Research Article
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Seismic Design Criteria for High-Rise Buildings: The Case of İstanbul Metropolis

Year 2024, , 84 - 105, 06.02.2024


In this paper, the effects of the earthquake on high-rise buildings were investigated. The principles that determine earthquake resistance in high-rise buildings are classified as basic, structural, architectural parameters and seismic isolation parameters. In the case study, high-rise buildings in Istanbul, located on active fault lines, were investigated. With the criterion sampling method, fifteen high-rise buildings in the city of Istanbul were determined. The principles of earthquake resistance as a qualitative property of the buildings have been revealed with the method of tracing and observation on the samples in İstanbul metropolis. Quantitative data were obtained by transferring the qualitative data to the percentage ratings. In conclusion, evaluations were made for the application of parameters that are effective in the sufficient strength of high-rise buildings under earthquake loads. It has been determined that factors that increased earthquake resistance, such as technological developments and the use of high-performance concrete, and effective structural and architectural systems are used and constructed in the İstanbul high-rise buildings examined. Moreover, the importance of developing performance-based seismic design methods with technology and expanding the field of earthquake architecture has been demonstrated.


  • Ali, M. M. ve Moon, K. S. (2007). Structural developments in tall buildings: Current trends and future prospects. Architectural Science Review, 50(3), 205-223. doi: 10.3763/asre.2007.5027
  • Aly, A. M. ve Abburu, S. (2015). On the design of high-rise buildings for multihazard: Fundamental differences between wind and earthquake demand. Shock and Vibration, Volume 2015. doi: 10.1155/2015/148681
  • Aly, N. ve Galal, K. (2019). Seismic performance and height limits of ductile reinforced masonry shear wall buildings with boundary elements. Engineering Structures, 190, 171-188. doi: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2019.03.090
  • Arnold, C. (1996). Architectural aspects of seismic resistant design. 11th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Acapulco, Mexico.
  • Aydınoğlu, M. N. (2013). Deprem etkisi altında yüksek binalarda tasarım sorunları. TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası İzmir Şubesi Etkinlikleri, İzmir, Türkiye.
  • Baird, A., Palermo, A., Pampanin, S., Riccio, P. ve Tasligedik, A. S. (2011). Focusing on reducing the earthquake damage to facade systems. Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, 44(2), 108-120. doi: 10.5459/bnzsee.44.2.108-120
  • Barka, A. (2000). The next expected Marmara earthquake. International Istanbul Earthquake Meeting, TUYAP Fuarcılık, İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • Binzet, S., Tüzün, C. ve Erdik, M. (2014). Performance based design of a high rise building based on İstanbul tall building seismic code. 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • Bungale, S. T. (1988). Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Building. New York: The William Byrd Press. USA.
  • Burton, P. W., Qin, C., Akis Tselentis, G. ve Sokos, E. (2004). Extreme earthquake and earthquake perceptibility study in Greece and its surrounding area. Natural Hazards, 32, 277-312. doi: 10.1023/B: NHAZ.0000035545.89097.0d
  • Casciati, F., Rodellar, J. ve Yıldırım, U. (2011). Active and semi-active control of structures: A review of recent advances. 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, (EURODYN), Leuven, Belgium. doi: 10.1177/1045389X12445029
  • Charleson, A. (2007). Architectural Design for Earthquake; A Guide to the Design of Non-Structural Elements. New Zealand: Society for Earthquake Engineering.
  • Charleson, A. (2008). Seismic Design for Architects Outwitting the Quake. Oxford: Architectural Press, Elsevier. UK.
  • Dalgıç, S., Turgut, M., Kuşku, İ., Coşkun, Ç. ve Coşgun, T. (2009). İstanbul’un Avrupa yakasındaki zemin ve kaya koşullarının bina temellerine etkisi. Uygulamalı Yerbilimleri, 2, 47-70.
  • Djedoui, N., Ounis, A., Pinelli, J. P. ve Abdeddaim M. (2017). Hybrid control systems for rigid buildings structures under strong earthquake. Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 18(6), 893-909.
  • Fan, H., Li, Q.S., Tuan, A.Y. ve Lihua, X. (2009). Seismic analysis of the world's tallest building. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 65, 1206-1215. doi: 10.1016/j.jcsr.2008.10.005
  • Garcia, B. (2000). Earthquake Architecture: New Construction Techniques for Earthquake Prevention. Barcelona: Loft Publications, Spain.
  • Golesorkhi, R., Joseph, L., Klemencic, R., Shook, D. ve Vilse, J. (2017). Performance-based seismic design for tall buildings. CTBUH Performance-Based Seismic Design Working Group Technical Guides, USA.
  • Harmankaya, Z. Y. ve Soyluk, A. (2010). Yüksek yapılarda taşıyıcı sistem ve cephe etkileşimi. 5. Ulusal Çatı & Cephe Sempozyumu, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, İzmir.
  • Hussain, S. H. ve Hussain, M. S. (2017). The strategies of architectural design resisting earthquake in tall buildings. Al-Nahrain Journal for Engineering Sciences (NJES), 20(2), 436-445.
  • Ilgın, H. E. ve Günel, M. H. (2008). Yüksek binalarda yanal kuvvetlere karşı strüktürel yaklaşımlar. Dosya, 20-25.
