Architecture is a platform that embraces environmentally friendly design principles and fosters collaboration. Future architecture students and graduates require new skills to address changing environmental conditions and climate changes. Buildings play a crucial role in environmental conditions, urban development, and the well-being of users. Architects have a responsibility to design safe and resilient buildings for sustainable cities. This study discusses the importance of sustainability awareness in architectural education and shares the results of the graduate course "Sustainability and Materials in Architecture." It emphasizes the role of buildings in addressing natural and urban challenges. The course outcomes showed that sustainable development goals can be achieved by drawing insights from vernacular architecture. Through such curricula, young architects can enhance their ability to design buildings and settlements that withstand natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, and landslides.
The article complied with national and international research and publication ethics. Ethics committee permission was not required in the study. We would like to thank Dilara DİNDAR, Hande SAVAŞ, İlayda MAŞAT, Marildo BACELLİ, Melike GÜLAY, M. Gazihan ÇELİK, graduate students of Bursa Uludag University, Department of Architecture, who contributed to the article with their homework studies during the year.
Altomonte, S., Peter, R. & Robin, W. (2014). Mapping the way forward: Education for sustainability in architecture and urban design. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 21, 143–154.
Aslan, E. Ö. (1978). Yeşildere heyelanı. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi,2(1), 7-8. Omet Müdürlüğü, Ankara. Access
Address (01.07.2023):
Bhawani, V. (2009). Education for sustainable development. Environment. Science and Policy for Sustainable
Development, 51, 2, 8-10.
Brogden, L. (2020). From product to process and site to system: Disaster resilience and humanitarian design in
architecture education. (Doctoral dissertation) Queensland University of Technology.
Bursa Sustainable Energy and Climate Change Adaptation Plan (BUSECAP). (2017). Bursa Metropolitan
Municipality. Access Address (29.05.2023):
Çalıkuşu, A. N. (2021). Sustainability in architectural education: the impact of education on perceptions of
sustainability (Unpublished master thesis). Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara.
Çalışkan, V. & Akbulak, C. (2010). Bursa kentine yönelik göçlerin gecekondulaşmaya etkileri: Uludağ
yamaçlarındaki gecekondular. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 3(12), 116-122.
Correia, M., Dipasquale, L. & Mecca, S. (2014). Versus. Heritage for Tomorrow Vernacular Knowledge for
Sustainable Architecture. Firenze University Press.
Emekci, Ş. (2021). Çevreye duyarlı mimarlık arayışında insan ve doğa ile uyumlu yapı üretme süreci. Journal of
Architectural Sciences and Applications, 6 (2), 538-554.
Han, S. & Kwon, Y. (2019). Awareness and attitude of college students majoring in landscape architecture
towards the sustainable development. Sustainability, 11(19), 5464.
Kaplanoğlu, R. (2014). Göçlerle kurulan şehir. Muradiye’de zaman. Bursa’da Zaman Dergisi, 12;14.
Kaya, E. B. (2020). Urban policies and critical analysis of urban transformation in İzmir: Yeşildere case
(Unpublished master thesis), İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü, İzmir.
Latter, R. & Oliver, P. (eds) (1997–2004). International Studies in Vernacular Architecture, unpublished course
handbook, Oxford Brookes University.
Lulo, L. D., Gorby, C. & Poerscke, U. (2012). Environmentally conscious design-educating future arcitects,
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, vol:14/4, 434-448.
NAAB. (2009). Conditions for Accredition, National Architectural Accrediting Board.Inc. N.Y. Access Address
Nevzat, G. (2013). İzmir’de kentsel büyüme ve doğal ffetler, 555-561.'DE_KENTSEL_BUYUME_VE_DOGAL_AFETLER
Nyka, L. (2019). Bridging the gap between arcitectural and environmental engineering education in the context
of climate change. World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education Vol.17, No.2
Ozorhon, G. & Ozorhon, İ. F. (2020). Learning from vernacular architecture in architectural education (Mimarlık
eğitiminde yerel mimarlıktan öğrenmek), Megaron, 15(4), 553-564.
