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Year 2022, , 1400 - 1419, 29.07.2022


Bu çalışma, tüketicilerin çevrimiçi perakende gıda alışverişine yönelik tutumlarını ve Covid-19 pandemisinin bu tutumlara etkisini ölçmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu nedenle pandeminin yoğun olduğu 2021 yılının ilk yarısında çevrimiçi bir anket aracılığıyla 390 gönüllüden veri toplanmıştır. Algılanan kolaylık, risk, fiyat avantajı ve güven faktörlerinin satın alma niyeti üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. Analiz için yapısal eşitlik modeli kullanılmıştır. Ardından pandemik kaygının düzenleyici etkisi test edilmiştir. Son olarak, tüketiciler çevrimiçi alışveriş sayısı ve miktarına göre gruplandırılmıştır. Modelde yer alan faktörlere ilişkin grupların ortalamaları arasındaki farklar incelenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, algılanan kolaylık, fiyat avantajı ve güven faktörlerinin satın alma niyeti üzerinde pozitif ve anlamlı; algılanan risk faktörünün negatif ve anlamlı bir etkisi vardır. Pandemi kaygısının satın alma niyeti ile risk ve fiyat arasındaki ilişki üzerinde moderatör etkisi olduğu bulunmuştur. Az çevrimiçi alışveriş yapanların orta ve yoğun çevrimiçi alışveriş yapanlardan kolaylık, risk ve güven algısı ve satın alma niyeti faktörlerinin ortalamalarına göre farklılık gösterdiği görülmektedir. Orta düzeyde ve yoğun çevrimiçi alışveriş yapan katılımcılar yalnızca güven faktörü ortalamasında fark yoktur.


  • Alaimo, L. S., Fiore, M., & Galati, A. (2020). How the COVID-19 pandemic is changing online food shopping human behaviour in Italy. Sustainability, 12(22), 9594.
  • Alaimo, L. S., Fiore, M., & Galati, A. (2021). Measuring consumers’ level of satisfaction for online food shopping during COVID-19 in Italy using POSETs. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 101064.
  • Ali Taha, V., Pencarelli, T., Škerháková, V., Fedorko, R., & Košíková, M. (2021). The use of social media and its impact on shopping behavior of Slovak and Italian consumers during COVID-19 Pandemic. Sustainability, 13(4), 1710.
  • Amir, H., & Rizvi, W. (2017). Influence of perceived risk and familiarity on willingness to transact in online food shopping in developing economies: an (extended) abstract. In Creating marketing magic and innovative future marketing trends (pp. 891-895). Springer, Cham.
  • Arora, N., & Aggarwal, A. (2018). The role of perceived benefits in formation of online shopping attitude among women shoppers in India. South Asian Journal of Business Studies, 7(1), 91-110.
  • Barska, A., & Wojciechowska-Solis, J. (2018). Traditional and regional food as seen by consumer research results: the case of Poland. British Food Journal, 120(9), 1994-2004.
  • Bauer, R.A. (1960) Consumer behavior as risk taking. In: Risk Taking and Information Handling in Consumer Behavior, Cox, D.F. (ed.), pp. 23–33. Harvard Business Press.
  • Bhatnagar, A., Misra, S., & Rao, H. R. (2000). On risk convenience and internet shopping behavior. Communications of the ACM, 43(11), 98-105.
  • Brown, I. & Jayakody, R. (2008). B2C e-commerce success: a test and validation of a revised conceptual model. Electronic Journal Information Systems Evaluation, 11, 167–184.
  • Chellappa, R. K., & Pavlou, P. A. (2002). Perceived information security, financial liability and consumer trust in electronic commerce transactions. Logistics Information Management, 15(5/6), 358–368.
  • Chen, C. (2006). Identifying significant factors influencing consumer trust in an online travel site. Information Technology & Tourism, 8(3/4), 197-214.
  • Chiang, K. P., & Dholakia, R. R. (2003). Factors driving consumer intention to shop online: an empirical investigation. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 13(1-2), 177-183.
  • Chiang, C. F., & Jang, S. S. (2007). The effects of perceived price and brand image on value and purchase intention: Leisure travelers' attitudes toward online hotel booking. Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, 15(3), 49-69.
