Research Article
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Effect on fertility of PMSG applications in different doses in addition to flushing in Kivircik ewes

Year 2018, Volume: 31 Issue: 1, 87 - 91, 01.08.2018


In this study, flushing and different doses of pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) application in addition to this in Kivircik Sheep was reviewed on reproductive performance. Research material consisted of 100 head Kivircik sheep that have given birth one time before. The herd was divided into four groups which have equal sheep (n= 25). Flushing was applied to every group, 3 groups other than one group were additionally applied intravaginal 20 mg flourogestone acetate (FGA) and then 300, 400 and 500 IU pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG). Estrouses in the groups were observed at 34.86±1.73, 31.91±1.63, 36.67±1.69 and 45.76±1.70 hours and the observed differences were found significant (P<0.001). While the rate of pregnancy were found 100% in every group; fertility, flushing (100%) and flushing+PMSG 500 IU (100%) were found higher than the other groups. No difference was observed among the groups in terms of multiple birthrate, number of lambs per sheep and vitality. It was determined that there was no statistical difference among the groups in terms of birth weight, weaning weight and increase in daily live weight. As a result, it was identified that progesterone+PMSG application in addition to flushing application during anestrus season in Kivircik herd which the research is conducted on, had no significant contribution in terms of reproductive performance. At this point, it was concluded that with a right and seasonable flushing application based on the breeder's preference, the estrous could be synchronization and that the lamb efficiency could be increased.


