Research Article
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The Nexus between Political Risks and Foreign Direct Investment: An Empirical Analysis for North African Countries

Year 2020, , 2430 - 2446, 13.10.2020


Drawing from the ICRG data set, this study aims to analyze the intricate linkage
between political risks and foreign direct investment via a number of control variables
including trade openness, the consumer price index and per capita GDP.  Since there has been
a paucity of research on certain determinants of FDI in the North African context, we
examine the impact of political risks on foreign direct investment inflows in six North African
countries covering the period 1996-2014 accounting for the presence of possible cross-
sectional dependence in the heterogeneous panel data. Whereas the results obtained from
Pedroni (1999) and Johansen-Fisher co-integration tests show that there is a long-run co-
integration relationship, coefficients obtained from the FM-OLS estimator indicate that a low
level of political risks has a positive impact on the foreign direct investment inflows, albeit
with some variation within select countries. The Canning and Pedroni (2008) causality test, on
the other hand, finds evidence that there is a causal relationship between political risks and
foreign direct investment for four countries (Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, and Egypt) in the
sample. Hence, the results suggest that political risks are significant determinants of foreign
direct investment for an array of countries in North Africa.


Acknowledgement: An earlier version of this paper is presented at 6th International Conference on Social Thought and Theory in the MENA Region conference on December 14-15, 2017, Nicosia, Northern Cyprus. We are grateful to colleagues in the audience for offering insightful questions and comments.


  • Abbas, S., & El Mosallamy, D. (2016). Determinants of FDI flows to developing countries: an empirical study on the MENA region. Journal of Finance and Economics, 4(1), 30-38.
  • Acemoglu, Daron, Simon Johnson, and James Robinson. (2005). "The Rise of Europe: Atlantic Trade, Institutional Change, and Economic Growth." American Economic Review, 95 (3): 546-579.
  • African Development Bank (2018). North Africa Economic Outlook 2018: Macroeconomic developments and poverty, inequality, and employment, Agricultural production and food security, 12 March, Available at
  • Ali, Fathi, Norbert Fiess & Ronald MacDonald (2010). Do Institutions Matter for Foreign Direct Investment? Open Economies Review, 21(2), 201-219.
  • Altomonte, C., & Guagliano, C. (2003). Comparative study of FDI in Central and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean. Economic Systems, 27(2), 223-246.
  • Anyanwu, J., & Yameogo, N. (2015). Regional comparison of foreign direct investment to Africa: Empirical analysis. African Development Review, 27(4), 345–363.
  • Asiedu, E. (2002). On the determinants of foreign direct investment to developing countries: Is Africa different? World Development, 30(1), 107-119.
  • Asiedu, E. (2006). Foreign direct investment in Africa: The role of natural resources, market size, government policy, institutions and political instability. The World Economy, 29(1), 63-77.
  • Asif, M., Majid, A., Yasir, M., & Ali, A. (2018). Fluctuations in political risk indicators and their impact on FDI inflow in Pakistan. Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 26(3), 269-289.
  • Baltagi, B. H. (2005). Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, Third Edition, NewYork: John Wiley and Sons Publication.
  • Bénassy‐Quéré, A., Coupet, M., & Mayer, T. (2007). Institutional determinants of foreign direct investment. World economy, 30(5), 764-782.
  • Borensztein, E., Gregorio, J. D., & Lee, J.-W. (1998). How does foreign direct investment affect economic growth? Journal of International Economics, 45(1), 115-135.
  • Bouchoucha, N., & Benammou, S. (2018). Does institutional quality matter foreign direct investment? Evidence from African countries. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 1-15.
  • Brada, Josef, Ali Kutan, & Taner Yigit (2006). The effects of transition and political instability on foreign direct investment inflows: Central Europe and the Balkans, Economics of Transition, 14(4), 649-680.
  • Breusch, T.S., & Pagan, A.R. (1980). The lagrange multiplier test and its applications to model specification in econometrics, Review of Econometric Studies, 47(1), 239-253.
  • Brunetti, Aymo, & Weder, Beatrice (1998). Investment and institutional uncertainty: a comparative study of different uncertainty measures, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 134(3), 513-533.
  • Busse, M., & Hefeker, C. (2007). Political risk, institutions and foreign direct investment. European Journal of Political Economy, 23(2), 397-415.
