Research Article
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Symbiotic Synergy: Exploring Waterfront Architecture Theory, Rural Areas, and Environmental Harmony

Year 2024, , 387 - 406, 30.07.2024


This research explores the complex interplay between theories of waterfront architecture, rural landscapes, and equilibrium in the environment. The simultaneous presence of constructed urban areas and natural environments holds significant significance in a time characterized by swift urbanization. This project aims to investigate architectural strategies that facilitate a balanced and mutually beneficial relationship between human settlements and the natural environment, specifically focusing on rural waterfront locations. By thoroughly examining case studies and theoretical frameworks, this study aims to identify novel design strategies that effectively integrate with the environment and simultaneously meet the community's demands. This research contributes to understanding how architectural interventions may effectively integrate with and enhance the natural environment in rural waterfront areas. It achieves this through a multidisciplinary approach incorporating architecture, environment, and socio-cultural dynamics perspectives. The findings of this study have the potential to guide future design approaches, promoting the development of landscapes that are environmentally sustainable and culturally dynamic. The study's ultimate ambition is to create landscapes in which waterfront architecture demonstrates respect for environmental processes and actively nurtures them. This approach aims to result in the development of resilient and prosperous rural communities.


  • Ahern, J. (2011). From fail-safe to safe-to-fail: Sustainability and resilience in the new urban world. Landscape and Urban Planning, 100(4), 341-343.
  • Akın, Ö., & Demir, M. (2021). Evaluation of Ergonomy criteria of urban reinforcement elements in coastal band of Karamürsel District. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 6(1), 268-287.
  • Al Ansari, F. (2009). Public open space on the transforming urban waterfronts of Bahrain : the case of Manama City. Newcastle University.
  • Arnoldi, M. J. (2014). Cultural patrimony and heritage management in Mali: The old towns of Djenné and the Sanké Mon Festival. Africa Today, 61(1), 47-67.
  • Avni, N., & Fischler, R. (2019). Social and environmental justice in waterfront redevelopment: The Anacostia River, Washington, D.C. Urban Affairs Review, 56(6), 1779-1810.
  • Avni, N., & Teschner, N. (2019). Urban waterfronts: Contemporary streams of planning conflicts. Journal of Planning Literature, 34(4), 408-420.
  • Berman, M., & Center for Coastal Resources Management, Virginia Institute of Marine Science. (2003). Waterfront Development and Potential Impacts to Aquatic Habitat A Planning Tool for Evaluating Resource Sensitivity. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary. 5v14
  • Bonney, P., Reeves, J., & Yarnda, T. C. (2023). Navigating Local Pathways to Sustainability Through Environmental Stewardship: A Case Study in East Gippsland, Australia. In B. Edmondson, Sustainability Transformations, Social Transitions and Environmental Accountabilities. Palgrave Studies in Environmental Transformation, Transition and Accountability (pp. 231–263). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. 18268-6_9
  • Borggren, J., & Ström, P. (2014). On the waterfront: Studying the development of residences and workplaces at Norra Älvstranden, Gothenburg, Sweden. Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit, 29(4-5), 429-452.
  • Brückner, A., Falkenberg, T., Heinzel, C., & Kistemann, T. (2022). The regeneration of urban blue spaces: A public health ıntervention? Reviewing the Evidence. Frontiers in Public Health, 9 (782101).
  • Chen, L., & Ma, Y. (2023). How do ecological and recreational features of waterfront space affect ıts vitality? Developing coupling coordination and enhancing waterfront vitality. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(2), 1196.
  • Cialdea, D., & Pompei, C. (2022). The waterfront development in Europe: Between planning and urban design sustainability. In C. Piselli, H. Altan, O. Balaban, & P. Kremer, Innovating Strategies and Solutions for Urban Performance and Regeneration. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation, pp. 49–60. Cham: Springer.
  • Clifford, G. (2022). Retrieved March 23, 2024, from Accessibility on the Outer Banks:
  • Dal Cin, F., Hooimeijer, F., & Matos Silva, M. (2021). Planning the urban waterfront transformation, from ınfrastructures to public space design in a sea-level Rise Scenario: The European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture Case. Water, 13, 218.
  • Doka, S. E., Minns, C. K., Valere, B. G., Cooke, S. J., Portiss, R. J., Sciscione, T. F., & Rose, A. (2022). An ecological accounting system for ıntegrated aquatic planning and habitat banking with case study on the Toronto Waterfront, Ontario, Canada. Environmental Management, 69, 952–971.
