BIM Eğitiminde Model Tabanlı Öğrenme Ortamının Örnek Çalışmalar Üzerinden Oluşturulması
Year 2024,
, 1129 - 1148, 26.12.2024
Semih Göksel Yıldırım
Dünya genelinde inşaat sektöründe artan talep üzerine üniversitelerin BIM eğitimine olan ilgisi artmış ve müfredat geliştirme çalışmaları hız kazanmıştır. Önceki çalışmalar incelendiğinde, yeni bir BIM dersi müfredatı oluşturulurken bazı zorluklar olduğu görülmüştür. Özellikle dersin uygulama kısmının yürütülmesine dair eğitmenin yetkinliği ve ödev içeriklerinin oluşturulması ana problemi oluşturmaktadır. Örnek çalışmaların geliştirilmesi ile dersin eğitmeninin BIM yetkinliğinin sağlanması ve dersin uygulama kısmında kullanılabilecek ders materyallerinin elde edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, bir BIM müfredatının geliştirilmesi için ders içeriğinin nasıl tasarlandığı örnek çalışmalar üzerinden açıklanmaktadır. Farklı bina programlarından oluşan örnek çalışmalar BIM olgunluk seviyesi açısından değerlendirilmekte ve karşılaştırılmaktadır. Üretilen ders materyalleri, bir dönemlik bir yüksek lisans dersinde her yıl tekrar ederek uygulamaya geçirilmiş ve öğrenci anketi ile test edilmektedir. BIM' in karmaşık yapısı, üretilen model tabanlı öğrenme ortamı üzerinden anlatılmaya çalışılmıştır. Öğrenci anketi ile elde edilen bulgular üzerinden öğrenme ortamına ilişkin değerlendirme yapılarak, geleceğe yönelik projeksiyon ortaya konmaya çalışılmaktadır.
- Abbas, A., Din, Z. U. & Farooqui, R. (2016). Integration of BIM in construction management education: an overview of Pakistani Engineering universities. Procedia Engineering, Elsevier, 145, 151 – 157. ISSN: 1877-7058. Access Address (01.03.2024): pii/S1877705816300388?via%3Dihub
- Abdirad, H. & Dossick, C. S. (2016). BIM curriculum design in architecture,
engineering, and construction education: a systematic review. Journal
of Information Technology in Construction, 21, 250-271. ISSN: 1874-4753.
Access Address (21.03.2024):
- Ambrose, M. A. (2012). Agent provocateur – BIM in the academic design
studio. International Journal of Architectural Computing, 10 (1), 53-66.
doi:10.1260/1478-0771.10.1.53. Access Address (15.03.2024):
- Ao, Y., Peng, P. , Li, J., Li, M., Bahmani, H. & Wang T. (2022).What
determines BIM competition results of undergraduate students in the
architecture, engineering and construction industry? Behavioral
Sciences, 12 (10), 360. ISSN: 2076-328X.
Access Address (07.03.2024):
- Arnett, M. K. P. & Quadrato, C. E. (2012). Building information modeling:
design instruction by integration into an undergraduate curriculum.
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas. ISSN:
2153-5965. doi:10.18260/1-2—21036. Access Address (21.03.2024):
- Arrotéia, A. V., Paes, D., Irizarry, J. & Melhado, S. B. (2018). A comparative
diagnosis of students’ proficiency in BIM in construction-related
graduate programs in Brazil and in the United States. SIGraDi2022, 22th
Conference of the IberoAmerrican Society of Digital Graphics, Peru.
doi:10.5151/sigradi2018-1367. Access Address (07.03.2024):
- Baldessin, G. Q., Vaz, M. M., Medeiros, G. L. & Fabricio, M. M. (2020).
Modeling of steel and precast concrete components based on BIM
systems and their application for the teaching of architectural design.
