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Year 1998, Volume: 2 Issue: 9, 103 - 112, 20.01.1998


This article is based on a managing loan portfolio risk with total quality management approach. Managing risk in loan portfolios has become major issue for banks in the last decade. The recent problems of several large banks have been the dramatic examples of inedequate loan risk management. The quality of loan management is an important element in a profitable, soundly run financial institution. There is a direct relationship which exists between the quality of management and loan portfolio risk Managing loan portfolio risk requires a total system of qnality management. This approach will contain within acceptable limits.


  • [1]-S.Wavne LMDER; Total Quality Loan Management (Applving the Principles of TQM to İmprove Lending Performance), Bankers Publishing Company, Chicago, 1993,
  • [2] Edgar M. MORSMAN Jr.; “Effective Loan Maııagemet”, [ 10]-Nivazi BERK; Bankalarda Pazara Yönelik Kredi Robert Morris Associates, Philadelphia 1991. Yönetimi, Esbank Yayınları İstanbul, 1987.
  • [3]-Harrv M. MARKOWITZ; “Portfolio Selectioıı”, The Journal of Finance, March, 1952.
  • [4] Güler ARAŞ; Ticari Bankalarda Kredi Portföyünün Yönetimi; Sermaye Piyasası Kumlu Yayın No: 30, Nisan 1996, Ankara,
  • [5] Morton GLANTZ; Loan Risk Management, Probus Publishing Compaııy, Chicago, 1994, s.353.
  • [6] JohnB. MCCOY, Larry A.FRJEDER, Robert B. HEDGES; Bottom Line Banking, A Bankline Pııblication, Chicago, 1994. s. 293.
  • [7] Robert O.BLOMQUIST; “Managing Loan Portfolio Risk," Edited.By. Willianı W.SEHLER, Classics in Commercial Bank Lending, Robert Morris Associates, Philadelphia, 1985.
  • [8] -JosephF. SINKEY; Commercial Bank Financial Management m the Financial Services Industry, Fourth Edt., McMillian Publishing Company, NewYork, 1992. s.528, Duane B.GRADY, Austin H. SPENCER, Managing Commercial Banks, Preııtice Hail Inc., International Edt. New.Tersev, 1990, s. 457-458.
  • [9] Edward ALTMAN; "Managing the Commercial Lending" Edited by Richard C.ASPINVVALL; Robert A. EISENBEIS; Handbook for Banking Strategy, A.Willey Interscience Pııblication, New York, 1985, s.475.
  • [11] George HEMPEL, Alan B.COLEMAN, Donald G. SIMONSON; Bank Management, John Willey & Sons, NewYork, 1990, s.399-400.
  • [12] Gregory F.UDELL; Loan Qııality, Coımnercial Loan Review and Loan Offıcer Contracting”, Journal of Banking and Finance 13, North -Holland, 1989.
  • [ 13]-Mıchael L.RECKEHEMMER; “Establishmg a Loan Revieıv Department”, Edited By Robert H. BEFIRENS; Commercial Problem Loans, Second Edt., Baııkers Lending Series, Banker Publishing Company, Boston, 1983. s.17,18.
  • [14] Alford SINCLAIR: '‘Monitoring Your Loan Portfolio", Edited.By. Wıllıam W. SİHLER, Classics in Commercial Bank Lending, Vol.2, 1980- 1984, Robert Morris Associates, Philadelphia, 1985, s. 456,457.
  • [15] Fred. C.YEAGER, Neil E.SEITZ; Financial Institution Management, Third Edt. Prentice HallEnglervood Clıffs, NewJersey, 1989,s. 287.
  • [16] -Robert H. BEHRENS: Commercial Problem Loans, Second Edt. Baııkers Lending Series, Baııkers Publishing Company, Boston, 1983, s.30-31., LINDER; s. 222-223.
  • [ 17]-George C.CHRISTY; “Problem Loan Preventation and Management From a Portfolio Point of View”, Journal of Commercial Bank Lending, October, 1988, s. 5.
Year 1998, Volume: 2 Issue: 9, 103 - 112, 20.01.1998



  • [1]-S.Wavne LMDER; Total Quality Loan Management (Applving the Principles of TQM to İmprove Lending Performance), Bankers Publishing Company, Chicago, 1993,
  • [2] Edgar M. MORSMAN Jr.; “Effective Loan Maııagemet”, [ 10]-Nivazi BERK; Bankalarda Pazara Yönelik Kredi Robert Morris Associates, Philadelphia 1991. Yönetimi, Esbank Yayınları İstanbul, 1987.
  • [3]-Harrv M. MARKOWITZ; “Portfolio Selectioıı”, The Journal of Finance, March, 1952.
  • [4] Güler ARAŞ; Ticari Bankalarda Kredi Portföyünün Yönetimi; Sermaye Piyasası Kumlu Yayın No: 30, Nisan 1996, Ankara,
  • [5] Morton GLANTZ; Loan Risk Management, Probus Publishing Compaııy, Chicago, 1994, s.353.
  • [6] JohnB. MCCOY, Larry A.FRJEDER, Robert B. HEDGES; Bottom Line Banking, A Bankline Pııblication, Chicago, 1994. s. 293.
  • [7] Robert O.BLOMQUIST; “Managing Loan Portfolio Risk," Edited.By. Willianı W.SEHLER, Classics in Commercial Bank Lending, Robert Morris Associates, Philadelphia, 1985.
  • [8] -JosephF. SINKEY; Commercial Bank Financial Management m the Financial Services Industry, Fourth Edt., McMillian Publishing Company, NewYork, 1992. s.528, Duane B.GRADY, Austin H. SPENCER, Managing Commercial Banks, Preııtice Hail Inc., International Edt. New.Tersev, 1990, s. 457-458.
  • [9] Edward ALTMAN; "Managing the Commercial Lending" Edited by Richard C.ASPINVVALL; Robert A. EISENBEIS; Handbook for Banking Strategy, A.Willey Interscience Pııblication, New York, 1985, s.475.
  • [11] George HEMPEL, Alan B.COLEMAN, Donald G. SIMONSON; Bank Management, John Willey & Sons, NewYork, 1990, s.399-400.
  • [12] Gregory F.UDELL; Loan Qııality, Coımnercial Loan Review and Loan Offıcer Contracting”, Journal of Banking and Finance 13, North -Holland, 1989.
  • [ 13]-Mıchael L.RECKEHEMMER; “Establishmg a Loan Revieıv Department”, Edited By Robert H. BEFIRENS; Commercial Problem Loans, Second Edt., Baııkers Lending Series, Banker Publishing Company, Boston, 1983. s.17,18.
  • [14] Alford SINCLAIR: '‘Monitoring Your Loan Portfolio", Edited.By. Wıllıam W. SİHLER, Classics in Commercial Bank Lending, Vol.2, 1980- 1984, Robert Morris Associates, Philadelphia, 1985, s. 456,457.
  • [15] Fred. C.YEAGER, Neil E.SEITZ; Financial Institution Management, Third Edt. Prentice HallEnglervood Clıffs, NewJersey, 1989,s. 287.
  • [16] -Robert H. BEHRENS: Commercial Problem Loans, Second Edt. Baııkers Lending Series, Baııkers Publishing Company, Boston, 1983, s.30-31., LINDER; s. 222-223.
  • [ 17]-George C.CHRISTY; “Problem Loan Preventation and Management From a Portfolio Point of View”, Journal of Commercial Bank Lending, October, 1988, s. 5.
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Eski Sayılar

Güler Aras This is me

Publication Date January 20, 1998
Published in Issue Year 1998 Volume: 2 Issue: 9




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