  • Campos, N. F., & Kinoshita, Y. (2008). Foreign direct investment and structural reforms: evidence from Eastern Europe and Latin America, IMF Working Papers, 1-38.
  • Canning, D., & Pedroni, P. (2008). Infrastructure, long-run economic growth and causality tests for cointegrated panels, The Manchester School, 76(5), 504–527.
  • Chakrabarti A (2001). The determinants of foreign direct investment: sensitivity analyses of cross-country regressions. Kyklos 54(1), 89–113.
  • Chan K. & Gemayel E (2004). Risk instability and the pattern of foreign direct investment in the Middle East and North Africa Region. IMF Working paper, August 1, No. 04/139.
  • Choi, I. (2001). Unit root tests for panel data, Journal of International Money and Finance, 20, 249-272.
  • De Mello, L. R. (1997). Foreign direct investment in developing countries and growth: A selective survey. Journal of Development Studies, 34(1), 1–34.
  • Desbordes, R. (2010). Global and diplomatic political risks and foreign direct investment. Economics & Politics, 22(1), 92-125.
  • Dunning, J.H. (1993). Multinational Enterprises and the Global Economy. Addison Wesley, New York.
  • Dunning, John H. (2001). The eclectic(oli) paradigm of international production: past, present and future, International Journal of the Economics of Business, 8(2), 173-190.
  • Egger, P., & Winner, H. (2005). Evidence on corruption as an incentive for foreign direct investment. European Journal of Political Economy, 21(4), 932-952.
  • Erdem, E., Saban N., & Cumhur E. (2010). Exchange rate uncertainty and agricultural trade: panel cointegration analysis for Turkey, Agricultural Economics, International Association of Agricultural Economists, 41(6), 537-543.
  • Engle, Robert F., & Granger, C.W.J. (1987). Co-integration and error correction: representation, estimation, and testing, Econometrica 55(2), 251-276.
  • Fatehi-Sedeh, K., & Safizadeh, M. H. (1989). The association between political instability and flow of foreign direct investment, Management International Review, 29(4), 4-13.
  • Gastanaga, V. M., Nugent, J. B., & Pashamova, B. (1998). Host country reforms and FDI inflows: How much difference do they make? World Development, 26(7), 1299-1314.
  • Gobinda Goswami, G., & Haider, S. (2014). Does political risk deter FDI inflow? An analytical approach using panel data and factor analysis. Journal of Economic Studies, 41(2), 233-252.
  • Hausmann, R., & Fernandez-Arias, E. (2000). Foreign direct investment: good cholesterol? Research Department Publications 4203, Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department.
  • Hayakawa, K., Kimura, F., & Lee, H. H. (2013). How does country risk matter for foreign direct investment? The Developing Economies, 51(1), 60-78.
  • Henisz, Witold (2000). The institutional environment for multinational investment, Journal of Law Economics and Organization, 16(2), 334-364.
  • Herzer, D. (2012). How does foreign direct investment really affect developing countries’ growth? Review of International Economics, 20(2), 396–414.
  • Hyun, H. J. (2006). Quality of institutions and foreign direct investment in developing countries: Causality tests for cross‐country panels. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 7(3), 103-110.
  • ICRG (2015). International Country Risk Guide Methodology. The PRS Group.
  • Im, K., Hashem, P., & Yongcheol, S. (2003). Testing for unit roots in heterogenous panels, Journal of Econometrics, 115(1), 53-74.
  • Jadhav, P., & Katti, V. (2012). Institutional and political determinants of foreign direct investment: Evidence from BRICS economies. Poverty & Public Policy, 4(3), 49-57.
  • Janeba, E. (2002). Attracting FDI in a politically risky world. International Economic Review, 43(4), 1127-1155.
  • Jiménez, A. (2011). Political risk as a determinant of Southern European FDI in neighboring developing countries. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 47(4), 59-74.
  • Johansen, S. (1988). Statistical analysis of cointegration vectors. Journal of Economics Dynamic and Control 12, 231-254.
  • Khan, M. M., & Akbar, M. I. (2013). The impact of political risk on foreign direct investment. MPRA Paper No. 47283,
  • Al-Khouri, R.& Khalik, U. A.(2013). Does political risk affect the flow of foreign direct investment into the Middle East North African region? Journal of Global Business and Technology, 9(2), 47-59.