24th International Conference of the IberoAmerican Society of Digital
Graphics, Medellín, Colombia. doi:10.5151/sigradi2020-90. Access
Address (05.03.2024):
- Barison, M. B., Paulo, S. & Santos, E. T. (2010). Review and analysis of
current strategies for planning a BIM curriculum. CIB W78; 27th
International Conference, Cairo, Egypt. Access Address (07.03.2024):
- Barison, M. B. & Santos, E. T. (2011). BIM teaching: current international
trends. Gestão e Tecnologia de Projetos, 6 (2), 67-80. ISSN: 19811543.
doi:10.4237/gtp.v6i2.218. Access Address (21.03.2024):
- Barison, M. B. & Santos, E. T. (2013). Educational activities for the
teaching-learning of BIM. 1st International BIM Conference, Porto,
Portugal. Access Address (01.03.2024): https://www.
- Barlish, K & Sullivan, K. (2012). How to measure the benefits of BIM – a
case study approach. Automation in Construction, (24), pp. 149-159.
- Berwald, S. (2008). From CAD to BIM: the experience of architectural
education with building information modeling. AEI Conference 2008:
Cuilding Integration Solutions, Denver, Colorado.
doi:10.1061/41002(328)8. Access Address (30.03.2024): 41002%28328%298
- Charlesraj, V. P. C., Sawhney, A., Singh, M. M. & Sreekumar, A. (2015). BIM
Studio - an immersive curricular tool for construction project
management education. 2015 Proceedings of the 32nd ISARC, Oulu,
Finland. ISSN 2413-5844. doi:10.22260/ISARC2015/0036. Access Address
- Christopher, A. M. & Daniel, O. (2023). Assessing the state of building information modeling (BIM) education in the architecture department
of KNUST. International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, 4
(6), 2829-2836. doi:10.55248/gengpi.4.623.45327. Access Address
- Clevenger, C. M., Ozbek, M., Glick, S. & Porter, D. (2010). Integrating BIM
into construction management education. EcoBuild 2010 BIM Academic
Forum. Washington DC, USA.
- Eldin, A. S. & Nawari, O. N. (2010). BIM in AEC education. ASCE Structures
Congress 2010, Orlando, Florida, USA. doi:10.1061/41130(369)15. Access
Address (01.03.2024):
- Ghanem, S. Y. (2022). Implementing virtual reality – building information modeling in the construction management curriculum.
Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 27, 48-69. ISSN 1874-4753. doi:10.36680/j.itcon.2022.003. Access Address (01.03.2024):
https://www.itcon. org/papers/2022_03-ITcon-Ghanem.pdf
- Ghosh, A., Chasey, A. D. & Root, S. (2013). Industry and academia: a
partnership to VDC curriculum. 49th Associated Schools of
Construction (ASC) Annual International Conference, San Luis Obispo,
California, USA. Access Address (05.03.2024):
- Guo, B., Gonzalez, B., Puolitaival, T., Enegbuma, W. & Zou, Y. (2022).
Bridging the gap between building information modelling education
and practice: a competency-based education perspective.
International Journal of Construction Management. 23(15), 2558–2569.
doi:10.1080/15623599. 2022.2077546. Access Address (15.03.2024):
https://www.tandfonline. com/doi/full/10.1080 /15623599.2022.2077546?
- Hon, C. & Drogemuller, R. (2016). A case study of BIM educatıon ın
residential construction. International RILEM Conference on Materials,
Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering 2016 (MSSCE 2016)
Segment on BIM in Civil Engineering - Open Data Standards in Civil
Engineering, Lyngby, Denmark. Access Address (01.03.2024):
- Huang, Y. (2018). A review of approaches and challenges of BIM
education in construction management. Journal of Civil Engineering
and Architecture, 12 (2018), 401-407. doi:10.17265/1934-7359/2018.06.001.
Access Address (30.03.2024): https://www.