  • Chiu, C. M., Chang, C. C., Cheng, H. L., & Fang, Y. H. (2009). Determinants of customer repurchase intention in online shopping. Online Information Review, 33(4), 761-784.
  • Chiu, C. M., Wang, E. T., Fang, Y. H., & Huang, H. Y. (2014). Understanding customers' repeat purchase intentions in B2C e‐commerce: the roles of utilitarian value, hedonic value and perceived risk. Information Systems Journal, 24(1), 85-114.
  • Chu, J., Arce-Urriza, M., Cebollada-Calvo, J. J., & Chintagunta, P. K. (2010). An emprical analysis of shopping behavior acroos online and offline channels for grocey products: The moderating effects of household and product characteristics. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 24, 251-268.
  • Chung, N., & Kwon, S. J. (2009). Effect of trust level on mobile banking satisfaction: a multi-group analysis of information system success instruments. Behaviour & Information Technology, 28(6), 549-562.
  • Cyr, D. (2008). Modeling web site design across cultures: relationships to trust, satisfaction, and e-loyalty. Journal of Management Information Systems, 24(4), 47–72.
  • Duarte, P., E Silva, S. C., & Ferreira, M. B. (2018). How conveient is it? Delivering online shopping convenience to enhance customer satisfaction and encourage e-WOM. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 44, 161-169.
  • Endler, N. S., & Kocovski, N. L. (2001). State and trait anxiety revisited. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 15(3), 231-245.
  • Evanschitzky, H., Ramaseshan, B., Woisetschläger, D. M., Richelsen, V., Blut, M., & Backhaus, C. (2012). Consequences of customer loyalty to the loyalty program and to the company. Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science, 40(5), 625-638.
  • Fam, K. S., Foscht, T., & Collins, R. D. (2004). Trust and the online relationship-an exploratory study from New Zealand. Tourism Management, 25(2), 195-207.
  • Faqih, K. M. (2016). An empirical analysis of factors predicting the behavioral intention to adopt Internet shopping technology among non-shoppers in a developing country context: Does gender matter?. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 30, 140-164.
  • Forsythe, S., Liu, C., Shannon, D. & Gardner, L. C. (2006). Development of a scale to measure the perceived benefits and risks of online shopping. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 20(2), 55–75.
  • Grewal, D., Iyer, G. R., & Levy, M. (2004). Internet retailing: enablers, limiters and market consequences. Journal of Business Research, 57(7), 703-713.
  • Gupta, S., & Kim, H. W. (2010). Value‐driven Internet shopping: The mental accounting theory perspective. Psychology & Marketing, 27(1), 13-35.
  • Hansen, T. (2005). Consumer adoption of online grocery buying: a discriminant analysis. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, Vol. 33(2), 101-121.
  • Hearn, J. H., Rohn, E. J., & Monden, K. R. (2021). Isolated and anxious: A qualitative exploration of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals living with spinal cord injury in the UK. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 1-9.
  • Heng, Y., Gao, Z., Jiang, Y., & Chen, X. (2018). Exploring hidden factors behind online food shopping from Amazon reviews: A topic mining approach. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 42, 161-168.
  • Jiang, L. A., Yang, Z., & Jun, M. (2013). Measuring consumer perceptions of online shopping convenience. Journal of Service Management. 24(2), 191–214.
  • Karaoğlan, S., & Durukan, T. (2020). Dijital Pazarlama Çağında Çevrimiçi Alışverişin Fayda ve Risk Algısı. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12 (2), 1072-1082.
  • Kaur, A., & Malik, G. (2020). Understanding the psychology behind panic buying: a grounded theory approach. Global Business Review, 0972150920973504.
  • Kim, J. M., & Lim, S. T. (2005). An investigation on consumer tourism and electronic commerce through the technology acceptance model: with emphasis on online travel. Journal of Tourism Sciences, 49(4), 27–46.
  • Kim, M. J., Chung, N., & Lee, C. K. (2011). The effect of perceived trust on electronic commerce: Shopping online for tourism products and services in South Korea. Tourism Management, 32(2), 256-265.
