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Мавзолей Кёк-Таш (Көк-Таш) результаты археологических раскопок 2017 года.

Year 2019, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 584 - 611, 29.01.2019


В статье представлены результаты археологических раскопок и археолого-архитектурного анализа подземного мавзолея Кёк-Таш (Көк-Таш), расположенного в Кочкорской долине Кыргызстана. Он был случайно обнаружен местными жителями в 1988 г. при выкапывании силосной ямы с помощью землеройной техники. С тех пор мавзолей неоднократно подвергался грабительским раскопкам, в результате которых пострадали перекрытия помещений и часть стен. Объект состоит из двух камер: малого прямоугольного и большого квадратного, ориентированных по сторонам света. Он сооружен из квадратных жженых кирпичей на глиняном растворе. Наряду с ними встречаются прямоугольные кирпичи, которые использовались для соблюдения регулярной перевязки рядов кладки. В полевом сезоне 2017 г. на памятнике было заложено 6 шурфов, которые дали полное представление об архитектуре мавзолея. Изучение планировки, тромпа, погребального ящика и строительного материала, с учетом результатов радиоуглеродного анализа, позволило сделать вывод, что время сооружения мавзолея Кёк-Таш укладывается в хрологоческие рамки между XI и XIII вв. Более точная датировка будет предложена после завершения раскопок и проведения дополнительных исследований. Памятник интересен не только как первый известный подземный двухкамерный мавзолей на территории Кыргызстана, но и тем, что он включает в себя как архаические, так и новые для своей эпохи архитектурно-археологические признаки. Найденные здесь нефритовые блюдца также не имеют аналогов в археологии Кыргызстана. 


