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Investigation of MBL-1 gene polymorphism in some cattle breeds raised in Turkey

Year 2019, , 25 - 30, 01.04.2019


concern in using genetic methods in forming resistant herds against diseases in
farm animals has recently been increasing. Mannose-binding lectin-1 (
MBL-1) gene is one of the genes searched
in this kind of research because of this gene's important responsibilities in
the immune system. In the presented research, Zavot (n= 81, Z), Anatolian Black
(n= 87, AB), Eastern Anatolian Red (n= 72, EAR), Turkish Gray (n= 54, TG),
Southern Anatolian Red (n= 44, SAR) which are the cattle breeds raised in
Turkey, and Black Switzerland (n= 61, BS) and Simmental (n= 65, S) which are
Europe originated cattle breeds were used as the research material. In the
research, it was aimed at genotyping the samples of cattle searched in terms of
total three single nucleotide polymorphism in the intron 1 (1252 G>A) and
exon 2 (2534 G>A, 2569 T>C) regions of
MBL-1 gene. In the end of the study, it was found that Hardy
Weinberg (HWE) equilibrium broke down in EAR and S breeds (p<0.05) in terms
of 1252 G>A coded SNP; in NB and BS races (p<0.001 and p<0.01
respectively) in terms of 2534G>A coded SNP. It was determined that all
breeds are in HWE in terms of 2569 T>C coded SNP. This research is the first
research where SNPs in intron 1 (1252 G>A) and exon 2 (2534 G>A, 2569
T>C) regions of
MBL-1 gene in the
cattle breeds raised in Turkey have been searched. At the end of the study, it
was thought that the studies where the relationships between SNPs and important
raising disease are searched should be planned.


