Research Article
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The Medıatıng Role of Organization Based Self Esteem in the Effect of Perceıved Manager Support on Professional Commıtment

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 354 - 365, 10.09.2024


Today, with the development of communication tools, it is known that the intensity of competition between organizations is increasing, and the human capital of organizations plays a critical role in gaining competitive advantage. This capital owned by organizations can be affected by various factors. The most important of these factors is the management mentality that managers have. Managers' management styles can affect employees positively or negatively. Managers' providing social or non-social support to employees may lead to positive perceptions. As a matter of fact, managers' showing interest in employees, helping them in the difficulties they face, supporting their knowledge, skills or career development may cause employees to feel that they are valuable, important, and talented for the organisation. Employees may be motivated to adopt their profession, norms of the profession and the organisation they are in more. This situation can lead organizations to gain a competitive advantage, increase the welfare of the organization, and decrease the personnel turnover. From this point of view, this study discusses on the effect of perceived supervisor support on professional commitment through organization-based self-esteem. A call center company serving seven locations (Istanbul, Izmir, Malatya, Sanlıurfa, Rize, Bayburt, Van) was chosen as the population of the research. The research results show that perceived supervisor support positively affects organization-based self-esteem and professional commitment. Also, it was found that organization-based self-esteem mediated the relationship between perceived supervisor support and professional commitment.


  • ADAIR ERICKSON, Robin ve ROLOFF, Michael E. (2008), "Reducing Attrition After Downsizing: Analyzing the Effects of Organizational Support, Supervisor Support, and Gender on Organizational Commitment", International Journal of Organizational Analysis, S.15(1), ss.35-55.
  • AKALIN, Çişil (2006), “Duygusal Örgütsel Bağlılık Gelişiminde Çalışanların Algıladığı Örgütsel Destek ve Ara Değişken Olarak Örgüt Temelli Öz-Saygı”, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • AKGÜNDÜZ, Yılmaz (2021), Örgütsel Davranış Teorileri, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • BABIN, Barry J. ve BOLES, James S. (1996), “The Effects of Perceived Co-Worker İnvolvement and Supervisor Support on Service Provider Role Stress, Performance and Job Satisfaction”, Journal of Retailing, S.72(1), ss.57-75.
  • BILÇIN, Tak ve ÇİFTÇİOĞLU, B. Aydem Aydemir (2009), “Üç Boyutlu Mesleki Bağlılık Ölçeğinin Türkçe’de Güvenilirlik ve Geçerliliğinin İncelenmesine Yönelik”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, S. 10(1), ss.35-54.
  • BOGLER, Ronit ve SOMECH, Anit (2004), “Influence of Teacher Empowerment on Teachers’ Organizational Commitment, Professional Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Schools”, Teaching and Teacher Education, S.20(3), ss.277-289.
  • BOWLING, Nathan A., ESCHLEMAN, Kevin J., WANG, Qiang, KIRKENDALL, Cristina ve ALARCON, Gene (2010), “A Meta Analysis of the Predictors and Consequences of Organization Based Self Esteem”, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, S.83(3), ss.601-626.
  • CHAMI-MALAEB, Rola (2022), “Relationship of Perceived Supervisor Support, Self-Efficacy and Turnover Intention, the Mediating Role of Burnout”, Personnel Review, S.51(3), ss.1003-1019.
  • CHANG, Hao Yuan, CHU, Tsung Lan, LIAO, Yen Ni, CHANG, Yin Tzu ve TENG, Ching I. (2019), “How Do Career Barriers and Supports Impact Nurse Professional Commitment and Professional Turnover Intention?”, Journal of Nursing Management, S.27(2), ss.347-356.
  • CHO, Vincent ve HUANG, Xu (2012), “Professional Commitment, Organizational Commitment, and the Intention to Leave for Professional Advancement: An Empirical Study on it Professionals”, Information Technology and People, S.25(1), ss.31-54.
  • DECONINCK, James B. ve JOHNSON, Julie T. (2009), “The Effects of Perceived Supervisor Support, Perceived Organizational Support, and Organizational Justice on Turnover Among Salespeople”, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, S.29(4), ss.333-350.
  • DORENKAMP, Isabelle ve RUHLE, Sascha (2019), “Work–Life Conflict, Professional Commitment, and Job Satisfaction Among Academics”, The Journal of Higher Education, S.90(1), ss.56-84.
