Malatya İli Günpınar Şelalesi Tabiat Parkının Fiziksel Taşıma Kapasitesinin Belirlenmesi
Year 2024,
Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 950 - 964, 26.12.2024
Halit Koçak
Metin Demir
Günpınar Şelalesi Tabiat Parkı’nın fiziksel taşıma kapasitesi hesaplanırken; öncelikle ziyaretçilere anket çalışması uygulanarak alanda ortalama kaç saat süre harcadıkları sorulmuştur. Tabiat Parkı’nın Kontrollü Kullanım Bölgeleri’nin, Manzara Seyir Terasının ve tabiat parkı içerisindeki yürüyüş yolları ve merdivenlerin fiziksel taşıma kapasiteleri hesaplanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre, Kontrollü Kullanım Alanı-1 için Fiziksel Taşıma Kapasitesi 319 ziyaretçi/gün, Kontrollü Kullanım Alanı-2 için fiziksel taşıma kapasitei-2 469 ziyaretçi/gün ve toplam da 788 ziyaretçi/gün olarak hesaplanmıştır. Manzara Seyir Terası için fiziksel taşıma kapasitesi 26 kişi, Yürüyüş Yolları için fiziksel taşıma kapasitesi 760 kişi ve Merdivenler için fiziksel taşıma kapasitesi 66 kişi olarak hesaplanmıştır. Koruma-kullanma dengesine dikkat edilerek ve alandaki rekreasyon kalitesi göz önünde bulundurularak Günpınar Şelalesi Tabiat Parkı için çözüm önerileri sunulmuştur.
- Bakır, M. (1990). The Importance of Recreation and Tourism Relationship In The Formation of Tourism Policies. (PhD Thesis). Istanbul University, Institute of Social Sciences, İstanbul. Yöktez Accessed From Datanase Access Address (18.07.2024):
- Can, E. (2015). The relation among leisure time, recreaiton and event
tourism. Istanbul Journal of Social Sciences, (10), 1-17. Online ISSN: 2147-
3390. Access Address (01.08.2024):
- Caner, A. M. (2018). Determination of The Physical and Social Carrying
Capacity of Erzincan Girlevik Waterfall. (Master’s Thesis), Atatürk
University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied, Erzurum. Yöktez
Accessed From Database Access Address (26.07.2024):
- Castellani, V., Sala, S., & Pitea, D. (2007). A New Method for Tourism
Carrying Capacity Assessment. Ecosystems and Sustainable
Development VI, Ed: E. Tiezzi, J.C. Marques, C.A. Brebbia, S.E. Jorgensen.
Witpress, Italy: WIT Press
- Ceballos-Lascurain, H. (1996). Tourism, Ecotourism, and Protected
Areas: The State of Nature-Based Tourism Around the World and
Guidelines for its Development. Switzerland: IUCN.
- Chu, X. & Baltes, M. R. (2003). Measuring Pedestrian Quality of Service
For Midblock Street Crossings: Selection of Potential Determinants.
Journal of The Transportation Research Board, 1828 (1), 89-97. Access
Address (25.07.2024):
- Cifuentes, M. (1992). Determinacion de Capacidad de Carga Turistica
en Areas Protegidas. Costa Rica: CATIE.
- Clarke, A. L. (2002). Assessing the carrying capacity of Florida Keys.
Population and Environment, 23 (4), 405-418. Online ISSN: 1573-7810.
Access Address (01.08.2024):
- Demircan, N., Aytatlı, B. & Demircioğlu Yıldız, N. (2018). Recreational
Approaches of The People Lived in Erzurum. Journal of Bartin Faculty of
Forestry, 20(3), 420-430. Online ISSN: 1308-5875. Access Address
- DKMP, (2019). Günpınar Şelalesi Tabiat Parkı Gelişim Planları. DKMP 15.
Bölge Müdürlüğü.
- Erdemir, B. (2018). Physical and psychological carrying capacity
analysis of destinations depending on sustainable tourism: Pamukkale
Hierapolis site survey. (Master’s Thesis), Balıkesir University, Institute of
Social Sciences Balıkesir. Yöktez Accessed From Database Access
Address (01.08.2024):
- Esin, A., Bakır, M. A., Aydın, C. & Gürbüzsel, E. (2001). Temel Örnekleme
Yöntemleri. İstanbul: Literatür Yayınları
- Göktuğ, T. H., Bulut, Y., Demir, M. & Demircioğlu Yıldız, N. (2011). Estimating
carrying capacity of Olympos Bey Mountains Coastal National Park.