  • Aleri JW, Hine BC, Pyman MF, Mansell PD, Wales WJ, Mallard BA, Fisher AD (2015) Immune function as a predictor of dairy cattle health and disease. In: Australian Cattle and Sheep Veterinarians Conference. Hobart, Australia.
  • Anonim 1 (2018) =core;g=ENSBTAG00000023032;r=28:35840849-35854765. Erişim 07 Aralık 2018.
  • Breuer K, Foroushani AK, Laird MR, Chen C, Sribnaia A, Lo R, Winsor GL, Hancock RE, Brinkman FS, Lynn DJ (2013) InnateDB: Systems biology of innate immunity and beyond. Nucleic Acid Research 41: 1228-1233.
  • Delves PJ, Martin SJ, Burton DR, Roitt IM (2011) Roitt’s essential immunology. 7rd Edition, Wiley-Blackwell, UK.
  • Eggen Â, Ferretti L, Farr CJ, Gautier M, Amati G, Williams JL, Ball G, Caramorr T, Critcher R, Costa S, Hextall P, Hills D, Jeulin A, Kiguwa SL, Ross O, Smith AL, Saunier K, Urquhart B, Waddington D (2002) A bovine whole-genome radiation hybrid panel and outline map. Mammalian Genome 13(8): 469-474.
  • Fraser RS, Lumsden JS, Lillie BN (2018) Identification of polymorphisms in the bovine collagenous lectins and their association with infectious diseases in cattle. Immunogenetics 70(8): 533-543.
  • Gjerstorff M, Hansen S, Jensen B, Dueholm B, Horn P, Bendixen C, Holmskov U (2004) The genes encoding bovine SP-A, SP-D, MBL-A, conglutinin, CL-43 and CL-46 form a distinct collectin locus on Bos taurus chromosome 28 (BTA28) at position q.1.8-1.9. Animal Genetics 35: 333-337.
  • Goudet J (1995) FSTAT (Version 1.2): A Computer Program to Calculate F-Statistics. Journal of Heredity 86(2): 485-486.
  • Holmskov U, Thiel S, Jensenius JC (2003) Collectins and ficolins: humoral lectins of the innate immune defense. Annual Review of Immunology 21: 547–578.
  • Janeway CA, Medzhitov R (2002) Innate Immune Recognıtıon. Annual Review of Immunology 20: 197–216.
  • Kamaldeep, Magotra A, Pander BL, Malik A, Garg AR, Dalal DS, Malik BS (2017) Association of G.2686T>C mutation of MBL1 gene with reproduction traits in Sahiwal cattle. International Journal of Agricultural Science Research 7: 159–164.
  • Liu J, Ju Z, Li Q, Huang J, Li R, Li J, Ma L, Zhong J, Wang C (2011) Mannose-binding lectin 1 haplotypes influence serum MBL-A concentration, complement activity, and milk production traits in Chinese Holstein cattle. Immunogenetics 63: 727-742.
  • Mallard BA, Wilkie BN (2007) Phenotypic, genetic and epigenetic variation of immune response and disease resistance traits of pigs. Advances in Pork Production 18: 139-146.
  • Mallard BA, Emam M, Paibomesai M, Thompson-Crispi K, Wagter-Lesperance L (2015) Genetic selection of cattle for improved immunity and health. Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research 63(1): 37-44.
  • Neth O, Jack DL, Dodds AW, Holzel H, Klein NJ, Turner MW (2000) Mannose-binding lectin binds to a range of clinically relevant microorganisms and promotes complement deposition. Infection and Immunity 68: 688-693.
  • OEGE (2008) Online Encyclopedia for Genetic Epidemiology studies. Erişim 05 Aralık 2018.
  • Phatsara C, Jennen DGJ, Ponsuksili S, Murani E, Tesfaye D, Schellander K, Wimmers, K (2007) Molecular genetic analysis of porcine mannose-binding lectin genes, MBL1 and MBL2, and their association with complement activity. International Journal of Immunogenetics 34: 55-63.
  • Prajapati BM, Gupta JP, Pandey DP, Parmar GA, Chaudhari JD (2017) Molecular markers for resistance against infectious diseases of economic importance. Veterinary World 10: 112-120.
  • Sambrook J, Russell DW (2001) Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. 3nd Edition, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
  • Schwaeble W (2002) The Mannan-Binding Lectin-Associated Serine Proteases (MASPs) and MAp19: Four Components of the Lectin Pathway Activation Complex Encoded by Two Genes. Immunobiology 205: 455-466.
  • Seegers H, Fourichon C, Beaudeau F (2003) Production effects related to mastitis and mastitis economics in dairy cattle herds. Veterinary Research 34: 475-491.
  • Super M, Lu J, Thiel S, Levinsky RT, Turner MW (1989) Assocıatıon of low levels of mannan-bındıng proteın wıth a common defect of opsonısatıon. Lancet 334: 1236-1239.
  • Thiel S, Vorup-Jensen T, Stover CM, Schwaeble W, Laursen SB, Poulsen K, Willis AC, Eggleton P, Hansen S, Holmskov U, Reid KBM, Jensenius JC (1997) A second serine protease associated with mannan-binding lectin that activates complement. Nature 386: 506-510.
  • Thompson-Crispi KA, Hine B, Quinton M, Miglior F, Mallard BA (2012) Short communication: Association of disease incidence and adaptive immune response in Holstein dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 95: 3888-3893.
  • Thompson-Crispi KA, Atalla H, Miglior F, Mallard BA (2014) Bovine mastitis: Frontiers in immunogenetics. Frontiers in Immunology 5: 493.
  • Turner MW, Hamvas RM (2000) Mannose-binding lectin: Structure, function, genetics and disease associations. Reviews in Immunogenetics 2(3): 305-22.
  • Turner MW (2004) The role of mannose-binding lectin in health and disease. The Netherland Journal of Medicine 62: 4-9.
  • Wang C, Liu M, Li Q, Ju Z, Huang J, Li J, Wang H, Zhong J (2011) Three novel single-nucleotide polymorphisms of MBL1 gene in Chinese native cattle and their associations with milk performance traits. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 139: 229-236.
  • Yuan ZR, Li J, Liu L, Zhang LP, Zhang LM, Chen C, Chen XJ, Gao X, Li JY, Chen JB, Gao HJ, Xu SZ (2011) Single nucleotide polymorphism of CACNA2D1 gene and its association with milk somatic cell score in cattle. Molecular Biology Reports 38: 5179-5183.
  • Yuan ZR, Li J, Li J, Gao X, Xu S (2013) SNPs identification and its correlation analysis with milk somatic cell score in bovine MBL1 gene. Molecular Biology Reports 40: 7-12.