  • EISENBERGER, Robert, STINGLHAMBER, Florence, VANDENBERGHE, Christian, SUCHARSKI, Ivan L. ve RHOADES, Linda (2002), “Perceived Supervisor Support: Contributions to Perceived Organizational Support and Employee Retention”, Journal of Applied Psychology, S.87(3), ss.565-573.
  • FERRIS, D. Lance., BROWN, Douglas J. ve HELLER, Daniel (2009), “Organizational Supports and Organizational Deviance: The Mediating Role of Organization-Based Self-Esteem”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, S.108(2), ss.279-286.
  • GARDNER, Donald G., VAN DYNE, Linn ve PIERCE, Jon L. (2004), “The Effects of Pay Level on Organization Based Self Esteem and Performance: A Field Study”, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, S.77(3), ss.307-322.
  • GHANI, Usman., ZHAI, Xuesong., SPECTOR, J. Michael., CHEN, Nian-Shing., LIN, Lin,. DING, Donghong ve USMAN, Muhammad (2020), “Knowledge Hiding in Higher Education: Role of Interactional Justice and Professional Commitment”, Higher Education, S.79, ss.325-344.
  • GIFFORDS, Elissa D. (2009), “An Examination of Organizational Commitment and Professional Commitment and the Relationship to Work Environment, Demographic and Organizational Factors”, Journal of Social Work, S.9(4), ss.386-404.
  • GRANDEY, Alicia Ann (1999), “The Effects of Emotional Labor: Employee Attitudes, Stress and Performance”, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Colorado State University, Colorado (US).
  • GÜRBÜZ, Sait ve ŞAHİN, Faruk (2018), Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara, 5. Baskı.
  • HIDAYAH IBRAHIM, Siti Nur, SUAN, Choo Ling ve KARATEPE, Osman M. (2019), “The Effects of Supervisor Support and Self-Efficacy on Call Center Employees’ Work Engagement and Quitting Intentions”, International Journal of Manpower, S.40(4), ss.688-703.
  • HUI, Chun ve LEE, Cynthia (2000), “Moderating Effects of Organization-Based Self-Esteem on Organizational Uncertainty: Employee Response Relationships”, Journal of Management, S.26(2), ss.215-232.
  • JABEEN, Afshan, KHAN, Salahuddin ve ISLAM, Syed Zia-ul (2019), “Impact of Leadership Styles Upon Professional Commitment”, Global Regional Review, S.4, ss.325-336.
  • KAFFASHAN KAKHKI, Mojtaba, NAMDAR JOYAME, Ehsan, MALAKOOTI ASL, Nargess ve HARATI, Hadi (2022), “Modeling the Effect of Trust on Librarians’ Knowledge Sharing: Assessing the Effect of Organizational Intelligence and Organization-Based Self-Esteem as Mediators”, Public Library Quarterly, S.42(1), ss.1-22.
  • KIM, Jungsun Sunny, MILLIMAN, John F. ve LUCAS, Anthony F. (2021), “Effects of CSR on Affective Organizational Commitment Via Organizational Justice and Organization-Based Self-Esteem”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, S.92, ss.(102691).
  • KIM, Minseo ve BEEHR, Terry A. (2018), “Organization-Based Self-Esteem and Meaningful Work Mediate Effects of Empowering Leadership on Employee Behaviors and Well-Being”, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, S.25(4), ss.385-398.
  • KIM, Minseo ve BEEHR, Terry A. (2022), “The Role of Organization-Based Self-Esteem and Job Resources in Promoting Employees’ Job Crafting Behaviors”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, S.33(19), ss.3822-3849.
  • KUO, Chien-Chih ve WU, Chih-Ying (2022), “Workplace Ostracism and Job Performance: The Moderated Mediation Model of Organization Based Self-Esteem and Performance Goal Orientation”, Career Development International, S.27(2), ss.260-273.
  • LU, Kuei-Yun, LIN, Pi-Li, WU, Chiung-Man, HSIEH, Ya-Lung ve CHANG, Yong-Yuan (2002), “The Relationships Among Turnover İntentions, Professional Commitment, and Job Satisfaction of Hospital Nurses”, Journal of Professional Nursing, S.18(4), ss.214-219.
