Research Article
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Identification and characterization of lettuce big vein disease (LBVD) in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) crops in Adana and Mersin provinces in Turkey

Year 2019, , 315 - 321, 01.12.2019


This study was carried
out for the purpose of determination of Lettuce big vein disease (LBVD),
identification of the virus or virus complex (MiLBVV and/or LBVaV) causing
disease and characterization of causal agent in the fields where the lettuce
cultivation was made extensively in Adana and Mersin provinces during autumn
and winter months between 2015 and 2017. A total of 160 samples were collected
from lettuce
(Lactuca sativa L.) plants
suspected to be infected with LBVD simptomatologically in surveys. In the
result of the ELISA tests, 52 samples were found to be infected with MiLBVV.
RT-PCR studies were performed to identify the causative agents of LBVD by using
specific primer pairs for MiLBVV (MiLBV-F; MiLBVV-R) and LBVaV (VP-248; VP-249)
showed that LBVD is caused by MiLBVV or mixed infection of MiLBVV+LBVaV. LBVaV
infection was not detected alone in lettuce plants with LBVD symptoms.
Sequence analyses showed that Adana and Mersin
isolates of MiLBVV formed in separate groups on phylogenetic tree. While
Yakapınar (2-MiLBVV 1 E10), Yumurtalık (6-MiLBVV 1 G10) and Yüreğir (4-MiLBVV 1
F10) isolates from Adana province clustered with Argentina and Iran isolates,
Yenice 1 (11-MiLBVV 2 H10) and Yenice 2 (12-MiLBVV 2 E11) isolates from Mersin
province were in the same group with Netherlands and Egypt isolates in another
group. In addition, the Yüreğir isolate of LBVaV (4-VP 248 A12) clustered with
isolates from Saudi Arabia, United States, United Kingdom, Australia and

Supporting Institution

BAP Unit of Cukurova University

Project Number



We would like to thank the Çukurova University Research Fund for their financial support throughout the study


