Year 2012,
Volume: 9 Issue: 18, 479 - 497, 06.12.2013
Beyza Karadeniz Bayrak
Hale Bayram
Bu çalışmanın amacı Fen ve Teknoloji öğretiminde öğrencilerin daha anlamlı ve kalıcı öğrenmelerini sağlayacak, web ortamında probleme dayalı öğretim ile desteklenmiş bir öğretim tasarımının öğrencilerin fen ve teknoloji dersi asit baz konusundaki akademik başarılarına etkisini ortaya koymak ve öğrencilerin baskın öğrenme stillerini belirlemek ve öğrenme stilleri ile öğrencilerin akademik başarısı üzerindeki etkisini incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen materyalde öğrencilerin etkileşimli animasyonlar ve simülasyonlarla asit baz konusunu öğrenmeleri hedeflenmiştir. Ön test son test kontrol gruplu araştırma modeli ile gerçekleştirilen araştırmanın örneklemini İstanbul İli Bahçelievler ilçesindeki bir devlet ilköğretim okulunda öğrenim gören 8.sınıf öğrencisi oluşturmuştur. Araştırmada iki veri toplama aracı kullanılmıştır. Öğrencilerin öğrenme stilleri Grasha-Riechmann Öğrenme Stili Envanteri, akademik başarıları asit baz konusu akademik başarı testi ile belirlenmiştir. Araştırmanın verileri frekans, yüzde dağılımı, t-testi ve tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA) kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Yapılan analizler sonucunda öğrencilerin fen ve teknoloji dersine yönelik son test akademik başarılarına ait kontrol ve deney grubu arasında anlamlı farklılık olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Öğrencilerinin yarıya yakının işbirlikçi, geriye kalanının da rekabetçi ve bağımsız öğrenme stiline sahip olduğu, görülmüştür. Ayrıca öğrencilerin öğrenme stillerinin akademik başarıları üzerinde etkili olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
- Boatman, K., Courtney, R., & Lee, W. (2008). “See How They Learn: The Impact of Faculty and Student Learning Styles on Student Performance in Introductiory Economics”. The American Economist, 52( 1), 39–48.
- Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2004). Sosyal Bilimler için Veri Analizi El Kitabı. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
- Chanlin, L. J. ve Chan, K.C. (2004). “Assessment of PBL Design Approach in A Dietetic Web-Based Instrucion”. Journal Educational Computing Research, 31(4), 437-452.
- Chanlin, L. J. ve Chan, K.C. (2007). “Integrating Inter- Disciplinary Experts For Supporting Problem-Based Learning”. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 44(2), 211-224.
- Chen, C.H.K. (2006). Prompting Student's Knowledge Integration And Ill-Structured Problem Solving in A Web-Based Learning Environment. Ph.D Thesis, University of Oklahoma.
- Chiou, W. (2008). “College Students' Role Models, Learning Style Preferences and Academic Achievement in Collaborative Teaching: Absolure versus Relativistic Thinking”. Adolescence, 43 (169), 129–142.
- Chuang, Y. (1999). “Teaching in a Multimedia Computer Environment: A Study of the Effects of Learning Style, Gender, and Math Achievement”. Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer-Enhanced Learning, 1 (1). http://imej.wfu.edu/articles/1999/1/10/#4 (Erişim Tarihi: 06.09.2011)
- Cohen, V.L. (1997). “Learning Styles in a Techonology-Rich Environment”, Journal of Research on Computing in Education,29(4),338-350.
- Dennen, V.P. (2000). “Task Structuring for Online Problem Based Learning: A Case Study”. Educational Technology&Society. 3(3).ISSN 1436-4522.
- Doganay, A. ve Karip, E. (2006). Öğretimde Planlama ve Değerlendirme, Pegem A Yayıncılık, Ankara, 316.
- Felder, R. M. (1996). “Matters of Style”, ASEE Prism, 6 (4), 18-23.