  • Abdulloev, D. (2010). Etapy perekhoda k musul'manskomu pogrebal'nomu obryadu v Srednei Azii. Zapiski Instituta istorii material'noi kul'tury RAN (Transactions of the Institute for the History of Material Culture of the RAS). Saint-Petersburg: Dmitrii Bulanin Publ., no. 5, pp. 200–210. (in Russian).
  • Amanbaeva, B., Kol'chenko, V., Sataev, K. (2013). Kyrgyzstan. Khudozhestvennaya kul'tura Tsentral'noi Azii i Azerbaidzhana IX-XV vv. (The Artistic Culture of Central Asia and Azerbaijan in the 9th–15th Centuries), vol. IV: Architecture. Samarkand-Tashkent: IICAS, pp. 55–91. (in Russian).
  • Asanov, T.I. (2017). Kochkor-bashy karakhan türktörünün shaary. Epokha Yusufa Balasaguni: istoriya, literatura, material'naya kul'tura: mezhd. nauch. konf. posvyashch. 1000-letiyu Yusufa Balasaguni. 17– 18 noyabrya 2016 goda (The Epoch of Yusuf Balasaguni: History, Literature, Material Culture: Internat. Scint. Conf. Dedic. to 1000 Anniversary of Yusuf Balasaguni). Bishkek: Institute of History and Cultural Heritage of the NAS KR, pp. 173–179. (in Kyrgyz).
  • Baipakov, K.M. (2012). Islamskaya arkheologicheskaya arkhitektura i arkheologiya Kazakhstana (Islamic Archaeological Architecture and Archaeology of Kazakhstan). Almaty-Samarkand: IICAS, 284 p. (in Russian).
  • Baipakov, K.M., Goryacheva, V.D. (1999). Semirech'e. Arkheologiya. Srednyaya Aziya i Dal'nii Vostok v epokhu srednevekov'ya. Srednyaya Aziya v rannem srednevekov'e (Archaeology. Central Asia and the Far East in the Early Middle Ages). Moscow: Nauka Publ., pp. 151–162. (in Russian).
  • Bartol'd, V.V. (1964). Sochineniya. T. II, chast' 2. Raboty po otdel'nym problemam istorii Srednei Azii (Essays. Vol. II, iss. 2. Works on different issues of the Central Asia history). Moscow: Nauka Publ., 658 p. (in Russian).
  • Bartol'd, V.V. (1968). Sochineniya. T. V. Raboty po istorii i filologii tyurkskikh i mongol'skikh narodov (Essays. Vol. V. Works on History and Philology of the Turkish and Mongolian People). Moscow: Nauka Publ., 758 p. (in Russian).
  • Bernshtam, A.N. (1950). Arkhitekturnye pamyatniki Kirgizii (Architectural Monuments of Kyrgyzstan). Moscow-Leningrad: AS USSR Publ., 146 p. (in Russian).
  • Borodina I.F. (1974). Osobennosti formirovaniya memorial'nykh sooruzhenii Srednei Azii X-XV vv. Arkhitekturnoe nasledstvo (Architectural Heritage), no. 22, pp. 117–127. (in Russian).
  • Erzakovich, L.B., Nurmukhanbetov, B., Ordabaev, A. (1977). Podzemnoe pogrebal'noe sooruzhenie v Turkestane. Arkheologicheskie issledovaniya v Otrare (Archaeological Researches in Otrar). Alma-Ata: Nauka Publ., pp. 59–72. (in Russian).
  • Goryacheva, V.D. (1983). Srednevekovye gorodskie tsentry i arkhitekturnye ansambli Kirgizii (Burana, Uzgen, Safid-Bulan) (Medieval City Centers and Architectural Ensembles of Kyrgyzstan (Burana, Uzgen, Safid-Bulan)). Frunze: Ilim Publ., 197 p. (in Russian).
  • Goryacheva, V.D. (1989). Nausy nekropolya Krasnorechenskogo gorodishcha. Krasnaya Rechka i Burana (Krasnaya Rechka and Burana). Frunze: Ilim Publ., pp. 85–95. (in Russian).
  • Imankulov, Zh., Konkobaev, K. (2014). Arkhitektura Turkestana epokhi Karakhanidov (istoriko-teoreticheskoe issledovanie) (Architecture of Turkestan in the Karakhanids Epoch (Historical-Theoretical Researches)). Ankara: Union of Turkish World Architects and Engineers, 347 p. (in Russian).
  • Karaev, O. (1983). Istoriya Karakhanidskogo kaganata (X – nachala XIII vv.) (History of Karakhanids Khaganate (X – beginnings of the XIII cc.)). Frunze: Ilim Publ., 302 p. (in Russian).
  • Khmel'nitskii, S. (1992). Mezhdu Arabami i Tyurkami. Ranneislamskaya arkhitektura Srednei Azii (Between Arabs and Turks. Early Islamic Architecture of Central Asia). Berlin-Riga: “Continent Ltd.” Publ., 342 p. (in Russian).
  • Khmel'nitskii, S. (1996). Mezhdu Samanidami i Mongolami. Arkhitektura Srednei Azii XI – nachala XIII vv. Chast' I (Between Samanids and Mongols. Architecture of Central Asia in the XI – beginnings of the XIII cc. Part I). Berlin-Riga: “GAMAJUN” Publ., 336 p. (in Russian).
  • Khmel'nitskii, S. (1997). Mezhdu Samanidami i Mongolami. Arkhitektura Srednei Azii XI – nachala XIII vv. Chast' II (Between Samanids and Mongols. Architecture of Central Asia in the XI – beginnings of the XIII cc. Part II). Berlin-Riga: “GAMAJUN” Publ., 232 p. (in Russian).
  • Litvinskii B.A. (1980). Kalai Kafirnigan (raskopki 1975 g.). Arkheologicheskie raboty v Tadzhikistane (Archaeological Works in Tajikistan). Dushanbe: “Donish” Publ., iss. XV, pp. 120–146. (in Russian).
  • Lunina, S.B. (1974). Istoricheskaya topografiya zapadnoi chasti rabada srednevekovogo Merva. Trudy YuzhnoTurkmenistanskoi arkheologicheskoi kompleksnoi ekspeditsii (Transactions of the SouthernTurkmenistan Archaeological Complex Expedition). Ashkhabad: “Ylym” Publ., vol. XV, pp. 182–230. (in Russian).
  • Man'kovskaya, L.Yu. (1983). Memorial'noe zodchestvo Srednei Azii. Khudozhestvennaya kul'tura Srednei Azii. IX–XIII veka (The Artistic Culture of Central Asia. IX–XIIIth centuries). Tashkent: Literature and Art Publ., pp. 30–48. (in Russian).
  • Makhmud al-Kashgari, (2005). Divan Lugat at-Turk (Divan Lugat at-Turk). Trans., foreword and commentaries by Z.-A. M. Auezova. Almaty: Daik-Press Publ., 1288 p. (in Russian).
  • Mukhtarov, A., Khmel'nitskii, S.G. (1978). Srednevekovoe zodchestvo Kabadiana. Po sledam drevnikh kul'tur Tadzhikistana (In the Footsteps of Ancient Cultures of Tajikistan). Dushanbe: “Irfon” Publ., pp. 55–87. (in Russian).
  • Soltobaev, O.A. (2017). Baiyrky Kochkor-Bashy shaary. Arnoo: Körünüktüü kyrgyz taanuchu, professor Yulii Sergeevich Khudyakovdun 70 zhyldygyna arnalgan ilimii zhyinak (Tribute: For the 70th Anniversary of the Outstanding Kyrgyzologist, Professor Yulii Sergeevich Khudyakov). Bishkek: “Turar” Publ., pp. 147–160. (in Kyrgyz).
  • Tabaldyev, K.Sh. (2011). Drevnie pamyatniki Tyan'-Shanya (Ancient Monuments of Tien Shan). Bishkek: V.R.S. Company Publ., 2011, 320 s. (in Russian).
  • Voronina, V. (1953). Drevnyaya stroitel'naya tekhnika Srednei Azii. Arkhitekturnoe nasledstvo (Architectural Heritage), no. 3, pp. 3–35. (in Russian).

