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Research Article
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Year 2017, , 94 - 107, 30.09.2017



  • Bassett, Lucy (2008), “Can Conditional Cash Transfer Programs Play a Greater Role in Reducing Child Undernutrition?”, World Bank, SP Discussion Paper, No:0835.
  • Bloom, David. E., Mahal, Ajay, Rosenberg, Larry ve Sevilla, Jaypee (2009), “Social Protection and Conditional Cash Transfers”, (Ed) Wening Handayani ve Clifford Burkley, Social Assistance and Conditional Cash Transfers-The Proceedings of the Regional Workshop, Asian Development Bank.
  • Castañeda, Tarsicio. (2009), “The Design and Implementation of Conditional Cash Transfer Programs: Issues and Lessons for the Future”, (Ed) Wening Handayani ve Clifford Burkley, Social Assistance and Conditional Cash Transfers-The Proceedings of the Regional Workshop, Asian Development Bank.
  • De Janvry, Alain, Finan, Frederico ve Sadoulet, Elisabeth (2004), “Can Conditional Cash Transfers Serve as Safety Nets to Keep Children at School and Out of the Labor Market?”, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, UCB, UC Berkeley.
  • De la Briere, Bénédicte ve Rawlings, Laura B. (2006), “Examining Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes: A Role for Increased Social Inclusion?”, ILO-Strategies and Tools against Social Exclusion and Poverty Programme.
  • Grosh, Margaret, Ninno, Carlo del., Tesliuc, Emil ve Ouerghi, Azedine (2008), For Protection and Promotion- The Design and Implementation of Effective Safety Nets, World Bank, Washington.
  • Handayani, S. Wening ve Buckley, Clifford (2009), “Workshop Highlights and Executive Summary”, (Ed), Wening Handayani ve Clifford Burkley, Social Assistance and Conditional Cash Transfers-The Proceedings of the Regional Workshop, Asian Development Bank.
  • Hoddinott, John ve Bassett, Lucy (2009), “Conditional Cash Transfer Programs and Nutrition in Latin America: Assessement of Impacts and Strategies for Improvement”, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Hunger-Free Latin America and the Caribbean Initiative, Şili.
  • International Labour Organization (2008), “Child Labour and Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes in Latin America”, International Labour Office - Geneva: ILO.
  • International Labour Office (ILO)-Social Security Department (2010), Extending Social Security to All: A Guide Through Challenges and Options, Geneva.
  • International Labour Office (ILO)-Social Security Department (2010), Extending Social Security to All: A Guide Through Challenges and Options, Geneva.
  • Johannsen, Julia, Tejerina, Luis ve Glassman, Amanda (2009), “Conditional Cash Transfers in Latin America: Problems and Opportunities”, (Ed) Wening Handayani ve Clifford Burkley, Social Assistance and Conditional Cash Transfers-The Proceedings of the Regional Workshop, Asian Development Bank.
  • Künnemann, Rolf ve Leonhard, Ralf (2008), A Human Rights View of Social Cash Transfers for Achieving the Millennium Development Goals, Brot für die Welt/Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst(Publishers), Stuttgart/Bonn.
  • Ospina, Monica (2012), “The Effects of Income Shocks on Child Labor and Conditional Cash Transfer Programs as an Insurance Mechanism for Schooling”, http://www.nip-lac.org/uploads/CCT_child_labor_v.april7.pdf, (02/11/2016)
  • Pantelic, Ana (2008), “Poverty Alleviation in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Comparative Analysis of Microfinance and Conditional Cash Transfer”, Boston University, Master’s Research Paper.
  • Samson, Michael, Niekerk, Ingrid van ve Quene, Kenneth M. (2006), Designing And Implementing Social Transfer Programmes, Economic Policy Research Institute (EPRI) Press, Cape Town.
  • Skoufias, Emmanuel (2009), “Conditional Cash Transfers Reducing Present and Future Poverty”, (Ed), Wening Handayani ve Clifford Burkley, Social Assistance and Conditional Cash Transfers-The Proceedings of the Regional Workshop, Asian Development Bank.
  • Soares, F. Veras. (2009), “Conditional Cash Transfers: A Vaccine Against Poverty and Inequality?”, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC - IG), Brezilya
  • Son, H. Hwa (2008), “Conditional Cash Transfer Programs: An Effective Tool for Poverty Alleviation?”, Asian Development Bank, ERD Policy Brief No.51.
  • Tzannatos, Zafiris, Orazem, Peter F. ve Sedlacek, Guilherme (2009), “Policy Options to Eradicate Child Labor and Promote Education in Latin America”, (Ed) Peter F. Orazem, Guilherme Sedlacek ve Zafiris Tzannatos, Child Labor and Education in Latin America-An Economic Perspective, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Vermehren, Andrea (2003), “Conditional Cash Transfer Programs: An Effective Tool for Reaching the Poorest and Most Vulnerable”, (Ed) Ana-Maria Arriagada ve Robert Holzman, Volatility, Risk, and Innovation: Social Protection in Latin America and Caribbean, The World Bank.