  • Dova, E., Sivitanidou, A., Anastasi, N. R., & Tzortzi, J. G. (2022). A mega-event in a small city: community participation, heritage and scale in the case of Pafos 2017 European Capital of Culture. European Planning Studies, 30, 457-477.
  • Edgell, D. L., & McCormick, C. E. (2011). Understanding climate change and ımpacts on tourism ın the outer banks of North Carolina. Travel and Tourism Research Association: Advancing Tourism Research Globally, (p. 76). Retrieved March 23, 2024, from
  • Feng, L., & Ma, X. (2018). Study on plan of rural waterfront greenway in Beijing based on valley economy. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 108, 042121.
  • Fernandes, A., de Sousa, J. F., & Salvador, R. (2017). The cultural heritage in the postindustrial waterfront: A case study of the south Bank of the Tagus Estuary, Portugal. Space and Culture, 21(2), 170-191.
  • Fumagalli, N., Colombo, C., Ferrario, P. S., Senes, G., & Toccolini, A. (2014). Suburban waterfront with ecological and recreational function: planning based on network analysis. ournal of Agricultural Engineering, 44(4), 141– 152.
  • Gallo, E., Freitas Setti, A. F., Ruprecht, T., Xavier Sobrinho, F., Finamore, P., Shubo, T., & Xavier Martins Pontual Machado, G. C. (2016). Territorial Solutions, Governance and Climate Change: Ecological Sanitation at Praia do Sono, Paraty, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In W. Leal Filho, U. Azeiteiro, & F. Alves, Climate Change and Health. Climate Change Management, pp. 515–532. Springer, Cham.
  • Garcia, P. R. (2021). The Lisbon Waterfront: Perspectives on resilience in the transition from the twentieth to the twenty-first century. Journal of Urban History, 47(2), 373–388.
  • Girard, L. F., Kourtit, K., & Nijkamp, P. (2014). Waterfront areas as hotspots of sustainable and creative development of cities. Sustainability, 6(7), 4580-4586.
  • Green, S. (2023). Reconnecting Communities to the River: Exploring Barriers to Benefits of a Restored Waterfront in a Post-Industrial Community. University of Minnesota ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
  • Gustavo Carvalhaes, X. M., Tania M DE, F. B., Carrera, L., & Gallo, E. (2018). Environmental educommunication and ecology of knowledge in the Caiçara Community of Praia do Sono, Paraty, RJ, Brazil. The International Journal of Sustainability Policy and Practice, 13(4), 15-31.
  • Guvenbas, G., & Polay, M. (2020). Post-occupancy evaluation: A diagnostic tool to establish and sustain inclusive access in Kyrenia Town Centre. Indoor and Built Environment, 30(10), 1620-1642.
  • Hall, P. V., & Stern, P. R. (2014). Implicating waterfronts in regional sustainability. Local Environment, 19(6), 591- 604.
  • Hoyle, B. (1999). Scale and sustainability: The role of community groups in Canadian port-city waterfront change. Journal of Transport Geography, 7, 65-78.
  • Hu, X., Zou, X., & Fan, H. (2023). Analysis of landscape influencing factors of urban waterfront greenways based on the scenic beauty estimation method, taking Tongjian Lake in Hangzhou as an example. Front. Earth Sci., 11(1211775).
  • Ingelmo, I. A. (2013). Design and development of a sustainable tourism ındicator based on human activities analysis in Inle Lake, Myanmar. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 103, 262-272.
  • Jun, J. (2023). Towards sustainable urban riverfront redevelopment: Adaptability as a design strategy for the Hangang Riverfront in Seoul. Sustainability, 15(12), 9207.
  • Kantartzis, A. (2015). Alternative Sustainable Green Infrastructure Planning: Reorganizing Urban Waterfront Resilient Mediterranean Landscapes Via an Innovative ‘Greenways - Green Walls - Green Roofs’ Integrated System. The Case of Igoumenitsa, Greece. In Resilient Landscapes for Cities of the Future (pp. 169-176). UNISCAPE En-Route, University of Camerino; School of Architecture and Design SAAD.
