Research Article
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Year 2022, , 443 - 453, 31.12.2022



  • Akkuş, Ö., Varlık, C., Erkan, N., & Mol, S. (2004). Determination of some quality parameters of fishballs prepared from raw and boiled Fish. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 28(1), 79-85.
  • Antonocopoulos, N. (1973). Bestimmung des flüchtigen Basenstickstoofs. In W. Ludorf, & V. Meyer (Eds.), Fische und Fischerzeugnisse (pp. 224-228). Paul Parey.
  • AOAC. (2002a). Moisture content. 950.46. Official methods of analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists.17th ed. Gaithersburg, Maryland.
  • AOAC. (2002b). Crude ptotein 928.08. Official methods of analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists.17th ed. Gaithersburg, Maryland.
  • AOAC. (2002c). Fat content in meat. 960.39. Official methods of analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists.17th ed. Gaithersburg, Maryland.
  • AOAC. (2002d). Ash content in meat. 920.153, Official methods of analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists.17th ed. Gaithersburg, Maryland.
  • AOAC. (2002e). pH 981.12. Official methods of analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists.17th ed. Gaithersburg, Maryland.
  • Boziaris, I. S. (2014). Introduction to seafood processing–assuring quality and safety of seafood. In Boziaris, I. S. (Ed.), Seafood processing technology, quality and safety (pp. 1-8(. Wiley & Blackwell.
  • Çaklı, Ş., Taşkaya, L., Kışla, D., Çelik, U., Ataman, C. A., Cadun, A., & Kılınç, B. (2005). Production and quality of fish fingers from different fish species. European Food Research and Technology, 220, 526-530.
  • Can, Ö. P. (2012). Eugenol katkılı aynalı sazan balığı köftelerinin raf ömrünün belirlenmesi [Shelf life of the determination of carp balls with added eugenol]. Suleyman Demirel University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 16(1), 6-12.
  • Çapkın, K. (2008). Some microbial and chemical changes of fish ball tench (Tinca tinca L., 1758) during conservation in the fridge conditions [M.Sc. Thesis, Afyon Kocatepe University].
  • Cheng, J. H., Sun, D. W., Zeng, X. A., & Liu, D. (2015). Recent advances in methods and techniques for freshness quality determination and evaluation of fish and fish fillets: A review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 55(7), 1012-1225.
  • Church, N. (1998). MAP fish and crustaceans‐sensory enhancement. Food Science and Technology Today, 12, 73–83.
  • Connell, J. J. (1995). Control of fish quality. (4th ed). Fishing News (Books) Ltd.
  • Emir Coban, Ö. (2013). Effect of ginger oil on the sensory and chemical changes of fish finger (Sarda sarda, Heckel 1843) during refrigerated storage. International Food Research Journal, 20(4), 1575-1578.
  • Erol, P., & İlhak, İ. (2015). Effect of sodium lactate and thymol on some microbiological, chemical and sensory attributes of fish patty made from mirror carp meat (Cyprinus carpio L.). Journal of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Erciyes University, 12(3), 153–161.
  • Gökoğlu, N. (1994). Balık köftesinin soğukta depolanması [The cold storage of the fish balls]. Gıda, 19(3), 217-220.
  • Gram, L., & Huss, H. H. (1996). Microbiological spoilage of fish and fish products. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 33(1), 121-137.
  • Gram, L., & Huss, H. H. (2000). Fresh and processed fish and shellfish. In Lundi, B. M., Baird-Parker, T. C., & Gould, G. W. (Eds.), The microbiological safety and quality of food (pp. 472-506). Aspen Press.
  • Gülyavuz, H., & Timur, M. (1991). Sausage production technology from fish meat. Fisheries Symposium. Ege University Fisheries Faculty, İzmir, Turkey, pp. 286-289.
  • Gülyavuz, H., & Ünlüsayın, M., (1999). Su ürünleri işleme teknolojisi [Fish processing technology]. Şahin Matbaası.
  • Harrigan, W. F. (1998). Laboratory methods in food microbiology, (3rd ed). Academic Press.
  • Huss, H. H. (1995). Quality and quality changes in fresh fish. Technical paper: 348, Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. 132 pp.