  • Koch, J., Frommeyer, B., & Schewe, G. (2020). Online shopping motives during the COVID-19 pandemic—lessons from the crisis. Sustainability, 12(24), 10247 . Kuan, H. H., Bock, G.W. & Vathanophas, V. (2008) Comparing the effects of website quality on customer initial purchase and continued purchase at e-commerce websites. Behaviour & Information Technology, 27, 3–16.
  • Lim, S. T., & Kim, J. M. (2006). A study on antecedent variables of preference and loyalty for channels based on the perspective of transaction cost analysis: focused on online travel packages. Journal of Tourism Sciences, 57(5), 341–360.
  • Lim, Y. J., Osman, A., Salahuddin, S. N., Romle, A. R., & Abdullah, S. (2016). Factors influencing online shopping behavior: the mediating role of purchase intention. Procedia Economics and Finance, 35, 401-410.
  • Ling, K. C., Chai, L. T., & Piew, T. H. (2010). The effects of shopping orientations, online trust and prior online purchase experience toward customers' online purchase intention. International Business Research, 3(3), 63.
  • Marinković, V., & Lazarević, J. (2021). Eating habits and consumer food shopping behaviour during COVID-19 virus pandemic: insights from Serbia. British Food Journal, 123(12), 3970-3987.
  • Martin, J., Mortimer, G., & Andrews, L. (2015). Re-examining online customer experience to include purchase frequency and perceived risk. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 25, 81-95.
  • Naeem, M. (2021). Do social media platforms develop consumer panic buying during the fear of Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 58, 102226.
  • Özçifçi, V. (2020). Sosyal medyanın tüketicilerin satın alma niyeti üzerindeki etkisi. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(1), 206-223.
  • Paredes, M. R., Apaolaza, V., Fernandez-Robin, C., Hartmann, P., & Yañez-Martinez, D. (2021). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on subjective mental well-being: The interplay of perceived threat, future anxiety and resilience. Personality and Individual Differences, 170, 110455.
  • Park, I., Lee, J., Lee, D., Lee, C., & Chung, W. Y. (2021). Changes in consumption patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic: Analyzing the revenge spending motivations of different emotional groups. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 102874.
  • Pavlou, P. A. (2003). Consumer acceptance of electronic commerce: Integrating trust and risk with the technology acceptance model. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 7(3), 101-134.
  • Phang, G., Balakrishnan, B. K., & Ting, H. (2021). Does sustainable consumption matter? Consumer grocery shopping behaviour andthe pandemic. Journal of Social Marketing, 11(4), 507-522.
  • Rose, S., Clark, M., Samouel, P., & Hair, N. (2012). Online customer experience in e-retailing: an empirical model of antecedents and outcomes. Journal of Retailing, 88(2), 308-322.
  • Schmidt, S., Benke, C., & Pané-Farré, C. A. (2021). Purchasing under threat: Changes in shopping patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic. PloS One, 16(6), e0253231.
  • Su, D., & Huang, X. (2011). Research on online shopping intention of undergraduate consumer in China-based on the theory of planned behavior. International Business Research, 4(1), 86.
  • Suh, B., & Han, I. (2003). The impact of trust and perception of security control on the acceptance of electronic commerce. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 7(3), 135–161.
  • Tan, S.J. (1999). Strategies for reducing consumers’ risk aversion in internet shopping. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 16, 163–180.
  • Wang, O., & Somogyi, S. (2018). Consumer adoption of online food shopping in China. British Food Journal, 120(12), 2868-2884.
  • Wang, Y.S., Lin, H. H. & Luarn, P. (2006) Predicting consumer intention to use mobile service. Information Systems Journal, 16, 157–179.
  • Wolfinbarger, M., & Gilly, M. C. (2003). eTailQ: dimensionalizing, measuring and predicting etail quality. Journal of Retailing, 79(3), 183-198.
  • Wu, J. J., & Chang, Y. S. (2006). Effect of transaction trust on e-commerce relationships between travel agencies. Tourism Management, 27(6), 1253–1261.
  • Yang, H.E. (2007). Assessing the effects of e-quality and e-satisfaction on website loyalty. International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 1, 288–294.
  • Zeithaml, V. A. (1988). Consumer perceptions of price, quality, and value: a means-end model and synthesis of evidence. Journal of Marketing, 52(3), 2-22.