  • Karki, S., Thandar, A. M., Uddin, K., Tun, S., Aye, W. M., Aryal, K., . . . Chettri, N. (2018). Impact of land use land cover change on ecosystem services: a comparative analysis on observed data and people’s perception in Inle Lake, Myanmar. Environmental Systems Research, 7(25).
  • Kathijotes, N. (2013). Keynote: Blue economy - environmental and behavioural aspects towards sustainable coastal development. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 101, 7-13.
  • Liang, J., Gu, J., & Qiao, N. (2020). Ecological remote sensing image monitoring method for vegetation destruction in waterfront greenway based on genetic algorithm. Global NEST Journal, 22(4), 535-543.
  • Maiga, F. (2017). Vernacular architecture and its applicability in contemporary building design in hot and arid climate: Case study of national park of Mali. Yaşar Üniversitesi.
  • Mao, M., & Wenyan, Z. (2021). Research and practice of agricultural cultural tourism and vernacular landscape design under the background of rural revitalization: A case study of jinse time agricultural park in fu'an village, dianjun district, yichang. Journal of Landscape Research, 13(6), 37-42,47. 989x.2021.6.009
  • Md Yassin, A. B., Eves, A. C., & McDonagh, J. (2010). An evolution of waterfront development in Malaysia. Proceedings of the 16th annual conference of the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society. Wellington, New Zealand: Pacific Rim Real Estate Society. Retrieved from
  • Moore, K. R. (2016). Public Engagement in Environmental Impact Studies: A Case Study of Professional Communication in Transportation Planning. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 59(3), 245-260.
  • Naing Oo, H., Sutheerawatthana, P., & Minato, T. (2010). Comparison of Information Dissemination Methods in Inle Lake: A Lesson for Reconsidering Framework for Environmental Education Strategies. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 9(1), 58-74.
  • Niedziółka, K. R., Grochulska-Salak, M., & Maciejewska, E. (2021). Resilience of riverside areas as an element of the green deal strategy – Evaluation of waterfront models in relation to re-urbanization and the city landscape of Warsaw. Desalination and Water Treatment, 232, 357–371. 10.5004/dwt.2021.27588
  • Onen, M. (2007). Examination Rivers’ Recreational Potential as an Urban Coastal Space: Case Study, Eskisehir Porsuk Creek and Istanbul Kurbagalidere. Istanbul: Istanbul Technical University.
  • Padilha, M. d. (2016). Tourism, heritage and socio-spatial historical cities transformations. The case of Paraty. Rosa dos Ventos, 8(4), 435-450.
  • Petti, L., Greco, D., Mammone, A., & Di Muro, C. (2018). New multi-scale risk governance and management approach of natural, cultural and artistic preserved areas: the case studies of the Amalfi Coast and the Cilento National Park (Italy). 8th International Conference on Building Resilience. Lisbon, Portugal. Retrieved from 1608636773=&response-content- disposition=inline%3B+filename%3D8th_ICBR_Lisbon_2018_Book_of_Papers.pdf&Expires=1711278393&Signatur e=YcCb4xTXgn4Vwi11-VVzUVjPkkzT3t
  • Re, V., Thin, M., Tringali, C., Mya, M., Destefanis, E., & Sacchi, E. (2021). Laying the groundwork for raising awareness on water-related issues with a socio-hydrogeological approach: The Inle Lake case study (Southern Shan State, Myanmar). Water, 13, 2434.
  • Sacko, O. (2021). The involvement of local communities in the conservation process of earthen architecture in the Sahel-Sahara region – the case of Djenné, Mali. Built Heritage, 5(26). 00040-y
  • Schreurs, G., Scheerlinck, K., & Gheysen, M. (2023). The local socio-economic impact of improved waterborne public transportation. The case of the New York City ferry service. Journal of Urban Mobility, 3, 100042.
