Research Article
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Determination of the Recreational Landscape Potential of Tarsus (Mersin) District and Its Surroundings for Tourism

Year 2023, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 767 - 783, 16.12.2023


The study conducted an investigation into the effective utilization of Tarsus district's historical and cultural assets in Mersin province, with a focus on its tourism potential. The primary objectives were to promote the region and contribute to its economic, social, and cultural advancement. A survey was administered to gather information on dominant tourism types in Tarsus, including historical sites, cultural landmarks, local crafts, cuisine, caves, camping, wildlife, flora, gastronomy, local resources, natural attractions, and aesthetics. The results highlighted Tarsus' prominence due to its cultural heritage, historical structures, and natural wealth. Despite Tarsus's cultural diversity and tourism potential, the study revealed its current underrepresentation and various challenges, including the vulnerability of historical assets, insufficient infrastructure, and unguided utilization. The study suggests adopting a sustainable approach that balances conservation with utilization to address these issues and help Tarsus attain the recognition it rightfully deserves in the field of recreation and tourism.


This research was produced from a master's thesis. In this study, ethics committee compliance approval was received from Atatürk University Science and Engineering Sciences Ethics Committee Presidency with the document dated 02.06.2021 and numbered E-77040475-000-2100142908.


  • Akpınar Külekçi, E. (2013). Determination of ecotourism potential of Oltu district of Erzurum province and its immediate surroundings by swot analysis method.
  • Altun, E. (2019). Analysis of the relationship between tourism revenues and economic growth in Turkey using different time series techniques. Master's Thesis, Kırklareli University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Economics.
  • Anonymous (2023a). Geographic Location of Tarsus, Municipality of T.C. Tarsus. Access Address (08.01.2023):
  • Anonymous (2023b). Natural Structure of Tarsus - Tarsus Municipality. Access Address (17.03.2023):
  • Anonymous (2023c). Vegetation Cover-Tarsus. Access Address (20.01.2023):
  • Anonymous (2023d). Sericulture, Village Life and Viticulture Farmers Club. Access Address (12.01.2023):
  • Anonymous (2023e). Turkey Statistical Institution. Access Address (03.03.2023):
  • Anonymous (2023f). Climate, Vegetation Cover. Municipality of T.C. Tarsus. Access Address (25.01.2023):
  • Anonymous (2023g). Economy of Tarsus City, Municipality of T.C. Tarsus. Accessed Address (18.01.2023):
  • Aşur, F. & Akpınar Külekçi, E. (2020). The relationship between the adorability of urban landscapes and their users demographic variables: The Case of Edremit, Van. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science, 15(1), 19-25.
  • Aşur, F., Akpinar Kulekci, E., & Perihan, M. (2022). The role of urban landscapes in the formation of urban identity and urban memory relations: the case of Van/Turkey. Planning Perspectives, 37(4), 841-857.
  • Bulu, M. & Eraslan, İ. H. (2008). International competitiveness analysis of Bolu tourism sector. International Competition Research Institute (URAK), Istanbul.
  • Bunghez, C. L. (2016). The importance of tourism to a destination’s economy. Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business & Economics, 2016, 1-9.
  • Çokan, N. (2017). 10 Thousand Years of History, Tourism News. Access Address (14.03.2023):
  • Engin, R. (2004). Religious life in Tarsus. Master's Thesis. Ankara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences.
  • Gürani, F. Y. (1999). Analysis of changes in the interior space organization of Tarsus houses between 1800-1998. Master's Thesis. Çukurova (Adana) University, Institute of Science, Department of Interior Architecture.
  • Hocaoğlu, B. (2003). Physical geography of Tarsus and its surroundings. Master's Thesis. Ege University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Physical Geography.
  • Jamal & Getz (1995). Collaboration theory and community tourism planning. Annals of Tourism Research, 22 (1), pp. 186-204.
  • Kaplan, A. & Örücü, Ö. K. (2019). Determination of tourism potential of lake Burdur and its surroundings in terms of landscape values . Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications , 4 (2) , 105-121 . DOI: 10.30785/mbud.555622
  • Kelleboz, Y. E. (2019). Natural environment and human relations in the surroundings of Tarsus district, Mersin province. Master's Thesis, Afyon Kocatepe University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Geography, Afyonkarahisar.
  • Ko & Stewart (2002). A structural equation model of residents' attitudes for tourism development. Tourism Management, 23, pp. 521-530.
  • Lai, P. H. & Nepal, S. K. (2006). Local perspectives of ecotourism development in Tawushan Nature Reserve, taiwan. Department of Recreation. Park and Tourism Sciences Tourism Management 27 (2006), pp. 1117-1129.
  • Lundberg, E. (2017). The importance of tourism impacts for different local resident groups: A case study of a Swedish seaside destination. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 6(1), 46-55.
  • Özdamar, K. (2003). Modern Scientific Research Methods. Eskisehir: Kaan Publishing.
  • Rita, P. (2000). Tourism in the European Union. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 12(7), 434-436.
  • Rüzgar, A., Koçak, H. & Demir, M. (2022). Determination of the recreation potential of Turgut Özal nature park in Malatya province. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 7 (1) , 1-25. DOI: 10.30785/mbud.972817
  • Sakar, S. (2019). Environmental factors in the perceptibility of urban archaeological areas: examples of Rome and Tarsus. Master's Thesis. Mersin University, Institute of Science, Department of City and Regional Planning, Mersin.
  • Sezgin, M., & Ünüvar, Ş. (2009). The importance of tourism in inter-cultural communication, alternative tourism and market, pp.392-404.
  • Sinkovics & Penz, (2009). Social distance between residents and international tourists, Implications for international business. International Business Review, 18, pp. 457-469.
  • Torun, E. (2014). Research on the historical-cultural geography of Tarsus and its tourism potential. Master's Thesis. Nigde University, Institute of Education Sciences, Department of Primary Education, Niğde.
  • Uğuz, S. Ç. (2014). The importance of current account balance and tourism in Turkey. Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Journal of Social and Economic Research, 2014(1), 18-22.
  • Uslu, A. & Kiper, T. (2006). Effects of tourism on cultural heritage: Awareness of the local people in Beypazarı/Ankara. Journal of Trakya University Faculty of Agriculture, (3), pp. 305-314.
  • Yazıcıoğlu, Y. (2004). SPSS Applied Scientific Research Methods. Ankara: Detay Publishing.
  • Yılmaz, M. (2019). Clothing and ornaments in Tarsus according to the shari'a registers of the 19th century. Master's Thesis, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Institute of Social Sciences.