  • MALIK, Omer Farooq, SHAHZAD, Asif, RAZIQ, Muhammad Mustafa, KHAN, Muhammad Majid, YUSAF, Saquib ve KHAN, Arooj (2019), “Perceptions of Organizational Politics, Knowledge Hiding, and Employee Creativity: The Moderating Role of Professional Commitment”, Personality and Individual Differences, S.142, ss.232-237.
  • MEYER, John P., ALLEN, Natalie J. ve SMITH, Catherine A. (1993), “Commitment to Organizations and Occupations: Extension and Test of a Three-Component Conceptualization”, Journal of Applied Psychology, S.78(4), ss.538.
  • NEWSTROM, John, GARDNER, Don ve PIERCE, Jon L. (1999), “A Neglected Supervisory Role: Building Self-Esteem at Work”, Supervision, S.60, ss.9-12.
  • NG, Thomas W. H. ve SORENSEN, Kelly L. (2008), “Toward a Further Understanding of the Relationships between Perceptions of Support and Work Attitudes: A Meta-Analysis”, Group and Organization Management, S.33(3), ss.243-268.
  • ORGAMBIDEZ, Alejandro ve ALMEIDA, Helena (2020), “Supervisor Support and Affective Organizational Commitment: The Mediator Role of Work Engagement”, Western Journal of Nursing Research, S.42(3), ss.187-193.
  • ÖZ, Eda Ünler (2007), “Duygusal Emek Davranışlarının Çalışanların İş Sonuçlarına Etkisi”, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • PANGESTU, Florencia ve RAHAJENG, Dian Kartika (2020), “The Effect of Power Distance, Moral Intensity, and Professional Commitment on Whistleblowing Decisions”, Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business: JIEB, S.35(2), ss.144-162.
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Algılanan Yönetici Desteğinin Mesleki Bağlılığa Etkisinde Örgüt Temelli Özsaygının Aracılık Rolü

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 354 - 365, 10.09.2024


Günümüzde iletişim araçlarının gelişmesiyle birlikte örgütler arasındaki rekabetin şiddetinin giderek arttığı ve örgütlerin sahip oldukları insan sermayesinin rekabet avantajı elde etmede kritik bir rol üstlendiği bilinmektedir. Örgütlerin sahip olduğu bu sermaye çeşitli faktörler tarafından etkilenebilir. Bu faktörlerin en başında yöneticilerin sahip olduğu yönetim anlayışı gelmektedir. Yöneticilerin yönetim tarzları çalışanları olumlu veya olumsuz olarak etkileyebilir. Yöneticilerin çalışanlara sosyal veya sosyal olmayan desteklerde bulunmaları olumlu algılara yol açabilir. Nitekim yöneticilerin çalışanlara ilgi göstermesi, karşılaştıkları zorluklarda yardımcı olması, bilgi, beceri veya kariyer gelişimlerine destek olması; çalışanların örgüt için değerli, önemli, yetenekli olduklarını hissetmelerine neden olabilir. Çalışanların yapmış oldukları mesleği, mesleğin normlarını ve bulundukları örgütü daha fazla benimsemelerini motive edebilir. Bu durum örgütlerin rekabet avantajı elde etmesine, refahının artmasına ve personel devir oranının azalmasına neden olabilir. Buradan hareketle bu çalışma algılanan yönetici desteğinin örgüt temelli özsaygı aracılığıyla mesleki bağlılığa etkisini konu almıştır. Araştırmanın ana kütlesi olarak yedi lokasyonda hizmet veren (İstanbul, İzmir, Malatya, Şanlıurfa, Rize, Bayburt, Van) bir çağrı merkezi şirketi seçilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçları algılanan yönetici desteğinin örgüt temelli özsaygıyı ve mesleki bağlılığı pozitif etkilediğini göstermektedir. Ayrıca örgüt temelli özsaygının algılanan yönetici desteği ile mesleki bağlılık arasındaki ilişkiye aracılık ettiği bulunmuştur.


  • ADAIR ERICKSON, Robin ve ROLOFF, Michael E. (2008), "Reducing Attrition After Downsizing: Analyzing the Effects of Organizational Support, Supervisor Support, and Gender on Organizational Commitment", International Journal of Organizational Analysis, S.15(1), ss.35-55.
