Research Article
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Mülteci Ebeveynler ve Çocukları için Duygu Koçluğu Müdahale Programı: Bir Eylem Araştırması

Year 2024, Volume: 53 Issue: 242, 713 - 740, 01.05.2024


Türkiye son yıllarda önemli düzeyde mülteciye ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Ülkemize farklı kültürden ve dilden göç etmek zorunda kalan ebeveynler ve çocukların maruz kaldıkları travmatik süreçler göz önüne alındığında duygusal desteğe olan ihtiyaçları ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Hatay ilinde bulunan Suriyeli aileler ve çocuklarına destek sağlayan bir Çocuk ve Gençlik Merkezi çalışanlarına ve öğretmenlerine duygu koçluğu eğitimlerinin verilmesi ve bu eğitimlerin mülteci ebeveynler ve çocuklar için sahada kullanımı için adapte edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında, bütünsel yaklaşımla tüm kurum çalışanlarına eğitimler verilmiş, ardından mültecilerle yakından çalışan altı öğretmene ileri seviyede eğitimler verilerek, kuruma devam etmekte olan on mülteci ebeveyn ve çocuklarına etkinlikler içerisinde duygusal farkındalık ve duygu düzenleme desteği sağlanmıştır. Araştırma yöntemi olarak eylem araştırması deseni kullanılmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak anket, yarı-yapılandırılmış görüşme ve günlük tutma yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Görüşme ve günlük tutma analizinde tümevarım tematik analiz yöntemi, anket analizinde betimsel istatistik ve paired sample t-test tekniklerinden faydalanılmıştır. Bulgular incelendiğinde, öğretmenlerin duygusal iletişim yöntemlerinde müdahale etmeyen, onaylamayan yöntemler kullanımlarında önemli düzeyde azalma, duygu koçluğu iletişim yöntemi kullanımlarında artış gösterdikleri bulunmuştur. Öğretmenlerin duygu koçluğu müdahale yöntemi temel ilkelerini kendi günlük hayatları içerisinde ve çeşitli etkinlikler içerisinde kullanabildikleri bulunmuştur. Öğretmenlerin kendi duygusal farkındalık ve duygu düzenleme becerilerinin farkına vardıkları ve bu yöntemi kullandıkları aileler ve çocuklarda da duygusal olarak olumlu ilerlemeler olduğu bulunmuştur.

Supporting Institution

Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi

Project Number



Bu çalışmaya katkı sağlayan İskenderun Çocuk ve Gençlik Merkezi yönetici ve çalışanlarına, çalışmamızda yer alan tüm öğretmenlere, ailelere ve çocuklara teşekkür ederiz.