  • Abak A, Düzyaman E, Şeniz V, Gülen H, Pekşen A, Kaymak HÇ (2010) Sebze Üretimini Geliştirme Yöntem ve Hedefleri. Accessed 26 July 2019.
  • Alan B, Kamberoğlu MA (2015) Doğu Akdeniz Bölgesi’nde yetiştirilen bazı kışlık sebzelerde hastalık yapan virüslerin tanılanması ve karakterizasyonu. Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 33(5): 33-42.
  • Alemzadeh E, Izadpanah K (2012) Occurence and partial characterization of Lettuce big vein associated virus and Mirafiori lettuce big vein virus in Lettuce in Iran. Indian Journal of Virology 23(3): 354-358.
  • Al-Saleh MA, AL-Shahwan IM, Amer MA, Shakeel MT, Umar M, Abdala DA, Efthimiou CE, Katis NI (2015) First reports of Lettuce big-vein associated virus and Mirafiori lettuce big-vein virus infecting lettuce in Saudi Arabia. New Disease Reports 31(2).
  • Araya C, Pena E, Salazar E, Roman L, Medina C, Mora R, Aljaro A, Rosales IM (2011) Symptom severity and viral protein or RNA accumulation in lettuce affected by big-vein disease. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 71(1): 63-72.
  • Astruc N, Marcos JF, Macquarie G, Candresse GT, Vicent P (1996) Studies on the diagnosis of hop stunt viroid in fruit trees: identification of new host and application of a nucleic acid extraction procedure based on non-organic solvents. European Journal of Plant Pathology 102: 837-846.
  • Barcala Tabarrozzi AE, Pena EJ, Dal Bo E, Robles Luna G, Reyes CA, Garcia ML (2010) Identification of Mirafiori lettuce big-vein virus and Lettuce big-vein associated virus infecting Lactuca sativa with symptoms of lettuce big-vein disease in Argentina. Plant Pathology 59: 1160.
  • FAO (2019) THE WORLD LETTUCE ECONOMY. Accessed 26 July 2019.
  • Fletcher JD, France CM, Butler RC (2005) Virus surveys of lettuce crops and management of lettuce big-vein disease in New Zealand. New Zealand Plant Protection 58: 239-244.
  • Gallitelli D, Minafra A (1994) Electroforesis. Course on Plant Virus Diagnosis. Adana, Turkey, pp. 89-99.
  • Hayes RJ, Wıntermantel WM, Nıcely PA, Ryder EJ (2006) Host Resistance to Mirafiori lettuce big-vein virus and Lettuce big-vein associated virus and virus sequence diversity and frequency in California. Plant Disease 90: 233-239.
  • Heidari F, Koohi-Habibi M, Mosahebi GH (2010) Identification and partial characterization of viral agent of Lettuce big vein in Tehran province. Iranian Journal of Virology 4(1): 17-22.
  • Lot H, Campbell RN, Souche S, Milne RG, Roggero P (2002) Transmission by Olpidium brassicae of Mirafiori lettuce virus and Letuce Big-Vein Etiology. Phytopathology 92: 288-293.
  • Maccarone LD (2013) Relationships Between the Pathogen Olpidium virulentus and Viruses Associated with Lettuce Big-Vein Disease. Plant Diseases 97(6): 700-707.
  • Moreno A, Fereres A (2012) Virus Diseases in Lettuce in the Mediterrenean Basin. Advances in Virus Research 84: 247-248.
  • Navarro JA, Botella F, Maruhenda A, Sastre P, Sanchez-Pina MA, Pallas V (2004) Comparative infection progress analysis of Lettuce big-vein virus and Mirafiori lettuce virus in lettuce crops by developed molecular diagnosis techniques. Phytopathology 94: 470-477.
  • Pavan MA, Krause-Sakate R, Silva N, Zerbini FM, Gall OL (2008) Virus Diseases of Lettuce in Brazil. Plant Viruses. Global Science Books, Viçosa, pp. 35-40.
  • Roggero P, Lot H, Souche S, Lenzi R, Milne RG (2003) Occurrence of Mirafiori lettuce virus and Lettuce big-vein virus in relation to development of big-vein symptoms in lettuce crops. European Journal of Plant Pathology 109: 261-267.
  • Sasaya T, Ishikawa K, Kuwata S, Koganezawa H (2005) Molecular analysis of coat protein coding region of tobacco stunt virus shows that it is a strain of Lettuce big-vein virus in the genus Varicosavirus. Archives of Virology 150: 1013-1021.
  • Sertkaya G (2015) Hatay İli Marul ve Ispanak Alanlarında Bazı Virüslerin Araştırılması. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 20(1): 7-12.
  • TOBB (2013) Türkiye Tarım Sektörü Raporu, 2013. Accessed 26 July 2019.
  • TÜİK (2019a) Adana ilinde Marul Üretimi, 2012-2016. Accessed 26 July 2019.
  • TÜİK (2019b) Mersin ilinde Marul Üretimi, 2012-2016. Accessed 26 July 2019.
  • Umar M, Amer MA, Al-Saleh MA, Al-Shahwan IM, Shakeel MT, Zakri AM, Katis NI (2017) Characterization of lettuce big-vein associated virus and Mirafiori lettuce big-vein virus infecting lettuce in Saudi Arabia. Archives of Virology 162: 2067-2072.
  • Zelyüt Randa F (2016) Ankara ili marul ekim alanlarında görülen virüs hastalıklarının belirlenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Wang M, Gonsalves D (1990) ELISA detection of various tomato spotted wilt virus isolates using specific antisera to structural proteins of the virus. Plant Disease 74(2): 154-158.

Adana ve Mersin illerinde (Türkiye) yetiştirilen marullarda (Lactuca sativa) marul iri damar hastalığının tanılanması ve karakterizasyonu

Year 2019, , 315 - 321, 01.12.2019


çalışma, Marul iri damar hastalığı (Lettuce big-vein disease, LBVD)’nın
saptanması, bu hastalığa neden olan virüs veya virüs kompleksinin (MiLBVV
ve/veya LBVaV) belirlenmesi
  ve bu
etmenlerin karakterizasyonu amacıyla, 2015-2017 yılları arasında sonbahar ve
kış aylarında, Adana ve Mersin illerinde yaygın olarak marul yetiştiriciliğinin
yapıldığı alanlarda, yürütülmüştür. Arazi çıkışlarında, simptomatolojik olarak
LBVD ile enfekteli olduğundan şüphelenilen toplam 160 adet marul bitkisinden
örnekleme yapılmıştır. ELISA testleri sonucunda, 52 marul örneği MiLBVV ile
enfekteli bulunmuştur. LBVD’ye sebep olan etmenlerin belirlenmesi amacıyla,
MiLBVV (MiLBVV-F; MiLBVV-R) ve LBVaV (VP-248;VP-249)’ye spesifik primer
çiftleri kullanılarak yapılan RT-PCR çalışmaları sonucunda, MiLBVV veya
MiLBVV+LBVaV karışık enfeksiyonunun varlığı ortaya konmuştur. LBVD simptomu
gösteren marul bitkilerinde tek başına LBVaV enfeksiyonu saptanmamıştır. Sekans
analizlerinde, MiLBVV’nin Adana ve Mersin izolatları filogenetik ağaç üzerinde
kendi aralarında ayrı birer grup oluşturmuşlar ve Adana ilinden, Yakapınar
(2-MilBVV 1 E10), Yumurtalık (6-MiLBVV 1 G10) ve Yüreğir (4-MiLBVV 1 F10)
izolatları, Arjantin ve İran izolatları ile birlikte yer alırken, Mersin
ilinden Yenice 1 (11-MiLBVV 2 H10) ve Yenice 2 (12-MiLBVV 2 E11) izolatları,
Hollanda ve Mısır izolatları ile aynı grupta yer almışlardır. Bunun yanında,
LBVaV’nın Yüreğir izolatı
(4-VP 248 A12),
Suudi Arabistan, ABD, Birleşik Krallık, Avustralya ve Hollanda izolatları ile
grup oluşturmuştur.