Türkiye’de yetiştirilen bazı sığır ırklarında MBL-1 gen polimorfizminin araştırılması

Year 2019, , 25 - 30, 01.04.2019


Çiftlik hayvanlarında son yıllarda hastalıklara karşı daha dirençli
sürülerin oluşturulması için genetik yöntemlerin kullanılmasına yönelik ilgi
giderek artmaktadır. Bu tür çalışmalarda immun sistemde önemli görevlerinden
dolayı mannoz bağlayıcı lektin-1 (
geni de incelenen genlerden biridir. Sunulan çalışmada araştırma materyali
olarak Türkiye’de yetiştirilen yerli sığır ırklarından Zavot (n= 81, Z), Yerli
Kara (n= 87, YK), Doğu Anadolu Kırmızısı (n= 72, DAK), Boz ırk (n= 54, BI),
Güney Anadolu Kırmızısı (n= 44, GAK) ile Avrupa orijinli sığır ırklarından
İsviçre Esmeri (n= 61, BS) ve Simental (n= 65, S) ırkı sığırlar kullanılmıştır.
MBL-1 geninin intron 1
(1252 G>A) ve ekzon 2 bölgelerinde (2534 G>A, 2569 T>C) bulunan toplam
üç tek nükleotid polimorfizmi (SNP) yönünden incelenen sığır ırklarına ait
örneklerin genotiplendirilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Çalışma sonunda 1252 G>A
kodlu SNP yönünden DAK ve S ırklarında (p<0.05); 2534G>A kodlu SNP
yönünden YK ve BS ırklarında (p<0.001, p<0.01 sırasıyla) Hardy Weinberg
(HWE) dengesinin bozulduğu görülmüştür. 2569 T>C kodlu SNP yönünden ise tüm
ırkların HW dengesinde oldukları belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışma Türkiye’de
yetiştirilen sığır ırklarında
geninin intron 1 (1252 G>A) ve ekzon 2 bölgelerinde (2534 G>A, 2569
T>C) bulunan SNP’lerin araştırıldığı ilk çalışmadır. Çalışma sonunda bu
SNP’ler ile önemli yetiştiricilik hastalıkları arasındaki ilişkilerin
araştırıldığı çalışmaların planlanması gerektiği düşünülmüştür.