- Jurado, J., Carrasco, O. L. & Rueda, J. A. (2017). Implementation
framework for BIM methodology in the bachelor degree of architecture;
a case study in a Spanish university. Interantional Journal of 3-D
Infromation Modeling, 6 (1), 144-153. Online ISSN: 2156-1702. Access
Address (21.03.2024): https://www.igi-
- Kazaz, B. & Ergen, E. (2017). Building information modeling education in
construction management. İMO Uluslararası Katılımlı 7. İnşaat Yönetimi
Kongresi, Samsun, Türkiye. Access Address (15.03.2024):
- Károlyf, K.A., Szalai, D., Szep J. & Horváth, T. (2021). Integration of BIM in
architecture and structural engineering education through common
projects. Acta Technica Jaurinensis, 14, (4), 424-439. ISSN 2064-5228.
doi:10.14513/actatechjaur.00641. Access Address (01.03.2024):
- Kymmell, W. (2008). Building information modeling: planning and
managing construction projects with 4D CAD and simulations. New
York: McGraw Hill publication.
- Lassen, A.K., Hjelseth, E. & Tollnes, T. (2018). Enhancing learning
outcomes by introducing BIM in civil engineering studies – experiences
from a university college in Norway. International Journal of
Sustainable Development and Planning, 13, (1), 62–72. ISSN: 1743-761X
doi:10.2495/SDP-V13-N1-62-72. Access Address (15.03.2024):
- Lee S., Lee J. & Ahn, Y. (2019). Sustainable BIM-based construction
engineering education curriculum for practice-oriented training.
Journal of Sustainability, 11, (6120), 1-16. ISSN: 2071-1050.
doi:10.3390/su11216120. Access Address (21.03.2024): 11/21/6120
- Maina J. (2018). CAD and BIM in architecture education: awareness,
proficiency and advantages from the student perspective. Gazi
University Journal of Science, Part B, 6, (4), 167-178. Access Address
- Macdonald, J. A. (2012). A framework for collaborative BIM educatıon
across the AEC disciplines. 37th Annual Conference of the Australasian
Universities Building Educators Association (AUBEA), Sydney, Australia.
Access Address (01.03.2024):
- Nagarajan, K. (2011). Development of framework for extending transxml
to steel bridge construction. MSc. Thesis, State University of New York in
- Ofluoglu, S. (2017). BIM-based interdisciplinary collaborations in a
student project competition. CAAD Future 2017 Conference: Future
Trajectories of Computation in Design, İstanbul, Türkiye. Access
Address (15.03.2024):
content/uploads/2017/09/CAAD Futures2017 _Proceedings-updated-
- Olowa, T., Witt, E. & Lill, I. (2019). BIM for construction education: initial
findings from a literature review. 10th Nordic Conference on
Construction Economics and Organization, Tallinn, Estonia. Emerald
Reach Proceedings Series 2, 305–313. ISSN: 2516-2853. Access Address
- Olowa, T., Witt, E. & Lill, I. (2023). Building information modelling (BIM) –
enabled construction education: teaching project cash flow concepts.
International Journal of Construction Management, 23 (9), 1494-1505.
doi:10.1080/15623599.2021.1979300. Access Address (01.03.2024):
- Pınar, Ö. G., (2022). Electronic tender (e-tender) processes and building
information modeling (BIM) integration in local governments. Journal
of Architectural Sciences and Applications, JASA 2022, 7 (2), 734-749.
doi:10.30785/mbud.1132914. Access Address (30.03.2024):
- Pillay, N., Gumbo, T. & Musonda, I. (2019). Discovering the level of BIM
implementation at South African architecture schools: a qualitative
study. Creative Construction Conference, Budapest, Hungary. doi:10.3311/CCC2019-115. Access Address (01.03.2024):
- Puolitaival, T. & Kestle, L. (2018). Teaching and learning in AEC education
– the building information modeling factor. Journal of Information
Technology in Construction, 23, 195-214. ISSN 1874-4753. Access
Address (07.03.2024):
- Rodriguez, A. K. S., Suresh, S., Heesom, D. & Renukappa, S. (2017). BIM
education framework for clients and professionals of the construction
industry. International Journal of 3-D Information Modeling, 6, (2), 57-
79. doi:10.4018/IJ3DIM.2017040104. Access Address (01.03.2024):
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guide to building information modeling for owners, managers,
designers, engineers, and contractors, 3rd Edition. John Wiley & Sons
Inc., New Jersey, Hoboken.