- Fidan, N. ve Erden, M., (1991). Eğitime Giriş. Ankara: Ferdal Matbaacılık
- Grasha, A. F. (1990). “Using Traditional versus Naturalistic Approaches to Assessing Learning Styles in College Teaching”. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 1, 23–38.
- Grasha, A.F. (1994). “A Matter of Style: The Teacher as Expert, Formal Authority, Personal Model, Facilitator, and Delegator”. College Teaching, 42, 142- 149.
- Grasha, A. F. (2002). “Teaching With Style, A Practical Guide to Enhancing Learning by Understanding Teaching and Learning Style”, U.S.A.
- Harper-Marinick, M. (2001). “Engaging students in Problem-Based Learning. Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction”. http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/forum/spr01/t11.html. (Erişim Tarihi: 02.04.2011)
- Huang, H. (2000). “Instructional Technologies facilitating online courses”, Educational Technology, 4, 41-46.
- Kalaycı, Ş. (2006). SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri (2. Baskı). Asil Yayın Dağıtım Ltd. Şti., 133-141.
- Karal, H., Çebi, A. ve Pekşen, M. (2010). The Web Based Simulation Proposal To 8th Grade Primary School Students' Difficulties in Problem Solving. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, WCES-2010, 4540-4545.
- Kılıç, E. (2002). “Baskın Öğrenme Stilinin Öğrenme Etkinlikleri Tercihi ve Akademik Başarıya Etkisi”, Eğitim Bilimleri ve Uygulama Dergisi, 1(1), 3-15.
- Kumar, P., Kumar, A., & Smart, K. (2004). “Assessing the Impact of Instructional Methods and Information Technology on Student Learning Styles”. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 1, 533-544.
- Lang, H. G., Stinson, M. S., Kavanagh, F., Liu, Y., & Basile, M. L. (1999). “Learning Styles of Deaf College Students And Instructors' Teaching Emphases”. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 4 (1), 16–27.
- Lua, J., Yua, C.S. V Liub, C. (2003). “Learning Style,Learning Patterns,and Learning Performance in a WebCT-based MIS Cource” Journal of Information & Management, 40 (1), 497-507.
- Matthews, D. B. (1996). “An Investigation of Learning Styles and Perceived Academic Achievement for High School Students”. The Clearing House, 69, 249–254.
- Murphy, R., Ness, G. & Pelletier, J. (2001). Problem Based Learning Using Web-Based Group Discussions: A Positive learning Experience for Undergraduate Students.In J. Price et al. Conference.Chesapeake.
- Novak,S., Shah, S., Wilson, J. P. , Kenneth A. Lawson, K. A., & Salzman, R. D. (2006). “Pharmacy Students' Learning Styles before and after a Problem-Based Learning Experience”. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 70 (4), 1–8.
- Oliver, R. ve Omari, A. (1999). “Using online technologies to support problem based learning: Learners' responses and perception”. Australian Journal of Educational Technology, 15(1), 58-79.
- Ortiz, B. I. L. (2006). Online Collaborative Problem Based Learning: Design, Facilitation, Student Work Strategies and Supporting Technologies. Ph.D Thesis. Columbia University
- Own, Z.Y.; Chen, D.U., Chiang, H.R. (2010). “A Study on the Efeect of Using Problem-Based Learning in Organic Chemistry for Web Based Learning”. Computers & Applied Sciences Complete. 37(4), 417-430.
- Patterson,J.G.(2002) “Understanding and Promoting Effective Online Student Learning Styles:An Action Research Study”, Journal of Action Research Exchange,1(1),212-225.
- Renzulli, J.S. ve Reis, S.M., (1997). The Schoolwide Enrichment Model: A Comprehensive Plan for Educational Excellence. Mansfield Center, CT: Creative Learning Pres.
- She, H. C. (2005). “Enhancing Eighth Grade Students' Learning of Buoyancy: The Interaction of Teachers' Instructional Approach And Students' Learning Preference Styles”. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 3, 609–624.
- Spoon, J. C., & Schell, J. W. (1998). “Aligning Student Learning Styles with Instructor Teaching Styles”. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 35(2), 41–56.