  • İlerisoy, Z. Y. (2019a). Vertical structural irregularities in earthquake codes within the scope of architectural design. Online Journal of Art and Design (OJAD), 7(1), 231-253.
  • İlerisoy, Z. Y. (2019b). Discussion of the structural irregularities in the plan for architectural design within the scope of earthquake codes. Periodica Polytechnica Architecture, 50(1), 50–62. doi: 10.3311/PPar.13040
  • İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi (2017). İstanbul ili, 1/25.000 ölçekli arazi kullanımına esas jeolojik etüt raporu. İBB Deprem ve Zemin İnceleme Müdürlüğü, İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi (2023). (Available at: 10.07.2023).
  • Koç, Y., Gültekin, A.B., Durmuş, G. ve Dikmen Ç.B. (2009). Yüksek yapı tasarımının malzeme ve taşıyıcı sistem kapsamında incelenmesi (Examination of high-rise building design in the context of material and carrier system). 5th International Advanced Technologies Symposium, Karabük, Turkey.
  • Kwon, O. ve Kim, J. (2004). The roles of construction management in super high-rise building projects. Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, CTBUH Conference Proceeding, Seoul, Korea.
  • Maffei, J. ve Yuen, N. (2007). Seismic performance and design requirements for high-rise concrete buildings. Structure, April 2007, 28-31.
  • Mahmoud, S. (2019). Horizontally connected high-rise buildings under earthquake loadings. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 10, 227-241. doi: 10.1016/j.asej.2018.12.007
  • Mezzi, M., Parducci, A. ve Verducci, P. (2004). Architectural and structural configurations of buildings with innovative a seismic system. 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
  • Odabasi, O., Kohrangi, M. ve Bazzurro, P. (2021). Seismic collapse risk of reinforced concrete tall buildings in Istanbul. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 19, 6545-6571.
  • Omrany, H., Ghaffarianhoseini, A., Chang, R., Ghaffarianhoseini, A. ve Rahimian, F. P. (2023). Applications of building information modelling in the early design stage of high-rise buildings. Automation in Construction, 152, 104934, doi: 10.1016/j.autcon.2023.104934
  • Ölgen, B. ve Özker, S. (2020). High-rise buildings in cultural code of İstanbul: Büyükdere Avenue example. 6th International E-Conference on New Trends in Architecture and Interior Design, İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • Özşahin, B. (2022). An assessment of the relation between architectural and structural systems in the design of tall buildings in Turkey. Buildings, 12, 1649. doi: 10.3390/buildings12101649
  • Rahmani, H. R. (2019). Artificial Intelligence Approach for Seismic Control of Structures. PhD Dissertation, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany.
  • Rahmani, H. R. ve Könke, C. (2018). Distributed multiple tuned mass dampers approach for vibration control of high-rise buildings in earthquake. 10th Conference of Engineering Computational Technology, Spain.
  • Rist, V. C. ve Svensson, S. (2016). Methodology for Preliminary Design of High-Rise Buildings. Master’s Dissertation, Lund University, Sweden.
  • Romano, F., Faggella, M., Gigliotti, R., Zucconi, M. ve Ferracuti, B. (2018). Comparative seismic loss analysis of an existing non-ductile RC building based on element fragility functions proposals. Engineering Structures, 177, 707-723. doi: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2018.08.005
  • Sarı, T. (2017). Review on high-rise housing projects in Istanbul: Toward a sustainable architecture. Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering, 1(18), 39-39. doi: 10.5755/j01.sace.18.1.16598
  • Sev, A. ve Başarır, B. (2015). Design criteria for high-rise buildings in historical cities: The case of Istanbul. Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, CTBUH, History, Theory & Criticism, Issue III. 32-37.
  • Sev, A. Özgen, A. ve Başarır, B. (2011). Istanbul: Impact of high-rise buildings on a historic, yet contemporary, city. Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, CTBUH Conference Proceeding, Seoul, Korea.
  • Slak, T. ve Kilar, V. (2007). Earthquake Architecture as an Expression of a Stronger Architectural Identity in Seismic Areas. Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures VI. Southampton; Boston: WIT Press. 93, 73-82.
  • Slak, T. ve Kilar, V. (2008). Assessment of earthquake architecture as a link between architecture and earthquake engineering, Prostor (Zagreb), 2(36), 155-167.
  • Slak, T. ve Kilar, V. (2012). Parameterization and evaluation of seismic resistance within the context of architectural design. Modern Applied Science, 6(7). doi: 10.5539/mas.v6n7p17
  • Taranath, B. S. (1997). Steel, Concrete, and Composite Design of Tall Buildings. McGraw Hill Companies, 2nd Edition, 1-9.
  • Taranath, B. S. (2010). Reinforced Concrete Design of Tall Buildings. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 347-348.
  • Taranath, B.S. (2017). Tall Buildings Design Stell, Concrete and Composite Systems. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 171-173.
  • Wilford, M., Whittaker, A. ve Klemencic, R. (2008). Recommendations for the seismic design of high-rise buildings. A Consensus Document, Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, Seismic Design Working Group, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA.

