Turkey has had two large scale eartlıquakes in 17 th August and 12'1' November in 1999. 17 thousandspeople dead, some 250 000 remained as homeless, dedared offıcially. Crisis due to the earthquakes had been administered w itli difficulty, because of lack of experience. knotvledge and skills. in order ıo save our children 's life, crisis managament for total education sysem and at school slıould be examined. This study provides some theoretical fındings for crisis management al schools in order to help educational administrators, school principals and teachers to fıııd out what to do before, in and after earthquake to help children and voungsters. Additionally the influence of eartlıquake on teachers were scrutinised with observation and with group interview melhods, have laken place as a pilot study and some suggestions have been produced.