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Simbiyotik Sinerji: Kıyı Mimarisi Teorisini, Kırsal Alanları ve Çevresel Uyumu Keşfetmek

Year 2024, , 387 - 406, 30.07.2024


Bu araştırma, kıyı mimarisi teorileri, kırsal manzaralar ve çevresel denge arasındaki karmaşık etkileşimi araştırıyor. Hızlı kentleşmenin yaşandığı bir dönemde, inşa edilmiş kentsel alanların ve doğal çevrelerin bir arada bulunması büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışma, özellikle kırsal kıyı konumlarına odaklanarak, insan yerleşimleri ile doğal çevre arasında dengeli ve karşılıklı yarar sağlayan bir ilişkiyi kolaylaştıran mimari stratejileri araştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışma, vaka çalışmalarını ve teorik çerçeveleri kapsamlı bir şekilde inceleyerek, çevreyle etkili bir şekilde bütünleşen ve aynı anda topluluğun taleplerini karşılayan yeni tasarım stratejilerini belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu araştırma, mimari müdahalelerin kırsal kıyı alanlarındaki doğal çevreyle nasıl etkili bir şekilde bütünleşebileceğini ve onu geliştirebileceğini anlamaya katkıda bulunmayı hedeflemektedir. Bunu mimarlık, çevre ve sosyo-kültürel dinamikler perspektiflerini birleştiren multidisipliner bir yaklaşımla başarmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın bulguları, çevresel olarak sürdürülebilir ve kültürel açıdan dinamik peyzajların gelişimini teşvik ederek gelecekteki tasarım yaklaşımlarına rehberlik etme potansiyeline sahiptir. Çalışmanın nihai amacı, kıyı mimarisinin çevresel süreçlere saygı gösterdiği ve onları aktif olarak beslediği peyzajlar yaratmaktaki uygun yaklaşımları tespit etmektir. Bu yaklaşım, dirençli ve müreffeh kırsal toplulukların gelişmesine yol açmayı amaçlamaktadır.


  • Ahern, J. (2011). From fail-safe to safe-to-fail: Sustainability and resilience in the new urban world. Landscape and Urban Planning, 100(4), 341-343.
  • Akın, Ö., & Demir, M. (2021). Evaluation of Ergonomy criteria of urban reinforcement elements in coastal band of Karamürsel District. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 6(1), 268-287.
  • Al Ansari, F. (2009). Public open space on the transforming urban waterfronts of Bahrain : the case of Manama City. Newcastle University.
  • Arnoldi, M. J. (2014). Cultural patrimony and heritage management in Mali: The old towns of Djenné and the Sanké Mon Festival. Africa Today, 61(1), 47-67.
  • Avni, N., & Fischler, R. (2019). Social and environmental justice in waterfront redevelopment: The Anacostia River, Washington, D.C. Urban Affairs Review, 56(6), 1779-1810.
  • Avni, N., & Teschner, N. (2019). Urban waterfronts: Contemporary streams of planning conflicts. Journal of Planning Literature, 34(4), 408-420.
  • Berman, M., & Center for Coastal Resources Management, Virginia Institute of Marine Science. (2003). Waterfront Development and Potential Impacts to Aquatic Habitat A Planning Tool for Evaluating Resource Sensitivity. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary. 5v14
  • Bonney, P., Reeves, J., & Yarnda, T. C. (2023). Navigating Local Pathways to Sustainability Through Environmental Stewardship: A Case Study in East Gippsland, Australia. In B. Edmondson, Sustainability Transformations, Social Transitions and Environmental Accountabilities. Palgrave Studies in Environmental Transformation, Transition and Accountability (pp. 231–263). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. 18268-6_9
  • Borggren, J., & Ström, P. (2014). On the waterfront: Studying the development of residences and workplaces at Norra Älvstranden, Gothenburg, Sweden. Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit, 29(4-5), 429-452.
  • Brückner, A., Falkenberg, T., Heinzel, C., & Kistemann, T. (2022). The regeneration of urban blue spaces: A public health ıntervention? Reviewing the Evidence. Frontiers in Public Health, 9 (782101).
  • Chen, L., & Ma, Y. (2023). How do ecological and recreational features of waterfront space affect ıts vitality? Developing coupling coordination and enhancing waterfront vitality. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(2), 1196.
  • Cialdea, D., & Pompei, C. (2022). The waterfront development in Europe: Between planning and urban design sustainability. In C. Piselli, H. Altan, O. Balaban, & P. Kremer, Innovating Strategies and Solutions for Urban Performance and Regeneration. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation, pp. 49–60. Cham: Springer.
  • Clifford, G. (2022). Retrieved March 23, 2024, from Accessibility on the Outer Banks:
  • Dal Cin, F., Hooimeijer, F., & Matos Silva, M. (2021). Planning the urban waterfront transformation, from ınfrastructures to public space design in a sea-level Rise Scenario: The European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture Case. Water, 13, 218.