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 22(12), 3730-3738. Access Address
- Göktuğ, T. H., Bulut, Y., Demircioğlu Yıldız, N. & Demir, M. (2011). Carrying
Capacity Assessment of Tortum Waterfall, Turkey, VI. International
Symposium on Ecology and Environmental Problems, (s. 3783-3791).
Antalya, Türkiye. Access Address (01.08.2024):
- Göktuğ, T.H., İçemer, G.T., Göktürk, R.S., Deniz, B., Aslan, E.Ş.O. & Arpa, N.Y.
(2017). Beydağları Sahil Milli Parkı’nda Taşıma Kapasitesi Boyutlarının
(Fiziksel, Gerçek, Etkin, Sosyal, Ekolojik) Analizleri Tabanlı Ziyaretçi
Yönetim Modelinin Geliştirilmesi: Faselis ve Çıralı Koyları Örneği.TÜBİTAK
Proje no: 114O344. 231 s, Ankara.
- Göktuğ, T.H., Yıldız, D.N., Demir, M. & Bulut, Y. (2013). Formation-
development and modelling process of carrying capacity theory in the
national parks. Research in Agricultural Sciences, 44 (2), 195-206.
Online ISSN: 1300-9036. Access Address (01.08.2024):
- Hubbard, S. M., Awward, R. J. & Bullock, D. M. (2007). Assessing the
ımpact of turning vehicles on pedestrian level of service at signalized
ıntersections: A new perspective. Journal of The Transportation
Research Board, 2027(1), 27-36. Online ISSN: 0361-1981. Access Address
- Itami, R. M. (2002). Estimating Capacities For Pedestrian Walkways and
Viewing Paltforms. Australia: Parks Victoria
- Kaplan, A. (2019). Determination of Tourism and Recreation Potential in
Terms of Landscape Values: The Case of Burdur. (Master’s Thesis),
Süleyman Demirel University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied,
Isparta. Yöktez Accessed From Database Access Address (23.07.2024):
- Karakaş, Ş. (2009). Flora of Tohma Valley (Gürün-Darende). (Master’s
Thesis), İnönü University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied,
Malatya. Yöktez Accessed From Database Access Address (01.08.2024):
- Koçak, H. (2023). Determination of Physical and Social Carrying
Capacity of Günpınar Waterfall Nature Park. (Master’s Thesis). Atatürk
University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied, Erzurum. Yöktez
Accessed From Database Access Address (01.08.2024):
- Mansuroğlu, S. (2002). Determination of leisure characteristic and
outdoor recreation tendencies for students of Akdeniz University.
Mediterranena Agricultural Sciences, 15(2), 53-62. Online ISSN: 2528-
9675. Access Address (01.08.2024):
- McCool, S. F. & Lime, D.W. (2001). Tourism carrying capacity: Tempting
fantasy or useful reality. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 9 (5), 372-378.
Online ISSN: 0966-9582. Access Address (25.07.2024):
- Muraleetharan, T., Adachi, T., Uchida, K. E., Hagiwara, T. & Kagaya, S.
(2004). A study on evaluation of pedestrian level of service along
sidewalks and at crosswalks using conjoint analysis. Infrastructure
Planning Review, 21, 727-735. Online ISSN: 1884-8303. Access Address
- Official Gazette. (2017, Çarşamba, Ocak). Doğal Sit Alanları Koruma ve
Kullanma Koşulları İlke Kararı. (Number: 29959). Access Address
- Rouphail, N. M., Hummer, J. E., Milazzo, J. S. & Allen, P. (1998).
Recommended Procedures Chapter 13 “Pedestrian” of The Highway
Capacity Manual. Washington: Transportation Research Board.
- Rüzgar, A. (2022). Determination of the physical and social carrying
capacity in controlled use zone of Yozgat Çamlığı National Park.