Tarsus (Mersin) İlçesi ve Yakın Çevresinin Turizme Yönelik Rekreasyonel Peyzaj Potansiyelinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2023, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 767 - 783, 16.12.2023


Bu çalışmada Mersin iline bağlı Tarsus ilçesi tarihi ve kültürel zenginliklerinin etkin şekilde kullanımını ve bölgenin turizm yönünü keşfetmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmada yörenin tanıtılmasına yardımcı olmak ve halkın ekonomik, sosyal ve kültürel anlamda gelişmesini katkı sağlamak hedeflenmektedir. Çalışma kapsamında yapılan anket çalışmasında katılımcılara Tarsus kentinin turizm alanında tarihi mekânlar, kültürel yapı, yöresel el sanatları, yöresel yemekler, mağaralar, kamp / karavan, fauna, flora, gastronomi turizmi, yöresel zenginliği, doğal çekicilikleri ve güzellikleri gibi hangi turizm türlerinin baskın olduğu gibi pek çok soru yöneltilmiş ve bölgenin turizm potansiyeli belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar değerlendirildiğinde Mersin iline bağlı Tarsus ilçesinin özellikle kültürel mirası, tarihi yapıları ve doğal kaynak zenginliği ile ön plana çıktığı görülmektedir. Çalışma sonucunda, rekreasyon ve turizm potansiyeli açısından önemli bir kültür mozaiğine sahip olan Tarsus ne yazık ki pek çok açıdan bugün hak ettiği yerde olmadığı koruma kullanma dengesi içerisinde sürdürülebilir yaklaşımla gerekli önlemler alınması gerekliliği ortaya konulmuştur.