  • AKALIN, Çişil (2006), “Duygusal Örgütsel Bağlılık Gelişiminde Çalışanların Algıladığı Örgütsel Destek ve Ara Değişken Olarak Örgüt Temelli Öz-Saygı”, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • AKGÜNDÜZ, Yılmaz (2021), Örgütsel Davranış Teorileri, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • BABIN, Barry J. ve BOLES, James S. (1996), “The Effects of Perceived Co-Worker İnvolvement and Supervisor Support on Service Provider Role Stress, Performance and Job Satisfaction”, Journal of Retailing, S.72(1), ss.57-75.
  • BILÇIN, Tak ve ÇİFTÇİOĞLU, B. Aydem Aydemir (2009), “Üç Boyutlu Mesleki Bağlılık Ölçeğinin Türkçe’de Güvenilirlik ve Geçerliliğinin İncelenmesine Yönelik”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, S. 10(1), ss.35-54.
  • BOGLER, Ronit ve SOMECH, Anit (2004), “Influence of Teacher Empowerment on Teachers’ Organizational Commitment, Professional Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Schools”, Teaching and Teacher Education, S.20(3), ss.277-289.
  • BOWLING, Nathan A., ESCHLEMAN, Kevin J., WANG, Qiang, KIRKENDALL, Cristina ve ALARCON, Gene (2010), “A Meta Analysis of the Predictors and Consequences of Organization Based Self Esteem”, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, S.83(3), ss.601-626.
  • CHAMI-MALAEB, Rola (2022), “Relationship of Perceived Supervisor Support, Self-Efficacy and Turnover Intention, the Mediating Role of Burnout”, Personnel Review, S.51(3), ss.1003-1019.
  • CHANG, Hao Yuan, CHU, Tsung Lan, LIAO, Yen Ni, CHANG, Yin Tzu ve TENG, Ching I. (2019), “How Do Career Barriers and Supports Impact Nurse Professional Commitment and Professional Turnover Intention?”, Journal of Nursing Management, S.27(2), ss.347-356.
  • CHO, Vincent ve HUANG, Xu (2012), “Professional Commitment, Organizational Commitment, and the Intention to Leave for Professional Advancement: An Empirical Study on it Professionals”, Information Technology and People, S.25(1), ss.31-54.
  • DECONINCK, James B. ve JOHNSON, Julie T. (2009), “The Effects of Perceived Supervisor Support, Perceived Organizational Support, and Organizational Justice on Turnover Among Salespeople”, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, S.29(4), ss.333-350.
  • DORENKAMP, Isabelle ve RUHLE, Sascha (2019), “Work–Life Conflict, Professional Commitment, and Job Satisfaction Among Academics”, The Journal of Higher Education, S.90(1), ss.56-84.
  • EISENBERGER, Robert, STINGLHAMBER, Florence, VANDENBERGHE, Christian, SUCHARSKI, Ivan L. ve RHOADES, Linda (2002), “Perceived Supervisor Support: Contributions to Perceived Organizational Support and Employee Retention”, Journal of Applied Psychology, S.87(3), ss.565-573.
  • FERRIS, D. Lance., BROWN, Douglas J. ve HELLER, Daniel (2009), “Organizational Supports and Organizational Deviance: The Mediating Role of Organization-Based Self-Esteem”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, S.108(2), ss.279-286.
  • GARDNER, Donald G., VAN DYNE, Linn ve PIERCE, Jon L. (2004), “The Effects of Pay Level on Organization Based Self Esteem and Performance: A Field Study”, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, S.77(3), ss.307-322.
  • GHANI, Usman., ZHAI, Xuesong., SPECTOR, J. Michael., CHEN, Nian-Shing., LIN, Lin,. DING, Donghong ve USMAN, Muhammad (2020), “Knowledge Hiding in Higher Education: Role of Interactional Justice and Professional Commitment”, Higher Education, S.79, ss.325-344.
  • GIFFORDS, Elissa D. (2009), “An Examination of Organizational Commitment and Professional Commitment and the Relationship to Work Environment, Demographic and Organizational Factors”, Journal of Social Work, S.9(4), ss.386-404.
  • GRANDEY, Alicia Ann (1999), “The Effects of Emotional Labor: Employee Attitudes, Stress and Performance”, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Colorado State University, Colorado (US).
  • GÜRBÜZ, Sait ve ŞAHİN, Faruk (2018), Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara, 5. Baskı.