Project Number



  • Abak A, Düzyaman E, Şeniz V, Gülen H, Pekşen A, Kaymak HÇ (2010) Sebze Üretimini Geliştirme Yöntem ve Hedefleri. Accessed 26 July 2019.
  • Alan B, Kamberoğlu MA (2015) Doğu Akdeniz Bölgesi’nde yetiştirilen bazı kışlık sebzelerde hastalık yapan virüslerin tanılanması ve karakterizasyonu. Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 33(5): 33-42.
  • Alemzadeh E, Izadpanah K (2012) Occurence and partial characterization of Lettuce big vein associated virus and Mirafiori lettuce big vein virus in Lettuce in Iran. Indian Journal of Virology 23(3): 354-358.
  • Al-Saleh MA, AL-Shahwan IM, Amer MA, Shakeel MT, Umar M, Abdala DA, Efthimiou CE, Katis NI (2015) First reports of Lettuce big-vein associated virus and Mirafiori lettuce big-vein virus infecting lettuce in Saudi Arabia. New Disease Reports 31(2).
  • Araya C, Pena E, Salazar E, Roman L, Medina C, Mora R, Aljaro A, Rosales IM (2011) Symptom severity and viral protein or RNA accumulation in lettuce affected by big-vein disease. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 71(1): 63-72.
  • Astruc N, Marcos JF, Macquarie G, Candresse GT, Vicent P (1996) Studies on the diagnosis of hop stunt viroid in fruit trees: identification of new host and application of a nucleic acid extraction procedure based on non-organic solvents. European Journal of Plant Pathology 102: 837-846.
  • Barcala Tabarrozzi AE, Pena EJ, Dal Bo E, Robles Luna G, Reyes CA, Garcia ML (2010) Identification of Mirafiori lettuce big-vein virus and Lettuce big-vein associated virus infecting Lactuca sativa with symptoms of lettuce big-vein disease in Argentina. Plant Pathology 59: 1160.
  • FAO (2019) THE WORLD LETTUCE ECONOMY. Accessed 26 July 2019.
  • Fletcher JD, France CM, Butler RC (2005) Virus surveys of lettuce crops and management of lettuce big-vein disease in New Zealand. New Zealand Plant Protection 58: 239-244.
  • Gallitelli D, Minafra A (1994) Electroforesis. Course on Plant Virus Diagnosis. Adana, Turkey, pp. 89-99.
  • Hayes RJ, Wıntermantel WM, Nıcely PA, Ryder EJ (2006) Host Resistance to Mirafiori lettuce big-vein virus and Lettuce big-vein associated virus and virus sequence diversity and frequency in California. Plant Disease 90: 233-239.
  • Heidari F, Koohi-Habibi M, Mosahebi GH (2010) Identification and partial characterization of viral agent of Lettuce big vein in Tehran province. Iranian Journal of Virology 4(1): 17-22.
  • Lot H, Campbell RN, Souche S, Milne RG, Roggero P (2002) Transmission by Olpidium brassicae of Mirafiori lettuce virus and Letuce Big-Vein Etiology. Phytopathology 92: 288-293.
  • Maccarone LD (2013) Relationships Between the Pathogen Olpidium virulentus and Viruses Associated with Lettuce Big-Vein Disease. Plant Diseases 97(6): 700-707.
  • Moreno A, Fereres A (2012) Virus Diseases in Lettuce in the Mediterrenean Basin. Advances in Virus Research 84: 247-248.
  • Navarro JA, Botella F, Maruhenda A, Sastre P, Sanchez-Pina MA, Pallas V (2004) Comparative infection progress analysis of Lettuce big-vein virus and Mirafiori lettuce virus in lettuce crops by developed molecular diagnosis techniques. Phytopathology 94: 470-477.
  • Pavan MA, Krause-Sakate R, Silva N, Zerbini FM, Gall OL (2008) Virus Diseases of Lettuce in Brazil. Plant Viruses. Global Science Books, Viçosa, pp. 35-40.
  • Roggero P, Lot H, Souche S, Lenzi R, Milne RG (2003) Occurrence of Mirafiori lettuce virus and Lettuce big-vein virus in relation to development of big-vein symptoms in lettuce crops. European Journal of Plant Pathology 109: 261-267.
  • Sasaya T, Ishikawa K, Kuwata S, Koganezawa H (2005) Molecular analysis of coat protein coding region of tobacco stunt virus shows that it is a strain of Lettuce big-vein virus in the genus Varicosavirus. Archives of Virology 150: 1013-1021.
  • Sertkaya G (2015) Hatay İli Marul ve Ispanak Alanlarında Bazı Virüslerin Araştırılması. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 20(1): 7-12.
  • TOBB (2013) Türkiye Tarım Sektörü Raporu, 2013. Accessed 26 July 2019.
  • TÜİK (2019a) Adana ilinde Marul Üretimi, 2012-2016. Accessed 26 July 2019.
  • TÜİK (2019b) Mersin ilinde Marul Üretimi, 2012-2016. Accessed 26 July 2019.
  • Umar M, Amer MA, Al-Saleh MA, Al-Shahwan IM, Shakeel MT, Zakri AM, Katis NI (2017) Characterization of lettuce big-vein associated virus and Mirafiori lettuce big-vein virus infecting lettuce in Saudi Arabia. Archives of Virology 162: 2067-2072.
  • Zelyüt Randa F (2016) Ankara ili marul ekim alanlarında görülen virüs hastalıklarının belirlenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Wang M, Gonsalves D (1990) ELISA detection of various tomato spotted wilt virus isolates using specific antisera to structural proteins of the virus. Plant Disease 74(2): 154-158.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Havva Nur Sağlam This is me 0000-0001-8284-2532