  • ICMSF. (1986). Microorganisms in foods 2. sampling for microbiological analysis (2nd ed). University of Toronto Press.
  • Izci, L. (2010). Utilization and quality of fish fingers from prussian carp (Carassius gibelio Bloch, 1782). Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 30(4), 207-210.
  • Izci, L., Bilgin, Ş., & Günlü, A. (2011). Production of fish finger from sand smelt (Atherina boyeri, RISSO 1810) and determination of quality changes. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(21), 4464-4469.
  • Kammerer, D. R., Schillmöller, S., Maier, O., Schieber, A., & Carle, R. (2007). Colour stability of canned strawberries using black carrot and elderberry juice concentrates as natural colourants. European Food Research and Technology, 224(6), 667–679.
  • Kılınç, B., Çaklı, S., & Tolasa, S. (2008). Quality changes of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) patties during refrigerated storage. Journal of Food Quality, 31(3), 366-381.
  • Kurtcan, Ü., & Gönül, M. (1987). Scoring method in sensory evaluation of foods. Journal of Ege University Engineering Faculty, Series B, Food Engineering, 5(1), 137-146.
  • Kyrana, V. R., Lougovois, V. P., & Valsamis, D. S. (1997). Assessment of shelf‐life of maricultured gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) stored in ice. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 32, 339–347.
  • Lee, J., Durst, R. W., & Wrolstad, R. E. (2002). Impact of juice processing on blueberry anthocyanins and polyphenolics: Comparison of two pretreatments. Journal of Food Science, 67(5), 1660-1667.
  • Öksüztepe, G., Çoban, Ö. E., & Güran, H. Ş. (2010). The effect of addition of sodium lactate in fish balls made from fresh rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W.). Kafkas University Journal of Veterinary Faculty, 16(Suppl-A), 65-72.
  • Perez-Villarreal, B., & Howgate, P. (1987). Composition of European hake, Merluccius merluccius. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 40, 347–356.
  • Sallam, K. I. (2007). Antimicrobial and antioxidant effects of sodium acetate, sodium lactate, and sodium citrate in refrigerated sliced salmon. Food Control. 18(5), 566–575.
  • Sarma, J., Vidya Sagar Reddy, G., & Srikar, L. N. (2000). Effect of frozen storage on lipids and functional properties of proteins of dressed Indian oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps). Food Research International, 33, 815–820.
  • Simeonidou, S., Govaris, A., & Vareltzis, K. (1998). Quality assessment of seven Mediterranean fish during storage on ice. Food Research International, 30, 479–484.
  • Sinnhuber, R. O., & Yu, T. C. (1958). 2- Thiobarbituric acid method for the measurement of rancidity in fishery products II. The quantitative determination of malonaldehyde. Food Technology, 1, 9-12.
  • Tarladgis, B. G., Watts, B. M., Younathan, M. T., & Dugan, Jr. L. (1960). A distillation method for quantitative determination of malonaldehyde in rancid foods. Journal of American Oil Chemist’s Society, 37, 44-48.
  • Tokur, B. S., Özkütük, E. A., Özyurt, G., & Özyurt, C. E. (2006). Chemical and sensory quality changes of fish fingers made from mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio L., 1758) during frozen storage (-18°C). Food Chemistry, 99(2), 335-341.
  • Turhan, S., Evren, M., & Yazıcı, M. (2001). Shelf-Life of refrigerated raw anchovy (Engraulis encrasicholus) patties, Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 18(3-4), 391-398.
  • Ünlüsayın, M., Bilgin, Ş., İzci, L., & Gülyavuz, H. (2002). The preparation of fish ball from pike perch (Sander lucioperca L. Kottelat, 1997) and tench (Tinca tinca L. 1758) filet cracks and determination of shelf life. Suleyman Demirel University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 6(3), 25-34.
  • Vareltzis, K., Koufidis, D., Gavriilidou, E., Papavergou, E., & Vasiliadou, S. (1997). Effectiveness of a natural rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) extract on the stability of filleted and minced fish during frozen storage. Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung A, 205, 93-96.
  • Varlık, C., Erkan, N., Metin, S., Baygar, T., & Ozden, O. (2000). Marine balık köftesinin raf ömrünün belirlenmesi [Determination of the shelf-life of marinated fish balls]. Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, 24, 593-597.