- Sulaiman, F., Atan, H., Idrus R., Dzakiria, H. (2004). “Problem Based Learning: A Study of the Web Based Synchronous Collaboration”. Malaysian Journal of Instructional technology, 1(2).
- Şimşek, N. (2002). “Öğrenme Biçemleri Envanteri”. Eğitim Bilimleri ve Uygulama. 1 (1): 33-37.
- Taradi, S.K., Taradi M., Radic K., Pokrajac N. (2004). “Blending PBL with Web Technology Positively Impacts Student Learning Outcomes in Acid-Base Physiology”. Advances Physiology Education 29:35-39.
- Terrell,S.R.(2002) “The Effect of Learning Style on Doctoral Cource Completion in A Web-Based Learning Environment” Journal of the Internet and Higher Education,5 (4),345-352.
- Woolhouse, M., & Blaire, T. (2003). “Learning Styles and Retention and Achievement on a Two-year A-Level Programme in a Further Education College”. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 27 (3) , 257–269.
- Zywno, M. S. ve Waalen, J. K. (2002). “The Effect of Individual Learning Styles on Student Outcomes in Technology-enabled Education”, UICEE Global Journal of Engineer Education, 6 (1), 35-44.
Year 2012,
Volume: 9 Issue: 18, 479 - 497, 06.12.2013
Beyza Karadeniz Bayrak
Hale Bayram
- Boatman, K., Courtney, R., & Lee, W. (2008). “See How They Learn: The Impact of Faculty and Student Learning Styles on Student Performance in Introductiory Economics”. The American Economist, 52( 1), 39–48.
- Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2004). Sosyal Bilimler için Veri Analizi El Kitabı. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
- Chanlin, L. J. ve Chan, K.C. (2004). “Assessment of PBL Design Approach in A Dietetic Web-Based Instrucion”. Journal Educational Computing Research, 31(4), 437-452.
- Chanlin, L. J. ve Chan, K.C. (2007). “Integrating Inter- Disciplinary Experts For Supporting Problem-Based Learning”. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 44(2), 211-224.
- Chen, C.H.K. (2006). Prompting Student's Knowledge Integration And Ill-Structured Problem Solving in A Web-Based Learning Environment. Ph.D Thesis, University of Oklahoma.
- Chiou, W. (2008). “College Students' Role Models, Learning Style Preferences and Academic Achievement in Collaborative Teaching: Absolure versus Relativistic Thinking”. Adolescence, 43 (169), 129–142.
- Chuang, Y. (1999). “Teaching in a Multimedia Computer Environment: A Study of the Effects of Learning Style, Gender, and Math Achievement”. Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer-Enhanced Learning, 1 (1). http://imej.wfu.edu/articles/1999/1/10/#4 (Erişim Tarihi: 06.09.2011)
- Cohen, V.L. (1997). “Learning Styles in a Techonology-Rich Environment”, Journal of Research on Computing in Education,29(4),338-350.
- Dennen, V.P. (2000). “Task Structuring for Online Problem Based Learning: A Case Study”. Educational Technology&Society. 3(3).ISSN 1436-4522.
- Doganay, A. ve Karip, E. (2006). Öğretimde Planlama ve Değerlendirme, Pegem A Yayıncılık, Ankara, 316.
- Felder, R. M. (1996). “Matters of Style”, ASEE Prism, 6 (4), 18-23.
- Fidan, N. ve Erden, M., (1991). Eğitime Giriş. Ankara: Ferdal Matbaacılık
- Grasha, A. F. (1990). “Using Traditional versus Naturalistic Approaches to Assessing Learning Styles in College Teaching”. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 1, 23–38.
- Grasha, A.F. (1994). “A Matter of Style: The Teacher as Expert, Formal Authority, Personal Model, Facilitator, and Delegator”. College Teaching, 42, 142- 149.
- Grasha, A. F. (2002). “Teaching With Style, A Practical Guide to Enhancing Learning by Understanding Teaching and Learning Style”, U.S.A.