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modeling into an ACCE accredited construction management
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Proceedings of 44th Annual Conference, , 117-124, Auburn, Alabama,
USA. Access Address (01.03.2024):
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Creating a Model-Based Learning Environment in BIM Education through Case Studies
Year 2024,
, 1129 - 1148, 26.12.2024
Semih Göksel Yıldırım
As demand in the construction industry continues to rise globally, universities have shown an increased interest in Building Information Modeling (BIM) education, leading to accelerated curriculum development studies. Previous research has identified several challenges associated with creating new BIM course curricula. Notably, the instructor's competence in delivering the practical components of the course and developing assignment content are significant issues. The development of case studies aims to enhance the BIM proficiency of course instructors and to generate course materials suitable for practical application. This paper outlines the design of course content for BIM curriculum development through the use of case studies. Case studies from various building programs are evaluated and compared based on their BIM maturity levels. The resulting course materials are implemented in a graduate course offered each year and assessed through student surveys. The intricate nature of BIM is explained within a model-based learning environment. By analyzing the learning environment using data gathered from student surveys, this study aims to provide insights for future improvements.
The article complies with national and international research and publication ethics. Ethics committee approval in the study was taken from the ethics committee of Istanbul Gelisim University with the decision number 2024-09-32 at the meeting held on 14.06.2024. The four case studies mentioned in the article were designed and drawn from start to finish by the author to be used as course materials in the classroom for educational purpose. Revit® and Navisworks® are trademarks of Autodesk, Inc. Mentioned softwares were legaly used in the classroom in Istanbul Gelisim University with educational purpose.
- Abbas, A., Din, Z. U. & Farooqui, R. (2016). Integration of BIM in construction management education: an overview of Pakistani Engineering universities. Procedia Engineering, Elsevier, 145, 151 – 157. ISSN: 1877-7058. Access Address (01.03.2024): pii/S1877705816300388?via%3Dihub
- Abdirad, H. & Dossick, C. S. (2016). BIM curriculum design in architecture,
engineering, and construction education: a systematic review. Journal
of Information Technology in Construction, 21, 250-271. ISSN: 1874-4753.
Access Address (21.03.2024):
- Ambrose, M. A. (2012). Agent provocateur – BIM in the academic design
studio. International Journal of Architectural Computing, 10 (1), 53-66.
doi:10.1260/1478-0771.10.1.53. Access Address (15.03.2024):
- Ao, Y., Peng, P. , Li, J., Li, M., Bahmani, H. & Wang T. (2022).What
determines BIM competition results of undergraduate students in the
architecture, engineering and construction industry? Behavioral
Sciences, 12 (10), 360. ISSN: 2076-328X.
Access Address (07.03.2024):
- Arnett, M. K. P. & Quadrato, C. E. (2012). Building information modeling:
design instruction by integration into an undergraduate curriculum.
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas. ISSN:
2153-5965. doi:10.18260/1-2—21036. Access Address (21.03.2024):
- Arrotéia, A. V., Paes, D., Irizarry, J. & Melhado, S. B. (2018). A comparative
diagnosis of students’ proficiency in BIM in construction-related
graduate programs in Brazil and in the United States. SIGraDi2022, 22th
Conference of the IberoAmerrican Society of Digital Graphics, Peru.
doi:10.5151/sigradi2018-1367. Access Address (07.03.2024):
- Baldessin, G. Q., Vaz, M. M., Medeiros, G. L. & Fabricio, M. M. (2020).
Modeling of steel and precast concrete components based on BIM
systems and their application for the teaching of architectural design.