  • Arıcıoğlu, A., ve Avcı, R. (2021). Suriyeli mülteci çocuklarda farklılıkların kabulü ve çocukların saldırganlık davranışlarına yönelik önleyici rehberlik hizmetleri. Milli Eğitim, 50(1), 765-784.
  • Baltacı, A. (2019). Nitel araştırma süreci: Nitel bir araştırma nasıl yapılır?. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5(2), 368-388.
  • Braun, V., and Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative research in psychology, 3(2), 77-101.
  • Chronis-Tuscano, A., Lewis-Morrarty, E., Woods, K. E., O’Brien, K. A., Mazursky-Horowitz, H., and Thomas, S. R. (2016). Parent–child interaction therapy with emotion coaching for preschoolers with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Cognitive and behavioral practice, 23(1), 62-78.
  • Çelik, Ç., ve İçduygu, A. (2019). Schools and refugee children: the case of Syrians in Turkey. International Migration, 57(2), 253-267.
  • Dallal, Y.M. (2016). Saving Syria’s Lost Generation Through Education. Turkish Policy Quarterly, 15(3), 107–114.
  • Ellis, B. H., and Alisic, E. (2013). Maternal emotion coaching: A protective factor for traumatized children's emotion regulation. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 6(2), 118-125.
  • Eruyar, S., Maltby, J., and Vostanis, P. (2018). Mental health problems of Syrian refugee children: the role of parental factors. European child & adolescent psychiatry, 27(4), 401-409.
  • Eruyar, S., Maltby, J., and Vostanis, P. (2020). How do Syrian refugee children in Turkey Perceive relational factors in the context of their mental health?. Clinical child psychology and psychiatry, 25(1), 260-272
  • Fazel, M. and Stein, A. (2002). The mental health of refugee children. Archives of disease in childhood, 87(5), 366-370. doi:10.1136/adc.87.5.366
  • Gottman, J. (2011). Raising an emotionally intelligent child. Manhattan, New York City: Simon and Schuster.
  • Gottman, J.M., Katz, L.F. and Hooven, C. (1996).Parental meta-emotion philosophy and the emotional life of families: Theoretical models and preliminary data. Journal of Family Psychology, 10(3), 243–268.
  • Gottman, J.M., Katz, L.F. and Hooven, C. (1997). Metaemotion: How families communicate emotionally. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbau Associates.
  • Gus, L., Rose, J., Gilbert, L., and Kilby, R. (2017). The introduction of emotion coaching as a whole school approach in a primary specialist social emotional and mental health setting: Positive outcomes for all. The open family studies journal, 9(1), 95-110.
  • Gus, L., Rose, J., and Gilbert, L. (2015). Emotion coaching: A universal strategy for supporting and promoting sustainable emotional and behavioural well-being. Educational & Child Psychology, 32(1), 31-41.
  • Gilbert, L. (2013). The transference of emotion coaching into community and educational Settings [Unpublished doctoral thesis, preliminary findings]. Bath: Bath Spa University.
  • Hakim-Larson, J., Parker, A., Lee, C., Goodwin, J., and Voelker, S. (2006). Measuring parental meta-emotion: Psychometric properties of the emotion-related parenting styles self-test. Early Education and Development, 17(2), 229-251.
  • Havighurst, Sophie S., Katherine R. Wilson, Ann E. Harley, Christiane Kehoe, Daryl Efron, and Margot R. Prior. (2013) “Tuning into kids”: Reducing young children’s behavior problems using an emotion coaching parenting program. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 44(2), 247-264.
  • Hurrell, K. E., Houwing, F. L., and Hudson, J. L. (2017). Parental meta-emotion philosophy and emotion coaching in families of children and adolescents with an anxiety disorder. Journal of abnormal child psychology, 45(3), 569-582.
  • Karaağaç, F. C., ve Güvenç, H. (2019). Resmi ilkokullara devam eden Suriyeli mülteci öğrencilerin eğitim sorunları. OPUS International Journal of Society Researches, 11(18), 530-568.
  • Kardeş, S. (2018). Mülteci çocukların psikososyal gelişimine yönelik program uyarlanması [Doktora Tezi]. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Ankara.
  • Lincoln, Y. S., and E. G. Guba. (1985). Naturalistic Inquiry. Newbury Park: Sage Publications.
  • Loop, L., and Roskam, I. (2016). Do children behave better when parents' emotion coaching practices are stimulated? A micro-trial study. Journal of Child Family Studies, 25(7), 2223-2235. http://doi/10.2174/1874922401709010095
  • Merriam, S. B. (2009). Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  • Mcbrien, J. L. (2005). Educational needs and barriers for refugee students in the United States: A review of the alanyature. Review of educational research, 75(3), 329-364. doi:10.3102/00346543075003329.
  • Miller, A., Hess, J. M., Bybee, D., and Goodkind, J. R. (2018). Understanding the mental health consequences of family separation for refugees: Implications for policy and practice. American journal of orthopsychiatry, 88(1), 26.
  • Mills, S. L., Freeman, W. S., Clara, I. P., Elgar, F. J., Walling, B. R., and Mak, L. (2007). Parent proneness to shame and the use of psychological control. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 16, 359–374. doi:10.1007/s10826-006-9091-4.
  • Parker, R., and Levinson, M. P. (2018). Student behaviour, motivation and the potential of attachment‐aware schools to redefine the landscape. British Educational Research Journal, 44(5), 875-896.
  • Rose, J., Gilbert, L., and McGuire-Snieckus, R. (2015). Emotion coaching-a strategy for promoting behavioural self-regulation in children/young people in schools: A pilot study. The Europe an Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences, 13, 1766-1790.
  • Rose, J., McGuire-Snieckus, R., and Wood, F. (2016). Impact evaluation of the attachment aware schools project for stoke and B&NES virtual schools: A pilot study.
  • Saklan, E., ve Karakütük, K. (2022). Türkiye’deki Suriyeli eğitim çağı çocuklarının eğitim süreçleri üzerine bir çözümleme. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(1), 51-76.
  • Walling, B. R., Mills, R. S. L., and Freeman, W. S. (2007). Parenting cognitions associated with the use of psychological control. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 16, 642–659. doi:10.1007/s10826-006-9113-2.
  • Whalen, D. J., Gilbert, K. E., and Luby, J. L. (2021). Changes in self‐reported and observed parenting following a randomized control trial of parent–child interaction therapy for the treatment of preschool depression. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 62(1), 86-96.
  • Wilson, B. J., Berg, J. L., Zurawski, M. E., and King, K. A. (2013). Autism and externalizing behaviors: Buffering effects of parental emotion coaching. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 7(6), 767-776.