  • Zeithaml, V. A., Berry, L. L., & Parasuraman, A. (1996). The behavioral consequences of service quality. Journal of Marketing, 60(2), 31-46.


Year 2022, , 1400 - 1419, 29.07.2022


This study was conducted to measure consumer attitudes towards online retail food shopping and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on these attitudes. Therefore, data were collected from 390 volunteers through an online survey in the first half of 2021, when the pandemic was intense. Effects of perceived convenience, risk, price advantage and trust factors on purchase intention were studied. For this, a structural equation model was performed. Then, the moderator effect of pandemic anxiety was examined. Finally, consumers were grouped according to the number and amount of online shopping. The differences between the means of the groups regarding the factors in the model were examined. According to the results, perceived convenience, price advantage, and trust factors have positive and significant on purchase intention; perceived risk factor has a negative and significant effect. It has been found that pandemic anxiety moderates the relationship between risk and price with purchase intention. It is seen that the light online shoppers differ from the moderate and heavy online shoppers in the convenience, risk and trust perception, and purchase intention. Moderate and heavy online shoppers differ only in the trust factor. There was no statistically significant difference between the three groups regarding perceived price advantage and pandemic anxiety.


  • Alaimo, L. S., Fiore, M., & Galati, A. (2020). How the COVID-19 pandemic is changing online food shopping human behaviour in Italy. Sustainability, 12(22), 9594.
  • Alaimo, L. S., Fiore, M., & Galati, A. (2021). Measuring consumers’ level of satisfaction for online food shopping during COVID-19 in Italy using POSETs. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 101064.
  • Ali Taha, V., Pencarelli, T., Škerháková, V., Fedorko, R., & Košíková, M. (2021). The use of social media and its impact on shopping behavior of Slovak and Italian consumers during COVID-19 Pandemic. Sustainability, 13(4), 1710.
  • Amir, H., & Rizvi, W. (2017). Influence of perceived risk and familiarity on willingness to transact in online food shopping in developing economies: an (extended) abstract. In Creating marketing magic and innovative future marketing trends (pp. 891-895). Springer, Cham.
  • Arora, N., & Aggarwal, A. (2018). The role of perceived benefits in formation of online shopping attitude among women shoppers in India. South Asian Journal of Business Studies, 7(1), 91-110.
  • Barska, A., & Wojciechowska-Solis, J. (2018). Traditional and regional food as seen by consumer research results: the case of Poland. British Food Journal, 120(9), 1994-2004.
  • Bauer, R.A. (1960) Consumer behavior as risk taking. In: Risk Taking and Information Handling in Consumer Behavior, Cox, D.F. (ed.), pp. 23–33. Harvard Business Press.
  • Bhatnagar, A., Misra, S., & Rao, H. R. (2000). On risk convenience and internet shopping behavior. Communications of the ACM, 43(11), 98-105.
  • Brown, I. & Jayakody, R. (2008). B2C e-commerce success: a test and validation of a revised conceptual model. Electronic Journal Information Systems Evaluation, 11, 167–184.
  • Chellappa, R. K., & Pavlou, P. A. (2002). Perceived information security, financial liability and consumer trust in electronic commerce transactions. Logistics Information Management, 15(5/6), 358–368.
  • Chen, C. (2006). Identifying significant factors influencing consumer trust in an online travel site. Information Technology & Tourism, 8(3/4), 197-214.
  • Chiang, K. P., & Dholakia, R. R. (2003). Factors driving consumer intention to shop online: an empirical investigation. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 13(1-2), 177-183.
  • Chiang, C. F., & Jang, S. S. (2007). The effects of perceived price and brand image on value and purchase intention: Leisure travelers' attitudes toward online hotel booking. Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, 15(3), 49-69.
  • Chiu, C. M., Chang, C. C., Cheng, H. L., & Fang, Y. H. (2009). Determinants of customer repurchase intention in online shopping. Online Information Review, 33(4), 761-784.
  • Chiu, C. M., Wang, E. T., Fang, Y. H., & Huang, H. Y. (2014). Understanding customers' repeat purchase intentions in B2C e‐commerce: the roles of utilitarian value, hedonic value and perceived risk. Information Systems Journal, 24(1), 85-114.