  • Abecia JA, Forcada F, González-bulnes A (2012) Hormonal control of reproduction in small ruminants. Animal Reproduction Science 130: 173-179.
  • Abu El- Ella AA (2006) Response of Barki ewes to treatment with gonadotrophin hormones and energy supplementation (flushing). Egyptian Journal of Sheep, Goat and Desert Animal Sciences 1(1): 73-88.
  • Altınel A, Hacıislamoğlu B (1993) Koyun yetiştiriciliğinde hormon kullanılması yoluyla üremenin planlanması ve kuzu üretiminin arttırılması olanakları. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 19(2): 139-144.
  • Ataman MB, Aköz M, Akman O (2006) Induction of synchronized oestrus in Akkaraman cross-bred ewes during breeding and anestrus seasons: the use of short-term and long-term progesterone treatments. Revue de Medecine Veterinaire 50: 257-260.
  • Brink DR (1990) Effects of body weight gain in early pregnancy on feed intake, body condition in late pregnancy and lamb weights. Small Ruminant Research 3: 421-424.
  • Cirne LGA, Sobrinho AGS, Oliveira MEF, Barbosa JC, Oliveira GJC, Bagaldo AG, Carvalho GGP, Moreno GMB (2016) Reproductive performance of Ile de France ewes under dietary supplementation before and during the breeding season. Semina: Ciencias Agrarias Londrina, 37(1): 269-278.
  • Crocker KP, Johns MA, Johnson TJ (1985) Reproductive performance of Merino ewes supplemented with sweet lupin seed in southern western Australia. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 25: 21-26.
  • Çolak A, Oral H, Gürbüz A (1996) Koyunlarda aşım sezonunda FGA içeren vaginal sünger ile östrus senkronizasyonu. Doğu İlaç Fabrikası A. Ş. Veteriner Bülten. Bültendif 6: 4-6.
  • Gonźalez-Bulnes A, Baird DT, Campbell BK, Cocero MJ, García-García RM, Inskeep EK, López-Sebastián A, McNeilly AS, Santiago-Moreno J, Souza CJ, Veiga- López A (2004) Multiple factors affecting the efficiency of multiple ovulation and embryo transfer in sheep and goats. Reproduction Fertility and Development, 16(4): 421-35.
  • Hafez YH, Khalifa EI, El-Shafie MH, Khalek TMMA, Ahmed ME, Shehata EI (2011) Effect of energy flushing pre-mating and during mating season on production and reproduction performance of Zaraibi goats. Egyptian Journal of Sheep and Goat Sciences 6(1): 7-14.
  • Kaymakçı M (2006) Üreme Biyolojisi. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayın no: 503, İzmir.
  • Köse M, Kırbaş M, Bülbül B, Dursun Ş, Demirci U (2016) Akkaraman ırkı koyunlarda flushing + koç etkisi ya da farklı dozlarda gebe kısrak serum gonadotropini uygulamalarıyla kuzu üretiminin arttırılabilirliğinin araştırılması. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 11(1): 54-59.
  • Kusina NT, Tarwirei F, Hamudikuwanda H, Agumba G, Mukwena J (2000) A comparison of the effects of progesterone sponges and ear implants, PGF2α, and their combination on efficacy of estrus synchronization and fertility of Mashona goat does. Theriogenology 53: 1567-1580.
  • Lassoueda SN, Rekik M, Mahouachi M, Ben-Hamoudac M (2004) The effect of nutrition prior to and during mating on ovulation rate, reproductive wastage, and lambing rate in three sheep breeds. Small Ruminant Research 52(2): 117-125.
  • Minitab (2013) Minitab® 17 Statistical Software.
  • Mohajer M, Alimon AR, Yaakub HB, Naslaji AN, Toghdory A (2012) Effects of energy level and PMSG dose on reproductive performance of Zel ewes bred to Shal or Zel rams. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 11(6): 809-813.
  • Muthuramalingam T, Pothiappan P, Tensingh Gnanaraj P, Devi T, Rangasamy S (2014) Effect of flushing on reproductive performance and synchronization of estrus in Tellicherry does. Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction 35(2): 34-35.
  • Naqvi SMK, Soren NM, Karim SA (2011) Effect of concentrate supplementation on performance, ovarian response, and some biochemical profile of Malpura ewes. Tropical Animal Health and Production 43: 905-913.
  • Nogueira DM, Eloy MA, Sá CO, Lopes Júnior ES, Salles HO, Sá JL, Sousa PHF (2011) Manejo Reprodutivo. In: Voltolini, T.V. Produção de ovinos e caprinos no semiárido. Petrolina: Embrapa Semiárido, p. 385-420.
  • Nosrati M, Tahmorespoor M, Vatandoost M, Behgar M (2011) Effects of PMSG doses on reproductive performance of Kurdi ewes artificially inseminated during breeding season. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science 1(2): 125-129.
  • Ravindranath BM, Krishnaswamy A, Chandrashekara Murthy V (2014) Conception rate and frequency of single and multiple births in estrus synchronized Nari Suwarna ewes maintained under two different systems of feeding strategies. International Journal of Livestock Research 4(5): 42-47.
  • Rivas-Muñoz RE, Carrillo E, Rodriguez R, Leyva C, Mellado M, Véliz FG (2010) Effect of body condition score of does and use of bucks subjected to added artificial light on estrus response of Alpine goats. Tropical Animal Health and Production 42: 1285-1289.
  • Sabra HA, Hassan SG (2008) Effect of new regime of nutritional flushing on reproductive performances of Egyptian Barki ewes. Global Veterinaria 2(1): 28-31.
  • Scaramuzzi RJ, Campbell BK, Downing JA, Kendall NR, Khalid M, Munoz-Gutiérrez M, Somchit A (2006) A review of the effects of supplementary nutrition in the ewe on the concentrations of reproductive and metabolic hormones and the mechanisms that regulate folliculogenesis and ovulation rate. Reproduction Nutrition Development 46: 339-354.
  • Shahneh Z, Sadeghipanah A, Javaheri Barfourooshi H, Emami-mibody MA (2008). Effects of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) administration and flushing on reproductive performance in Nadooshan goats of Iran. African Journal of Biotechnology 7(18): 3373-3379.
  • Simonetti L, Ramos G, Gardon JC (2002) Effect of estrus synchronization and artificial insemination on reproductive performance of merino sheep Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science 9(3): 143-146.
  • Üstüner B, Günay U, Nur Z, Üstüner H (2007) Effects of long and short-term progestagen treatments combined with PMSG on oestrus synchronization and fertility in Awassi ewes during the breeding season. Acta Veterinaria Brno 76: 391-397.
  • Yıldız S, Uzun M, Kaya M, Ucar O, Genesiz O (2004) Effects of rams and luteal or follicular phase ewes on preovu-latory LH surge characteristics in ewes. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 28: 669-673.
  • Zonturlu AK, Aral F, Özyurtlu N, Yavuzer U (2008) Syncronization of estrous using FGA and CIDR intervaginal pessaries during the transition period in Awassi ewes. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 7(9): 1093-1096.

