Gelecegin 9agda~ insamnm yeti~tirilmesinde demokrasi egitimi son
derece onemlidir. Demokrasi egitiminin temeli de insan haklarz egitiminden
ge9mektedir. Her ulkede insan haklarzyla ili~kili egitim uygulamalar1
farkllllk gostermektedir. Bu durum kuresel degerlerin ulke vatanda~larz
tarafindan benimsenmesini gu9le~tirmektedir. jnsan haklarmm bireyler
tarafindan benimsenmesi hedeflense de diger ulkelerle yurutulen ortak
9ah~malarm simrll olu~u, ortak bak1~ apsmm da geli~mesini engellemektedir. Ayrzca "ins an haklarz evrensel du~uncesi "nin her u/ke tarafindan
farkll bi9imlerde ozumsenmesi, insanlar arasmda kureselle~menin getirdigi
butuncul bak1~ a91smm geli~tirilmesini saglayamad1gl gibi, e~itsizliklere de
neden olmaktadzr. Farkh ulkelerde yapzlan insan haklarz egitimine ili~kin
uygulamalarm ortaya konmasz, feme/de jnsan Haklarz Evrensel
Bildirgesi 'nin esasma uygun olarak uygu/anmasm1 kolayla~tzracakt1r.
Makalede, Turkiye 'deki ins an haklarz egitiminin tarihsel geli~imi ve c;e~itli
ulkelerde insan haklarz egitimi i9in yapllan uygulamalar ele ahnml~tlr.
(:ah~ma, farkh insan haklan egitimi uygulamalarmm incelenmesi,
Ulkemizin insan haklarz egitimin neresinde oldugunu gostermesi, c;e~itli
ulkelerde insan haklarz egitimiyle ilgili yapllan uygulamalarzn, benzer ve
farkh yonlerini ortaya koymas1 apsmdan oldukc;a onemlidir.
Democracy has a crucial role in tfle education process of future generations and human rights education constitutes one of the main elements of democracy education. The education programs on human rights depicts differences among countries. As a result of this, the global human rights values are hardly accepted by the citizens of different countries. Despite the main target of human rights education concentrates on individuals, limited common activities in this area decreases the possibility of a common approach. Moreover, the differences in internalisation of universal thought on human rights not only negatively affect the unique view provided by globalisation, but also cause inequity. Examining various applications of human rights education will also be helpful for the proper implementation of Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In this paper, the historical evolution of human rights education in Turkey is examined as well as different other human rights education applications in other countries. This paper, therefore, provides a comparative analysis of human rights education and evalutes Turkey's situation in the light of human right education.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Makaleler |
Authors | |
Publication Date | June 28, 2007 |
Published in Issue | Year 2007 Volume: 15 Issue: 1 |