  • Doka, S. E., Minns, C. K., Valere, B. G., Cooke, S. J., Portiss, R. J., Sciscione, T. F., & Rose, A. (2022). An ecological accounting system for ıntegrated aquatic planning and habitat banking with case study on the Toronto Waterfront, Ontario, Canada. Environmental Management, 69, 952–971.
  • Dova, E., Sivitanidou, A., Anastasi, N. R., & Tzortzi, J. G. (2022). A mega-event in a small city: community participation, heritage and scale in the case of Pafos 2017 European Capital of Culture. European Planning Studies, 30, 457-477.
  • Edgell, D. L., & McCormick, C. E. (2011). Understanding climate change and ımpacts on tourism ın the outer banks of North Carolina. Travel and Tourism Research Association: Advancing Tourism Research Globally, (p. 76). Retrieved March 23, 2024, from
  • Feng, L., & Ma, X. (2018). Study on plan of rural waterfront greenway in Beijing based on valley economy. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 108, 042121.
  • Fernandes, A., de Sousa, J. F., & Salvador, R. (2017). The cultural heritage in the postindustrial waterfront: A case study of the south Bank of the Tagus Estuary, Portugal. Space and Culture, 21(2), 170-191.
  • Fumagalli, N., Colombo, C., Ferrario, P. S., Senes, G., & Toccolini, A. (2014). Suburban waterfront with ecological and recreational function: planning based on network analysis. ournal of Agricultural Engineering, 44(4), 141– 152.
  • Gallo, E., Freitas Setti, A. F., Ruprecht, T., Xavier Sobrinho, F., Finamore, P., Shubo, T., & Xavier Martins Pontual Machado, G. C. (2016). Territorial Solutions, Governance and Climate Change: Ecological Sanitation at Praia do Sono, Paraty, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In W. Leal Filho, U. Azeiteiro, & F. Alves, Climate Change and Health. Climate Change Management, pp. 515–532. Springer, Cham.
  • Garcia, P. R. (2021). The Lisbon Waterfront: Perspectives on resilience in the transition from the twentieth to the twenty-first century. Journal of Urban History, 47(2), 373–388.
  • Girard, L. F., Kourtit, K., & Nijkamp, P. (2014). Waterfront areas as hotspots of sustainable and creative development of cities. Sustainability, 6(7), 4580-4586.
  • Green, S. (2023). Reconnecting Communities to the River: Exploring Barriers to Benefits of a Restored Waterfront in a Post-Industrial Community. University of Minnesota ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
  • Gustavo Carvalhaes, X. M., Tania M DE, F. B., Carrera, L., & Gallo, E. (2018). Environmental educommunication and ecology of knowledge in the Caiçara Community of Praia do Sono, Paraty, RJ, Brazil. The International Journal of Sustainability Policy and Practice, 13(4), 15-31.
  • Guvenbas, G., & Polay, M. (2020). Post-occupancy evaluation: A diagnostic tool to establish and sustain inclusive access in Kyrenia Town Centre. Indoor and Built Environment, 30(10), 1620-1642.
  • Hall, P. V., & Stern, P. R. (2014). Implicating waterfronts in regional sustainability. Local Environment, 19(6), 591- 604.
  • Hoyle, B. (1999). Scale and sustainability: The role of community groups in Canadian port-city waterfront change. Journal of Transport Geography, 7, 65-78.
  • Hu, X., Zou, X., & Fan, H. (2023). Analysis of landscape influencing factors of urban waterfront greenways based on the scenic beauty estimation method, taking Tongjian Lake in Hangzhou as an example. Front. Earth Sci., 11(1211775).
  • Ingelmo, I. A. (2013). Design and development of a sustainable tourism ındicator based on human activities analysis in Inle Lake, Myanmar. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 103, 262-272.
  • Jun, J. (2023). Towards sustainable urban riverfront redevelopment: Adaptability as a design strategy for the Hangang Riverfront in Seoul. Sustainability, 15(12), 9207.
  • Kantartzis, A. (2015). Alternative Sustainable Green Infrastructure Planning: Reorganizing Urban Waterfront Resilient Mediterranean Landscapes Via an Innovative ‘Greenways - Green Walls - Green Roofs’ Integrated System. The Case of Igoumenitsa, Greece. In Resilient Landscapes for Cities of the Future (pp. 169-176). UNISCAPE En-Route, University of Camerino; School of Architecture and Design SAAD.