Kıvırcık koyunlarında flushinge ek olarak farklı dozlarda GKSH uygulamalarının döl verimine etkisi

Year 2018, Volume: 31 Issue: 1, 87 - 91, 01.08.2018


Bu çalışmada, Kıvırcık
koyunlarında flushing ve buna ek olarak farklı dozlarda gebe kısrak serumu
hormonu (GKSH) uygulamasının üreme performansı üzerine etkisi incelenmiştir.
Araştırma materyalini daha önce bir kez doğum yapmış 100 baş Kıvırcık koyun
oluşturmuştur. Araştırma materyali her birinde eşit sayıda (n= 25) koyun
bulunan dört gruba ayrılmıştır. Gruplardaki tüm hayvanlara flushing uygulanmış,
bir grubun dışındaki diğer 3 gruba ek olarak 20 mg flourogestone acetate (FGA)
içeren vajinal sünger uygulanmış ve sonrasında 300, 400 ve 500 IU GKSH enjekte
edilmiştir. Gruplarda kızgınlıklar sırasıyla 34.86±1.73, 31.91±1.63, 36.67±1.69
ve 45.76±1.70 saatlerde görülmüş ve gözlenen farklılıklar önemli bulunmuştur
(P<0.001). Gebelik oranı tüm gruplarda % 100 bulunurken; kuzulama
oranı, flushing ve flushing+GKSH 500 IU gruplarında diğer gruplara göre daha
yüksektir. Çoğuz doğum oranı, koyun başına düşen kuzu sayısı ve yaşama gücü
bakımından gruplar arasında bir fark görülmemiştir. Kuzuların doğum ağırlığı,
sütten kesim ağırlığı ve günlük canlı ağırlık artışı bakımından gruplar
arasında istatistiksel açıdan bir farkın olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak,
araştırmanın yürütüldüğü Kıvırcık ırkı sürüsünde çiftleşme mevsimi dışındaki
dönemde flushing uygulamasına ek olarak progesteron içeren vajinal sünger+GKSH
uygulamasının üreme performansı açısından belirgin bir katkısı olmadığı
saptanmıştır. Bu noktada yetiştiricinin tercihine bağlı olarak doğru ve
zamanlaması uygun bir flushing uygulaması ile farklı bir program uygulamadan
kızgınlıkların toplulaştırılabileceği ve kuzu veriminin arttırılabileceği
sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • Abecia JA, Forcada F, González-bulnes A (2012) Hormonal control of reproduction in small ruminants. Animal Reproduction Science 130: 173-179.
  • Abu El- Ella AA (2006) Response of Barki ewes to treatment with gonadotrophin hormones and energy supplementation (flushing). Egyptian Journal of Sheep, Goat and Desert Animal Sciences 1(1): 73-88.
  • Altınel A, Hacıislamoğlu B (1993) Koyun yetiştiriciliğinde hormon kullanılması yoluyla üremenin planlanması ve kuzu üretiminin arttırılması olanakları. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 19(2): 139-144.
  • Ataman MB, Aköz M, Akman O (2006) Induction of synchronized oestrus in Akkaraman cross-bred ewes during breeding and anestrus seasons: the use of short-term and long-term progesterone treatments. Revue de Medecine Veterinaire 50: 257-260.
  • Brink DR (1990) Effects of body weight gain in early pregnancy on feed intake, body condition in late pregnancy and lamb weights. Small Ruminant Research 3: 421-424.
  • Cirne LGA, Sobrinho AGS, Oliveira MEF, Barbosa JC, Oliveira GJC, Bagaldo AG, Carvalho GGP, Moreno GMB (2016) Reproductive performance of Ile de France ewes under dietary supplementation before and during the breeding season. Semina: Ciencias Agrarias Londrina, 37(1): 269-278.
  • Crocker KP, Johns MA, Johnson TJ (1985) Reproductive performance of Merino ewes supplemented with sweet lupin seed in southern western Australia. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 25: 21-26.
  • Çolak A, Oral H, Gürbüz A (1996) Koyunlarda aşım sezonunda FGA içeren vaginal sünger ile östrus senkronizasyonu. Doğu İlaç Fabrikası A. Ş. Veteriner Bülten. Bültendif 6: 4-6.
  • Gonźalez-Bulnes A, Baird DT, Campbell BK, Cocero MJ, García-García RM, Inskeep EK, López-Sebastián A, McNeilly AS, Santiago-Moreno J, Souza CJ, Veiga- López A (2004) Multiple factors affecting the efficiency of multiple ovulation and embryo transfer in sheep and goats. Reproduction Fertility and Development, 16(4): 421-35.
  • Hafez YH, Khalifa EI, El-Shafie MH, Khalek TMMA, Ahmed ME, Shehata EI (2011) Effect of energy flushing pre-mating and during mating season on production and reproduction performance of Zaraibi goats. Egyptian Journal of Sheep and Goat Sciences 6(1): 7-14.
  • Kaymakçı M (2006) Üreme Biyolojisi. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayın no: 503, İzmir.
  • Köse M, Kırbaş M, Bülbül B, Dursun Ş, Demirci U (2016) Akkaraman ırkı koyunlarda flushing + koç etkisi ya da farklı dozlarda gebe kısrak serum gonadotropini uygulamalarıyla kuzu üretiminin arttırılabilirliğinin araştırılması. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 11(1): 54-59.
  • Kusina NT, Tarwirei F, Hamudikuwanda H, Agumba G, Mukwena J (2000) A comparison of the effects of progesterone sponges and ear implants, PGF2α, and their combination on efficacy of estrus synchronization and fertility of Mashona goat does. Theriogenology 53: 1567-1580.
  • Lassoueda SN, Rekik M, Mahouachi M, Ben-Hamoudac M (2004) The effect of nutrition prior to and during mating on ovulation rate, reproductive wastage, and lambing rate in three sheep breeds. Small Ruminant Research 52(2): 117-125.
  • Minitab (2013) Minitab® 17 Statistical Software.
  • Mohajer M, Alimon AR, Yaakub HB, Naslaji AN, Toghdory A (2012) Effects of energy level and PMSG dose on reproductive performance of Zel ewes bred to Shal or Zel rams. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 11(6): 809-813.
  • Muthuramalingam T, Pothiappan P, Tensingh Gnanaraj P, Devi T, Rangasamy S (2014) Effect of flushing on reproductive performance and synchronization of estrus in Tellicherry does. Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction 35(2): 34-35.
  • Naqvi SMK, Soren NM, Karim SA (2011) Effect of concentrate supplementation on performance, ovarian response, and some biochemical profile of Malpura ewes. Tropical Animal Health and Production 43: 905-913.
  • Nogueira DM, Eloy MA, Sá CO, Lopes Júnior ES, Salles HO, Sá JL, Sousa PHF (2011) Manejo Reprodutivo. In: Voltolini, T.V. Produção de ovinos e caprinos no semiárido. Petrolina: Embrapa Semiárido, p. 385-420.
  • Nosrati M, Tahmorespoor M, Vatandoost M, Behgar M (2011) Effects of PMSG doses on reproductive performance of Kurdi ewes artificially inseminated during breeding season. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science 1(2): 125-129.
  • Ravindranath BM, Krishnaswamy A, Chandrashekara Murthy V (2014) Conception rate and frequency of single and multiple births in estrus synchronized Nari Suwarna ewes maintained under two different systems of feeding strategies. International Journal of Livestock Research 4(5): 42-47.
  • Rivas-Muñoz RE, Carrillo E, Rodriguez R, Leyva C, Mellado M, Véliz FG (2010) Effect of body condition score of does and use of bucks subjected to added artificial light on estrus response of Alpine goats. Tropical Animal Health and Production 42: 1285-1289.
  • Sabra HA, Hassan SG (2008) Effect of new regime of nutritional flushing on reproductive performances of Egyptian Barki ewes. Global Veterinaria 2(1): 28-31.
  • Scaramuzzi RJ, Campbell BK, Downing JA, Kendall NR, Khalid M, Munoz-Gutiérrez M, Somchit A (2006) A review of the effects of supplementary nutrition in the ewe on the concentrations of reproductive and metabolic hormones and the mechanisms that regulate folliculogenesis and ovulation rate. Reproduction Nutrition Development 46: 339-354.
  • Shahneh Z, Sadeghipanah A, Javaheri Barfourooshi H, Emami-mibody MA (2008). Effects of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) administration and flushing on reproductive performance in Nadooshan goats of Iran. African Journal of Biotechnology 7(18): 3373-3379.
  • Simonetti L, Ramos G, Gardon JC (2002) Effect of estrus synchronization and artificial insemination on reproductive performance of merino sheep Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science 9(3): 143-146.
  • Üstüner B, Günay U, Nur Z, Üstüner H (2007) Effects of long and short-term progestagen treatments combined with PMSG on oestrus synchronization and fertility in Awassi ewes during the breeding season. Acta Veterinaria Brno 76: 391-397.
  • Yıldız S, Uzun M, Kaya M, Ucar O, Genesiz O (2004) Effects of rams and luteal or follicular phase ewes on preovu-latory LH surge characteristics in ewes. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 28: 669-673.
  • Zonturlu AK, Aral F, Özyurtlu N, Yavuzer U (2008) Syncronization of estrous using FGA and CIDR intervaginal pessaries during the transition period in Awassi ewes. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 7(9): 1093-1096.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Şeniz Öziş Altınçekiç

