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Kent Atlası Verileriyle Çankaya İlçesi'ndeki Kentsel Büyüme ve Arazi Kullanım Değişikliklerinin Analizi

Year 2024, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 898 - 907, 26.12.2024


Bu çalışmanın amacı Çankaya ilçesindeki arazi kullanımı/arazi örtüsü (AKAÖ) değişimlerini izlemektir. Çalışmada, Kent Atlası verileri kullanılarak Çankaya ilçesinin 2012 ve 2018 yılları arasındaki AKAÖ değişiklikleri incelenmiştir. Çankaya’daki sürekli kentsel doku 632.16 hektardan 644.03 hektara, süreksiz yüksek yoğunluklu kentsel doku ise 1,735.30 hektardan 1,795.05 hektara artmıştır. İnşaat alanları 122.40 hektardan 666.04 hektara büyük bir artış göstermiştir. Tarıma elverişli alanlar 11,844.45 hektardan 11,347.11 hektara, mera alanları 2,089.28 hektardan 2,025.83 hektara, ve ormanlar 1,803.52 hektardan 1,793.67 hektara düşmüştür. Ayrıca, otsu bitki toplulukları da 16,097.70 hektardan 15,666.54 hektara gerilemiştir. Bu değişiklikler, Çankaya ilçesindeki kentsel genişlemenin doğal ve tarımsal alanlar üzerindeki etkilerini net bir şekilde ortaya koymaktadır. Sonuçlar, kentsel büyüme ile doğal ve tarımsal alanların korunması arasında denge sağlanması gerekliliğini vurgulamaktadır. Gelecek araştırmalar, Kent Atlası’nın kapsama alanının genişletilmesi ve ek veri setleri ile entegrasyon sağlanması suretiyle, daha kapsamlı ve uzun vadeli kentsel gelişim analizlerinin yapılmasına olanak tanıyabilir. Sürdürülebilir kentsel gelişimi desteklemek için, bu tür yüksek çözünürlüklü verilerin etkili kullanımı ve yönetimi büyük önem arz etmektedir.