Emotion Coaching Intervention Program for Refugee Parents and Children: An Action Research

Year 2024, Volume: 53 Issue: 242, 713 - 740, 01.05.2024


Turkiye has been hosting a significant amount of refugees in recent years. Parents and children who have immigrated to Turkiye from different cultures and languages are going through traumatic processes so that they need emotional support. This study aims to provide emotion coaching training to employees and teachers of a Child and Youth Centre that supports Syrian families and their children in Hatay province. The overarching aim is that the employees are to adapt this training to support refugee parents and children. Within the scope of the study, training was delivered to all employees of the institution with a whole school approach, advanced-level training was given to six teachers who work closely with refugees, and emotion recognition and regulation support was provided to ten refugee parents and their children. The mixed method action research design was used as the research method. Questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and written diary methods were used as data collection tools. Inductive thematic analysis method was used in interview and diary analysis and descriptive statistical techniques and paired sample t-test were used in survey analysis. When the findings were examined, it was found that teachers' use of dismissive, disapproving and laissez-faire methods significantly decreased, and their use of emotion coaching methods increased. It was also found that after the training, teachers were able to use the basic principles of emotion coaching intervention method in their daily lives and within various activities. There was an increase in teachers’ own emotional awareness and emotional regulation skills and there were positive emotional outcomes in families and children.

