Year 2018,
, 632 - 644, 27.12.2018
Seyfettin Artan
Pınar Hayaloğlu
Selim Koray Demirel
economics literature suggests that inclusive institutions encourage economic
growth by increasing efficiency in almost all sectors of the economy.
Institutional structure also has effects on the tourism sector due to the confidential
environment and incentives it brings. In this context, when studies on
determinants of tourism are examined, it is remarkable that there are a number
of studies on economic and social factors, but that there are limited studies
about institutional determinants of tourism. This study investigates the causal
relationships between institutional factors and tourism sector in nine Mediterranean
coastal countries also including Turkey for the period of 1995-2015 by using
Konya (2006) panel causality analysis. The results of the study using variables
of corruption and democratic accountability as indicative of institutional structure
reveal causal relations between tourism and institutional factors.
- AKTER, H., AKHTAR, S., ALİ, S. (2017), Tourism demand in Bangladesh: Gravity model analysis, Tourism, 65(3), 346-360.
- ARANA, J.E., LEON, C.J. (2008), The Impact of Terrorism on Tourism Demand, Annals of Tourism Research, 35 (2), 299-315.
- BALLİ, F., BALLİ, H. O., ROSMY, J. L. (2016), The Impacts of Immigrants and Institutions on Bilateral Tourism Flows, Tourism Management, 52, 221-229.
- DAS, J., DİRİENZO, C. (2010), Tourism Competitiveness and Corruption: A Cross-Country Analysis, Tourism Economics, 16(3), 477-492.
- DEMİR, E. GÖZGÖR, G. (2017), What about Relative Corruption? The Impact of the Relative Corruption on the Inbound Tourism to Turkey, International Journal of Tourism Research, 19(3), 358-366.
- DRAKOS, K., KUTAN, A.M. (2003), Regional Effects of Terrorism on Tourism in Three Mediterranean Countries, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 47(5), 621-641.
- FLETCHER, J., MORAKABATI, Y. (2008), Tourism activity, terrorism and political instability within the commonwealth: The cases of Fiji and Kenya, International Journal of Tourism Research, 10(6), 537-556.
- KÓNYA, L. (2006), Exports and Growth: Granger Causality Analysis on OECD Countries with a Panel Data Approach, Economic Modelling, 23, 978-992.
- KUO, H-I., CHEN, C-C; TSENG, W-C., JU, L-F., HUANG, B-W. (2008), Assessing Impacts of SARS and Avian Flu on International Tourism Demand to Asia, Tourism Management, 29, 917-928.
- LAU, T. S. C., VE HAZARI, B. R. (2011), Corruption and Tourism. B. R. Hazari, R. Hoshmand içinde, Trade and Welfare: Theoretical and Empirical Issues (s. 159–170). New York: Nova.
- LIM, C. (1999), Tourism Demand in Bangladesh: Gravity Model Analysis, Journal of Travel Research, 37, 273-284.
- LV, Z., XU, T. (2016), A Panel Data Quantile Regression Analysis of the Impact of Corruption on Tourism, Current Issues in Tourism, July, 1-14.
- MUZINDUTSI, P.F., MANALIYO, J.C. (2016), Effect of Political Risk Shocks on Tourism Revenue in South Africa: Time Series Analysis, International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 8(2), 169-186.
- NAZLIOĞLU, Ş. (2010), Makro İktisat Politikalarının Tarım Sektörü Üzerindeki Etkileri: Gelişmiş ve Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler İçin Bir Karşılaştırma. Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İktisat Anabilim Dalı, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Kayseri.
- PESARAN, M. H. (2004). General Diagnostic Tests for Cross Section Dependence in Panels. Camb-ridge Working Papers in Economics No. 1229. 28 Mayıs 2018 Tarihinde
- PESARAN, M. H. (2007), A Simple Panel Unit Root Test in the Presence of Cross-Section Dependence, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22(2), 265-312.
- PESARAN, M. H., YAMAGATA, T. (2008), Testing Slope Homogeneity in Large Panels, Journal of Econometrics, 142(1), 50-93.
- POPRAWE, M. (2015), A Panel Data Analysis of the Effect of Corruption on Tourism, Applied Economics, 47(23), 2399-2412.
- SAHA, S., YAP, G. (2015), Corruption and Tourism: An Empirical Investigation in a Non-linear Framework, International Journal of Tourism Research, 17(3), 272-281.
- SAHA, S., SU, J.J., CAMPBELL, N. (2017), Does Political and Economic Freedom Matter for Inbound Tourism? A Cross-National Panel Data Estimation, Journal of Travel Research, 56(2), 221-234.
- SANTANA-GALLEGO, M., ROSSELLÓ-NADAL, J., FOURIE, J. (2016), The Effects of Terrorism, Crime and Corruption on Tourism. Economic Research Southern Africa (ERSA) Working Paper 595. 29 Mayıs 2018 Tarihinde https://ideas.rep
- SEETARAM, N. (2012), Immigration and International Inbound Tourism: Empirical Evidence from Australia, Tourism Management, 33, 1535-1543.
- STEYN, R., VAN VUUREN, O. J. (2016), The Relationship between Quality of Governance and Foreign Tourist Numbers, African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 5 (4), 1-10.
- SWAMY, P. A. V. B. (1970), Efficient Inference in a Random Coefficient Regression Model, Econometrica, 38(2), 311-323.
- ULUSLARARASI ÜLKE RİSK REHBERİ (2018), International Country Risk Guide (ICRG) Political Risk Services, 1 Haziran 2018 Tarihinde
- VOGT, M.V. (2008), Determinants of the Demand for US Exports and Imports of Tourism, Applied Economics, 40(6), 667-672.
- WANG, Y-S. (2009), The Impact of Crisis Events and Macroeconomic Activity on Taiwan’s International Inbound Tourism Demand, Tourism Management, 30, 75-82.World Bank (2018), DataBank, World Development Indicators. 1 Haziran 2018 Tarihinde
- YONG, E-L. (2014), Innovation, Tourism Demand and Inflation: Evidence from 14 European Countries, Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 2(3), 191-195.
Year 2018,
, 632 - 644, 27.12.2018
Seyfettin Artan
Pınar Hayaloğlu
Selim Koray Demirel
Kurumsal iktisat literatürü, kapsayıcı
kurumların ülkede hemen hemen tüm sektörlerde etkinliği arttırarak ekonomik
büyümeyi teşvik ettiğini ileri sürmektedir. Kurumsal yapı, beraberinde
getirdiği güven ortamı ve teşvikler sayesinde turizm sektörü üzerinde de etkili
olmaktadır. Bu bağlamda turizmin belirleyicileri üzerine yapılan çalışmalar
incelendiğinde, ekonomik ve sosyal faktörler üzerine çok sayıda çalışma
yapıldığını ancak turizmin kurumsal belirleyicileri ile ilgili çalışmaların
sınırlı sayıda olduğu dikkati çekmektedir. Bu çalışma, Türkiye’nin de
aralarında bulunduğu Akdeniz’e kıyısı olan dokuz ülkede ekonomik ve kurumsal
faktörler ile turizm arasındaki nedensellik ilişkilerini 1995-2015 yıllarını
kapsayan dönemde Konya (2006) panel nedensellik analiz yöntemini kullanarak
araştırmaktadır. Kurumsal yapının göstergesi olarak yolsuzluk ve demokratik
hesap verebilirlik değişkenlerinin kullanıldığı çalışmada elde edilen sonuçlar,
kurumsal faktörlerden turizme doğru bir nedensellik ilişkisini ortaya
- AKTER, H., AKHTAR, S., ALİ, S. (2017), Tourism demand in Bangladesh: Gravity model analysis, Tourism, 65(3), 346-360.
- ARANA, J.E., LEON, C.J. (2008), The Impact of Terrorism on Tourism Demand, Annals of Tourism Research, 35 (2), 299-315.
- BALLİ, F., BALLİ, H. O., ROSMY, J. L. (2016), The Impacts of Immigrants and Institutions on Bilateral Tourism Flows, Tourism Management, 52, 221-229.
- DAS, J., DİRİENZO, C. (2010), Tourism Competitiveness and Corruption: A Cross-Country Analysis, Tourism Economics, 16(3), 477-492.
- DEMİR, E. GÖZGÖR, G. (2017), What about Relative Corruption? The Impact of the Relative Corruption on the Inbound Tourism to Turkey, International Journal of Tourism Research, 19(3), 358-366.