  • Karki, S., Thandar, A. M., Uddin, K., Tun, S., Aye, W. M., Aryal, K., . . . Chettri, N. (2018). Impact of land use land cover change on ecosystem services: a comparative analysis on observed data and people’s perception in Inle Lake, Myanmar. Environmental Systems Research, 7(25).
  • Kathijotes, N. (2013). Keynote: Blue economy - environmental and behavioural aspects towards sustainable coastal development. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 101, 7-13.
  • Liang, J., Gu, J., & Qiao, N. (2020). Ecological remote sensing image monitoring method for vegetation destruction in waterfront greenway based on genetic algorithm. Global NEST Journal, 22(4), 535-543.
  • Maiga, F. (2017). Vernacular architecture and its applicability in contemporary building design in hot and arid climate: Case study of national park of Mali. Yaşar Üniversitesi.
  • Mao, M., & Wenyan, Z. (2021). Research and practice of agricultural cultural tourism and vernacular landscape design under the background of rural revitalization: A case study of jinse time agricultural park in fu'an village, dianjun district, yichang. Journal of Landscape Research, 13(6), 37-42,47. 989x.2021.6.009
  • Md Yassin, A. B., Eves, A. C., & McDonagh, J. (2010). An evolution of waterfront development in Malaysia. Proceedings of the 16th annual conference of the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society. Wellington, New Zealand: Pacific Rim Real Estate Society. Retrieved from
  • Moore, K. R. (2016). Public Engagement in Environmental Impact Studies: A Case Study of Professional Communication in Transportation Planning. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 59(3), 245-260.
  • Naing Oo, H., Sutheerawatthana, P., & Minato, T. (2010). Comparison of Information Dissemination Methods in Inle Lake: A Lesson for Reconsidering Framework for Environmental Education Strategies. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 9(1), 58-74.
  • Niedziółka, K. R., Grochulska-Salak, M., & Maciejewska, E. (2021). Resilience of riverside areas as an element of the green deal strategy – Evaluation of waterfront models in relation to re-urbanization and the city landscape of Warsaw. Desalination and Water Treatment, 232, 357–371. 10.5004/dwt.2021.27588
  • Onen, M. (2007). Examination Rivers’ Recreational Potential as an Urban Coastal Space: Case Study, Eskisehir Porsuk Creek and Istanbul Kurbagalidere. Istanbul: Istanbul Technical University.
  • Padilha, M. d. (2016). Tourism, heritage and socio-spatial historical cities transformations. The case of Paraty. Rosa dos Ventos, 8(4), 435-450.
  • Petti, L., Greco, D., Mammone, A., & Di Muro, C. (2018). New multi-scale risk governance and management approach of natural, cultural and artistic preserved areas: the case studies of the Amalfi Coast and the Cilento National Park (Italy). 8th International Conference on Building Resilience. Lisbon, Portugal. Retrieved from 1608636773=&response-content- disposition=inline%3B+filename%3D8th_ICBR_Lisbon_2018_Book_of_Papers.pdf&Expires=1711278393&Signatur e=YcCb4xTXgn4Vwi11-VVzUVjPkkzT3t
  • Re, V., Thin, M., Tringali, C., Mya, M., Destefanis, E., & Sacchi, E. (2021). Laying the groundwork for raising awareness on water-related issues with a socio-hydrogeological approach: The Inle Lake case study (Southern Shan State, Myanmar). Water, 13, 2434.
  • Sacko, O. (2021). The involvement of local communities in the conservation process of earthen architecture in the Sahel-Sahara region – the case of Djenné, Mali. Built Heritage, 5(26). 00040-y
  • Schreurs, G., Scheerlinck, K., & Gheysen, M. (2023). The local socio-economic impact of improved waterborne public transportation. The case of the New York City ferry service. Journal of Urban Mobility, 3, 100042.
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There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Environmental Management (Other), Land Use and Environmental Planning, Regional Analysis and Development, City and Regional Planning
Journal Section Research Articles

Doğa Üzümcüoğlu 0000-0001-8968-5103

Publication Date July 30, 2024
Submission Date October 17, 2023
Acceptance Date June 18, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Üzümcüoğlu, D. (2024). Symbiotic Synergy: Exploring Waterfront Architecture Theory, Rural Areas, and Environmental Harmony. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 9(1), 387-406.