RIBA. (2011). Procedures for validation and validation ciriteria for UK and International Courses and Examinations
in Architecture. Royal Institute of British Architects Education Department, Access Address (12.06.2023):
Salama, A. (2005). Skill-based / knowledge-based architectural pedagogies: An argument for creating
humane environments. Presented at the 7th Intl Conference on Humane Habiate-ICHH-05. Mumbai, India: The
International Association of Humane Habitat IAHH Rizvi College of Architecture.
SDG Progress Report. (2022-2023). United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Sustainable
Development, Access Address (01.06.2023):
Stupar, A., Mihajlov, V. & Simic, I. (2018). Improving Urban Resilience, Increasing Environmental Awareness: New
Challenge of Architectural and Planning Education, 652. 5th International Academic Conference on Places and
Technologıes, University of Belgrade, Belgrade.
Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. (2015). Türkiye’de Kentsel ve Kırsal Nüfus Verileri. Access Address
(12.12.2019): UNESCO-UIA (2017). Study Programme Validation. Access Address (12.06.2023)
Türkiye Nüfusu İl İlçe Mahalle Köy Nüfusları. (2023). Bursa Osmangazi Alacahırka Mahallesi Nüfusu, Access
Address (29.05.2023)
UNESCO-UIA. (2017). Charter UNESCO /UIA For Archıtectural Educatıon Revised Edition, Access Address
Venkataraman, B. (2009). Education for Sustainable Development, Environment: Science and Policy for
Sustainable Development, 51, 2, 8-10.
Versus. (2017). Vernacular Heritage Sustainable Architecture, European Research Project. Access Address
Kentsel Dayanıklılığı Sağlamak için Yöresel Mimarlığı Keşfetmek: Mimarlık Eğitiminde bir Deneme
Year 2023,
Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 504 - 517, 16.12.2023
Mimarlık, sürdürülebilir tasarım ilkelerini benimseyen ve iş birliği içinde çalışabilen bir platformdur. Gelecekteki mimarlık öğrencileri ve mezunları, değişen çevresel koşullar, iklim değişiklikleriyle yüzleşerek yeni beceri ve perspektiflere ihtiyaç duyacaktır. Binalar, sadece çevresel koşullar ve kentsel gelişim açısından değil, aynı zamanda kullanıcıların sağlık, refah, güvenlik, konfor ve yaşam kalitesi üzerinde de önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Bunlarla birlikte dayanımlı kentler yaratmaya yönelik güvenli binalar tasarlamak da mimarların sorumluluğundadır. Bu çalışmada, mimarlık eğitiminde sürdürülebilirlik farkındalığının önemi ele alınmış ve "Mimarlıkta Sürdürülebilirlik ve Malzemeler" adlı lisansüstü dersinin sonuçları paylaşılmış, binaların doğal ve kentsel zorluklarla başa çıkma sürecindeki rolü üzerinde durulmuştur. Ders kapsamında hazırlanan öğrenci çalışmalarından elde edilen sonuçlar karşılaştırılarak dersin beklenen kazanımları değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuç olarak sürdürülebilir kalkınma hedeflerine yönelik mimari katkıların yöresel mimarlık kriterlerinden çıkarımlar yapılarak elde edilebileceği belirlenmiştir. Bu tür müfredatlar sayesinde, genç mimarlar deprem, sel, toprak kayması gibi doğal afetlere dayanıklı yapılar ve yerleşimler tasarlamada yetkinliklerini geliştirebilirler.
Altomonte, S., Peter, R. & Robin, W. (2014). Mapping the way forward: Education for sustainability in architecture and urban design. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 21, 143–154.
Aslan, E. Ö. (1978). Yeşildere heyelanı. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi,2(1), 7-8. Omet Müdürlüğü, Ankara. Access
Address (01.07.2023):
Bhawani, V. (2009). Education for sustainable development. Environment. Science and Policy for Sustainable
Development, 51, 2, 8-10.
Brogden, L. (2020). From product to process and site to system: Disaster resilience and humanitarian design in
architecture education. (Doctoral dissertation) Queensland University of Technology.
Bursa Sustainable Energy and Climate Change Adaptation Plan (BUSECAP). (2017). Bursa Metropolitan
Municipality. Access Address (29.05.2023):
Çalıkuşu, A. N. (2021). Sustainability in architectural education: the impact of education on perceptions of
sustainability (Unpublished master thesis). Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara.