Year 2017, , 94 - 107, 30.09.2017


Conditional Cash Transfers (CCTs) have brought a new dynamism in the field of poverty alleviation. Along with the abundance of both conventional and modern poverty alleviation strategies,
distinctive sides of these programs are the concentration on the certain types of poverty, namely structural poverty, and setting up the target of investment on human capital as the essential poverty alleviation strategy. In this sense, CCTs struggle against the structural reasons of poverty instead of temporary and cyclical poverty incidences. Accordingly, CCTs differ from the passive poverty alleviation strategies which offer immediate supports against poverty. CCTs adopt a struggling strategy which is based on making investments on human capital stock. However, stipulating certain preconditions in order to be entitled as the beneficiaries draw reactions of human rights supporters particularly. In this sense, social protection is a universal human right and cannot be made conditional to any behaviour. When the given conditions cannot be met due to internal and/or external reasons, the individual is excluded automatically from the scope of social protection. This situation is considered clearly the violation of the human rights.


  • Bassett, Lucy (2008), “Can Conditional Cash Transfer Programs Play a Greater Role in Reducing Child Undernutrition?”, World Bank, SP Discussion Paper, No:0835.
  • Bloom, David. E., Mahal, Ajay, Rosenberg, Larry ve Sevilla, Jaypee (2009), “Social Protection and Conditional Cash Transfers”, (Ed) Wening Handayani ve Clifford Burkley, Social Assistance and Conditional Cash Transfers-The Proceedings of the Regional Workshop, Asian Development Bank.
  • Castañeda, Tarsicio. (2009), “The Design and Implementation of Conditional Cash Transfer Programs: Issues and Lessons for the Future”, (Ed) Wening Handayani ve Clifford Burkley, Social Assistance and Conditional Cash Transfers-The Proceedings of the Regional Workshop, Asian Development Bank.
  • De Janvry, Alain, Finan, Frederico ve Sadoulet, Elisabeth (2004), “Can Conditional Cash Transfers Serve as Safety Nets to Keep Children at School and Out of the Labor Market?”, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, UCB, UC Berkeley.
  • De la Briere, Bénédicte ve Rawlings, Laura B. (2006), “Examining Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes: A Role for Increased Social Inclusion?”, ILO-Strategies and Tools against Social Exclusion and Poverty Programme.
  • Grosh, Margaret, Ninno, Carlo del., Tesliuc, Emil ve Ouerghi, Azedine (2008), For Protection and Promotion- The Design and Implementation of Effective Safety Nets, World Bank, Washington.
  • Handayani, S. Wening ve Buckley, Clifford (2009), “Workshop Highlights and Executive Summary”, (Ed), Wening Handayani ve Clifford Burkley, Social Assistance and Conditional Cash Transfers-The Proceedings of the Regional Workshop, Asian Development Bank.
  • Hoddinott, John ve Bassett, Lucy (2009), “Conditional Cash Transfer Programs and Nutrition in Latin America: Assessement of Impacts and Strategies for Improvement”, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Hunger-Free Latin America and the Caribbean Initiative, Şili.
  • International Labour Organization (2008), “Child Labour and Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes in Latin America”, International Labour Office - Geneva: ILO.
  • International Labour Office (ILO)-Social Security Department (2010), Extending Social Security to All: A Guide Through Challenges and Options, Geneva.
  • International Labour Office (ILO)-Social Security Department (2010), Extending Social Security to All: A Guide Through Challenges and Options, Geneva.
  • Johannsen, Julia, Tejerina, Luis ve Glassman, Amanda (2009), “Conditional Cash Transfers in Latin America: Problems and Opportunities”, (Ed) Wening Handayani ve Clifford Burkley, Social Assistance and Conditional Cash Transfers-The Proceedings of the Regional Workshop, Asian Development Bank.
  • Künnemann, Rolf ve Leonhard, Ralf (2008), A Human Rights View of Social Cash Transfers for Achieving the Millennium Development Goals, Brot für die Welt/Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst(Publishers), Stuttgart/Bonn.
  • Ospina, Monica (2012), “The Effects of Income Shocks on Child Labor and Conditional Cash Transfer Programs as an Insurance Mechanism for Schooling”, http://www.nip-lac.org/uploads/CCT_child_labor_v.april7.pdf, (02/11/2016)
  • Pantelic, Ana (2008), “Poverty Alleviation in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Comparative Analysis of Microfinance and Conditional Cash Transfer”, Boston University, Master’s Research Paper.
  • Samson, Michael, Niekerk, Ingrid van ve Quene, Kenneth M. (2006), Designing And Implementing Social Transfer Programmes, Economic Policy Research Institute (EPRI) Press, Cape Town.
  • Skoufias, Emmanuel (2009), “Conditional Cash Transfers Reducing Present and Future Poverty”, (Ed), Wening Handayani ve Clifford Burkley, Social Assistance and Conditional Cash Transfers-The Proceedings of the Regional Workshop, Asian Development Bank.
  • Soares, F. Veras. (2009), “Conditional Cash Transfers: A Vaccine Against Poverty and Inequality?”, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC - IG), Brezilya
  • Son, H. Hwa (2008), “Conditional Cash Transfer Programs: An Effective Tool for Poverty Alleviation?”, Asian Development Bank, ERD Policy Brief No.51.
  • Tzannatos, Zafiris, Orazem, Peter F. ve Sedlacek, Guilherme (2009), “Policy Options to Eradicate Child Labor and Promote Education in Latin America”, (Ed) Peter F. Orazem, Guilherme Sedlacek ve Zafiris Tzannatos, Child Labor and Education in Latin America-An Economic Perspective, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Vermehren, Andrea (2003), “Conditional Cash Transfer Programs: An Effective Tool for Reaching the Poorest and Most Vulnerable”, (Ed) Ana-Maria Arriagada ve Robert Holzman, Volatility, Risk, and Innovation: Social Protection in Latin America and Caribbean, The World Bank.