  • Kolstad I & Tøndel L. (2002). Social development and foreign direct investments in developing countries. CMI Report, Norway: Chr. Michelsen Institute
  • Kolstad, I., & Wiig, A. (2012). What determines Chinese outward FDI? Journal of World Business, 47(1), 26-34.
  • Krifa-Schneider, H., & Matei, I. (2010). Business climate, political risk and FDI in developing countries: Evidence from panel data. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 2(5), 54-65.
  • Liargovas, P.G., Skandalis, K.S. (2012). Foreign direct investment and trade openness: The case of developing economies. Social Indicators Research, 106(2), 323-331.
  • Li, Q., & Resnick, A. (2003). Reversal of fortunes: Democratic institutions and foreign direct investment inflows to developing countries. International Organization, 57(1), 175-211.
  • Maddala, G. S., & Wu, S. (1999) A Comparative Study of Unit Root Tests with Panel Data and a New Simple Test, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, special issue, 631-652.
  • Mark, N.C., Ogaki, M., & Sul, D. (2005). Dynamic seemingly unrelated cointegrating regression. Review of Economic Studies 72, 797-820.
  • Méon, P.-G., & Sekkat, K. (2004). Does the quality of institutions limit the MENA's Integration in the world economy? The World Economy, 27(9), 1475-1498.
  • Mina, W. M. (2012). The institutional reforms debate and FDI flows to the MENA region: The “best” ensemble. World Development, 40(9), 1798-1809.
  • Mohamed, S. E., & Sidiropoulos, M. G. (2010). Another look at the determinants of foreign direct investment in MENA countries: an empirical investigation. Journal of economic development, 35(2), 75.
  • Moosa, I. A. (2009). The determinants of foreign direct investment in MENA countries: an extreme bounds analysis. Applied Economics Letters, 16(15), 1559-1563.
  • Nasreen, S., & Anwar, A. (2014). Political Risk and Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from Pakistan Economy. International Journal of Social and Economic Research, 4(1), 24-36.
  • Naudé, W. A., & Krugell, W. F. (2007). Investigating geography and institutions as determinants of foreign direct investment in Africa using panel data. Applied Economics, 39(10), 1223-1233.
  • Nazlioglu, S., Lebe, F., & Kayhan, S. (2011). Nuclear energy consumption and economic growth in OECD countries: cross-sectionally dependent heterogeneous panel Causality analysis, Energy Policy, 39, 6615-6621.
  • Nelson, M. M., Sooreea, R., & Gokcek, G. (2016). The FDI-political risk nexus: some new insights. The Business & Management Review, 7(5), 33-42.
  • Noorbakhsh, F., Paloni, A., & Youssef, A. (2001). Human Capital and FDI Inflows to Developing Countries: New Empirical Evidence. World Development, 29(9), 1593-1610.
  • North D.C. & Thomas R.P. (1973). The Rise of the Western World: A New Economic History. NewYork: Cambridge University Press
  • North, Douglas C. (1990). Institutions, institutional change and economic development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Pedroni, P. (1999). Critical values for cointegration tests in heterogeneous panels with multiple regressors, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 61, 653-670.
  • Pedroni, P. (2004). Panel cointegration, asymptotic and finite sample properties of pooled time series tests with an application to the PPP hypothesis, Econometric Theory, 20, 575-625.
  • Pesaran, M.H. (2004). General Diagnostic Tests for Cross Section Dependence in Panels, CESifo Working Paper Series, 1229.
  • Pesaran, M.H., & Yamagata, T. (2008). Testing slope homogeneity in large panels. Journal of Econometrics, 14, 50-93.
  • Phillips, P. C. B., & Hansen, B. E. (1990). Statistical inference in instrumental variables regression with I(1) processes, Review of Economic Studies, 57, 99-125.
  • Quer, D., & Claver, E. (2007). Determinants of Spanish foreign direct investment in Morocco. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 43(2), 19-32.
  • Resmini, L. (2000). The determinants of foreign direct investment into the CEECs: New evidence from sectoral patterns, Economics of Transition, 8(3), 665-689.
  • Rogmans, T., & Ebbers, H. (2013). The determinants of foreign direct investment in the Middle East North Africa region. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 8(3), 240-257.
  • Sanfilippo, M. (2010). Chinese FDI to Africa: What is the nexus with foreign economic cooperation?. African Development Review, 22(s1), 599-614.