Çalışkan, V. & Akbulak, C. (2010). Bursa kentine yönelik göçlerin gecekondulaşmaya etkileri: Uludağ
yamaçlarındaki gecekondular. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 3(12), 116-122.
Correia, M., Dipasquale, L. & Mecca, S. (2014). Versus. Heritage for Tomorrow Vernacular Knowledge for
Sustainable Architecture. Firenze University Press.
Emekci, Ş. (2021). Çevreye duyarlı mimarlık arayışında insan ve doğa ile uyumlu yapı üretme süreci. Journal of
Architectural Sciences and Applications, 6 (2), 538-554.
Han, S. & Kwon, Y. (2019). Awareness and attitude of college students majoring in landscape architecture
towards the sustainable development. Sustainability, 11(19), 5464.
Kaplanoğlu, R. (2014). Göçlerle kurulan şehir. Muradiye’de zaman. Bursa’da Zaman Dergisi, 12;14.
Kaya, E. B. (2020). Urban policies and critical analysis of urban transformation in İzmir: Yeşildere case
(Unpublished master thesis), İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü, İzmir.
Latter, R. & Oliver, P. (eds) (1997–2004). International Studies in Vernacular Architecture, unpublished course
handbook, Oxford Brookes University.
Lulo, L. D., Gorby, C. & Poerscke, U. (2012). Environmentally conscious design-educating future arcitects,
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, vol:14/4, 434-448.
NAAB. (2009). Conditions for Accredition, National Architectural Accrediting Board.Inc. N.Y. Access Address
Nevzat, G. (2013). İzmir’de kentsel büyüme ve doğal ffetler, 555-561.'DE_KENTSEL_BUYUME_VE_DOGAL_AFETLER
Nyka, L. (2019). Bridging the gap between arcitectural and environmental engineering education in the context
of climate change. World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education Vol.17, No.2
Ozorhon, G. & Ozorhon, İ. F. (2020). Learning from vernacular architecture in architectural education (Mimarlık
eğitiminde yerel mimarlıktan öğrenmek), Megaron, 15(4), 553-564.
RIBA. (2011). Procedures for validation and validation ciriteria for UK and International Courses and Examinations
in Architecture. Royal Institute of British Architects Education Department, Access Address (12.06.2023):
Salama, A. (2005). Skill-based / knowledge-based architectural pedagogies: An argument for creating
humane environments. Presented at the 7th Intl Conference on Humane Habiate-ICHH-05. Mumbai, India: The
International Association of Humane Habitat IAHH Rizvi College of Architecture.
SDG Progress Report. (2022-2023). United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Sustainable
Development, Access Address (01.06.2023):
Stupar, A., Mihajlov, V. & Simic, I. (2018). Improving Urban Resilience, Increasing Environmental Awareness: New
Challenge of Architectural and Planning Education, 652. 5th International Academic Conference on Places and
Technologıes, University of Belgrade, Belgrade.
Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. (2015). Türkiye’de Kentsel ve Kırsal Nüfus Verileri. Access Address
(12.12.2019): UNESCO-UIA (2017). Study Programme Validation. Access Address (12.06.2023)
Türkiye Nüfusu İl İlçe Mahalle Köy Nüfusları. (2023). Bursa Osmangazi Alacahırka Mahallesi Nüfusu, Access
Address (29.05.2023)
UNESCO-UIA. (2017). Charter UNESCO /UIA For Archıtectural Educatıon Revised Edition, Access Address
Venkataraman, B. (2009). Education for Sustainable Development, Environment: Science and Policy for
Sustainable Development, 51, 2, 8-10.
Versus. (2017). Vernacular Heritage Sustainable Architecture, European Research Project. Access Address
There are 29 citations in total.
Primary Language
Architectural Design, Materials and Technology in Architecture, Sustainable Architecture
Beceren Öztürk, R., & Cahantimur, A. (2023). Exploring the Role of Vernacular Architectural Criteria in Providing Urban Resiliency: A Focus on Graduate Architecture Education. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 8(2), 504-517.