  • Akpınar Külekçi, E. (2013). Determination of ecotourism potential of Oltu district of Erzurum province and its immediate surroundings by swot analysis method.
  • Altun, E. (2019). Analysis of the relationship between tourism revenues and economic growth in Turkey using different time series techniques. Master's Thesis, Kırklareli University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Economics.
  • Anonymous (2023a). Geographic Location of Tarsus, Municipality of T.C. Tarsus. Access Address (08.01.2023):
  • Anonymous (2023b). Natural Structure of Tarsus - Tarsus Municipality. Access Address (17.03.2023):
  • Anonymous (2023c). Vegetation Cover-Tarsus. Access Address (20.01.2023):
  • Anonymous (2023d). Sericulture, Village Life and Viticulture Farmers Club. Access Address (12.01.2023):
  • Anonymous (2023e). Turkey Statistical Institution. Access Address (03.03.2023):
  • Anonymous (2023f). Climate, Vegetation Cover. Municipality of T.C. Tarsus. Access Address (25.01.2023):
  • Anonymous (2023g). Economy of Tarsus City, Municipality of T.C. Tarsus. Accessed Address (18.01.2023):
  • Aşur, F. & Akpınar Külekçi, E. (2020). The relationship between the adorability of urban landscapes and their users demographic variables: The Case of Edremit, Van. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science, 15(1), 19-25.
  • Aşur, F., Akpinar Kulekci, E., & Perihan, M. (2022). The role of urban landscapes in the formation of urban identity and urban memory relations: the case of Van/Turkey. Planning Perspectives, 37(4), 841-857.
  • Bulu, M. & Eraslan, İ. H. (2008). International competitiveness analysis of Bolu tourism sector. International Competition Research Institute (URAK), Istanbul.
  • Bunghez, C. L. (2016). The importance of tourism to a destination’s economy. Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business & Economics, 2016, 1-9.
  • Çokan, N. (2017). 10 Thousand Years of History, Tourism News. Access Address (14.03.2023):
  • Engin, R. (2004). Religious life in Tarsus. Master's Thesis. Ankara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences.
  • Gürani, F. Y. (1999). Analysis of changes in the interior space organization of Tarsus houses between 1800-1998. Master's Thesis. Çukurova (Adana) University, Institute of Science, Department of Interior Architecture.
  • Hocaoğlu, B. (2003). Physical geography of Tarsus and its surroundings. Master's Thesis. Ege University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Physical Geography.
  • Jamal & Getz (1995). Collaboration theory and community tourism planning. Annals of Tourism Research, 22 (1), pp. 186-204.
  • Kaplan, A. & Örücü, Ö. K. (2019). Determination of tourism potential of lake Burdur and its surroundings in terms of landscape values . Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications , 4 (2) , 105-121 . DOI: 10.30785/mbud.555622
  • Kelleboz, Y. E. (2019). Natural environment and human relations in the surroundings of Tarsus district, Mersin province. Master's Thesis, Afyon Kocatepe University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Geography, Afyonkarahisar.
  • Ko & Stewart (2002). A structural equation model of residents' attitudes for tourism development. Tourism Management, 23, pp. 521-530.
  • Lai, P. H. & Nepal, S. K. (2006). Local perspectives of ecotourism development in Tawushan Nature Reserve, taiwan. Department of Recreation. Park and Tourism Sciences Tourism Management 27 (2006), pp. 1117-1129.
  • Lundberg, E. (2017). The importance of tourism impacts for different local resident groups: A case study of a Swedish seaside destination. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 6(1), 46-55.
  • Özdamar, K. (2003). Modern Scientific Research Methods. Eskisehir: Kaan Publishing.
  • Rita, P. (2000). Tourism in the European Union. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 12(7), 434-436.
  • Rüzgar, A., Koçak, H. & Demir, M. (2022). Determination of the recreation potential of Turgut Özal nature park in Malatya province. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 7 (1) , 1-25. DOI: 10.30785/mbud.972817
  • Sakar, S. (2019). Environmental factors in the perceptibility of urban archaeological areas: examples of Rome and Tarsus. Master's Thesis. Mersin University, Institute of Science, Department of City and Regional Planning, Mersin.
  • Sezgin, M., & Ünüvar, Ş. (2009). The importance of tourism in inter-cultural communication, alternative tourism and market, pp.392-404.
  • Sinkovics & Penz, (2009). Social distance between residents and international tourists, Implications for international business. International Business Review, 18, pp. 457-469.
  • Torun, E. (2014). Research on the historical-cultural geography of Tarsus and its tourism potential. Master's Thesis. Nigde University, Institute of Education Sciences, Department of Primary Education, Niğde.
  • Uğuz, S. Ç. (2014). The importance of current account balance and tourism in Turkey. Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Journal of Social and Economic Research, 2014(1), 18-22.
  • Uslu, A. & Kiper, T. (2006). Effects of tourism on cultural heritage: Awareness of the local people in Beypazarı/Ankara. Journal of Trakya University Faculty of Agriculture, (3), pp. 305-314.
  • Yazıcıoğlu, Y. (2004). SPSS Applied Scientific Research Methods. Ankara: Detay Publishing.
  • Yılmaz, M. (2019). Clothing and ornaments in Tarsus according to the shari'a registers of the 19th century. Master's Thesis, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Institute of Social Sciences.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Ecology, Sustainability and Energy, Physical Environment Control
Journal Section Research Articles

Sümeyye Gencer 0000-0001-7314-8290

Elif Akpınar Külekçi 0000-0003-2818-8562

Publication Date December 16, 2023
Submission Date October 3, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Gencer, S., & Akpınar Külekçi, E. (2023). Determination of the Recreational Landscape Potential of Tarsus (Mersin) District and Its Surroundings for Tourism. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 8(2), 767-783.