  • Aksoy, T., Dabanli, A., Cetin, M., Senyel Kurkcuoglu, M. A., Cengiz, A. E., Cabuk, S. N., Agacsapan, B., & Cabuk, A. (2022). Evaluation of comparing urban area land use change with Urban Atlas and CORINE data. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(19), 28995-29015.
  • Alomar-Garau, G. (2023). Monitoring and mapping urban sprawl over heritage hotspots using copernicus land monitoring services: The case of periurban large-scale, wind-powered water extraction mills in Palma (Mallorca). Shima, 17(2).
  • Anonymous. (2024). Cankaya Map Ankara. Access Address (22.07.2024): https://www.haritatr.com/harita/Cankaya/37004
  • Arowolo, A. O., & Deng, X. (2018). Land use/land cover change and statistical modelling of cultivated land change drivers in Nigeria. Regional environmental change, 18, 247-259.
  • Authors. (2024). Created by the authors using from the urban atlas data.
  • Bokaie, M., Zarkesh, M. K., Arasteh, P. D., & Hosseini, A. (2016). Assessment of urban heat island based on the relationship between land surface temperature and land use/land cover in Tehran. Sustainable Cities and Society, 23, 94-104.
  • Copernicus Land Monitoring Service. (2024). Urban Atlas. Access Address (20.07.2024): https://land.copernicus.eu/local/urban-atlas
  • Das, N., Mondal, P., Sutradhar, S., & Ghosh, R. (2021). Assessment of variation of land use/land cover and its impact on land surface temperature of Asansol subdivision. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science, 24(1), 131-149.
  • Demir, S., & Demirel, Ö. (2018). Peyzaj planlamada peyzaj ekolojisi yaklaşımı. Türkiye Peyzaj Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1(1), 1-8.
  • Dobesova, Z. (2020). Experiment in finding look-alike European cities using urban atlas data. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(6), 406.
  • Duru, M. A., Hoş, F., & Tonyaloğlu, E. E. (2022). Kent peyzajının yeşil altyapı yaklaşımı ile değerlendirilmesi: Çankaya/Ankara örneği. Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(1), 135-143.
  • Han, H., Yang, C., & Song, J. (2015). Scenario simulation and the prediction of land use and land cover change in Beijing, China. Sustainability, 7(4), 4260-4279.
  • Helber, P., Bischke, B., Dengel, A., & Borth, D. (2019). Eurosat: A novel dataset and deep learning benchmark for land use and land cover classification. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 12(7), 2217-2226.
  • Jiang, J., & Tian, G. (2010). Analysis of the impact of land use/land cover change on land surface temperature with remote sensing. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2, 571-575.
  • Kolcsár, R. A., Csikós, N., & Szilassi, P. (2021). Testing the limitations of buffer zones and Urban atlas population data in urban green space provision analyses through the case study of Szeged, Hungary. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 57, 126942.
  • Lambin, E. F., Turner, B. L., Geist, H. J., Agbola, S. B., Angelsen, A., Bruce, J. W., Coomes, O. T., Dirzo, R., Fischer, G., & Folke, C. (2001). The causes of land-use and land-cover change: moving beyond the myths. Global environmental change, 11(4), 261-269.
  • Lumia, G., Pratico, S., Di Fazio, S., Cushman, S., & Modica, G. (2023). Combined use of urban Atlas and Corine land cover datasets for the implementation of an ecological network using graph theory within a multi-species approach. Ecological Indicators, 148, 110150.
  • Micek, O., Feranec, J., & Stych, P. (2020). Land use/land cover data of the urban atlas and the cadastre of real estate: An evaluation study in the Prague Metropolitan Region. Land, 9(5), 153.
  • Mohan, M., Pathan, S. K., Narendrareddy, K., Kandya, A., & Pandey, S. (2011). Dynamics of urbanization and its impact on land-use/land- cover: a case study of megacity Delhi. Journal of Environmental Protection, 2(09), 1274.
  • OpenStreetMap. (2024). Access Address (22.07.2024): https://www.openstreetmap.org/
  • Özmekik, İ. M., Tonyaloğlu, E. E., & Göktuğ, T. H. (2022). Kent atlası verilerinden kentsel saçaklanmanın belirlenmesi: Samsun ili örneği. Türkiye Peyzaj Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(2), 102-111.
  • Pal, S., & Ziaul, S. (2017). Detection of land use and land cover change and land surface temperature in English Bazar urban centre. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science, 20(1), 125-145.
  • Pauleit, S., Ennos, R., & Golding, Y. (2005). Modeling the environmental impacts of urban land use and land cover change—a study in Merseyside, UK. Landscape and urban planning, 71(2-4), 295-310.
  • Pazúr, R., Feranec, J., Štych, P., Kopecká, M., & Holman, L. (2017). Changes of urbanised landscape identified and assessed by the Urban Atlas data: Case study of Prague and Bratislava. Land use policy, 61, 135-146.
  • Pazúr, R., Kopecká, M., & Feranec, J. (2015). Changes of artificial surfaces of Bratislava in 2006–2012 identified by the Urban Atlas data. Land use/cover changes in selected regions in the world, 11, 37-42.
  • Petrisor, A.-I., & Petrişor, L. E. (2015). Assessing microscale environmental changes: CORINE vs. the Urban Atlas. Present Environment and Sustainable Development(2), 95-104.
  • Poyatos, R., Latron, J., & Llorens, P. (2003). Land use and land cover change after agricultural abandonment. Mountain research and development, 23(4), 362-368.
  • Prastacos, P., Chrysoulakis, N., & Kochilakis, G. (2012). Spatial metrics for Greek cities using land cover information from the Urban Atlas. Multidisciplinary Research on Geographical Information in Europe and Beyond, 24-27.
  • Regasa, M. S., Nones, M., & Adeba, D. (2021). A review on land use and land cover change in Ethiopian basins. Land, 10(6), 585.
  • Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change. (2021). Çankaya (Ankara) Alacaatlı Neighborhood 44918 Block 2 Parcel “Reserve Construction Area” Designated 1/1000 Scale Implementation Zoning Plan Change Plan Explanation Report. Access Address (20.07.2024): https://webdosya.csb.gov.tr/db/ankara/duyurular/plan-dosyasi- 20210713102449.pdf
  • Roy, P., & Roy, A. (2010). Land use and land cover change in India: Aremote sensing & GIS prespective. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 90(4), 489-502.
  • Srivastava, P. K., Han, D., Rico-Ramirez, M. A., Bray, M., & Islam, T. (2012). Selection of classification techniques for land use/land cover change investigation. Advances in Space Research, 50(9), 1250-1265.
  • Talukdar, S., Singha, P., Mahato, S., Pal, S., Liou, Y.-A., & Rahman, A. (2020). Land-use land-cover classification by machine learning classifiers for satellite observations—A review. Remote sensing, 12(7), 1135.
  • Topal, T. Ü. (2023a). Kent Atlası Verileri Kullanılarak Arazi Kullanımı/Arazi Örtüsü Değişimlerinin Değerlendirilmesi: İstanbul Başakşehir Örneği. 10. Uluslararası Mühendislik ve Teknoloji Yönetimi Kongresi, 437-445.
  • Topal, T. Ü. (2023b). Measurement and evaluation of urban growth and urban sprawl: Tekirdağ Example. Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 24(2), 210-223.
  • Topal, T. Ü., & Konakoğlu, S. S. K. (2023). Investigations of spatial and temporal land use/land cover changes in Trabzon province (1990- 2018) using CORINE maps and landscape metrics. Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Sciences, 8(3), 536-544.
  • Tran, D. X., Pla, F., Latorre-Carmona, P., Myint, S. W., Caetano, M., & Kieu, H. V. (2017). Characterizing the relationship between land use land cover change and land surface temperature. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 124, 119-132.
  • Tsagkis, P., & Photis, Y. N. (2018). Using Gama platform and Urban Atlas Data to predict urban growth. The case of Athens. 13th International Conference of the Hellenic Geographical Society, 1-10.
  • TUIK. (2024a). Address Based Population Registration System Results, 2023. Access Address (23.07.2024): https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Bulten/Index?p=Adrese-Dayali-Nufus-Kayit- Sistemi-Sonuclari-2023- 49684#:~:text=T%C3%BCrkiye'de%20ikamet%20eden%20n%C3%BCfus,9' unu%20ise%20kad%C4%B1nlar%20olu%C5%9Fturdu
  • TUIK. (2024b). Access Address (23.07.2024): https://cip.tuik.gov.tr/
  • Wang, J., Bretz, M., Dewan, M. A. A., & Delavar, M. A. (2022). Machine learning in modelling land-use and land cover-change (LULCC): Current status, challenges and prospects. Science of the Total Environment, 822, 153559.