  • Aleri JW, Hine BC, Pyman MF, Mansell PD, Wales WJ, Mallard BA, Fisher AD (2015) Immune function as a predictor of dairy cattle health and disease. In: Australian Cattle and Sheep Veterinarians Conference. Hobart, Australia.
  • Anonim 1 (2018) =core;g=ENSBTAG00000023032;r=28:35840849-35854765. Erişim 07 Aralık 2018.
  • Breuer K, Foroushani AK, Laird MR, Chen C, Sribnaia A, Lo R, Winsor GL, Hancock RE, Brinkman FS, Lynn DJ (2013) InnateDB: Systems biology of innate immunity and beyond. Nucleic Acid Research 41: 1228-1233.
  • Delves PJ, Martin SJ, Burton DR, Roitt IM (2011) Roitt’s essential immunology. 7rd Edition, Wiley-Blackwell, UK.
  • Eggen Â, Ferretti L, Farr CJ, Gautier M, Amati G, Williams JL, Ball G, Caramorr T, Critcher R, Costa S, Hextall P, Hills D, Jeulin A, Kiguwa SL, Ross O, Smith AL, Saunier K, Urquhart B, Waddington D (2002) A bovine whole-genome radiation hybrid panel and outline map. Mammalian Genome 13(8): 469-474.
  • Fraser RS, Lumsden JS, Lillie BN (2018) Identification of polymorphisms in the bovine collagenous lectins and their association with infectious diseases in cattle. Immunogenetics 70(8): 533-543.
  • Gjerstorff M, Hansen S, Jensen B, Dueholm B, Horn P, Bendixen C, Holmskov U (2004) The genes encoding bovine SP-A, SP-D, MBL-A, conglutinin, CL-43 and CL-46 form a distinct collectin locus on Bos taurus chromosome 28 (BTA28) at position q.1.8-1.9. Animal Genetics 35: 333-337.
  • Goudet J (1995) FSTAT (Version 1.2): A Computer Program to Calculate F-Statistics. Journal of Heredity 86(2): 485-486.
  • Holmskov U, Thiel S, Jensenius JC (2003) Collectins and ficolins: humoral lectins of the innate immune defense. Annual Review of Immunology 21: 547–578.
  • Janeway CA, Medzhitov R (2002) Innate Immune Recognıtıon. Annual Review of Immunology 20: 197–216.
  • Kamaldeep, Magotra A, Pander BL, Malik A, Garg AR, Dalal DS, Malik BS (2017) Association of G.2686T>C mutation of MBL1 gene with reproduction traits in Sahiwal cattle. International Journal of Agricultural Science Research 7: 159–164.
  • Liu J, Ju Z, Li Q, Huang J, Li R, Li J, Ma L, Zhong J, Wang C (2011) Mannose-binding lectin 1 haplotypes influence serum MBL-A concentration, complement activity, and milk production traits in Chinese Holstein cattle. Immunogenetics 63: 727-742.
  • Mallard BA, Wilkie BN (2007) Phenotypic, genetic and epigenetic variation of immune response and disease resistance traits of pigs. Advances in Pork Production 18: 139-146.
  • Mallard BA, Emam M, Paibomesai M, Thompson-Crispi K, Wagter-Lesperance L (2015) Genetic selection of cattle for improved immunity and health. Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research 63(1): 37-44.
  • Neth O, Jack DL, Dodds AW, Holzel H, Klein NJ, Turner MW (2000) Mannose-binding lectin binds to a range of clinically relevant microorganisms and promotes complement deposition. Infection and Immunity 68: 688-693.
  • OEGE (2008) Online Encyclopedia for Genetic Epidemiology studies. Erişim 05 Aralık 2018.
  • Phatsara C, Jennen DGJ, Ponsuksili S, Murani E, Tesfaye D, Schellander K, Wimmers, K (2007) Molecular genetic analysis of porcine mannose-binding lectin genes, MBL1 and MBL2, and their association with complement activity. International Journal of Immunogenetics 34: 55-63.
  • Prajapati BM, Gupta JP, Pandey DP, Parmar GA, Chaudhari JD (2017) Molecular markers for resistance against infectious diseases of economic importance. Veterinary World 10: 112-120.
  • Sambrook J, Russell DW (2001) Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. 3nd Edition, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
  • Schwaeble W (2002) The Mannan-Binding Lectin-Associated Serine Proteases (MASPs) and MAp19: Four Components of the Lectin Pathway Activation Complex Encoded by Two Genes. Immunobiology 205: 455-466.
  • Seegers H, Fourichon C, Beaudeau F (2003) Production effects related to mastitis and mastitis economics in dairy cattle herds. Veterinary Research 34: 475-491.
  • Super M, Lu J, Thiel S, Levinsky RT, Turner MW (1989) Assocıatıon of low levels of mannan-bındıng proteın wıth a common defect of opsonısatıon. Lancet 334: 1236-1239.
  • Thiel S, Vorup-Jensen T, Stover CM, Schwaeble W, Laursen SB, Poulsen K, Willis AC, Eggleton P, Hansen S, Holmskov U, Reid KBM, Jensenius JC (1997) A second serine protease associated with mannan-binding lectin that activates complement. Nature 386: 506-510.
  • Thompson-Crispi KA, Hine B, Quinton M, Miglior F, Mallard BA (2012) Short communication: Association of disease incidence and adaptive immune response in Holstein dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 95: 3888-3893.
  • Thompson-Crispi KA, Atalla H, Miglior F, Mallard BA (2014) Bovine mastitis: Frontiers in immunogenetics. Frontiers in Immunology 5: 493.
  • Turner MW, Hamvas RM (2000) Mannose-binding lectin: Structure, function, genetics and disease associations. Reviews in Immunogenetics 2(3): 305-22.
  • Turner MW (2004) The role of mannose-binding lectin in health and disease. The Netherland Journal of Medicine 62: 4-9.
  • Wang C, Liu M, Li Q, Ju Z, Huang J, Li J, Wang H, Zhong J (2011) Three novel single-nucleotide polymorphisms of MBL1 gene in Chinese native cattle and their associations with milk performance traits. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 139: 229-236.
  • Yuan ZR, Li J, Liu L, Zhang LP, Zhang LM, Chen C, Chen XJ, Gao X, Li JY, Chen JB, Gao HJ, Xu SZ (2011) Single nucleotide polymorphism of CACNA2D1 gene and its association with milk somatic cell score in cattle. Molecular Biology Reports 38: 5179-5183.
  • Yuan ZR, Li J, Li J, Gao X, Xu S (2013) SNPs identification and its correlation analysis with milk somatic cell score in bovine MBL1 gene. Molecular Biology Reports 40: 7-12.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Esma Gamze Aksel