  • Varlık, C., Mol, S., Baygar, T., & Tosun, Ş. Y. (2007). Su ürünleri işleme teknolojisinin temelleri [Fundamentals of seafood processing technology] Pub. No: 4661. İstanbul University Press.
  • Whittle, K. J., Hardy, R., & Hobbs, G. (1990). Chilled fish and fishery products. In Gormley, T. R. (Ed.), Chilled Foods: The State of the Art (pp. 87-116). Elsevier Applied Science.
  • Yanar, Y., & Fenercioğlu, H. (1999). The utilization of carp (Cyprinus carpio) flesh as fish ball. Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, 23, 361-365.

Determination of Shelf Life During Cold Storage of Fish Fingers Coated Addition of Goji Berry

Year 2022, , 443 - 453, 31.12.2022


The present study was aimed to evaluate shelf life of Pike Barbell (Luciobarbus esocinus Heckel, 1843) experimental samples of fish finger, that ordinarily packed and stored at 4±1°C. Together with the control group, three experimental groups fish finger were obtained with the addition of the goji berry extract into this content by 1% and 2%. According to the findings obtained in this study, it was concluded that fish fingers with goji berry addition had a positive effect on chemical, microbiological and sensory qualities and this study could also establish a basis for many scientific studies with the application of herbal extracts used in experimental samples on various fish products in more different concentration.


  • Akkuş, Ö., Varlık, C., Erkan, N., & Mol, S. (2004). Determination of some quality parameters of fishballs prepared from raw and boiled Fish. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 28(1), 79-85.
  • Antonocopoulos, N. (1973). Bestimmung des flüchtigen Basenstickstoofs. In W. Ludorf, & V. Meyer (Eds.), Fische und Fischerzeugnisse (pp. 224-228). Paul Parey.
  • AOAC. (2002a). Moisture content. 950.46. Official methods of analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists.17th ed. Gaithersburg, Maryland.
  • AOAC. (2002b). Crude ptotein 928.08. Official methods of analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists.17th ed. Gaithersburg, Maryland.
  • AOAC. (2002c). Fat content in meat. 960.39. Official methods of analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists.17th ed. Gaithersburg, Maryland.
  • AOAC. (2002d). Ash content in meat. 920.153, Official methods of analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists.17th ed. Gaithersburg, Maryland.
  • AOAC. (2002e). pH 981.12. Official methods of analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists.17th ed. Gaithersburg, Maryland.
  • Boziaris, I. S. (2014). Introduction to seafood processing–assuring quality and safety of seafood. In Boziaris, I. S. (Ed.), Seafood processing technology, quality and safety (pp. 1-8(. Wiley & Blackwell.
  • Çaklı, Ş., Taşkaya, L., Kışla, D., Çelik, U., Ataman, C. A., Cadun, A., & Kılınç, B. (2005). Production and quality of fish fingers from different fish species. European Food Research and Technology, 220, 526-530.
  • Can, Ö. P. (2012). Eugenol katkılı aynalı sazan balığı köftelerinin raf ömrünün belirlenmesi [Shelf life of the determination of carp balls with added eugenol]. Suleyman Demirel University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 16(1), 6-12.
  • Çapkın, K. (2008). Some microbial and chemical changes of fish ball tench (Tinca tinca L., 1758) during conservation in the fridge conditions [M.Sc. Thesis, Afyon Kocatepe University].
  • Cheng, J. H., Sun, D. W., Zeng, X. A., & Liu, D. (2015). Recent advances in methods and techniques for freshness quality determination and evaluation of fish and fish fillets: A review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 55(7), 1012-1225.
  • Church, N. (1998). MAP fish and crustaceans‐sensory enhancement. Food Science and Technology Today, 12, 73–83.
  • Connell, J. J. (1995). Control of fish quality. (4th ed). Fishing News (Books) Ltd.
  • Emir Coban, Ö. (2013). Effect of ginger oil on the sensory and chemical changes of fish finger (Sarda sarda, Heckel 1843) during refrigerated storage. International Food Research Journal, 20(4), 1575-1578.
  • Erol, P., & İlhak, İ. (2015). Effect of sodium lactate and thymol on some microbiological, chemical and sensory attributes of fish patty made from mirror carp meat (Cyprinus carpio L.). Journal of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Erciyes University, 12(3), 153–161.