  • Schneider, F., & Frey, B. S. (1985). Economic and political determinants of foreign direct investment. World Development, 13(2), 161-175.
  • Singh, H., & Jun, K. W. (1999). Some new evidence on determinants of foreign direct investment in developing countries: The World Bank.
  • Vadlamannati, K. C. (2012). Impact of political risk on FDI revisited—An aggregate firm-level analysis. International Interactions, 38(1), 111-139.
  • Wei W. (2005). China and India: Any difference in their FDI performances? Journal of Asian Economics. 16(4), 719-736.
  • Wheeler, D. & Mody, A.(1992). International Investment Location Decisions: The Case of U.S. firms, Journal of International Economics, 33(1-2), 57–76.
  • Zheng, P. (2009). A comparison of FDI determinants in China and India. Thunderbird International Business Review, 51(3), 263-279.

Politik Risk ve Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırım Arasındaki İlişki: Kuzey Afrika Ülkeleri İçin Ampirik Bir Analiz

Year 2020, , 2430 - 2446, 13.10.2020


Bu çalışma, politik risk ve doğrudan yabancı yatırım girişleri arasındaki ilişkiyi dışa açıklık oranı, tüketici fiyat endeksi ve kişibaşı GSYH gibi bazı kontrol değişkenlerin yardımıyla tespit etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Kuzey Afrika ülkelerinde doğrudan yabancı yatırımların belirleyicileri üzerine az sayıda çalışma yapılmış olması nedeniyle 6 Kuzey Afrika ülkesine 1996-2014 döneminde gelen doğrudan yabancı yatırımlar üzerinde politik risklerin etkisi, yatay kesit bağımlılığı ve heterojen panel yapısı dikkate alınarak incelenmiştir. Pedroni (1999) ve Johansen-Fisher eşbütünleşme testleri ile uzun dönemde değişkenler arasında ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir. FMOLS tahmincisi ile elde edilen sonuçlar ülke bazında farklılık gösterse de düşük düzeyde politik riskin doğrudan yabancı yatırım girişleri üzerinde pozitif etkisi olduğunu göstermiştir. Canning ve Pedroni (2008) nedensellik testine göre 4 ülkede (Cezayir, Libya, Tunus ve Mısır) politik risk ve doğrudan yabancı yatırım girişleri arasında nedensellik ilişkisi tespit edilmiştir. Bu doğrultuda ilgili ülkelerde politik riskin doğrudan yabancı yatırımların önemli bir belirleyicisi olduğu ifade edilebilir.


  • Abbas, S., & El Mosallamy, D. (2016). Determinants of FDI flows to developing countries: an empirical study on the MENA region. Journal of Finance and Economics, 4(1), 30-38.
  • Acemoglu, Daron, Simon Johnson, and James Robinson. (2005). "The Rise of Europe: Atlantic Trade, Institutional Change, and Economic Growth." American Economic Review, 95 (3): 546-579.
  • African Development Bank (2018). North Africa Economic Outlook 2018: Macroeconomic developments and poverty, inequality, and employment, Agricultural production and food security, 12 March, Available at
  • Ali, Fathi, Norbert Fiess & Ronald MacDonald (2010). Do Institutions Matter for Foreign Direct Investment? Open Economies Review, 21(2), 201-219.
  • Altomonte, C., & Guagliano, C. (2003). Comparative study of FDI in Central and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean. Economic Systems, 27(2), 223-246.
  • Anyanwu, J., & Yameogo, N. (2015). Regional comparison of foreign direct investment to Africa: Empirical analysis. African Development Review, 27(4), 345–363.
  • Asiedu, E. (2002). On the determinants of foreign direct investment to developing countries: Is Africa different? World Development, 30(1), 107-119.
  • Asiedu, E. (2006). Foreign direct investment in Africa: The role of natural resources, market size, government policy, institutions and political instability. The World Economy, 29(1), 63-77.
  • Asif, M., Majid, A., Yasir, M., & Ali, A. (2018). Fluctuations in political risk indicators and their impact on FDI inflow in Pakistan. Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 26(3), 269-289.
  • Baltagi, B. H. (2005). Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, Third Edition, NewYork: John Wiley and Sons Publication.