Yüksek Binaların Depreme Yönelik Tasarım Kriterleri: İstanbul Metropolü Örneği

Year 2024, , 84 - 105, 06.02.2024


Çalışmada, depremin yüksek yapılar üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmış, bu etkilerin yüksek bina tarafından sönümlenmesini destekleyen tasarım ilkeleri üzerinde durulmuştur. Yüksek binalarda deprem dayanımını belirleyen ilkeler temel, strüktürel, mimari parametreler ve sismik yalıtım parametreleri olarak sınıflandırılmış, detaylı araştırmaları yapılmıştır. Alan çalışmasında, aktif fay hatları üzerinde bulunan İstanbul’daki yüksek binalarda incelemeler yapılmıştır. Ölçüt örnekleme yöntemi ile İstanbul kentindeki on beş yüksek bina belirlenmiştir. İstanbul’daki yüksek bina örnekleri üzerinden iz sürme ve gözlem yöntemiyle binaların nitel özelliği olarak depreme dayanıklılık esasları ortaya konulmuştur. Çalışmada nitel veriler sonrası yüzdelik derecelendirmelere aktarılarak nicel veriler elde edilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucunda, yüksek binaların deprem yükleri altında yeterli dayanım göstermesinde etkili olan parametrelerin uygulanmasına yönelik değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır. Teknolojik gelişmeler ve yüksek dayanımlı beton kullanımı gibi deprem dayanımını güçlendiren etmenlerin ve etkili strüktürel ve mimari sistem tasarımlarının, incelenen İstanbul yüksek binalarında kullanıldığı ve uygulandığı tespit edilmiştir. Performansa dayalı sismik tasarım yöntemlerinin teknoloji ile geliştirilmesinin ve deprem mimarlığı alanının yaygınlaştırılmasının önemi açıklanmıştır


Makalede ulusal ve uluslararası araştırma ve yayın etiğine uyulmuştur. Çalışmada etik kurul izni gerekmemiştir.