Year 2017, , 94 - 107, 30.09.2017


Şartlı nakit transferleri (ŞNT), yoksullukla mücadele alanına
yeni bir dinamizm ve hareketlilik getirmiştir. Yoksullukla mücadelede birçok
geleneksel ve çağdaş yöntem ve program bulunmakla birlikte, ŞNT programlarının
benzer mücadele stratejilerinden farklı tarafı, yapısal yoksulluk gibi
yoksulluğun sadece belli türlerine odaklanıyor olması ve temel mücadele
stratejisi olarak da beşeri sermaye yatırımını seçmiş olmasıdır. Dolayısıyla
geçici ya da konjonktürel yoksulluk hallerinden çok, yoksulluğun yapısal
nedenleriyle mücadele etmektedir. ŞNT programları bu özellikleriyle, anlık
destekler aracılığıyla geçici rahatlamalar sunan pasif yoksullukla mücadele programlarından
ayrılmaktadır. Bunun yerine, beşeri sermaye stokuna yatırımlar yapmak suretiyle
bir mücadele stratejisi benimsemiştir. Ancak ŞNT programlarının sosyal koruma
öncesinde belli şartlar öne sürüyor olması, özellikle de insan hakları
savunucularının tepkisini çekmektedir. Buna göre, sosyal koruma evrensel bir
insan hakkıdır ve hiçbir ön şarta bağlanamaz. Bireyin gerek kendi tercih ya da
eksikliğinden, gerek çevresel etkenler dolayısıyla söz konusu şartlar yerine
getirilemediğinde, otomatik olarak sosyal koruma dışında kalınmaktadır. Bu durum
da açıkça insan haklarına aykırı bir durum olarak değerlendirilmektedir. 