Korhan Arslan

Fadime Özdemir This is me

Bilal Akyüz

Publication Date April 1, 2019
Submission Date September 4, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Aksel, E. G., Arslan, K., Özdemir, F., Akyüz, B. (2019). Türkiye’de yetiştirilen bazı sığır ırklarında MBL-1 gen polimorfizminin araştırılması. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, 32(1), 25-30.
AMA Aksel EG, Arslan K, Özdemir F, Akyüz B. Türkiye’de yetiştirilen bazı sığır ırklarında MBL-1 gen polimorfizminin araştırılması. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. April 2019;32(1):25-30. doi:10.29136/mediterranean.457231
Chicago Aksel, Esma Gamze, Korhan Arslan, Fadime Özdemir, and Bilal Akyüz. “Türkiye’de yetiştirilen Bazı sığır ırklarında MBL-1 Gen Polimorfizminin araştırılması”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 32, no. 1 (April 2019): 25-30.
EndNote Aksel EG, Arslan K, Özdemir F, Akyüz B (April 1, 2019) Türkiye’de yetiştirilen bazı sığır ırklarında MBL-1 gen polimorfizminin araştırılması. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 32 1 25–30.
IEEE E. G. Aksel, K. Arslan, F. Özdemir, and B. Akyüz, “Türkiye’de yetiştirilen bazı sığır ırklarında MBL-1 gen polimorfizminin araştırılması”, Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 25–30, 2019, doi: 10.29136/mediterranean.457231.
ISNAD Aksel, Esma Gamze et al. “Türkiye’de yetiştirilen Bazı sığır ırklarında MBL-1 Gen Polimorfizminin araştırılması”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 32/1 (April 2019), 25-30.
JAMA Aksel EG, Arslan K, Özdemir F, Akyüz B. Türkiye’de yetiştirilen bazı sığır ırklarında MBL-1 gen polimorfizminin araştırılması. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. 2019;32:25–30.
MLA Aksel, Esma Gamze et al. “Türkiye’de yetiştirilen Bazı sığır ırklarında MBL-1 Gen Polimorfizminin araştırılması”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, vol. 32, no. 1, 2019, pp. 25-30, doi:10.29136/mediterranean.457231.
Vancouver Aksel EG, Arslan K, Özdemir F, Akyüz B. Türkiye’de yetiştirilen bazı sığır ırklarında MBL-1 gen polimorfizminin araştırılması. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. 2019;32(1):25-30.

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