(Master’s Thesis). Atatürk University, Graduate School of Natural and
Applied, Erzurum. Yöktez Accessed From Database Access Address
- Rüzgar, A., Koçak, H. & Demir, M. (2022). Determination of the recreation
potential of Turgut Özal Natural Park in Malatya. Journal of
Architectural Sciences and Applications Research Article, 7(1), 1-25.
Online ISSN: 2548-0170. Access Address (19.08.2024):
- Sayan, S. & Ortaçeşme, V. (2005). The concept of recreational carrying
capacity and ıts estimation ın Protected Areas. Korunan Doğal Alanlar
Sempozyumu. (S. 495-503). Isparta, Türkiye. Access Address
- Sisiopiku, V. P. & Byrd, J. B. (2006). Comparison of level-of-service
methodoliges for pedestrian sidewalks. Transportation Research Board
85th Annual Meeting. (s. 6-898). Washington, USA. Access Address
- Suana, W., Ahyadi, H., Hadiprayitno, G., Amin, S., Kalih, L.A.T.W.S., &
Sudaryanto, F.X. (2020). Environment carrying capacity and willingness
to pay for bird-watching ecotourism in Kerandangon Natural Park,
Lombok, Indınesia. Biodiversitas, 21 (5). Online ISSN: 2266-2274. Access
Address (01.08.2024):
- Şahin, B., Vural, M. & Varol, Ö. (2012). Darende’nin bazı dar yayılışlı
endemik bitki türleri hakkında gözlemler. 21. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, (s.
628-629). İzmir, Türkiye. Access Address (01.08.2024):'nin_B
- Türkoğlu, T. & Demir, M. (2020). Evaluation of the touristic sites of
Malatya In the scope of online comments: Tripadvisor example. Journal
of Art and Human, 4(2), 66-85. Online ISSN: 1309-7156. Access Address
- Vujko, A., Plavsa, J., Petrovic, M.D., Radovanovic, M., & Gaije, T. (2017).
Modelling of carrying capacity in Natural Park-Fruska Gora (Serbia)
Case Study. Open Geosciences, 9 (1), 61-72). Online ISSN: 2017-0005.
Access Address (28.07.2024):
- Yılmaz, H., Yılmaz, S. & Demircioğlu Yıldız, N. (2003). Determination of the
recreational and tendencies of the people ın the city center of Kars.
Research in Agricultural Sciences, 34(4), 353-360. Access Address
Determination of The Physical Carrying Capacity of The Günpınar Waterfall Nature Park in Malatya Province
Year 2024,
Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 950 - 964, 26.12.2024
Halit Koçak
Metin Demir
In determining the physical carrying capacity of Günpınar Waterfall Nature Park; initially, a survey was conducted to ask visitors how many hours they spend in the area on average. The physical carrying capacities of the Controlled Use Zones of the Nature Park, the Landscape Viewing Terrace, and the walking paths and stairs within the nature park have been calculated. According to the findings, the Physical Carrying Capacity for Controlled Use Area-1 is 319 visitors/day, for Controlled Use Area-2 is 469 visitors/day, and the total is 788 visitors/day. The physical carrying capacity for the Landscape Viewing Terrace is 26 people, for Walking Paths is 760 people, and for Stairs is 66 people. Considering the balance between conservation and use, and considering the quality of recreation in the area, solution proposals have been presented for Günpınar Waterfall Nature Park.
This article, Atatürk University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Landscape Architecture Master's Degree, completed in 2023 in the Department of Landscape Architecture.
The article complies with national and international research and publication ethics.
Ethics Committee approval in the study, Ethics Committee of the Atatürk University dated 06.04.2023 and E-77040475-000-2300116813 It should be said that it was taken with the decision no.
- Bakır, M. (1990). The Importance of Recreation and Tourism Relationship In The Formation of Tourism Policies. (PhD Thesis). Istanbul University, Institute of Social Sciences, İstanbul. Yöktez Accessed From Datanase Access Address (18.07.2024):
- Can, E. (2015). The relation among leisure time, recreaiton and event
tourism. Istanbul Journal of Social Sciences, (10), 1-17. Online ISSN: 2147-
3390. Access Address (01.08.2024):
- Caner, A. M. (2018). Determination of The Physical and Social Carrying
Capacity of Erzincan Girlevik Waterfall. (Master’s Thesis), Atatürk
University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied, Erzurum. Yöktez
Accessed From Database Access Address (26.07.2024):
- Castellani, V., Sala, S., & Pitea, D. (2007). A New Method for Tourism
Carrying Capacity Assessment. Ecosystems and Sustainable
Development VI, Ed: E. Tiezzi, J.C. Marques, C.A. Brebbia, S.E. Jorgensen.