Project Number



  • Arıcıoğlu, A., ve Avcı, R. (2021). Suriyeli mülteci çocuklarda farklılıkların kabulü ve çocukların saldırganlık davranışlarına yönelik önleyici rehberlik hizmetleri. Milli Eğitim, 50(1), 765-784.
  • Baltacı, A. (2019). Nitel araştırma süreci: Nitel bir araştırma nasıl yapılır?. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5(2), 368-388.
  • Braun, V., and Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative research in psychology, 3(2), 77-101.
  • Chronis-Tuscano, A., Lewis-Morrarty, E., Woods, K. E., O’Brien, K. A., Mazursky-Horowitz, H., and Thomas, S. R. (2016). Parent–child interaction therapy with emotion coaching for preschoolers with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Cognitive and behavioral practice, 23(1), 62-78.
  • Çelik, Ç., ve İçduygu, A. (2019). Schools and refugee children: the case of Syrians in Turkey. International Migration, 57(2), 253-267.
  • Dallal, Y.M. (2016). Saving Syria’s Lost Generation Through Education. Turkish Policy Quarterly, 15(3), 107–114.
  • Ellis, B. H., and Alisic, E. (2013). Maternal emotion coaching: A protective factor for traumatized children's emotion regulation. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 6(2), 118-125.
  • Eruyar, S., Maltby, J., and Vostanis, P. (2018). Mental health problems of Syrian refugee children: the role of parental factors. European child & adolescent psychiatry, 27(4), 401-409.
  • Eruyar, S., Maltby, J., and Vostanis, P. (2020). How do Syrian refugee children in Turkey Perceive relational factors in the context of their mental health?. Clinical child psychology and psychiatry, 25(1), 260-272
  • Fazel, M. and Stein, A. (2002). The mental health of refugee children. Archives of disease in childhood, 87(5), 366-370. doi:10.1136/adc.87.5.366
  • Gottman, J. (2011). Raising an emotionally intelligent child. Manhattan, New York City: Simon and Schuster.
  • Gottman, J.M., Katz, L.F. and Hooven, C. (1996).Parental meta-emotion philosophy and the emotional life of families: Theoretical models and preliminary data. Journal of Family Psychology, 10(3), 243–268.
  • Gottman, J.M., Katz, L.F. and Hooven, C. (1997). Metaemotion: How families communicate emotionally. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbau Associates.
  • Gus, L., Rose, J., Gilbert, L., and Kilby, R. (2017). The introduction of emotion coaching as a whole school approach in a primary specialist social emotional and mental health setting: Positive outcomes for all. The open family studies journal, 9(1), 95-110.
  • Gus, L., Rose, J., and Gilbert, L. (2015). Emotion coaching: A universal strategy for supporting and promoting sustainable emotional and behavioural well-being. Educational & Child Psychology, 32(1), 31-41.
  • Gilbert, L. (2013). The transference of emotion coaching into community and educational Settings [Unpublished doctoral thesis, preliminary findings]. Bath: Bath Spa University.
  • Hakim-Larson, J., Parker, A., Lee, C., Goodwin, J., and Voelker, S. (2006). Measuring parental meta-emotion: Psychometric properties of the emotion-related parenting styles self-test. Early Education and Development, 17(2), 229-251.
  • Havighurst, Sophie S., Katherine R. Wilson, Ann E. Harley, Christiane Kehoe, Daryl Efron, and Margot R. Prior. (2013) “Tuning into kids”: Reducing young children’s behavior problems using an emotion coaching parenting program. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 44(2), 247-264.
  • Hurrell, K. E., Houwing, F. L., and Hudson, J. L. (2017). Parental meta-emotion philosophy and emotion coaching in families of children and adolescents with an anxiety disorder. Journal of abnormal child psychology, 45(3), 569-582.
  • Karaağaç, F. C., ve Güvenç, H. (2019). Resmi ilkokullara devam eden Suriyeli mülteci öğrencilerin eğitim sorunları. OPUS International Journal of Society Researches, 11(18), 530-568.
  • Kardeş, S. (2018). Mülteci çocukların psikososyal gelişimine yönelik program uyarlanması [Doktora Tezi]. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Ankara.
  • Lincoln, Y. S., and E. G. Guba. (1985). Naturalistic Inquiry. Newbury Park: Sage Publications.
  • Loop, L., and Roskam, I. (2016). Do children behave better when parents' emotion coaching practices are stimulated? A micro-trial study. Journal of Child Family Studies, 25(7), 2223-2235. http://doi/10.2174/1874922401709010095
  • Merriam, S. B. (2009). Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  • Mcbrien, J. L. (2005). Educational needs and barriers for refugee students in the United States: A review of the alanyature. Review of educational research, 75(3), 329-364. doi:10.3102/00346543075003329.
  • Miller, A., Hess, J. M., Bybee, D., and Goodkind, J. R. (2018). Understanding the mental health consequences of family separation for refugees: Implications for policy and practice. American journal of orthopsychiatry, 88(1), 26.
  • Mills, S. L., Freeman, W. S., Clara, I. P., Elgar, F. J., Walling, B. R., and Mak, L. (2007). Parent proneness to shame and the use of psychological control. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 16, 359–374. doi:10.1007/s10826-006-9091-4.
  • Parker, R., and Levinson, M. P. (2018). Student behaviour, motivation and the potential of attachment‐aware schools to redefine the landscape. British Educational Research Journal, 44(5), 875-896.
  • Rose, J., Gilbert, L., and McGuire-Snieckus, R. (2015). Emotion coaching-a strategy for promoting behavioural self-regulation in children/young people in schools: A pilot study. The Europe an Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences, 13, 1766-1790.
  • Rose, J., McGuire-Snieckus, R., and Wood, F. (2016). Impact evaluation of the attachment aware schools project for stoke and B&NES virtual schools: A pilot study.
  • Saklan, E., ve Karakütük, K. (2022). Türkiye’deki Suriyeli eğitim çağı çocuklarının eğitim süreçleri üzerine bir çözümleme. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(1), 51-76.
  • Walling, B. R., Mills, R. S. L., and Freeman, W. S. (2007). Parenting cognitions associated with the use of psychological control. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 16, 642–659. doi:10.1007/s10826-006-9113-2.
  • Whalen, D. J., Gilbert, K. E., and Luby, J. L. (2021). Changes in self‐reported and observed parenting following a randomized control trial of parent–child interaction therapy for the treatment of preschool depression. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 62(1), 86-96.
  • Wilson, B. J., Berg, J. L., Zurawski, M. E., and King, K. A. (2013). Autism and externalizing behaviors: Buffering effects of parental emotion coaching. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 7(6), 767-776.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Fatma Canan Durgungöz 0000-0001-8758-1861

Project Number Syo.A4.21.005
Publication Date May 1, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 53 Issue: 242


APA Durgungöz, F. C. (2024). Mülteci Ebeveynler ve Çocukları için Duygu Koçluğu Müdahale Programı: Bir Eylem Araştırması. Milli Eğitim Dergisi, 53(242), 713-740.