  • Bassett, Lucy (2008), “Can Conditional Cash Transfer Programs Play a Greater Role in Reducing Child Undernutrition?”, World Bank, SP Discussion Paper, No:0835.
  • Bloom, David. E., Mahal, Ajay, Rosenberg, Larry ve Sevilla, Jaypee (2009), “Social Protection and Conditional Cash Transfers”, (Ed) Wening Handayani ve Clifford Burkley, Social Assistance and Conditional Cash Transfers-The Proceedings of the Regional Workshop, Asian Development Bank.
  • Castañeda, Tarsicio. (2009), “The Design and Implementation of Conditional Cash Transfer Programs: Issues and Lessons for the Future”, (Ed) Wening Handayani ve Clifford Burkley, Social Assistance and Conditional Cash Transfers-The Proceedings of the Regional Workshop, Asian Development Bank.
  • De Janvry, Alain, Finan, Frederico ve Sadoulet, Elisabeth (2004), “Can Conditional Cash Transfers Serve as Safety Nets to Keep Children at School and Out of the Labor Market?”, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, UCB, UC Berkeley.
  • De la Briere, Bénédicte ve Rawlings, Laura B. (2006), “Examining Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes: A Role for Increased Social Inclusion?”, ILO-Strategies and Tools against Social Exclusion and Poverty Programme.
  • Grosh, Margaret, Ninno, Carlo del., Tesliuc, Emil ve Ouerghi, Azedine (2008), For Protection and Promotion- The Design and Implementation of Effective Safety Nets, World Bank, Washington.
  • Handayani, S. Wening ve Buckley, Clifford (2009), “Workshop Highlights and Executive Summary”, (Ed), Wening Handayani ve Clifford Burkley, Social Assistance and Conditional Cash Transfers-The Proceedings of the Regional Workshop, Asian Development Bank.
  • Hoddinott, John ve Bassett, Lucy (2009), “Conditional Cash Transfer Programs and Nutrition in Latin America: Assessement of Impacts and Strategies for Improvement”, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Hunger-Free Latin America and the Caribbean Initiative, Şili.
  • International Labour Organization (2008), “Child Labour and Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes in Latin America”, International Labour Office - Geneva: ILO.
  • International Labour Office (ILO)-Social Security Department (2010), Extending Social Security to All: A Guide Through Challenges and Options, Geneva.
  • International Labour Office (ILO)-Social Security Department (2010), Extending Social Security to All: A Guide Through Challenges and Options, Geneva.
  • Johannsen, Julia, Tejerina, Luis ve Glassman, Amanda (2009), “Conditional Cash Transfers in Latin America: Problems and Opportunities”, (Ed) Wening Handayani ve Clifford Burkley, Social Assistance and Conditional Cash Transfers-The Proceedings of the Regional Workshop, Asian Development Bank.
  • Künnemann, Rolf ve Leonhard, Ralf (2008), A Human Rights View of Social Cash Transfers for Achieving the Millennium Development Goals, Brot für die Welt/Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst(Publishers), Stuttgart/Bonn.
  • Ospina, Monica (2012), “The Effects of Income Shocks on Child Labor and Conditional Cash Transfer Programs as an Insurance Mechanism for Schooling”, http://www.nip-lac.org/uploads/CCT_child_labor_v.april7.pdf, (02/11/2016)
  • Pantelic, Ana (2008), “Poverty Alleviation in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Comparative Analysis of Microfinance and Conditional Cash Transfer”, Boston University, Master’s Research Paper.
  • Samson, Michael, Niekerk, Ingrid van ve Quene, Kenneth M. (2006), Designing And Implementing Social Transfer Programmes, Economic Policy Research Institute (EPRI) Press, Cape Town.
  • Skoufias, Emmanuel (2009), “Conditional Cash Transfers Reducing Present and Future Poverty”, (Ed), Wening Handayani ve Clifford Burkley, Social Assistance and Conditional Cash Transfers-The Proceedings of the Regional Workshop, Asian Development Bank.
  • Soares, F. Veras. (2009), “Conditional Cash Transfers: A Vaccine Against Poverty and Inequality?”, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC - IG), Brezilya
  • Son, H. Hwa (2008), “Conditional Cash Transfer Programs: An Effective Tool for Poverty Alleviation?”, Asian Development Bank, ERD Policy Brief No.51.
  • Tzannatos, Zafiris, Orazem, Peter F. ve Sedlacek, Guilherme (2009), “Policy Options to Eradicate Child Labor and Promote Education in Latin America”, (Ed) Peter F. Orazem, Guilherme Sedlacek ve Zafiris Tzannatos, Child Labor and Education in Latin America-An Economic Perspective, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Vermehren, Andrea (2003), “Conditional Cash Transfer Programs: An Effective Tool for Reaching the Poorest and Most Vulnerable”, (Ed) Ana-Maria Arriagada ve Robert Holzman, Volatility, Risk, and Innovation: Social Protection in Latin America and Caribbean, The World Bank.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Doğa Başar Sarıipek

Publication Date September 30, 2017
Submission Date January 14, 2017
Acceptance Date July 6, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Sarıipek, D. B. (2017). YOKSULLUKLA MÜCADELEDE ŞARTLI NAKİT TRANSFERLERİ; İNSAN HAKLARI AÇISINDAN BİR DEĞERLENDİRME. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 9(20), 94-107. https://doi.org/10.20875/makusobed.285875