Witpress, Italy: WIT Press
- Ceballos-Lascurain, H. (1996). Tourism, Ecotourism, and Protected
Areas: The State of Nature-Based Tourism Around the World and
Guidelines for its Development. Switzerland: IUCN.
- Chu, X. & Baltes, M. R. (2003). Measuring Pedestrian Quality of Service
For Midblock Street Crossings: Selection of Potential Determinants.
Journal of The Transportation Research Board, 1828 (1), 89-97. Access
Address (25.07.2024):
- Cifuentes, M. (1992). Determinacion de Capacidad de Carga Turistica
en Areas Protegidas. Costa Rica: CATIE.
- Clarke, A. L. (2002). Assessing the carrying capacity of Florida Keys.
Population and Environment, 23 (4), 405-418. Online ISSN: 1573-7810.
Access Address (01.08.2024):
- Demircan, N., Aytatlı, B. & Demircioğlu Yıldız, N. (2018). Recreational
Approaches of The People Lived in Erzurum. Journal of Bartin Faculty of
Forestry, 20(3), 420-430. Online ISSN: 1308-5875. Access Address
- DKMP, (2019). Günpınar Şelalesi Tabiat Parkı Gelişim Planları. DKMP 15.
Bölge Müdürlüğü.
- Erdemir, B. (2018). Physical and psychological carrying capacity
analysis of destinations depending on sustainable tourism: Pamukkale
Hierapolis site survey. (Master’s Thesis), Balıkesir University, Institute of
Social Sciences Balıkesir. Yöktez Accessed From Database Access
Address (01.08.2024):
- Esin, A., Bakır, M. A., Aydın, C. & Gürbüzsel, E. (2001). Temel Örnekleme
Yöntemleri. İstanbul: Literatür Yayınları
- Göktuğ, T. H., Bulut, Y., Demir, M. & Demircioğlu Yıldız, N. (2011). Estimating
carrying capacity of Olympos Bey Mountains Coastal National Park.
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 22(12), 3730-3738. Access Address
- Göktuğ, T. H., Bulut, Y., Demircioğlu Yıldız, N. & Demir, M. (2011). Carrying
Capacity Assessment of Tortum Waterfall, Turkey, VI. International
Symposium on Ecology and Environmental Problems, (s. 3783-3791).
Antalya, Türkiye. Access Address (01.08.2024):
- Göktuğ, T.H., İçemer, G.T., Göktürk, R.S., Deniz, B., Aslan, E.Ş.O. & Arpa, N.Y.
(2017). Beydağları Sahil Milli Parkı’nda Taşıma Kapasitesi Boyutlarının
(Fiziksel, Gerçek, Etkin, Sosyal, Ekolojik) Analizleri Tabanlı Ziyaretçi
Yönetim Modelinin Geliştirilmesi: Faselis ve Çıralı Koyları Örneği.TÜBİTAK
Proje no: 114O344. 231 s, Ankara.
- Göktuğ, T.H., Yıldız, D.N., Demir, M. & Bulut, Y. (2013). Formation-
development and modelling process of carrying capacity theory in the
national parks. Research in Agricultural Sciences, 44 (2), 195-206.
Online ISSN: 1300-9036. Access Address (01.08.2024):
- Hubbard, S. M., Awward, R. J. & Bullock, D. M. (2007). Assessing the
ımpact of turning vehicles on pedestrian level of service at signalized
ıntersections: A new perspective. Journal of The Transportation
Research Board, 2027(1), 27-36. Online ISSN: 0361-1981. Access Address
- Itami, R. M. (2002). Estimating Capacities For Pedestrian Walkways and
Viewing Paltforms. Australia: Parks Victoria
- Kaplan, A. (2019). Determination of Tourism and Recreation Potential in
Terms of Landscape Values: The Case of Burdur. (Master’s Thesis),
Süleyman Demirel University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied,
Isparta. Yöktez Accessed From Database Access Address (23.07.2024):
- Karakaş, Ş. (2009). Flora of Tohma Valley (Gürün-Darende). (Master’s
Thesis), İnönü University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied,
Malatya. Yöktez Accessed From Database Access Address (01.08.2024):
- Koçak, H. (2023). Determination of Physical and Social Carrying
Capacity of Günpınar Waterfall Nature Park. (Master’s Thesis). Atatürk
University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied, Erzurum. Yöktez
Accessed From Database Access Address (01.08.2024):
- Mansuroğlu, S. (2002). Determination of leisure characteristic and
outdoor recreation tendencies for students of Akdeniz University.