24th International Conference of the IberoAmerican Society of Digital
Graphics, Medellín, Colombia. doi:10.5151/sigradi2020-90. Access
Address (05.03.2024):
- Barison, M. B., Paulo, S. & Santos, E. T. (2010). Review and analysis of
current strategies for planning a BIM curriculum. CIB W78; 27th
International Conference, Cairo, Egypt. Access Address (07.03.2024):
- Barison, M. B. & Santos, E. T. (2011). BIM teaching: current international
trends. Gestão e Tecnologia de Projetos, 6 (2), 67-80. ISSN: 19811543.
doi:10.4237/gtp.v6i2.218. Access Address (21.03.2024):
- Barison, M. B. & Santos, E. T. (2013). Educational activities for the
teaching-learning of BIM. 1st International BIM Conference, Porto,
Portugal. Access Address (01.03.2024): https://www.
- Barlish, K & Sullivan, K. (2012). How to measure the benefits of BIM – a
case study approach. Automation in Construction, (24), pp. 149-159.
- Berwald, S. (2008). From CAD to BIM: the experience of architectural
education with building information modeling. AEI Conference 2008:
Cuilding Integration Solutions, Denver, Colorado.
doi:10.1061/41002(328)8. Access Address (30.03.2024): 41002%28328%298
- Charlesraj, V. P. C., Sawhney, A., Singh, M. M. & Sreekumar, A. (2015). BIM
Studio - an immersive curricular tool for construction project
management education. 2015 Proceedings of the 32nd ISARC, Oulu,
Finland. ISSN 2413-5844. doi:10.22260/ISARC2015/0036. Access Address
- Christopher, A. M. & Daniel, O. (2023). Assessing the state of building information modeling (BIM) education in the architecture department
of KNUST. International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, 4
(6), 2829-2836. doi:10.55248/gengpi.4.623.45327. Access Address
- Clevenger, C. M., Ozbek, M., Glick, S. & Porter, D. (2010). Integrating BIM
into construction management education. EcoBuild 2010 BIM Academic
Forum. Washington DC, USA.
- Eldin, A. S. & Nawari, O. N. (2010). BIM in AEC education. ASCE Structures
Congress 2010, Orlando, Florida, USA. doi:10.1061/41130(369)15. Access
Address (01.03.2024):
- Ghanem, S. Y. (2022). Implementing virtual reality – building information modeling in the construction management curriculum.
Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 27, 48-69. ISSN 1874-4753. doi:10.36680/j.itcon.2022.003. Access Address (01.03.2024):
https://www.itcon. org/papers/2022_03-ITcon-Ghanem.pdf
- Ghosh, A., Chasey, A. D. & Root, S. (2013). Industry and academia: a
partnership to VDC curriculum. 49th Associated Schools of
Construction (ASC) Annual International Conference, San Luis Obispo,
California, USA. Access Address (05.03.2024):
- Guo, B., Gonzalez, B., Puolitaival, T., Enegbuma, W. & Zou, Y. (2022).
Bridging the gap between building information modelling education
and practice: a competency-based education perspective.
International Journal of Construction Management. 23(15), 2558–2569.
doi:10.1080/15623599. 2022.2077546. Access Address (15.03.2024):
https://www.tandfonline. com/doi/full/10.1080 /15623599.2022.2077546?
- Hon, C. & Drogemuller, R. (2016). A case study of BIM educatıon ın
residential construction. International RILEM Conference on Materials,
Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering 2016 (MSSCE 2016)
Segment on BIM in Civil Engineering - Open Data Standards in Civil
Engineering, Lyngby, Denmark. Access Address (01.03.2024):
- Huang, Y. (2018). A review of approaches and challenges of BIM
education in construction management. Journal of Civil Engineering
and Architecture, 12 (2018), 401-407. doi:10.17265/1934-7359/2018.06.001.
Access Address (30.03.2024): https://www.