  • Chu, J., Arce-Urriza, M., Cebollada-Calvo, J. J., & Chintagunta, P. K. (2010). An emprical analysis of shopping behavior acroos online and offline channels for grocey products: The moderating effects of household and product characteristics. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 24, 251-268.
  • Chung, N., & Kwon, S. J. (2009). Effect of trust level on mobile banking satisfaction: a multi-group analysis of information system success instruments. Behaviour & Information Technology, 28(6), 549-562.
  • Cyr, D. (2008). Modeling web site design across cultures: relationships to trust, satisfaction, and e-loyalty. Journal of Management Information Systems, 24(4), 47–72.
  • Duarte, P., E Silva, S. C., & Ferreira, M. B. (2018). How conveient is it? Delivering online shopping convenience to enhance customer satisfaction and encourage e-WOM. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 44, 161-169.
  • Endler, N. S., & Kocovski, N. L. (2001). State and trait anxiety revisited. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 15(3), 231-245.
  • Evanschitzky, H., Ramaseshan, B., Woisetschläger, D. M., Richelsen, V., Blut, M., & Backhaus, C. (2012). Consequences of customer loyalty to the loyalty program and to the company. Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science, 40(5), 625-638.
  • Fam, K. S., Foscht, T., & Collins, R. D. (2004). Trust and the online relationship-an exploratory study from New Zealand. Tourism Management, 25(2), 195-207.
  • Faqih, K. M. (2016). An empirical analysis of factors predicting the behavioral intention to adopt Internet shopping technology among non-shoppers in a developing country context: Does gender matter?. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 30, 140-164.
  • Forsythe, S., Liu, C., Shannon, D. & Gardner, L. C. (2006). Development of a scale to measure the perceived benefits and risks of online shopping. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 20(2), 55–75.
  • Grewal, D., Iyer, G. R., & Levy, M. (2004). Internet retailing: enablers, limiters and market consequences. Journal of Business Research, 57(7), 703-713.
  • Gupta, S., & Kim, H. W. (2010). Value‐driven Internet shopping: The mental accounting theory perspective. Psychology & Marketing, 27(1), 13-35.
  • Hansen, T. (2005). Consumer adoption of online grocery buying: a discriminant analysis. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, Vol. 33(2), 101-121.
  • Hearn, J. H., Rohn, E. J., & Monden, K. R. (2021). Isolated and anxious: A qualitative exploration of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals living with spinal cord injury in the UK. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 1-9.
  • Heng, Y., Gao, Z., Jiang, Y., & Chen, X. (2018). Exploring hidden factors behind online food shopping from Amazon reviews: A topic mining approach. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 42, 161-168.
  • Jiang, L. A., Yang, Z., & Jun, M. (2013). Measuring consumer perceptions of online shopping convenience. Journal of Service Management. 24(2), 191–214.
  • Karaoğlan, S., & Durukan, T. (2020). Dijital Pazarlama Çağında Çevrimiçi Alışverişin Fayda ve Risk Algısı. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12 (2), 1072-1082.
  • Kaur, A., & Malik, G. (2020). Understanding the psychology behind panic buying: a grounded theory approach. Global Business Review, 0972150920973504.
  • Kim, J. M., & Lim, S. T. (2005). An investigation on consumer tourism and electronic commerce through the technology acceptance model: with emphasis on online travel. Journal of Tourism Sciences, 49(4), 27–46.
  • Kim, M. J., Chung, N., & Lee, C. K. (2011). The effect of perceived trust on electronic commerce: Shopping online for tourism products and services in South Korea. Tourism Management, 32(2), 256-265.
  • Koch, J., Frommeyer, B., & Schewe, G. (2020). Online shopping motives during the COVID-19 pandemic—lessons from the crisis. Sustainability, 12(24), 10247 . Kuan, H. H., Bock, G.W. & Vathanophas, V. (2008) Comparing the effects of website quality on customer initial purchase and continued purchase at e-commerce websites. Behaviour & Information Technology, 27, 3–16.
  • Lim, S. T., & Kim, J. M. (2006). A study on antecedent variables of preference and loyalty for channels based on the perspective of transaction cost analysis: focused on online travel packages. Journal of Tourism Sciences, 57(5), 341–360.
