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Çevreye Duyarlı Mimarlık Arayışında İnsan ve Doğa ile Uyumlu Yapı Üretme Süreci

Year 2021, , 538 - 554, 30.12.2021


İnsan ve doğa sürekli etkileşim içerisindedir. Bu etkileşim ilk çağlarda, insanın yaşamını devam ettirebilme kaygısından ibaretken, insan nüfusunun hızla çoğalmasıyla ve sanayileşmeyle insanın doğa üzerinde kurmaya başladığı tek yönlü baskın ilişki sonucunda yerini çevre sorunlarına ve çevresel bozulmaya bırakmıştır. Doğaya zarar vermenin aslında kendisine zarar vermek olduğunu anlayan, insan birtakım arayışlara yönelmiştir. İnsan, bu arayışlar sonucunda ulaşılan, literatürde farklı başlıklar halinde bulunan ama özünde çevreye duyarlı bir mimari bulunan, birtakım kavramlar aracılığıyla bu ilişkiyi yeniden tesis yoluna gitmiştir. Teoride çok başarılı olan bu kavramlar, uygulamaya dönük olmadığından dolayı pratikte bu kadar başarılı uygulanamamışlardır. Bu makalenin amacı, literatürde ayrı başlıklar altında bulunan bu kavramlara ilişkin kriterleri toplulaştırıp, yapı üretim sürecine dahil edilebilecek somutlukta sunmayı amaçlamaktadır.


Makalede, ulusal ve uluslararası araştırma ve yayın etiğine uyulmuştur. Çalışmada etik kurul izni gerekmemiştir.


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The Building Environment Process Compatible with Human and Nature in the Quest for Environment Friendly Architecture

Year 2021, , 538 - 554, 30.12.2021


It is in constant interaction with human and nature. While this interaction consisted of the anxiety of sustaining human life in the early ages; with the rapid proliferation of human population and industrialization, as a result of the one-sided dominant relationship that humans have begun to establish on nature, it has left its place to environmental problems and environmental degradation. Understanding that harming nature is actually harming themselves, humans turned to some pursuits as a result of this. Human beings have tried to re-establish this relationship by means of some concepts that are reached as a result of these pursuits, which are under different titles in the literature, but which have an environmentally sensitive architecture. These concepts, which are very successful in theory, have not been implemented so successfully in practice because they are not practical. The aim of this article is to consolidate the criteria related to these concepts, which are under separate titles in the literature, and to present them concretely that they can be included in the building production process.