Analysis of Urban Growth and Land Use Changes in Çankaya District Using Urban Atlas Data

Year 2024, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 898 - 907, 26.12.2024


The aim of this study is to monitor the land use/land cover (LULC) changes in Çankaya district. In the study, the LULC changes of Çankaya district between 2012 and 2018 were examined using Urban Atlas data. Continuous urban fabric in Çankaya increased from 632.16 hectares to 644.03 hectares, and discontinuous dense urban fabric increased from 1,735.30 hectares to 1,795.05 hectares. Construction areas saw a significant rise from 122.40 hectares to 666.04 hectares. In contrast, arable lands decreased from 11,844.45 hectares to 11,347.11 hectares, pastures from 2,089.28 hectares to 2,025.83 hectares, and forests from 1,803.52 hectares to 1,793.67 hectares. Additionally, herbaceous vegetation associations reduced from 16,097.70 hectares to 15,666.54 hectares. These changes clearly illustrate the impact of urban expansion on natural and agricultural lands in Çankaya. The results highlight the need to balance urban growth with the conservation of natural and agricultural areas. Future research could benefit from expanding the scope of Urban Atlas data and integrating additional datasets to enable more comprehensive and long-term analyses of urban development. Effective use and management of such high-resolution data are crucial for supporting sustainable urban development.


The authors are grateful for the Urban Atlas data provided by Copernicus Land Monitoring Services. The article complies with national and international research and publication ethics. Ethics Committee approval was not required for the study.