  • Ali, M. M. ve Moon, K. S. (2007). Structural developments in tall buildings: Current trends and future prospects. Architectural Science Review, 50(3), 205-223. doi: 10.3763/asre.2007.5027
  • Aly, A. M. ve Abburu, S. (2015). On the design of high-rise buildings for multihazard: Fundamental differences between wind and earthquake demand. Shock and Vibration, Volume 2015. doi: 10.1155/2015/148681
  • Aly, N. ve Galal, K. (2019). Seismic performance and height limits of ductile reinforced masonry shear wall buildings with boundary elements. Engineering Structures, 190, 171-188. doi: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2019.03.090
  • Arnold, C. (1996). Architectural aspects of seismic resistant design. 11th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Acapulco, Mexico.
  • Aydınoğlu, M. N. (2013). Deprem etkisi altında yüksek binalarda tasarım sorunları. TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası İzmir Şubesi Etkinlikleri, İzmir, Türkiye.
  • Baird, A., Palermo, A., Pampanin, S., Riccio, P. ve Tasligedik, A. S. (2011). Focusing on reducing the earthquake damage to facade systems. Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, 44(2), 108-120. doi: 10.5459/bnzsee.44.2.108-120
  • Barka, A. (2000). The next expected Marmara earthquake. International Istanbul Earthquake Meeting, TUYAP Fuarcılık, İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • Binzet, S., Tüzün, C. ve Erdik, M. (2014). Performance based design of a high rise building based on İstanbul tall building seismic code. 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • Bungale, S. T. (1988). Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Building. New York: The William Byrd Press. USA.
  • Burton, P. W., Qin, C., Akis Tselentis, G. ve Sokos, E. (2004). Extreme earthquake and earthquake perceptibility study in Greece and its surrounding area. Natural Hazards, 32, 277-312. doi: 10.1023/B: NHAZ.0000035545.89097.0d
  • Casciati, F., Rodellar, J. ve Yıldırım, U. (2011). Active and semi-active control of structures: A review of recent advances. 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, (EURODYN), Leuven, Belgium. doi: 10.1177/1045389X12445029
  • Charleson, A. (2007). Architectural Design for Earthquake; A Guide to the Design of Non-Structural Elements. New Zealand: Society for Earthquake Engineering.
  • Charleson, A. (2008). Seismic Design for Architects Outwitting the Quake. Oxford: Architectural Press, Elsevier. UK.
  • Dalgıç, S., Turgut, M., Kuşku, İ., Coşkun, Ç. ve Coşgun, T. (2009). İstanbul’un Avrupa yakasındaki zemin ve kaya koşullarının bina temellerine etkisi. Uygulamalı Yerbilimleri, 2, 47-70.
  • Djedoui, N., Ounis, A., Pinelli, J. P. ve Abdeddaim M. (2017). Hybrid control systems for rigid buildings structures under strong earthquake. Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 18(6), 893-909.
  • Fan, H., Li, Q.S., Tuan, A.Y. ve Lihua, X. (2009). Seismic analysis of the world's tallest building. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 65, 1206-1215. doi: 10.1016/j.jcsr.2008.10.005
  • Garcia, B. (2000). Earthquake Architecture: New Construction Techniques for Earthquake Prevention. Barcelona: Loft Publications, Spain.
  • Golesorkhi, R., Joseph, L., Klemencic, R., Shook, D. ve Vilse, J. (2017). Performance-based seismic design for tall buildings. CTBUH Performance-Based Seismic Design Working Group Technical Guides, USA.
  • Harmankaya, Z. Y. ve Soyluk, A. (2010). Yüksek yapılarda taşıyıcı sistem ve cephe etkileşimi. 5. Ulusal Çatı & Cephe Sempozyumu, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, İzmir.
  • Hussain, S. H. ve Hussain, M. S. (2017). The strategies of architectural design resisting earthquake in tall buildings. Al-Nahrain Journal for Engineering Sciences (NJES), 20(2), 436-445.
  • Ilgın, H. E. ve Günel, M. H. (2008). Yüksek binalarda yanal kuvvetlere karşı strüktürel yaklaşımlar. Dosya, 20-25.
  • İlerisoy, Z. Y. (2019a). Vertical structural irregularities in earthquake codes within the scope of architectural design. Online Journal of Art and Design (OJAD), 7(1), 231-253.
  • İlerisoy, Z. Y. (2019b). Discussion of the structural irregularities in the plan for architectural design within the scope of earthquake codes. Periodica Polytechnica Architecture, 50(1), 50–62. doi: 10.3311/PPar.13040
  • İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi (2017). İstanbul ili, 1/25.000 ölçekli arazi kullanımına esas jeolojik etüt raporu. İBB Deprem ve Zemin İnceleme Müdürlüğü, İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi (2023). (Available at: 10.07.2023).
  • Koç, Y., Gültekin, A.B., Durmuş, G. ve Dikmen Ç.B. (2009). Yüksek yapı tasarımının malzeme ve taşıyıcı sistem kapsamında incelenmesi (Examination of high-rise building design in the context of material and carrier system). 5th International Advanced Technologies Symposium, Karabük, Turkey.