  • Gökoğlu, N. (1994). Balık köftesinin soğukta depolanması [The cold storage of the fish balls]. Gıda, 19(3), 217-220.
  • Gram, L., & Huss, H. H. (1996). Microbiological spoilage of fish and fish products. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 33(1), 121-137.
  • Gram, L., & Huss, H. H. (2000). Fresh and processed fish and shellfish. In Lundi, B. M., Baird-Parker, T. C., & Gould, G. W. (Eds.), The microbiological safety and quality of food (pp. 472-506). Aspen Press.
  • Gülyavuz, H., & Timur, M. (1991). Sausage production technology from fish meat. Fisheries Symposium. Ege University Fisheries Faculty, İzmir, Turkey, pp. 286-289.
  • Gülyavuz, H., & Ünlüsayın, M., (1999). Su ürünleri işleme teknolojisi [Fish processing technology]. Şahin Matbaası.
  • Harrigan, W. F. (1998). Laboratory methods in food microbiology, (3rd ed). Academic Press.
  • Huss, H. H. (1995). Quality and quality changes in fresh fish. Technical paper: 348, Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. 132 pp.
  • ICMSF. (1986). Microorganisms in foods 2. sampling for microbiological analysis (2nd ed). University of Toronto Press.
  • Izci, L. (2010). Utilization and quality of fish fingers from prussian carp (Carassius gibelio Bloch, 1782). Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 30(4), 207-210.
  • Izci, L., Bilgin, Ş., & Günlü, A. (2011). Production of fish finger from sand smelt (Atherina boyeri, RISSO 1810) and determination of quality changes. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(21), 4464-4469.
  • Kammerer, D. R., Schillmöller, S., Maier, O., Schieber, A., & Carle, R. (2007). Colour stability of canned strawberries using black carrot and elderberry juice concentrates as natural colourants. European Food Research and Technology, 224(6), 667–679.
  • Kılınç, B., Çaklı, S., & Tolasa, S. (2008). Quality changes of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) patties during refrigerated storage. Journal of Food Quality, 31(3), 366-381.
  • Kurtcan, Ü., & Gönül, M. (1987). Scoring method in sensory evaluation of foods. Journal of Ege University Engineering Faculty, Series B, Food Engineering, 5(1), 137-146.
  • Kyrana, V. R., Lougovois, V. P., & Valsamis, D. S. (1997). Assessment of shelf‐life of maricultured gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) stored in ice. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 32, 339–347.
  • Lee, J., Durst, R. W., & Wrolstad, R. E. (2002). Impact of juice processing on blueberry anthocyanins and polyphenolics: Comparison of two pretreatments. Journal of Food Science, 67(5), 1660-1667.
  • Öksüztepe, G., Çoban, Ö. E., & Güran, H. Ş. (2010). The effect of addition of sodium lactate in fish balls made from fresh rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W.). Kafkas University Journal of Veterinary Faculty, 16(Suppl-A), 65-72.
  • Perez-Villarreal, B., & Howgate, P. (1987). Composition of European hake, Merluccius merluccius. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 40, 347–356.
  • Sallam, K. I. (2007). Antimicrobial and antioxidant effects of sodium acetate, sodium lactate, and sodium citrate in refrigerated sliced salmon. Food Control. 18(5), 566–575.
  • Sarma, J., Vidya Sagar Reddy, G., & Srikar, L. N. (2000). Effect of frozen storage on lipids and functional properties of proteins of dressed Indian oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps). Food Research International, 33, 815–820.
  • Simeonidou, S., Govaris, A., & Vareltzis, K. (1998). Quality assessment of seven Mediterranean fish during storage on ice. Food Research International, 30, 479–484.
  • Sinnhuber, R. O., & Yu, T. C. (1958). 2- Thiobarbituric acid method for the measurement of rancidity in fishery products II. The quantitative determination of malonaldehyde. Food Technology, 1, 9-12.
  • Tarladgis, B. G., Watts, B. M., Younathan, M. T., & Dugan, Jr. L. (1960). A distillation method for quantitative determination of malonaldehyde in rancid foods. Journal of American Oil Chemist’s Society, 37, 44-48.