  • Lim, Y. J., Osman, A., Salahuddin, S. N., Romle, A. R., & Abdullah, S. (2016). Factors influencing online shopping behavior: the mediating role of purchase intention. Procedia Economics and Finance, 35, 401-410.
  • Ling, K. C., Chai, L. T., & Piew, T. H. (2010). The effects of shopping orientations, online trust and prior online purchase experience toward customers' online purchase intention. International Business Research, 3(3), 63.
  • Marinković, V., & Lazarević, J. (2021). Eating habits and consumer food shopping behaviour during COVID-19 virus pandemic: insights from Serbia. British Food Journal, 123(12), 3970-3987.
  • Martin, J., Mortimer, G., & Andrews, L. (2015). Re-examining online customer experience to include purchase frequency and perceived risk. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 25, 81-95.
  • Naeem, M. (2021). Do social media platforms develop consumer panic buying during the fear of Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 58, 102226.
  • Özçifçi, V. (2020). Sosyal medyanın tüketicilerin satın alma niyeti üzerindeki etkisi. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(1), 206-223.
  • Paredes, M. R., Apaolaza, V., Fernandez-Robin, C., Hartmann, P., & Yañez-Martinez, D. (2021). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on subjective mental well-being: The interplay of perceived threat, future anxiety and resilience. Personality and Individual Differences, 170, 110455.
  • Park, I., Lee, J., Lee, D., Lee, C., & Chung, W. Y. (2021). Changes in consumption patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic: Analyzing the revenge spending motivations of different emotional groups. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 102874.
  • Pavlou, P. A. (2003). Consumer acceptance of electronic commerce: Integrating trust and risk with the technology acceptance model. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 7(3), 101-134.
  • Phang, G., Balakrishnan, B. K., & Ting, H. (2021). Does sustainable consumption matter? Consumer grocery shopping behaviour andthe pandemic. Journal of Social Marketing, 11(4), 507-522.
  • Rose, S., Clark, M., Samouel, P., & Hair, N. (2012). Online customer experience in e-retailing: an empirical model of antecedents and outcomes. Journal of Retailing, 88(2), 308-322.
  • Schmidt, S., Benke, C., & Pané-Farré, C. A. (2021). Purchasing under threat: Changes in shopping patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic. PloS One, 16(6), e0253231.
  • Su, D., & Huang, X. (2011). Research on online shopping intention of undergraduate consumer in China-based on the theory of planned behavior. International Business Research, 4(1), 86.
  • Suh, B., & Han, I. (2003). The impact of trust and perception of security control on the acceptance of electronic commerce. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 7(3), 135–161.
  • Tan, S.J. (1999). Strategies for reducing consumers’ risk aversion in internet shopping. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 16, 163–180.
  • Wang, O., & Somogyi, S. (2018). Consumer adoption of online food shopping in China. British Food Journal, 120(12), 2868-2884.
  • Wang, Y.S., Lin, H. H. & Luarn, P. (2006) Predicting consumer intention to use mobile service. Information Systems Journal, 16, 157–179.
  • Wolfinbarger, M., & Gilly, M. C. (2003). eTailQ: dimensionalizing, measuring and predicting etail quality. Journal of Retailing, 79(3), 183-198.
  • Wu, J. J., & Chang, Y. S. (2006). Effect of transaction trust on e-commerce relationships between travel agencies. Tourism Management, 27(6), 1253–1261.
  • Yang, H.E. (2007). Assessing the effects of e-quality and e-satisfaction on website loyalty. International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 1, 288–294.
  • Zeithaml, V. A. (1988). Consumer perceptions of price, quality, and value: a means-end model and synthesis of evidence. Journal of Marketing, 52(3), 2-22.
  • Zeithaml, V. A., Berry, L. L., & Parasuraman, A. (1996). The behavioral consequences of service quality. Journal of Marketing, 60(2), 31-46.
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Serhat Karaoğlan 0000-0002-4120-4013

Ahmet Buğra Hamşıoğlu 0000-0002-4973-8773

Publication Date July 29, 2022
Submission Date April 2, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Karaoğlan, S., & Hamşıoğlu, A. B. (2022). ONLINE RETAIL FOOD SHOPPING DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC PERIOD. Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty, 9(2), 1400-1419.

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