  • Aksoy, T., Dabanli, A., Cetin, M., Senyel Kurkcuoglu, M. A., Cengiz, A. E., Cabuk, S. N., Agacsapan, B., & Cabuk, A. (2022). Evaluation of comparing urban area land use change with Urban Atlas and CORINE data. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(19), 28995-29015.
  • Alomar-Garau, G. (2023). Monitoring and mapping urban sprawl over heritage hotspots using copernicus land monitoring services: The case of periurban large-scale, wind-powered water extraction mills in Palma (Mallorca). Shima, 17(2).
  • Anonymous. (2024). Cankaya Map Ankara. Access Address (22.07.2024): https://www.haritatr.com/harita/Cankaya/37004
  • Arowolo, A. O., & Deng, X. (2018). Land use/land cover change and statistical modelling of cultivated land change drivers in Nigeria. Regional environmental change, 18, 247-259.
  • Authors. (2024). Created by the authors using from the urban atlas data.
  • Bokaie, M., Zarkesh, M. K., Arasteh, P. D., & Hosseini, A. (2016). Assessment of urban heat island based on the relationship between land surface temperature and land use/land cover in Tehran. Sustainable Cities and Society, 23, 94-104.
  • Copernicus Land Monitoring Service. (2024). Urban Atlas. Access Address (20.07.2024): https://land.copernicus.eu/local/urban-atlas
  • Das, N., Mondal, P., Sutradhar, S., & Ghosh, R. (2021). Assessment of variation of land use/land cover and its impact on land surface temperature of Asansol subdivision. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science, 24(1), 131-149.
  • Demir, S., & Demirel, Ö. (2018). Peyzaj planlamada peyzaj ekolojisi yaklaşımı. Türkiye Peyzaj Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1(1), 1-8.
  • Dobesova, Z. (2020). Experiment in finding look-alike European cities using urban atlas data. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(6), 406.
  • Duru, M. A., Hoş, F., & Tonyaloğlu, E. E. (2022). Kent peyzajının yeşil altyapı yaklaşımı ile değerlendirilmesi: Çankaya/Ankara örneği. Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(1), 135-143.
  • Han, H., Yang, C., & Song, J. (2015). Scenario simulation and the prediction of land use and land cover change in Beijing, China. Sustainability, 7(4), 4260-4279.
  • Helber, P., Bischke, B., Dengel, A., & Borth, D. (2019). Eurosat: A novel dataset and deep learning benchmark for land use and land cover classification. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 12(7), 2217-2226.
  • Jiang, J., & Tian, G. (2010). Analysis of the impact of land use/land cover change on land surface temperature with remote sensing. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2, 571-575.
  • Kolcsár, R. A., Csikós, N., & Szilassi, P. (2021). Testing the limitations of buffer zones and Urban atlas population data in urban green space provision analyses through the case study of Szeged, Hungary. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 57, 126942.
  • Lambin, E. F., Turner, B. L., Geist, H. J., Agbola, S. B., Angelsen, A., Bruce, J. W., Coomes, O. T., Dirzo, R., Fischer, G., & Folke, C. (2001). The causes of land-use and land-cover change: moving beyond the myths. Global environmental change, 11(4), 261-269.
  • Lumia, G., Pratico, S., Di Fazio, S., Cushman, S., & Modica, G. (2023). Combined use of urban Atlas and Corine land cover datasets for the implementation of an ecological network using graph theory within a multi-species approach. Ecological Indicators, 148, 110150.
  • Micek, O., Feranec, J., & Stych, P. (2020). Land use/land cover data of the urban atlas and the cadastre of real estate: An evaluation study in the Prague Metropolitan Region. Land, 9(5), 153.
  • Mohan, M., Pathan, S. K., Narendrareddy, K., Kandya, A., & Pandey, S. (2011). Dynamics of urbanization and its impact on land-use/land- cover: a case study of megacity Delhi. Journal of Environmental Protection, 2(09), 1274.
  • OpenStreetMap. (2024). Access Address (22.07.2024): https://www.openstreetmap.org/
  • Özmekik, İ. M., Tonyaloğlu, E. E., & Göktuğ, T. H. (2022). Kent atlası verilerinden kentsel saçaklanmanın belirlenmesi: Samsun ili örneği. Türkiye Peyzaj Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(2), 102-111.
  • Pal, S., & Ziaul, S. (2017). Detection of land use and land cover change and land surface temperature in English Bazar urban centre. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science, 20(1), 125-145.
  • Pauleit, S., Ennos, R., & Golding, Y. (2005). Modeling the environmental impacts of urban land use and land cover change—a study in Merseyside, UK. Landscape and urban planning, 71(2-4), 295-310.
