Writing Rules

General Editorial Principles

The journal encompasses a broad spectrum of research articles, including both quantitative and qualitative studies, as well as theoretical works, drawing from all major areas of education.
The journal is published in both English and Turkish.
Submitted articles must not have been previously published or concurrently submitted elsewhere for publication.
The journal reserves exclusive ownership of all publication rights pertaining to articles that have been accepted for publication.
The submission of articles to the journal is exclusively through the designated system.
It is important to note that articles directed to members of the Editorial Board are not considered official submissions.
Submitted manuscripts undergo a preliminary evaluation by the Editors and Editorial Board.
The articles deemed suitable in the preliminary review are subsequently sent to the referees.During the preliminary review, manuscripts are evaluated based on various criteria, including publication ethics, journal publication principles, scientific originality, the topicality of the subject of the study, the contribution of the subject of the study to education, adherence to spelling rules and template guidelines.
Following the preliminary review, manuscripts that are deemed suitable are sent to referees for further scientific evaluation.
The Editorial Board and/or Editors base their decision regarding publication on the basis of the referee reports.
In instances where a manuscript requires revision or modification, it is returned to the authors for their consideration. The authors are provided with a detailed report of the referees' critiques and recommendations for improvement.
The Editors are the sole actors responsible for facilitating communication between authors and referees.
The journal's publication policy employs a double-blind refereeing system for the evaluation of articles.
Following the acceptance of an article for publication, the author(s) are no longer permitted to make any modifications.
The author(s) bears sole responsibility for the content of the published article, including the accuracy of sources and citations, the expressed opinions, and the copyrighted charts, images, and other visuals.
It is imperative to note that neither the author(s) nor the referees receive financial compensation for their contributions. 

Last Update Time: 1/11/25, 5:59:01 PM

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