- Jurado, J., Carrasco, O. L. & Rueda, J. A. (2017). Implementation
framework for BIM methodology in the bachelor degree of architecture;
a case study in a Spanish university. Interantional Journal of 3-D
Infromation Modeling, 6 (1), 144-153. Online ISSN: 2156-1702. Access
Address (21.03.2024): https://www.igi-
- Kazaz, B. & Ergen, E. (2017). Building information modeling education in
construction management. İMO Uluslararası Katılımlı 7. İnşaat Yönetimi
Kongresi, Samsun, Türkiye. Access Address (15.03.2024):
- Károlyf, K.A., Szalai, D., Szep J. & Horváth, T. (2021). Integration of BIM in
architecture and structural engineering education through common
projects. Acta Technica Jaurinensis, 14, (4), 424-439. ISSN 2064-5228.
doi:10.14513/actatechjaur.00641. Access Address (01.03.2024):
- Kymmell, W. (2008). Building information modeling: planning and
managing construction projects with 4D CAD and simulations. New
York: McGraw Hill publication.
- Lassen, A.K., Hjelseth, E. & Tollnes, T. (2018). Enhancing learning
outcomes by introducing BIM in civil engineering studies – experiences
from a university college in Norway. International Journal of
Sustainable Development and Planning, 13, (1), 62–72. ISSN: 1743-761X
doi:10.2495/SDP-V13-N1-62-72. Access Address (15.03.2024):
- Lee S., Lee J. & Ahn, Y. (2019). Sustainable BIM-based construction
engineering education curriculum for practice-oriented training.
Journal of Sustainability, 11, (6120), 1-16. ISSN: 2071-1050.
doi:10.3390/su11216120. Access Address (21.03.2024): 11/21/6120
- Maina J. (2018). CAD and BIM in architecture education: awareness,
proficiency and advantages from the student perspective. Gazi
University Journal of Science, Part B, 6, (4), 167-178. Access Address
- Macdonald, J. A. (2012). A framework for collaborative BIM educatıon
across the AEC disciplines. 37th Annual Conference of the Australasian
Universities Building Educators Association (AUBEA), Sydney, Australia.
Access Address (01.03.2024):
- Nagarajan, K. (2011). Development of framework for extending transxml
to steel bridge construction. MSc. Thesis, State University of New York in
- Ofluoglu, S. (2017). BIM-based interdisciplinary collaborations in a
student project competition. CAAD Future 2017 Conference: Future
Trajectories of Computation in Design, İstanbul, Türkiye. Access
Address (15.03.2024):
content/uploads/2017/09/CAAD Futures2017 _Proceedings-updated-
- Olowa, T., Witt, E. & Lill, I. (2019). BIM for construction education: initial
findings from a literature review. 10th Nordic Conference on
Construction Economics and Organization, Tallinn, Estonia. Emerald
Reach Proceedings Series 2, 305–313. ISSN: 2516-2853. Access Address
- Olowa, T., Witt, E. & Lill, I. (2023). Building information modelling (BIM) –
enabled construction education: teaching project cash flow concepts.
International Journal of Construction Management, 23 (9), 1494-1505.
doi:10.1080/15623599.2021.1979300. Access Address (01.03.2024):
- Pınar, Ö. G., (2022). Electronic tender (e-tender) processes and building
information modeling (BIM) integration in local governments. Journal
of Architectural Sciences and Applications, JASA 2022, 7 (2), 734-749.
doi:10.30785/mbud.1132914. Access Address (30.03.2024):
- Pillay, N., Gumbo, T. & Musonda, I. (2019). Discovering the level of BIM
implementation at South African architecture schools: a qualitative
study. Creative Construction Conference, Budapest, Hungary. doi:10.3311/CCC2019-115. Access Address (01.03.2024):
- Puolitaival, T. & Kestle, L. (2018). Teaching and learning in AEC education
– the building information modeling factor. Journal of Information
Technology in Construction, 23, 195-214. ISSN 1874-4753. Access
Address (07.03.2024):
- Rodriguez, A. K. S., Suresh, S., Heesom, D. & Renukappa, S. (2017). BIM
education framework for clients and professionals of the construction
industry. International Journal of 3-D Information Modeling, 6, (2), 57-
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