  • Kwon, O. ve Kim, J. (2004). The roles of construction management in super high-rise building projects. Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, CTBUH Conference Proceeding, Seoul, Korea.
  • Maffei, J. ve Yuen, N. (2007). Seismic performance and design requirements for high-rise concrete buildings. Structure, April 2007, 28-31.
  • Mahmoud, S. (2019). Horizontally connected high-rise buildings under earthquake loadings. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 10, 227-241. doi: 10.1016/j.asej.2018.12.007
  • Mezzi, M., Parducci, A. ve Verducci, P. (2004). Architectural and structural configurations of buildings with innovative a seismic system. 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
  • Odabasi, O., Kohrangi, M. ve Bazzurro, P. (2021). Seismic collapse risk of reinforced concrete tall buildings in Istanbul. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 19, 6545-6571.
  • Omrany, H., Ghaffarianhoseini, A., Chang, R., Ghaffarianhoseini, A. ve Rahimian, F. P. (2023). Applications of building information modelling in the early design stage of high-rise buildings. Automation in Construction, 152, 104934, doi: 10.1016/j.autcon.2023.104934
  • Ölgen, B. ve Özker, S. (2020). High-rise buildings in cultural code of İstanbul: Büyükdere Avenue example. 6th International E-Conference on New Trends in Architecture and Interior Design, İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • Özşahin, B. (2022). An assessment of the relation between architectural and structural systems in the design of tall buildings in Turkey. Buildings, 12, 1649. doi: 10.3390/buildings12101649
  • Rahmani, H. R. (2019). Artificial Intelligence Approach for Seismic Control of Structures. PhD Dissertation, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany.
  • Rahmani, H. R. ve Könke, C. (2018). Distributed multiple tuned mass dampers approach for vibration control of high-rise buildings in earthquake. 10th Conference of Engineering Computational Technology, Spain.
  • Rist, V. C. ve Svensson, S. (2016). Methodology for Preliminary Design of High-Rise Buildings. Master’s Dissertation, Lund University, Sweden.
  • Romano, F., Faggella, M., Gigliotti, R., Zucconi, M. ve Ferracuti, B. (2018). Comparative seismic loss analysis of an existing non-ductile RC building based on element fragility functions proposals. Engineering Structures, 177, 707-723. doi: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2018.08.005
  • Sarı, T. (2017). Review on high-rise housing projects in Istanbul: Toward a sustainable architecture. Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering, 1(18), 39-39. doi: 10.5755/j01.sace.18.1.16598
  • Sev, A. ve Başarır, B. (2015). Design criteria for high-rise buildings in historical cities: The case of Istanbul. Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, CTBUH, History, Theory & Criticism, Issue III. 32-37.
  • Sev, A. Özgen, A. ve Başarır, B. (2011). Istanbul: Impact of high-rise buildings on a historic, yet contemporary, city. Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, CTBUH Conference Proceeding, Seoul, Korea.
  • Slak, T. ve Kilar, V. (2007). Earthquake Architecture as an Expression of a Stronger Architectural Identity in Seismic Areas. Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures VI. Southampton; Boston: WIT Press. 93, 73-82.
  • Slak, T. ve Kilar, V. (2008). Assessment of earthquake architecture as a link between architecture and earthquake engineering, Prostor (Zagreb), 2(36), 155-167.
  • Slak, T. ve Kilar, V. (2012). Parameterization and evaluation of seismic resistance within the context of architectural design. Modern Applied Science, 6(7). doi: 10.5539/mas.v6n7p17
  • Taranath, B. S. (1997). Steel, Concrete, and Composite Design of Tall Buildings. McGraw Hill Companies, 2nd Edition, 1-9.
  • Taranath, B. S. (2010). Reinforced Concrete Design of Tall Buildings. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 347-348.
  • Taranath, B.S. (2017). Tall Buildings Design Stell, Concrete and Composite Systems. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 171-173.
  • Wilford, M., Whittaker, A. ve Klemencic, R. (2008). Recommendations for the seismic design of high-rise buildings. A Consensus Document, Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, Seismic Design Working Group, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Architecture for Disaster Relief, Materials and Technology in Architecture
Journal Section Research Articles

Muammer Yaman 0000-0002-8767-4811

Zeynep Yeşim İlerisoy 0000-0003-1903-9119

Early Pub Date February 6, 2024
Publication Date February 6, 2024
Submission Date July 14, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Yaman, M., & İlerisoy, Z. Y. (2024). Yüksek Binaların Depreme Yönelik Tasarım Kriterleri: İstanbul Metropolü Örneği. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 9(Special Issue), 84-105.