  • Tokur, B. S., Özkütük, E. A., Özyurt, G., & Özyurt, C. E. (2006). Chemical and sensory quality changes of fish fingers made from mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio L., 1758) during frozen storage (-18°C). Food Chemistry, 99(2), 335-341.
  • Turhan, S., Evren, M., & Yazıcı, M. (2001). Shelf-Life of refrigerated raw anchovy (Engraulis encrasicholus) patties, Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 18(3-4), 391-398.
  • Ünlüsayın, M., Bilgin, Ş., İzci, L., & Gülyavuz, H. (2002). The preparation of fish ball from pike perch (Sander lucioperca L. Kottelat, 1997) and tench (Tinca tinca L. 1758) filet cracks and determination of shelf life. Suleyman Demirel University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 6(3), 25-34.
  • Vareltzis, K., Koufidis, D., Gavriilidou, E., Papavergou, E., & Vasiliadou, S. (1997). Effectiveness of a natural rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) extract on the stability of filleted and minced fish during frozen storage. Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung A, 205, 93-96.
  • Varlık, C., Erkan, N., Metin, S., Baygar, T., & Ozden, O. (2000). Marine balık köftesinin raf ömrünün belirlenmesi [Determination of the shelf-life of marinated fish balls]. Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, 24, 593-597.
  • Varlık, C., Mol, S., Baygar, T., & Tosun, Ş. Y. (2007). Su ürünleri işleme teknolojisinin temelleri [Fundamentals of seafood processing technology] Pub. No: 4661. İstanbul University Press.
  • Whittle, K. J., Hardy, R., & Hobbs, G. (1990). Chilled fish and fishery products. In Gormley, T. R. (Ed.), Chilled Foods: The State of the Art (pp. 87-116). Elsevier Applied Science.
  • Yanar, Y., & Fenercioğlu, H. (1999). The utilization of carp (Cyprinus carpio) flesh as fish ball. Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, 23, 361-365.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Ayşe Gürel İnanlı 0000-0002-2592-6438

Brzo Latif Muhammed Amin This is me 0000-0001-7531-1645

Publication Date December 31, 2022
Submission Date September 14, 2022
Acceptance Date October 27, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Gürel İnanlı, A., & Muhammed Amin, B. L. (2022). Determination of Shelf Life During Cold Storage of Fish Fingers Coated Addition of Goji Berry. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin, 11(4), 443-453.
AMA Gürel İnanlı A, Muhammed Amin BL. Determination of Shelf Life During Cold Storage of Fish Fingers Coated Addition of Goji Berry. Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull. December 2022;11(4):443-453. doi:10.33714/masteb.1175251
Chicago Gürel İnanlı, Ayşe, and Brzo Latif Muhammed Amin. “Determination of Shelf Life During Cold Storage of Fish Fingers Coated Addition of Goji Berry”. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 11, no. 4 (December 2022): 443-53.
EndNote Gürel İnanlı A, Muhammed Amin BL (December 1, 2022) Determination of Shelf Life During Cold Storage of Fish Fingers Coated Addition of Goji Berry. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 11 4 443–453.
IEEE A. Gürel İnanlı and B. L. Muhammed Amin, “Determination of Shelf Life During Cold Storage of Fish Fingers Coated Addition of Goji Berry”, Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull., vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 443–453, 2022, doi: 10.33714/masteb.1175251.
ISNAD Gürel İnanlı, Ayşe - Muhammed Amin, Brzo Latif. “Determination of Shelf Life During Cold Storage of Fish Fingers Coated Addition of Goji Berry”. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 11/4 (December 2022), 443-453.
JAMA Gürel İnanlı A, Muhammed Amin BL. Determination of Shelf Life During Cold Storage of Fish Fingers Coated Addition of Goji Berry. Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull. 2022;11:443–453.
MLA Gürel İnanlı, Ayşe and Brzo Latif Muhammed Amin. “Determination of Shelf Life During Cold Storage of Fish Fingers Coated Addition of Goji Berry”. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin, vol. 11, no. 4, 2022, pp. 443-5, doi:10.33714/masteb.1175251.
Vancouver Gürel İnanlı A, Muhammed Amin BL. Determination of Shelf Life During Cold Storage of Fish Fingers Coated Addition of Goji Berry. Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull. 2022;11(4):443-5.