Mediterranena Agricultural Sciences, 15(2), 53-62. Online ISSN: 2528-
9675. Access Address (01.08.2024):
- McCool, S. F. & Lime, D.W. (2001). Tourism carrying capacity: Tempting
fantasy or useful reality. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 9 (5), 372-378.
Online ISSN: 0966-9582. Access Address (25.07.2024):
- Muraleetharan, T., Adachi, T., Uchida, K. E., Hagiwara, T. & Kagaya, S.
(2004). A study on evaluation of pedestrian level of service along
sidewalks and at crosswalks using conjoint analysis. Infrastructure
Planning Review, 21, 727-735. Online ISSN: 1884-8303. Access Address
- Official Gazette. (2017, Çarşamba, Ocak). Doğal Sit Alanları Koruma ve
Kullanma Koşulları İlke Kararı. (Number: 29959). Access Address
- Rouphail, N. M., Hummer, J. E., Milazzo, J. S. & Allen, P. (1998).
Recommended Procedures Chapter 13 “Pedestrian” of The Highway
Capacity Manual. Washington: Transportation Research Board.
- Rüzgar, A. (2022). Determination of the physical and social carrying
capacity in controlled use zone of Yozgat Çamlığı National Park.
(Master’s Thesis). Atatürk University, Graduate School of Natural and
Applied, Erzurum. Yöktez Accessed From Database Access Address
- Rüzgar, A., Koçak, H. & Demir, M. (2022). Determination of the recreation
potential of Turgut Özal Natural Park in Malatya. Journal of
Architectural Sciences and Applications Research Article, 7(1), 1-25.
Online ISSN: 2548-0170. Access Address (19.08.2024):
- Sayan, S. & Ortaçeşme, V. (2005). The concept of recreational carrying
capacity and ıts estimation ın Protected Areas. Korunan Doğal Alanlar
Sempozyumu. (S. 495-503). Isparta, Türkiye. Access Address
- Sisiopiku, V. P. & Byrd, J. B. (2006). Comparison of level-of-service
methodoliges for pedestrian sidewalks. Transportation Research Board
85th Annual Meeting. (s. 6-898). Washington, USA. Access Address
- Suana, W., Ahyadi, H., Hadiprayitno, G., Amin, S., Kalih, L.A.T.W.S., &
Sudaryanto, F.X. (2020). Environment carrying capacity and willingness
to pay for bird-watching ecotourism in Kerandangon Natural Park,
Lombok, Indınesia. Biodiversitas, 21 (5). Online ISSN: 2266-2274. Access
Address (01.08.2024):
- Şahin, B., Vural, M. & Varol, Ö. (2012). Darende’nin bazı dar yayılışlı
endemik bitki türleri hakkında gözlemler. 21. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, (s.
628-629). İzmir, Türkiye. Access Address (01.08.2024):'nin_B
- Türkoğlu, T. & Demir, M. (2020). Evaluation of the touristic sites of
Malatya In the scope of online comments: Tripadvisor example. Journal
of Art and Human, 4(2), 66-85. Online ISSN: 1309-7156. Access Address
- Vujko, A., Plavsa, J., Petrovic, M.D., Radovanovic, M., & Gaije, T. (2017).
Modelling of carrying capacity in Natural Park-Fruska Gora (Serbia)
Case Study. Open Geosciences, 9 (1), 61-72). Online ISSN: 2017-0005.
Access Address (28.07.2024):
- Yılmaz, H., Yılmaz, S. & Demircioğlu Yıldız, N. (2003). Determination of the
recreational and tendencies of the people ın the city center of Kars.
Research in Agricultural Sciences, 34(4), 353-360. Access Address