Muharrem Arap Kamberoğlu 0000-0003-1165-5902

Project Number FYL-2016-7227
Publication Date December 1, 2019
Submission Date September 5, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Sağlam, H. . N., & Kamberoğlu, M. A. (2019). Identification and characterization of lettuce big vein disease (LBVD) in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) crops in Adana and Mersin provinces in Turkey. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, 32(3), 315-321.
AMA Sağlam HN, Kamberoğlu MA. Identification and characterization of lettuce big vein disease (LBVD) in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) crops in Adana and Mersin provinces in Turkey. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. December 2019;32(3):315-321. doi:10.29136/mediterranean.616046
Chicago Sağlam, Havva Nur, and Muharrem Arap Kamberoğlu. “Identification and Characterization of Lettuce Big Vein Disease (LBVD) in Lettuce (Lactuca Sativa) Crops in Adana and Mersin Provinces in Turkey”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 32, no. 3 (December 2019): 315-21.
EndNote Sağlam HN, Kamberoğlu MA (December 1, 2019) Identification and characterization of lettuce big vein disease (LBVD) in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) crops in Adana and Mersin provinces in Turkey. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 32 3 315–321.
IEEE H. . N. Sağlam and M. A. Kamberoğlu, “Identification and characterization of lettuce big vein disease (LBVD) in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) crops in Adana and Mersin provinces in Turkey”, Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 315–321, 2019, doi: 10.29136/mediterranean.616046.
ISNAD Sağlam, Havva Nur - Kamberoğlu, Muharrem Arap. “Identification and Characterization of Lettuce Big Vein Disease (LBVD) in Lettuce (Lactuca Sativa) Crops in Adana and Mersin Provinces in Turkey”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 32/3 (December 2019), 315-321.
JAMA Sağlam HN, Kamberoğlu MA. Identification and characterization of lettuce big vein disease (LBVD) in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) crops in Adana and Mersin provinces in Turkey. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. 2019;32:315–321.
MLA Sağlam, Havva Nur and Muharrem Arap Kamberoğlu. “Identification and Characterization of Lettuce Big Vein Disease (LBVD) in Lettuce (Lactuca Sativa) Crops in Adana and Mersin Provinces in Turkey”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, vol. 32, no. 3, 2019, pp. 315-21, doi:10.29136/mediterranean.616046.
Vancouver Sağlam HN, Kamberoğlu MA. Identification and characterization of lettuce big vein disease (LBVD) in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) crops in Adana and Mersin provinces in Turkey. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. 2019;32(3):315-21.

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