The Mausoleum Kyok-Tash (Kök-Tash) (The Results of the 2017 Archaeological Excavations)

Year 2019, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 584 - 611, 29.01.2019


The paper presents the results of the archaeological excavations and archaeological-architectural analysis of the underground mausoleum Kyok-Tash (Kök-Tash) in Kochkor region, Kyrgyzstan. The mausoleum was accidentally discovered by local residents in 1988, during the construction of the silage pit. Since then it was looted several times, as a result of which the mausoleum’s dome and parts of the wall were destroyed. The mausoleum consists of two chambers: one of them is a small and rectangular and another one is big and square. The walls of the chambers are oriented in the cardinal directions. The mausoleum was built by square fired bricks using clay cement. Rectangular bricks were also used, apparently, to maintain the bonds between the brick rows. Six exploratory pits were taken on the mausoleum area, which gave us a comprehensive view about its architecture. On the basis of analysis of its structure, squinch, burial box and building materials, taking into account the results of radiocarbon dating, it is safe to say that the mausoleum was built between XI and XIII cc. The more precise dating will be suggested after the completion of the excavations and additional studies. The monument is a first known underground two-chamber mausoleum in the territory of Kyrgyzstan. It is also unique for embodying both archaic and novel architectural-archaeological features and for nephrite plates, which were discovered in the second chamber.


  • Abdulloev, D. (2010). Etapy perekhoda k musul'manskomu pogrebal'nomu obryadu v Srednei Azii. Zapiski Instituta istorii material'noi kul'tury RAN (Transactions of the Institute for the History of Material Culture of the RAS). Saint-Petersburg: Dmitrii Bulanin Publ., no. 5, pp. 200–210. (in Russian).
  • Amanbaeva, B., Kol'chenko, V., Sataev, K. (2013). Kyrgyzstan. Khudozhestvennaya kul'tura Tsentral'noi Azii i Azerbaidzhana IX-XV vv. (The Artistic Culture of Central Asia and Azerbaijan in the 9th–15th Centuries), vol. IV: Architecture. Samarkand-Tashkent: IICAS, pp. 55–91. (in Russian).
  • Asanov, T.I. (2017). Kochkor-bashy karakhan türktörünün shaary. Epokha Yusufa Balasaguni: istoriya, literatura, material'naya kul'tura: mezhd. nauch. konf. posvyashch. 1000-letiyu Yusufa Balasaguni. 17– 18 noyabrya 2016 goda (The Epoch of Yusuf Balasaguni: History, Literature, Material Culture: Internat. Scint. Conf. Dedic. to 1000 Anniversary of Yusuf Balasaguni). Bishkek: Institute of History and Cultural Heritage of the NAS KR, pp. 173–179. (in Kyrgyz).
  • Baipakov, K.M. (2012). Islamskaya arkheologicheskaya arkhitektura i arkheologiya Kazakhstana (Islamic Archaeological Architecture and Archaeology of Kazakhstan). Almaty-Samarkand: IICAS, 284 p. (in Russian).
  • Baipakov, K.M., Goryacheva, V.D. (1999). Semirech'e. Arkheologiya. Srednyaya Aziya i Dal'nii Vostok v epokhu srednevekov'ya. Srednyaya Aziya v rannem srednevekov'e (Archaeology. Central Asia and the Far East in the Early Middle Ages). Moscow: Nauka Publ., pp. 151–162. (in Russian).
  • Bartol'd, V.V. (1964). Sochineniya. T. II, chast' 2. Raboty po otdel'nym problemam istorii Srednei Azii (Essays. Vol. II, iss. 2. Works on different issues of the Central Asia history). Moscow: Nauka Publ., 658 p. (in Russian).
  • Bartol'd, V.V. (1968). Sochineniya. T. V. Raboty po istorii i filologii tyurkskikh i mongol'skikh narodov (Essays. Vol. V. Works on History and Philology of the Turkish and Mongolian People). Moscow: Nauka Publ., 758 p. (in Russian).
  • Bernshtam, A.N. (1950). Arkhitekturnye pamyatniki Kirgizii (Architectural Monuments of Kyrgyzstan). Moscow-Leningrad: AS USSR Publ., 146 p. (in Russian).
  • Borodina I.F. (1974). Osobennosti formirovaniya memorial'nykh sooruzhenii Srednei Azii X-XV vv. Arkhitekturnoe nasledstvo (Architectural Heritage), no. 22, pp. 117–127. (in Russian).
  • Erzakovich, L.B., Nurmukhanbetov, B., Ordabaev, A. (1977). Podzemnoe pogrebal'noe sooruzhenie v Turkestane. Arkheologicheskie issledovaniya v Otrare (Archaeological Researches in Otrar). Alma-Ata: Nauka Publ., pp. 59–72. (in Russian).
  • Goryacheva, V.D. (1983). Srednevekovye gorodskie tsentry i arkhitekturnye ansambli Kirgizii (Burana, Uzgen, Safid-Bulan) (Medieval City Centers and Architectural Ensembles of Kyrgyzstan (Burana, Uzgen, Safid-Bulan)). Frunze: Ilim Publ., 197 p. (in Russian).
  • Goryacheva, V.D. (1989). Nausy nekropolya Krasnorechenskogo gorodishcha. Krasnaya Rechka i Burana (Krasnaya Rechka and Burana). Frunze: Ilim Publ., pp. 85–95. (in Russian).
  • Imankulov, Zh., Konkobaev, K. (2014). Arkhitektura Turkestana epokhi Karakhanidov (istoriko-teoreticheskoe issledovanie) (Architecture of Turkestan in the Karakhanids Epoch (Historical-Theoretical Researches)). Ankara: Union of Turkish World Architects and Engineers, 347 p. (in Russian).
  • Karaev, O. (1983). Istoriya Karakhanidskogo kaganata (X – nachala XIII vv.) (History of Karakhanids Khaganate (X – beginnings of the XIII cc.)). Frunze: Ilim Publ., 302 p. (in Russian).
  • Khmel'nitskii, S. (1992). Mezhdu Arabami i Tyurkami. Ranneislamskaya arkhitektura Srednei Azii (Between Arabs and Turks. Early Islamic Architecture of Central Asia). Berlin-Riga: “Continent Ltd.” Publ., 342 p. (in Russian).
  • Khmel'nitskii, S. (1996). Mezhdu Samanidami i Mongolami. Arkhitektura Srednei Azii XI – nachala XIII vv. Chast' I (Between Samanids and Mongols. Architecture of Central Asia in the XI – beginnings of the XIII cc. Part I). Berlin-Riga: “GAMAJUN” Publ., 336 p. (in Russian).
  • Khmel'nitskii, S. (1997). Mezhdu Samanidami i Mongolami. Arkhitektura Srednei Azii XI – nachala XIII vv. Chast' II (Between Samanids and Mongols. Architecture of Central Asia in the XI – beginnings of the XIII cc. Part II). Berlin-Riga: “GAMAJUN” Publ., 232 p. (in Russian).
  • Litvinskii B.A. (1980). Kalai Kafirnigan (raskopki 1975 g.). Arkheologicheskie raboty v Tadzhikistane (Archaeological Works in Tajikistan). Dushanbe: “Donish” Publ., iss. XV, pp. 120–146. (in Russian).
  • Lunina, S.B. (1974). Istoricheskaya topografiya zapadnoi chasti rabada srednevekovogo Merva. Trudy YuzhnoTurkmenistanskoi arkheologicheskoi kompleksnoi ekspeditsii (Transactions of the SouthernTurkmenistan Archaeological Complex Expedition). Ashkhabad: “Ylym” Publ., vol. XV, pp. 182–230. (in Russian).
  • Man'kovskaya, L.Yu. (1983). Memorial'noe zodchestvo Srednei Azii. Khudozhestvennaya kul'tura Srednei Azii. IX–XIII veka (The Artistic Culture of Central Asia. IX–XIIIth centuries). Tashkent: Literature and Art Publ., pp. 30–48. (in Russian).
  • Makhmud al-Kashgari, (2005). Divan Lugat at-Turk (Divan Lugat at-Turk). Trans., foreword and commentaries by Z.-A. M. Auezova. Almaty: Daik-Press Publ., 1288 p. (in Russian).
  • Mukhtarov, A., Khmel'nitskii, S.G. (1978). Srednevekovoe zodchestvo Kabadiana. Po sledam drevnikh kul'tur Tadzhikistana (In the Footsteps of Ancient Cultures of Tajikistan). Dushanbe: “Irfon” Publ., pp. 55–87. (in Russian).
  • Soltobaev, O.A. (2017). Baiyrky Kochkor-Bashy shaary. Arnoo: Körünüktüü kyrgyz taanuchu, professor Yulii Sergeevich Khudyakovdun 70 zhyldygyna arnalgan ilimii zhyinak (Tribute: For the 70th Anniversary of the Outstanding Kyrgyzologist, Professor Yulii Sergeevich Khudyakov). Bishkek: “Turar” Publ., pp. 147–160. (in Kyrgyz).
  • Tabaldyev, K.Sh. (2011). Drevnie pamyatniki Tyan'-Shanya (Ancient Monuments of Tien Shan). Bishkek: V.R.S. Company Publ., 2011, 320 s. (in Russian).
  • Voronina, V. (1953). Drevnyaya stroitel'naya tekhnika Srednei Azii. Arkhitekturnoe nasledstvo (Architectural Heritage), no. 3, pp. 3–35. (in Russian).

Kök-Taş Türbesi. 2017 Arkeolojik Kazı Sonuçları

Year 2019, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 584 - 611, 29.01.2019


Çalışmada 2017 yılında Türk İşbirliği ve Koordinasyon Ajansı Başkanlığı’nın desteğiyle Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi arkeoloji ekibi tarafından Kırgızistan’ın Koçkor ilçesinde yer alan Kök Taş türbesinde yapılan kazıların ve arkeolojik-mimari analizlerin sonuçları ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Kök Taş türbesi 1988 yılında yem üretiminin fermantasyonunu yapmak için buldozer ile çukur kazılırken tespit edilmiştir. O günden bugüne kadar türbede birkaç kez kaçak kazılar yapılmıştır. Bu yas dışı çalışmaların neticesinde yapının kubbesi ve bazı duvarları bozulmuştur. Türbe, duvarları dört ana yöne doğru yönelen dikdörtgen şeklindeki küçük bir giriş odasından ve sandukanın yer aldığı kare şeklindeki büyük bir odadan oluşmaktadır. Yapı harç ile bağlanan kare şeklinde pişirilmiş tuğlalar ile inşa edilmiştir. Tuğla sıralarını birbirine bağlamak için dikdörtgen şeklindeki kerpiçler de kullanılmıştır. Türbe duvarlarının iç yüzeylerinde tuğlalar sırasıyla düzgün bir şekilde örülürken, duvarın dış yüzeylerinde kırık tuğlalar gelişigüzel bir şekilde örülmüştür. Türbeye giriş kapısı birinci odadan geçmektedir ve odanın güney duvarının ortasında bulunmaktadır. Odaların zeminleri pişirilmiş tuğla ile iki kat olarak döşenmiştir. İkinci odanın 2017’de açılan güney-doğu ve kuzey-batı sektörlerinde köşeye yaklaştıkça küçülen kemerlerden oluşan tromplar yer almaktadır. Kazılar sırasında türbe içinde kubbeden ve duvarlardan düşmüş tuğlalar ve onların parçaları, seramik ve cam kapların fragmanları, demir çiviler, alçıtaşı kalıntıları, ağaç parçaları, insan ve hayvan kemikleri bulundu. 2017 yılının en ilgi çeken buluntuları, yeşim taşından yapılmış 12 tane küçük tabaktır. Kök Taş kürbesi sadece Kırgızistan’da değil, Orta Asya’da genelinde bazı özellikleri bakımından benzersiz bir anıttır. Bunun yanında yapının inşаat malzemeleri ve başka mimari özellikleri Orta Asya’daki XI–XIII. yüzyıllara ait türbelerle benzerlik göstermektedir.


  • Abdulloev, D. (2010). Etapy perekhoda k musul'manskomu pogrebal'nomu obryadu v Srednei Azii. Zapiski Instituta istorii material'noi kul'tury RAN (Transactions of the Institute for the History of Material Culture of the RAS). Saint-Petersburg: Dmitrii Bulanin Publ., no. 5, pp. 200–210. (in Russian).
  • Amanbaeva, B., Kol'chenko, V., Sataev, K. (2013). Kyrgyzstan. Khudozhestvennaya kul'tura Tsentral'noi Azii i Azerbaidzhana IX-XV vv. (The Artistic Culture of Central Asia and Azerbaijan in the 9th–15th Centuries), vol. IV: Architecture. Samarkand-Tashkent: IICAS, pp. 55–91. (in Russian).
  • Asanov, T.I. (2017). Kochkor-bashy karakhan türktörünün shaary. Epokha Yusufa Balasaguni: istoriya, literatura, material'naya kul'tura: mezhd. nauch. konf. posvyashch. 1000-letiyu Yusufa Balasaguni. 17– 18 noyabrya 2016 goda (The Epoch of Yusuf Balasaguni: History, Literature, Material Culture: Internat. Scint. Conf. Dedic. to 1000 Anniversary of Yusuf Balasaguni). Bishkek: Institute of History and Cultural Heritage of the NAS KR, pp. 173–179. (in Kyrgyz).
  • Baipakov, K.M. (2012). Islamskaya arkheologicheskaya arkhitektura i arkheologiya Kazakhstana (Islamic Archaeological Architecture and Archaeology of Kazakhstan). Almaty-Samarkand: IICAS, 284 p. (in Russian).
  • Baipakov, K.M., Goryacheva, V.D. (1999). Semirech'e. Arkheologiya. Srednyaya Aziya i Dal'nii Vostok v epokhu srednevekov'ya. Srednyaya Aziya v rannem srednevekov'e (Archaeology. Central Asia and the Far East in the Early Middle Ages). Moscow: Nauka Publ., pp. 151–162. (in Russian).
  • Bartol'd, V.V. (1964). Sochineniya. T. II, chast' 2. Raboty po otdel'nym problemam istorii Srednei Azii (Essays. Vol. II, iss. 2. Works on different issues of the Central Asia history). Moscow: Nauka Publ., 658 p. (in Russian).
  • Bartol'd, V.V. (1968). Sochineniya. T. V. Raboty po istorii i filologii tyurkskikh i mongol'skikh narodov (Essays. Vol. V. Works on History and Philology of the Turkish and Mongolian People). Moscow: Nauka Publ., 758 p. (in Russian).
  • Bernshtam, A.N. (1950). Arkhitekturnye pamyatniki Kirgizii (Architectural Monuments of Kyrgyzstan). Moscow-Leningrad: AS USSR Publ., 146 p. (in Russian).
  • Borodina I.F. (1974). Osobennosti formirovaniya memorial'nykh sooruzhenii Srednei Azii X-XV vv. Arkhitekturnoe nasledstvo (Architectural Heritage), no. 22, pp. 117–127. (in Russian).
  • Erzakovich, L.B., Nurmukhanbetov, B., Ordabaev, A. (1977). Podzemnoe pogrebal'noe sooruzhenie v Turkestane. Arkheologicheskie issledovaniya v Otrare (Archaeological Researches in Otrar). Alma-Ata: Nauka Publ., pp. 59–72. (in Russian).
  • Goryacheva, V.D. (1983). Srednevekovye gorodskie tsentry i arkhitekturnye ansambli Kirgizii (Burana, Uzgen, Safid-Bulan) (Medieval City Centers and Architectural Ensembles of Kyrgyzstan (Burana, Uzgen, Safid-Bulan)). Frunze: Ilim Publ., 197 p. (in Russian).
  • Goryacheva, V.D. (1989). Nausy nekropolya Krasnorechenskogo gorodishcha. Krasnaya Rechka i Burana (Krasnaya Rechka and Burana). Frunze: Ilim Publ., pp. 85–95. (in Russian).
  • Imankulov, Zh., Konkobaev, K. (2014). Arkhitektura Turkestana epokhi Karakhanidov (istoriko-teoreticheskoe issledovanie) (Architecture of Turkestan in the Karakhanids Epoch (Historical-Theoretical Researches)). Ankara: Union of Turkish World Architects and Engineers, 347 p. (in Russian).
  • Karaev, O. (1983). Istoriya Karakhanidskogo kaganata (X – nachala XIII vv.) (History of Karakhanids Khaganate (X – beginnings of the XIII cc.)). Frunze: Ilim Publ., 302 p. (in Russian).
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There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Russian
Journal Section Research Article

Kubatbek Tabaldiev This is me 0000-0002-6679-8030

Kunbolot Akmatov This is me 0000-0003-4247-3554

Publication Date January 29, 2019
Submission Date June 8, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Tabaldiev, K., & Akmatov, K. (2019). Мавзолей Кёк-Таш (Көк-Таш) результаты археологических раскопок 2017 года. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(1), 584-611.
AMA Tabaldiev K, Akmatov K. Мавзолей Кёк-Таш (Көк-Таш) результаты археологических раскопок 2017 года. MJSS. January 2019;8(1):584-611. doi:10.33206/mjss.519387
Chicago Tabaldiev, Kubatbek, and Kunbolot Akmatov. “Мавзолей Кёк-Таш (Көк-Таш) результаты археологических раскопок 2017 года”. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 8, no. 1 (January 2019): 584-611.
EndNote Tabaldiev K, Akmatov K (January 1, 2019) Мавзолей Кёк-Таш (Көк-Таш) результаты археологических раскопок 2017 года. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 8 1 584–611.
IEEE K. Tabaldiev and K. Akmatov, “Мавзолей Кёк-Таш (Көк-Таш) результаты археологических раскопок 2017 года”., MJSS, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 584–611, 2019, doi: 10.33206/mjss.519387.
ISNAD Tabaldiev, Kubatbek - Akmatov, Kunbolot. “Мавзолей Кёк-Таш (Көк-Таш) результаты археологических раскопок 2017 года”. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 8/1 (January 2019), 584-611.
JAMA Tabaldiev K, Akmatov K. Мавзолей Кёк-Таш (Көк-Таш) результаты археологических раскопок 2017 года. MJSS. 2019;8:584–611.
MLA Tabaldiev, Kubatbek and Kunbolot Akmatov. “Мавзолей Кёк-Таш (Көк-Таш) результаты археологических раскопок 2017 года”. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 1, 2019, pp. 584-11, doi:10.33206/mjss.519387.
Vancouver Tabaldiev K, Akmatov K. Мавзолей Кёк-Таш (Көк-Таш) результаты археологических раскопок 2017 года. MJSS. 2019;8(1):584-611.

MANAS Journal of Social Studies