  • Bénassy‐Quéré, A., Coupet, M., & Mayer, T. (2007). Institutional determinants of foreign direct investment. World economy, 30(5), 764-782.
  • Borensztein, E., Gregorio, J. D., & Lee, J.-W. (1998). How does foreign direct investment affect economic growth? Journal of International Economics, 45(1), 115-135.
  • Bouchoucha, N., & Benammou, S. (2018). Does institutional quality matter foreign direct investment? Evidence from African countries. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 1-15.
  • Brada, Josef, Ali Kutan, & Taner Yigit (2006). The effects of transition and political instability on foreign direct investment inflows: Central Europe and the Balkans, Economics of Transition, 14(4), 649-680.
  • Breusch, T.S., & Pagan, A.R. (1980). The lagrange multiplier test and its applications to model specification in econometrics, Review of Econometric Studies, 47(1), 239-253.
  • Brunetti, Aymo, & Weder, Beatrice (1998). Investment and institutional uncertainty: a comparative study of different uncertainty measures, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 134(3), 513-533.
  • Busse, M., & Hefeker, C. (2007). Political risk, institutions and foreign direct investment. European Journal of Political Economy, 23(2), 397-415.
  • Campos, N. F., & Kinoshita, Y. (2008). Foreign direct investment and structural reforms: evidence from Eastern Europe and Latin America, IMF Working Papers, 1-38.
  • Canning, D., & Pedroni, P. (2008). Infrastructure, long-run economic growth and causality tests for cointegrated panels, The Manchester School, 76(5), 504–527.
  • Chakrabarti A (2001). The determinants of foreign direct investment: sensitivity analyses of cross-country regressions. Kyklos 54(1), 89–113.
  • Chan K. & Gemayel E (2004). Risk instability and the pattern of foreign direct investment in the Middle East and North Africa Region. IMF Working paper, August 1, No. 04/139.
  • Choi, I. (2001). Unit root tests for panel data, Journal of International Money and Finance, 20, 249-272.
  • De Mello, L. R. (1997). Foreign direct investment in developing countries and growth: A selective survey. Journal of Development Studies, 34(1), 1–34.
  • Desbordes, R. (2010). Global and diplomatic political risks and foreign direct investment. Economics & Politics, 22(1), 92-125.
  • Dunning, J.H. (1993). Multinational Enterprises and the Global Economy. Addison Wesley, New York.
  • Dunning, John H. (2001). The eclectic(oli) paradigm of international production: past, present and future, International Journal of the Economics of Business, 8(2), 173-190.
  • Egger, P., & Winner, H. (2005). Evidence on corruption as an incentive for foreign direct investment. European Journal of Political Economy, 21(4), 932-952.
  • Erdem, E., Saban N., & Cumhur E. (2010). Exchange rate uncertainty and agricultural trade: panel cointegration analysis for Turkey, Agricultural Economics, International Association of Agricultural Economists, 41(6), 537-543.
  • Engle, Robert F., & Granger, C.W.J. (1987). Co-integration and error correction: representation, estimation, and testing, Econometrica 55(2), 251-276.
  • Fatehi-Sedeh, K., & Safizadeh, M. H. (1989). The association between political instability and flow of foreign direct investment, Management International Review, 29(4), 4-13.
  • Gastanaga, V. M., Nugent, J. B., & Pashamova, B. (1998). Host country reforms and FDI inflows: How much difference do they make? World Development, 26(7), 1299-1314.
  • Gobinda Goswami, G., & Haider, S. (2014). Does political risk deter FDI inflow? An analytical approach using panel data and factor analysis. Journal of Economic Studies, 41(2), 233-252.
  • Hausmann, R., & Fernandez-Arias, E. (2000). Foreign direct investment: good cholesterol? Research Department Publications 4203, Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department.
  • Hayakawa, K., Kimura, F., & Lee, H. H. (2013). How does country risk matter for foreign direct investment? The Developing Economies, 51(1), 60-78.
  • Henisz, Witold (2000). The institutional environment for multinational investment, Journal of Law Economics and Organization, 16(2), 334-364.
  • Herzer, D. (2012). How does foreign direct investment really affect developing countries’ growth? Review of International Economics, 20(2), 396–414.
  • Hyun, H. J. (2006). Quality of institutions and foreign direct investment in developing countries: Causality tests for cross‐country panels. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 7(3), 103-110.