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  • Bodach, S., Lang, W. ve Hamhaber, J. (2014). Climate responsive building design strategies of vernacular architecture in Nepal. Energy and Buildings, 81, 227–242.
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  • Danielski, I., Fröling, M. ve Joelsson, A. (2012). The ımpact of the shape factor on fınal energy demand ın resıdentıal buıldıngs ın nordıc clımates (pp. 4260–4264). Presented at the World Renewable Energy Forum, WREF 2012, Including World Renewable Energy Congress XII and Colorado Renewable Energy Society (CRES) Annual Conference.
  • Delzendeh, E., Wu, S., Lee, A. ve Zhou, Y. (2017). The impact of occupants’ behaviours on building energy analysis: A research review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 80, 1061–1071.
  • Demircan, R. K. ve Gültekin, A. B. (2017). Binalarda pasif ve aktif güneş sistemlerinin ıncelenmesi. TÜBAV Bilim, 1(10), 36–51.
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  • Ding, G. K. C. (2005). The development of a multi-criteria approach for the measurement of sustainable performance of housing projects. International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications, 29, 57–69.
  • Du Pisani, J. A. (2006). Sustainable development – historical roots of the concept. Environmental Sciences, 3(2), 83–96.
  • Edum-Fotwe, F. T. ve Price, A. D. F. (2009). A social ontology for appraising sustainability of construction projects and developments. International Journal of Project Management, 27(4), 313–322.
  • Edwards, S. ve Bennett, P. (2003). Construction Products and Life – Cycle Thinking (pp. 57–59). UNEP Industry and Environment.
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  • Emekci, S. ve Tanyer, A. M. (2016). New Perspective on More Sustainable and Affordable Housing for Lower Income Group in Turkey -Assessing Life Cycle Cost – (Vol. 1, pp. 555–564).
  • Presented at the Sustaınable Housıng 2016 - International Conference on Sustainable Housing Planning, Management and Sustainability, Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development.
  • EPA. (2020). Black and grey water management | EPA. Retrieved December 2, 2020, from
  • Ewing, R. ve Rong, F. (2010). The impact of urban form on U.S. residential energy use. Housing Policy Debate, 19(1), 1–30.
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  • Farhat, R., Ghaddar, N. K. ve Ghali, K. (2014). Investing in PV Systems utilizing Savings from Building Envelop Replacement by Sustainable Local Material: A Case Study in Lebanese Inland Region, 4(4), 14.
  • Farmer, J. (1996). Green shift: Changing attitudes in architecture to the natural world. Oxford: Architectural Press.
  • Fielding, K., Spinks, A., Russell, S. ve Mankad, A. (2012). Water Demand Management Study: Baseline Survey of Household Water Use. Urban Water Security Research Alliance Technical Report.
  • Fisher, D. (2009). Sustainability, energy savings, and occupant comfort are not mutually exclusive objectives, 5.
  • Froeschle, L. M. (1999). Environmental assessment and specification of green building materials. J. Constr. Specif., (53).
  • Ghodrati, N., Samari, M. ve Shafiei, M. W. M. (2012). Green Buildings Impacts on Occupants’ Health and Productivity, 8.
  • Ghose, A., Pizzol, M. ve McLaren, S. J. (2017). Consequential LCA modelling of building refurbishment in New Zealand- an evaluation of resource and waste management scenarios. Journal of Cleaner Production, 165, 119–133.
  • Gilchrist, A. ve Allouche, E. N. (2005). Quantification of social costs associated with construction projects: state-of-the-art review. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 20(1), 89–104.
  • Gill, Z. M., Tierney, M. J., Pegg, I. M. ve Allan, N. (2010). Low-energy dwellings: the contribution of behaviours to actual performance. Building Research ve Information, 38(5), 491–508.
  • Giorgi, S., Lavagna, M. ve Campioli, A. (2018). Life Cycle Assessment of building end of life (p. 9). Presented at the Life Cyce Thinking in decision-making for sustainability: from public policies to private businesses, Messina.
  • Gynther, L., Mikkonen, I. ve Smits, A. (2012). Evaluation of European energy behavioural change programmes. Energy Efficiency, 5(1), 67–82.
  • Haque, M. T., Tai, L., Ham, D., Clemson University ve Cooperative Extension Service. (2004). Landscape design for energy efficiency. Clemson, S.C.: Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service.
  • Hatamipour, M. S., ve Abedi, A. (2008). Passive cooling systems in buildings: Some useful experiences from ancient architecture for natural cooling in a hot and humid region. Energy Conversion and Management, 49(8), 2317–2323.
  • Hill, R. C. ve Bowen, P. A. (1997). Sustainable construction: principles and a framework for attainment. Construction Management and Economics, 15(3), 223–239.
  • Holden, E. ve Norland, I. T. (2005). Three Challenges for the Compact City as a Sustainable Urban Form: Household Consumption of Energy and Transport in Eight Residential Areas in the Greater Oslo Region. Urban Studies, 42(12), 2145-2166.
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There are 94 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Architecture
Journal Section Research Articles

Şeyda Emekci 0000-0002-5470-6485

Publication Date December 30, 2021
Submission Date May 10, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Emekci, Ş. (2021). Çevreye Duyarlı Mimarlık Arayışında İnsan ve Doğa ile Uyumlu Yapı Üretme Süreci. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 6(2), 538-554.