- DRAKOS, K., KUTAN, A.M. (2003), Regional Effects of Terrorism on Tourism in Three Mediterranean Countries, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 47(5), 621-641.
- FLETCHER, J., MORAKABATI, Y. (2008), Tourism activity, terrorism and political instability within the commonwealth: The cases of Fiji and Kenya, International Journal of Tourism Research, 10(6), 537-556.
- KÓNYA, L. (2006), Exports and Growth: Granger Causality Analysis on OECD Countries with a Panel Data Approach, Economic Modelling, 23, 978-992.
- KUO, H-I., CHEN, C-C; TSENG, W-C., JU, L-F., HUANG, B-W. (2008), Assessing Impacts of SARS and Avian Flu on International Tourism Demand to Asia, Tourism Management, 29, 917-928.
- LAU, T. S. C., VE HAZARI, B. R. (2011), Corruption and Tourism. B. R. Hazari, R. Hoshmand içinde, Trade and Welfare: Theoretical and Empirical Issues (s. 159–170). New York: Nova.
- LIM, C. (1999), Tourism Demand in Bangladesh: Gravity Model Analysis, Journal of Travel Research, 37, 273-284.
- LV, Z., XU, T. (2016), A Panel Data Quantile Regression Analysis of the Impact of Corruption on Tourism, Current Issues in Tourism, July, 1-14.
- MUZINDUTSI, P.F., MANALIYO, J.C. (2016), Effect of Political Risk Shocks on Tourism Revenue in South Africa: Time Series Analysis, International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 8(2), 169-186.
- NAZLIOĞLU, Ş. (2010), Makro İktisat Politikalarının Tarım Sektörü Üzerindeki Etkileri: Gelişmiş ve Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler İçin Bir Karşılaştırma. Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İktisat Anabilim Dalı, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Kayseri.
- PESARAN, M. H. (2004). General Diagnostic Tests for Cross Section Dependence in Panels. Camb-ridge Working Papers in Economics No. 1229. 28 Mayıs 2018 Tarihinde
- PESARAN, M. H. (2007), A Simple Panel Unit Root Test in the Presence of Cross-Section Dependence, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22(2), 265-312.
- PESARAN, M. H., YAMAGATA, T. (2008), Testing Slope Homogeneity in Large Panels, Journal of Econometrics, 142(1), 50-93.
- POPRAWE, M. (2015), A Panel Data Analysis of the Effect of Corruption on Tourism, Applied Economics, 47(23), 2399-2412.
- SAHA, S., YAP, G. (2015), Corruption and Tourism: An Empirical Investigation in a Non-linear Framework, International Journal of Tourism Research, 17(3), 272-281.
- SAHA, S., SU, J.J., CAMPBELL, N. (2017), Does Political and Economic Freedom Matter for Inbound Tourism? A Cross-National Panel Data Estimation, Journal of Travel Research, 56(2), 221-234.
- SANTANA-GALLEGO, M., ROSSELLÓ-NADAL, J., FOURIE, J. (2016), The Effects of Terrorism, Crime and Corruption on Tourism. Economic Research Southern Africa (ERSA) Working Paper 595. 29 Mayıs 2018 Tarihinde https://ideas.rep
- SEETARAM, N. (2012), Immigration and International Inbound Tourism: Empirical Evidence from Australia, Tourism Management, 33, 1535-1543.
- STEYN, R., VAN VUUREN, O. J. (2016), The Relationship between Quality of Governance and Foreign Tourist Numbers, African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 5 (4), 1-10.
- SWAMY, P. A. V. B. (1970), Efficient Inference in a Random Coefficient Regression Model, Econometrica, 38(2), 311-323.
- ULUSLARARASI ÜLKE RİSK REHBERİ (2018), International Country Risk Guide (ICRG) Political Risk Services, 1 Haziran 2018 Tarihinde
- VOGT, M.V. (2008), Determinants of the Demand for US Exports and Imports of Tourism, Applied Economics, 40(6), 667-672.
- WANG, Y-S. (2009), The Impact of Crisis Events and Macroeconomic Activity on Taiwan’s International Inbound Tourism Demand, Tourism Management, 30, 75-82.World Bank (2018), DataBank, World Development Indicators. 1 Haziran 2018 Tarihinde
- YONG, E-L. (2014), Innovation, Tourism Demand and Inflation: Evidence from 14 European Countries, Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 2(3), 191-195.