  • ICRG (2015). International Country Risk Guide Methodology. The PRS Group.
  • Im, K., Hashem, P., & Yongcheol, S. (2003). Testing for unit roots in heterogenous panels, Journal of Econometrics, 115(1), 53-74.
  • Jadhav, P., & Katti, V. (2012). Institutional and political determinants of foreign direct investment: Evidence from BRICS economies. Poverty & Public Policy, 4(3), 49-57.
  • Janeba, E. (2002). Attracting FDI in a politically risky world. International Economic Review, 43(4), 1127-1155.
  • Jiménez, A. (2011). Political risk as a determinant of Southern European FDI in neighboring developing countries. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 47(4), 59-74.
  • Johansen, S. (1988). Statistical analysis of cointegration vectors. Journal of Economics Dynamic and Control 12, 231-254.
  • Khan, M. M., & Akbar, M. I. (2013). The impact of political risk on foreign direct investment. MPRA Paper No. 47283,
  • Al-Khouri, R.& Khalik, U. A.(2013). Does political risk affect the flow of foreign direct investment into the Middle East North African region? Journal of Global Business and Technology, 9(2), 47-59.
  • Kolstad I & Tøndel L. (2002). Social development and foreign direct investments in developing countries. CMI Report, Norway: Chr. Michelsen Institute
  • Kolstad, I., & Wiig, A. (2012). What determines Chinese outward FDI? Journal of World Business, 47(1), 26-34.
  • Krifa-Schneider, H., & Matei, I. (2010). Business climate, political risk and FDI in developing countries: Evidence from panel data. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 2(5), 54-65.
  • Liargovas, P.G., Skandalis, K.S. (2012). Foreign direct investment and trade openness: The case of developing economies. Social Indicators Research, 106(2), 323-331.
  • Li, Q., & Resnick, A. (2003). Reversal of fortunes: Democratic institutions and foreign direct investment inflows to developing countries. International Organization, 57(1), 175-211.
  • Maddala, G. S., & Wu, S. (1999) A Comparative Study of Unit Root Tests with Panel Data and a New Simple Test, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, special issue, 631-652.
  • Mark, N.C., Ogaki, M., & Sul, D. (2005). Dynamic seemingly unrelated cointegrating regression. Review of Economic Studies 72, 797-820.
  • Méon, P.-G., & Sekkat, K. (2004). Does the quality of institutions limit the MENA's Integration in the world economy? The World Economy, 27(9), 1475-1498.
  • Mina, W. M. (2012). The institutional reforms debate and FDI flows to the MENA region: The “best” ensemble. World Development, 40(9), 1798-1809.
  • Mohamed, S. E., & Sidiropoulos, M. G. (2010). Another look at the determinants of foreign direct investment in MENA countries: an empirical investigation. Journal of economic development, 35(2), 75.
  • Moosa, I. A. (2009). The determinants of foreign direct investment in MENA countries: an extreme bounds analysis. Applied Economics Letters, 16(15), 1559-1563.
  • Nasreen, S., & Anwar, A. (2014). Political Risk and Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from Pakistan Economy. International Journal of Social and Economic Research, 4(1), 24-36.
  • Naudé, W. A., & Krugell, W. F. (2007). Investigating geography and institutions as determinants of foreign direct investment in Africa using panel data. Applied Economics, 39(10), 1223-1233.
  • Nazlioglu, S., Lebe, F., & Kayhan, S. (2011). Nuclear energy consumption and economic growth in OECD countries: cross-sectionally dependent heterogeneous panel Causality analysis, Energy Policy, 39, 6615-6621.
  • Nelson, M. M., Sooreea, R., & Gokcek, G. (2016). The FDI-political risk nexus: some new insights. The Business & Management Review, 7(5), 33-42.
  • Noorbakhsh, F., Paloni, A., & Youssef, A. (2001). Human Capital and FDI Inflows to Developing Countries: New Empirical Evidence. World Development, 29(9), 1593-1610.
  • North D.C. & Thomas R.P. (1973). The Rise of the Western World: A New Economic History. NewYork: Cambridge University Press
  • North, Douglas C. (1990). Institutions, institutional change and economic development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Pedroni, P. (1999). Critical values for cointegration tests in heterogeneous panels with multiple regressors, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 61, 653-670.