Mehmet Koyuncu

Serdar Duru

Publication Date August 1, 2018
Submission Date November 2, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 31 Issue: 1


APA Öziş Altınçekiç, Ş., Koyuncu, M., & Duru, S. (2018). Kıvırcık koyunlarında flushinge ek olarak farklı dozlarda GKSH uygulamalarının döl verimine etkisi. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, 31(1), 87-91.
AMA Öziş Altınçekiç Ş, Koyuncu M, Duru S. Kıvırcık koyunlarında flushinge ek olarak farklı dozlarda GKSH uygulamalarının döl verimine etkisi. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. April 2018;31(1):87-91. doi:10.29136/mediterranean.348592
Chicago Öziş Altınçekiç, Şeniz, Mehmet Koyuncu, and Serdar Duru. “Kıvırcık koyunlarında Flushinge Ek Olarak Farklı Dozlarda GKSH uygulamalarının döl Verimine Etkisi”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 31, no. 1 (April 2018): 87-91.
EndNote Öziş Altınçekiç Ş, Koyuncu M, Duru S (April 1, 2018) Kıvırcık koyunlarında flushinge ek olarak farklı dozlarda GKSH uygulamalarının döl verimine etkisi. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 31 1 87–91.
IEEE Ş. Öziş Altınçekiç, M. Koyuncu, and S. Duru, “Kıvırcık koyunlarında flushinge ek olarak farklı dozlarda GKSH uygulamalarının döl verimine etkisi”, Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 87–91, 2018, doi: 10.29136/mediterranean.348592.
ISNAD Öziş Altınçekiç, Şeniz et al. “Kıvırcık koyunlarında Flushinge Ek Olarak Farklı Dozlarda GKSH uygulamalarının döl Verimine Etkisi”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 31/1 (April 2018), 87-91.
JAMA Öziş Altınçekiç Ş, Koyuncu M, Duru S. Kıvırcık koyunlarında flushinge ek olarak farklı dozlarda GKSH uygulamalarının döl verimine etkisi. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. 2018;31:87–91.
MLA Öziş Altınçekiç, Şeniz et al. “Kıvırcık koyunlarında Flushinge Ek Olarak Farklı Dozlarda GKSH uygulamalarının döl Verimine Etkisi”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, vol. 31, no. 1, 2018, pp. 87-91, doi:10.29136/mediterranean.348592.
Vancouver Öziş Altınçekiç Ş, Koyuncu M, Duru S. Kıvırcık koyunlarında flushinge ek olarak farklı dozlarda GKSH uygulamalarının döl verimine etkisi. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. 2018;31(1):87-91.

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