10.2020)
  • URL-3: “Who is Hatsune Miku?” https://ec.crypton.co.jp/pages/prod/vocaloid/cv01_us (Erişim: 21.02.2020)
  • URL-4: “Lightpad Block” https://roli.com/products/blocks/lightpad-m (Erişim: 03.04.2019)
  • URL-5: “Seaboard Block” https://roli.com/products/blocks/seaboard-block (Erişim: (04.04.2019)
  • URL-6: “Playtronica” https://playtronica.com/studio (Erişim: 20.01.2020)
  • URL-7: “Amper Music” https://www.ampermusic.com/ (Erişim: 05.03.2020)
  • URL-8: “AIVA: Artificial Intelligence Virtual Artist” https://www.aiva.ai/ (Erişim: 06.07.2020)
  • URL-9: “ SACEM” (Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers of Music) https://societe.sacem.fr/en/presentation (Erişim: 06.07.2020)
  • URL-10: “Orb Producer Suite 2.0” https://www.orb-composer.com/ (Erişim: 18.05.2020)
  • URL-11: “Humtap, Interactive AI Music & Video Social Platform” https://www.humtap.com/ (Erişim:20.07.2020)
  • URL-12: “IBM Watson Music, cognitive music”. https://www.ibm.com/watson/music/uk-en/ (Erişim: 22.11.2020)
  • URL-13: “Magenta, make music and art using machine learning”. https://magenta.tensorflow.org/ (Erişim: 26.03.2020)
  • URL-14: “NSynth: (Neural Synthesizer) Making music using new sounds generated with machine learning”. https://nsynthsuper.withgoogle.com/ (Erişim: 27.03.2020)
  • URL-15: “Flow machines: AI assisted music”. https://www.flow-machines.com/ (Erişim: 07.08.2020)
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Müzik
Bölüm Makaleler

Pınar Beşevli Solmaz 0000-0001-5523-6318

Yayımlanma Tarihi 10 Haziran 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Ocak 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 34

Kaynak Göster

APA Beşevli Solmaz, P. (2021). TEKNOLOJİK GELİŞMELERİN MÜZİK ALANINDA OLUŞTURDUĞU YENİLİKLERLE İLGİLİ BİR DEĞERLENDİRME. Motif Akademi Halkbilimi Dergisi, 14(34), 666-678. https://doi.org/10.12981/mahder.870604