  • Pazúr, R., Feranec, J., Štych, P., Kopecká, M., & Holman, L. (2017). Changes of urbanised landscape identified and assessed by the Urban Atlas data: Case study of Prague and Bratislava. Land use policy, 61, 135-146.
  • Pazúr, R., Kopecká, M., & Feranec, J. (2015). Changes of artificial surfaces of Bratislava in 2006–2012 identified by the Urban Atlas data. Land use/cover changes in selected regions in the world, 11, 37-42.
  • Petrisor, A.-I., & Petrişor, L. E. (2015). Assessing microscale environmental changes: CORINE vs. the Urban Atlas. Present Environment and Sustainable Development(2), 95-104.
  • Poyatos, R., Latron, J., & Llorens, P. (2003). Land use and land cover change after agricultural abandonment. Mountain research and development, 23(4), 362-368.
  • Prastacos, P., Chrysoulakis, N., & Kochilakis, G. (2012). Spatial metrics for Greek cities using land cover information from the Urban Atlas. Multidisciplinary Research on Geographical Information in Europe and Beyond, 24-27.
  • Regasa, M. S., Nones, M., & Adeba, D. (2021). A review on land use and land cover change in Ethiopian basins. Land, 10(6), 585.
  • Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change. (2021). Çankaya (Ankara) Alacaatlı Neighborhood 44918 Block 2 Parcel “Reserve Construction Area” Designated 1/1000 Scale Implementation Zoning Plan Change Plan Explanation Report. Access Address (20.07.2024): https://webdosya.csb.gov.tr/db/ankara/duyurular/plan-dosyasi- 20210713102449.pdf
  • Roy, P., & Roy, A. (2010). Land use and land cover change in India: Aremote sensing & GIS prespective. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 90(4), 489-502.
  • Srivastava, P. K., Han, D., Rico-Ramirez, M. A., Bray, M., & Islam, T. (2012). Selection of classification techniques for land use/land cover change investigation. Advances in Space Research, 50(9), 1250-1265.
  • Talukdar, S., Singha, P., Mahato, S., Pal, S., Liou, Y.-A., & Rahman, A. (2020). Land-use land-cover classification by machine learning classifiers for satellite observations—A review. Remote sensing, 12(7), 1135.
  • Topal, T. Ü. (2023a). Kent Atlası Verileri Kullanılarak Arazi Kullanımı/Arazi Örtüsü Değişimlerinin Değerlendirilmesi: İstanbul Başakşehir Örneği. 10. Uluslararası Mühendislik ve Teknoloji Yönetimi Kongresi, 437-445.
  • Topal, T. Ü. (2023b). Measurement and evaluation of urban growth and urban sprawl: Tekirdağ Example. Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 24(2), 210-223.
  • Topal, T. Ü., & Konakoğlu, S. S. K. (2023). Investigations of spatial and temporal land use/land cover changes in Trabzon province (1990- 2018) using CORINE maps and landscape metrics. Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Sciences, 8(3), 536-544.
  • Tran, D. X., Pla, F., Latorre-Carmona, P., Myint, S. W., Caetano, M., & Kieu, H. V. (2017). Characterizing the relationship between land use land cover change and land surface temperature. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 124, 119-132.
  • Tsagkis, P., & Photis, Y. N. (2018). Using Gama platform and Urban Atlas Data to predict urban growth. The case of Athens. 13th International Conference of the Hellenic Geographical Society, 1-10.
  • TUIK. (2024a). Address Based Population Registration System Results, 2023. Access Address (23.07.2024): https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Bulten/Index?p=Adrese-Dayali-Nufus-Kayit- Sistemi-Sonuclari-2023- 49684#:~:text=T%C3%BCrkiye'de%20ikamet%20eden%20n%C3%BCfus,9' unu%20ise%20kad%C4%B1nlar%20olu%C5%9Fturdu
  • TUIK. (2024b). Access Address (23.07.2024): https://cip.tuik.gov.tr/
  • Wang, J., Bretz, M., Dewan, M. A. A., & Delavar, M. A. (2022). Machine learning in modelling land-use and land cover-change (LULCC): Current status, challenges and prospects. Science of the Total Environment, 822, 153559.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Land Use and Environmental Planning, Landscape Planning
Journal Section Research Articles

Tuğba Üstün Topal 0000-0002-9687-927X

Sultan Sevinç Kurt Konakoğlu 0000-0001-5383-0954

M. Bihter Bingül Bulut 0000-0003-4496-8198

Öner Demirel 0000-0002-8102-5589

Publication Date December 26, 2024
Submission Date September 19, 2024
Acceptance Date November 29, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 9 Issue: 2


APA Üstün Topal, T., Kurt Konakoğlu, S. S., Bingül Bulut, M. B., Demirel, Ö. (2024). Analysis of Urban Growth and Land Use Changes in Çankaya District Using Urban Atlas Data. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 9(2), 898-907. https://doi.org/10.30785/mbud.1552604