  • Pedroni, P. (2004). Panel cointegration, asymptotic and finite sample properties of pooled time series tests with an application to the PPP hypothesis, Econometric Theory, 20, 575-625.
  • Pesaran, M.H. (2004). General Diagnostic Tests for Cross Section Dependence in Panels, CESifo Working Paper Series, 1229.
  • Pesaran, M.H., & Yamagata, T. (2008). Testing slope homogeneity in large panels. Journal of Econometrics, 14, 50-93.
  • Phillips, P. C. B., & Hansen, B. E. (1990). Statistical inference in instrumental variables regression with I(1) processes, Review of Economic Studies, 57, 99-125.
  • Quer, D., & Claver, E. (2007). Determinants of Spanish foreign direct investment in Morocco. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 43(2), 19-32.
  • Resmini, L. (2000). The determinants of foreign direct investment into the CEECs: New evidence from sectoral patterns, Economics of Transition, 8(3), 665-689.
  • Rogmans, T., & Ebbers, H. (2013). The determinants of foreign direct investment in the Middle East North Africa region. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 8(3), 240-257.
  • Sanfilippo, M. (2010). Chinese FDI to Africa: What is the nexus with foreign economic cooperation?. African Development Review, 22(s1), 599-614.
  • Schneider, F., & Frey, B. S. (1985). Economic and political determinants of foreign direct investment. World Development, 13(2), 161-175.
  • Singh, H., & Jun, K. W. (1999). Some new evidence on determinants of foreign direct investment in developing countries: The World Bank.
  • Vadlamannati, K. C. (2012). Impact of political risk on FDI revisited—An aggregate firm-level analysis. International Interactions, 38(1), 111-139.
  • Wei W. (2005). China and India: Any difference in their FDI performances? Journal of Asian Economics. 16(4), 719-736.
  • Wheeler, D. & Mody, A.(1992). International Investment Location Decisions: The Case of U.S. firms, Journal of International Economics, 33(1-2), 57–76.
  • Zheng, P. (2009). A comparison of FDI determinants in China and India. Thunderbird International Business Review, 51(3), 263-279.
There are 78 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Cüneyt Özşahin 0000-0002-3445-5412

Şerife Özşahin 0000-0001-8310-1816

Publication Date October 13, 2020
Submission Date June 13, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Özşahin, C., & Özşahin, Ş. (2020). The Nexus between Political Risks and Foreign Direct Investment: An Empirical Analysis for North African Countries. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 9(4), 2430-2446.
AMA Özşahin C, Özşahin Ş. The Nexus between Political Risks and Foreign Direct Investment: An Empirical Analysis for North African Countries. MJSS. October 2020;9(4):2430-2446. doi:10.33206/mjss.752412
Chicago Özşahin, Cüneyt, and Şerife Özşahin. “The Nexus Between Political Risks and Foreign Direct Investment: An Empirical Analysis for North African Countries”. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 9, no. 4 (October 2020): 2430-46.
EndNote Özşahin C, Özşahin Ş (October 1, 2020) The Nexus between Political Risks and Foreign Direct Investment: An Empirical Analysis for North African Countries. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 9 4 2430–2446.
IEEE C. Özşahin and Ş. Özşahin, “The Nexus between Political Risks and Foreign Direct Investment: An Empirical Analysis for North African Countries”, MJSS, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 2430–2446, 2020, doi: 10.33206/mjss.752412.
ISNAD Özşahin, Cüneyt - Özşahin, Şerife. “The Nexus Between Political Risks and Foreign Direct Investment: An Empirical Analysis for North African Countries”. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 9/4 (October 2020), 2430-2446.
JAMA Özşahin C, Özşahin Ş. The Nexus between Political Risks and Foreign Direct Investment: An Empirical Analysis for North African Countries. MJSS. 2020;9:2430–2446.
MLA Özşahin, Cüneyt and Şerife Özşahin. “The Nexus Between Political Risks and Foreign Direct Investment: An Empirical Analysis for North African Countries”. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, vol. 9, no. 4, 2020, pp. 2430-46, doi:10.33206/mjss.752412.
Vancouver Özşahin C, Özşahin Ş. The Nexus between Political Risks and Foreign Direct Investment: An Empirical Analysis for North African Countries. MJSS. 2020;9(4):2430-46.

MANAS Journal of Social Studies (MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi)