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The Problem of The Expression of Religious Experience

Year 2005, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 65 - 79, 01.06.2005


In this article, it was dealt with the problem of the expression of religious experiences which include sacred values. Within this article, the perception of religious experience of one who has experienced by himself, the nature of this experience, the analysis of this experience are analyzed from the perspective of the Psychology of Religion.

Religion points to human encounter with God. It is also the human response to the sacred, separating from the ordinary things. The sacred has particular value because it reminds human beings of their origin and their contacts with a Supreme Power that is both beyond and inside this world.

The origin and essence of religion is a deep and overwhelming experience. This experience is highly individualized, and represents a kind of union with whatever the practitioner considers to be the Divine or the Absolute.


  • Altıntaş, Hayrani, Marifetname’de Tasavvuf, İstanbul 1981, Hasankale İbrahim Hakkı Camii Derneği Yayını.
  • Arasteh, A. Reza, Aşkta ve Yaratıcılıkta Yeniden Doğuş, çev. Bekir Demirkol, İbrahim Özdemir, Ankara 2000, Kitâbiyât Yay.
  • Asif İkbâl Han, James ve İkbâl (Din Psikolojisi’ne Yeni Bir Yaklaşım), çev. Ahmet Albayrak, İkbâl’in Düşünce Dünyası içinde, İstanbul 2004, İnsan Yay., s. 209-225.
  • Donovan, Peter, Interpreting Religious Experience, London 1979, Sheldon Press.
  • Guénon, René, Kadim Bilimler ve Bazı Modern Yanılgılar, çev. Fevzi Topaçoğlu, İstanbul 2000, İnsan Yay.
  • Hood, Ralph W., (ed.) Handbook of Religious Experience, Birmingham 1995, Religious Education Press.
  • “Normative and Motivational Determinants of Reported Religious Experience in Two Baptist Samples”, Review of Religious Research, c. 13, sy. 3 (Bahar 1972), s. 192.
  • “Forms of Religious Commitment and Intense Religious Experience”, Review of Religious Research, c. 15, sy. 1 (Güz 1973), s. 29-36.
  • “Religious Orientation and The Experience of Transcendence”, Journal for The Scientific Study of Religion, sy. 12 (1973), s. 441-448.
  • “Comparison of Reported Religious Experience in Caucasian, American Indian, and Two Mexican American Samples”, Psychological Reports, sy. 41 (1977), s. 657-658.
  • Hökelekli, Hayati, Din Psikolojisi, Ankara 1993, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yay.
  • Iqbal, Muhammad, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, M. Saeed Sheikh (ed.), Lahore 1996, Institute of Islamic Culture.
  • James, William, The Varieties of Religious Experience (A Study in Human Nature), ed. Martin E. Marty, New York 1985, Penguin Books.
  • Johnson, Paul E., “Dinî Tecrübe”, çev. Recep Yaparel, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, sy. 3 (1986), s. 195-203.
  • Kamali, Abdul Hameed, Space, Time and Orders of Reality, Lahore 1998, Bazm-i Iqbal.
  • Kazmi, Latif Hüseyin, “İkbâl’de İnsan Varlığı Kavramı”, çev. Hasan Ayık, İkbâl’in Düşünce Dünyası içinde, ed. Ahmet Albayrak, İstanbul 2004, İnsan Yay., s. 165-181.
  • Meissner, W. W., Psychoanalysis and Religious Experience, New Haven 1984, Yale University Press.
  • Otto, Rudolf, The Idea of Holy: An Inquiry into the Non- Rational Factor in the Idea of the Divine and Its Relation to the Ratinal, çev. John W. Harvey, London 1936, Oxford University Press.
  • Peker, Hüseyin, Din Psikolojisi, İstanbul 2003, Çamlıca Yay.
  • Schebera, Richard, (Book Review) Jerald Gort (ed.), On Sharing Religious Experience: Possibilities of Interfaith Mutuality, Grand Rapids 1992, Eerdmans Publ., Dialogue & Alliance, c. 9, sy. 2 (Kış 1995), s. 122-124.
  • Shaffer, Jerome A., Zihin Felsefesi Açısından Bilinç, Ruh ve Ötesi, çev. Turan Koç, İstanbul 1991, İz Yay.
  • Smart, Ninian, The Religious Experience of Mankind, Glasgow 1977, William Collins Ltd.
  • Tunç, Mustafa Şekip, Bir Din Felsefesine Doğru, İstanbul 1959, Türkiye Yay.
  • Unger, Johan, On Religious Experience (A Psychological Study), çev. David C. Minugh, Uppsala 1976, Offsetcenter.
  • Uysal, Veysel, “Dinî Tecrübe ve Din Psikolojisi’ndeki Yeri”, İslâmî Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, c. 3, sy. 4 (Kış 1995), s. 69-87.
  • Vergote, Antoine, Din, İnanç ve İnançsızlık, çev. Veysel Uysal, İstanbul 1999, M. Ü. İlâhiyat Fakültesi Vakfı Yay.
  • Wach, Joachim, The Comparative Study of Religions, ed. Joseph M. Kitagawa, New York 1958, Columbia University Press.

Dinî Tecrübenin Dışa Vurum Problemi

Year 2005, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 65 - 79, 01.06.2005


Bu makalemizde, kutsal değeri olan dinî tecrübelerin dışa vurum problemi ele alınmıştır. Uyuşturucu maddelerle veya haplarla elde edilmiş veya erotik-histerik şuur dışı trans hallerini konu edinen, kutsal değeri tartışma konusu olan dinî veya mistik görünümlü tecrübelerin gerçekliği ve ifadesi, bu tür tecrübelerin dinî karakterinin sınırları belli olmadığından, yani insanî ve hatta şeytanî tecrübelerle karıştırılabileceğinden makalemizin dışında tutulmuştur. Makalede vurgulanan konu, dinî tecrübenin yaşayan kişi tarafından algılanışı, bu tecrübenin tabiatı ve analizi ile diğer insanlara yeterince aktarılamamasıdır.


  • Altıntaş, Hayrani, Marifetname’de Tasavvuf, İstanbul 1981, Hasankale İbrahim Hakkı Camii Derneği Yayını.
  • Arasteh, A. Reza, Aşkta ve Yaratıcılıkta Yeniden Doğuş, çev. Bekir Demirkol, İbrahim Özdemir, Ankara 2000, Kitâbiyât Yay.
  • Asif İkbâl Han, James ve İkbâl (Din Psikolojisi’ne Yeni Bir Yaklaşım), çev. Ahmet Albayrak, İkbâl’in Düşünce Dünyası içinde, İstanbul 2004, İnsan Yay., s. 209-225.
  • Donovan, Peter, Interpreting Religious Experience, London 1979, Sheldon Press.
  • Guénon, René, Kadim Bilimler ve Bazı Modern Yanılgılar, çev. Fevzi Topaçoğlu, İstanbul 2000, İnsan Yay.
  • Hood, Ralph W., (ed.) Handbook of Religious Experience, Birmingham 1995, Religious Education Press.
  • “Normative and Motivational Determinants of Reported Religious Experience in Two Baptist Samples”, Review of Religious Research, c. 13, sy. 3 (Bahar 1972), s. 192.
  • “Forms of Religious Commitment and Intense Religious Experience”, Review of Religious Research, c. 15, sy. 1 (Güz 1973), s. 29-36.
  • “Religious Orientation and The Experience of Transcendence”, Journal for The Scientific Study of Religion, sy. 12 (1973), s. 441-448.
  • “Comparison of Reported Religious Experience in Caucasian, American Indian, and Two Mexican American Samples”, Psychological Reports, sy. 41 (1977), s. 657-658.
  • Hökelekli, Hayati, Din Psikolojisi, Ankara 1993, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yay.
  • Iqbal, Muhammad, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, M. Saeed Sheikh (ed.), Lahore 1996, Institute of Islamic Culture.
  • James, William, The Varieties of Religious Experience (A Study in Human Nature), ed. Martin E. Marty, New York 1985, Penguin Books.
  • Johnson, Paul E., “Dinî Tecrübe”, çev. Recep Yaparel, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, sy. 3 (1986), s. 195-203.
  • Kamali, Abdul Hameed, Space, Time and Orders of Reality, Lahore 1998, Bazm-i Iqbal.
  • Kazmi, Latif Hüseyin, “İkbâl’de İnsan Varlığı Kavramı”, çev. Hasan Ayık, İkbâl’in Düşünce Dünyası içinde, ed. Ahmet Albayrak, İstanbul 2004, İnsan Yay., s. 165-181.
  • Meissner, W. W., Psychoanalysis and Religious Experience, New Haven 1984, Yale University Press.
  • Otto, Rudolf, The Idea of Holy: An Inquiry into the Non- Rational Factor in the Idea of the Divine and Its Relation to the Ratinal, çev. John W. Harvey, London 1936, Oxford University Press.
  • Peker, Hüseyin, Din Psikolojisi, İstanbul 2003, Çamlıca Yay.
  • Schebera, Richard, (Book Review) Jerald Gort (ed.), On Sharing Religious Experience: Possibilities of Interfaith Mutuality, Grand Rapids 1992, Eerdmans Publ., Dialogue & Alliance, c. 9, sy. 2 (Kış 1995), s. 122-124.
  • Shaffer, Jerome A., Zihin Felsefesi Açısından Bilinç, Ruh ve Ötesi, çev. Turan Koç, İstanbul 1991, İz Yay.
  • Smart, Ninian, The Religious Experience of Mankind, Glasgow 1977, William Collins Ltd.
  • Tunç, Mustafa Şekip, Bir Din Felsefesine Doğru, İstanbul 1959, Türkiye Yay.
  • Unger, Johan, On Religious Experience (A Psychological Study), çev. David C. Minugh, Uppsala 1976, Offsetcenter.
  • Uysal, Veysel, “Dinî Tecrübe ve Din Psikolojisi’ndeki Yeri”, İslâmî Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, c. 3, sy. 4 (Kış 1995), s. 69-87.
  • Vergote, Antoine, Din, İnanç ve İnançsızlık, çev. Veysel Uysal, İstanbul 1999, M. Ü. İlâhiyat Fakültesi Vakfı Yay.
  • Wach, Joachim, The Comparative Study of Religions, ed. Joseph M. Kitagawa, New York 1958, Columbia University Press.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ahmet Albayrak This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2005
Submission Date November 5, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


ISNAD Albayrak, Ahmet. “Dinî Tecrübenin Dışa Vurum Problemi”. Milel ve Nihal 2/2 (June 2005), 65-79.