  • HIDAYAH IBRAHIM, Siti Nur, SUAN, Choo Ling ve KARATEPE, Osman M. (2019), “The Effects of Supervisor Support and Self-Efficacy on Call Center Employees’ Work Engagement and Quitting Intentions”, International Journal of Manpower, S.40(4), ss.688-703.
  • HUI, Chun ve LEE, Cynthia (2000), “Moderating Effects of Organization-Based Self-Esteem on Organizational Uncertainty: Employee Response Relationships”, Journal of Management, S.26(2), ss.215-232.
  • JABEEN, Afshan, KHAN, Salahuddin ve ISLAM, Syed Zia-ul (2019), “Impact of Leadership Styles Upon Professional Commitment”, Global Regional Review, S.4, ss.325-336.
  • KAFFASHAN KAKHKI, Mojtaba, NAMDAR JOYAME, Ehsan, MALAKOOTI ASL, Nargess ve HARATI, Hadi (2022), “Modeling the Effect of Trust on Librarians’ Knowledge Sharing: Assessing the Effect of Organizational Intelligence and Organization-Based Self-Esteem as Mediators”, Public Library Quarterly, S.42(1), ss.1-22.
  • KIM, Jungsun Sunny, MILLIMAN, John F. ve LUCAS, Anthony F. (2021), “Effects of CSR on Affective Organizational Commitment Via Organizational Justice and Organization-Based Self-Esteem”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, S.92, ss.(102691).
  • KIM, Minseo ve BEEHR, Terry A. (2018), “Organization-Based Self-Esteem and Meaningful Work Mediate Effects of Empowering Leadership on Employee Behaviors and Well-Being”, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, S.25(4), ss.385-398.
  • KIM, Minseo ve BEEHR, Terry A. (2022), “The Role of Organization-Based Self-Esteem and Job Resources in Promoting Employees’ Job Crafting Behaviors”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, S.33(19), ss.3822-3849.
  • KUO, Chien-Chih ve WU, Chih-Ying (2022), “Workplace Ostracism and Job Performance: The Moderated Mediation Model of Organization Based Self-Esteem and Performance Goal Orientation”, Career Development International, S.27(2), ss.260-273.
  • LU, Kuei-Yun, LIN, Pi-Li, WU, Chiung-Man, HSIEH, Ya-Lung ve CHANG, Yong-Yuan (2002), “The Relationships Among Turnover İntentions, Professional Commitment, and Job Satisfaction of Hospital Nurses”, Journal of Professional Nursing, S.18(4), ss.214-219.
  • MALIK, Omer Farooq, SHAHZAD, Asif, RAZIQ, Muhammad Mustafa, KHAN, Muhammad Majid, YUSAF, Saquib ve KHAN, Arooj (2019), “Perceptions of Organizational Politics, Knowledge Hiding, and Employee Creativity: The Moderating Role of Professional Commitment”, Personality and Individual Differences, S.142, ss.232-237.
  • MEYER, John P., ALLEN, Natalie J. ve SMITH, Catherine A. (1993), “Commitment to Organizations and Occupations: Extension and Test of a Three-Component Conceptualization”, Journal of Applied Psychology, S.78(4), ss.538.
  • NEWSTROM, John, GARDNER, Don ve PIERCE, Jon L. (1999), “A Neglected Supervisory Role: Building Self-Esteem at Work”, Supervision, S.60, ss.9-12.
  • NG, Thomas W. H. ve SORENSEN, Kelly L. (2008), “Toward a Further Understanding of the Relationships between Perceptions of Support and Work Attitudes: A Meta-Analysis”, Group and Organization Management, S.33(3), ss.243-268.
  • ORGAMBIDEZ, Alejandro ve ALMEIDA, Helena (2020), “Supervisor Support and Affective Organizational Commitment: The Mediator Role of Work Engagement”, Western Journal of Nursing Research, S.42(3), ss.187-193.
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There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Strategy, Management and Organisational Behaviour (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Nuri Karaca 0000-0002-6735-9574

Publication Date September 10, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Karaca, N. (2024). Algılanan Yönetici Desteğinin Mesleki Bağlılığa Etkisinde Örgüt Temelli Özsaygının Aracılık Rolü. Uluslararası Yönetim Akademisi Dergisi, 7(1), 354-365.

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