- Harper-Marinick, M. (2001). “Engaging students in Problem-Based Learning. Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction”. http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/forum/spr01/t11.html. (Erişim Tarihi: 02.04.2011)
- Huang, H. (2000). “Instructional Technologies facilitating online courses”, Educational Technology, 4, 41-46.
- Kalaycı, Ş. (2006). SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri (2. Baskı). Asil Yayın Dağıtım Ltd. Şti., 133-141.
- Karal, H., Çebi, A. ve Pekşen, M. (2010). The Web Based Simulation Proposal To 8th Grade Primary School Students' Difficulties in Problem Solving. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, WCES-2010, 4540-4545.
- Kılıç, E. (2002). “Baskın Öğrenme Stilinin Öğrenme Etkinlikleri Tercihi ve Akademik Başarıya Etkisi”, Eğitim Bilimleri ve Uygulama Dergisi, 1(1), 3-15.
- Kumar, P., Kumar, A., & Smart, K. (2004). “Assessing the Impact of Instructional Methods and Information Technology on Student Learning Styles”. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 1, 533-544.
- Lang, H. G., Stinson, M. S., Kavanagh, F., Liu, Y., & Basile, M. L. (1999). “Learning Styles of Deaf College Students And Instructors' Teaching Emphases”. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 4 (1), 16–27.
- Lua, J., Yua, C.S. V Liub, C. (2003). “Learning Style,Learning Patterns,and Learning Performance in a WebCT-based MIS Cource” Journal of Information & Management, 40 (1), 497-507.
- Matthews, D. B. (1996). “An Investigation of Learning Styles and Perceived Academic Achievement for High School Students”. The Clearing House, 69, 249–254.
- Murphy, R., Ness, G. & Pelletier, J. (2001). Problem Based Learning Using Web-Based Group Discussions: A Positive learning Experience for Undergraduate Students.In J. Price et al. Conference.Chesapeake.
- Novak,S., Shah, S., Wilson, J. P. , Kenneth A. Lawson, K. A., & Salzman, R. D. (2006). “Pharmacy Students' Learning Styles before and after a Problem-Based Learning Experience”. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 70 (4), 1–8.
- Oliver, R. ve Omari, A. (1999). “Using online technologies to support problem based learning: Learners' responses and perception”. Australian Journal of Educational Technology, 15(1), 58-79.
- Ortiz, B. I. L. (2006). Online Collaborative Problem Based Learning: Design, Facilitation, Student Work Strategies and Supporting Technologies. Ph.D Thesis. Columbia University
- Own, Z.Y.; Chen, D.U., Chiang, H.R. (2010). “A Study on the Efeect of Using Problem-Based Learning in Organic Chemistry for Web Based Learning”. Computers & Applied Sciences Complete. 37(4), 417-430.
- Patterson,J.G.(2002) “Understanding and Promoting Effective Online Student Learning Styles:An Action Research Study”, Journal of Action Research Exchange,1(1),212-225.
- Renzulli, J.S. ve Reis, S.M., (1997). The Schoolwide Enrichment Model: A Comprehensive Plan for Educational Excellence. Mansfield Center, CT: Creative Learning Pres.
- She, H. C. (2005). “Enhancing Eighth Grade Students' Learning of Buoyancy: The Interaction of Teachers' Instructional Approach And Students' Learning Preference Styles”. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 3, 609–624.
- Spoon, J. C., & Schell, J. W. (1998). “Aligning Student Learning Styles with Instructor Teaching Styles”. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 35(2), 41–56.
- Sulaiman, F., Atan, H., Idrus R., Dzakiria, H. (2004). “Problem Based Learning: A Study of the Web Based Synchronous Collaboration”. Malaysian Journal of Instructional technology, 1(2).
- Şimşek, N. (2002). “Öğrenme Biçemleri Envanteri”. Eğitim Bilimleri ve Uygulama. 1 (1): 33-37.
- Taradi, S.K., Taradi M., Radic K., Pokrajac N. (2004). “Blending PBL with Web Technology Positively Impacts Student Learning Outcomes in Acid-Base Physiology”. Advances Physiology Education 29:35-39.
- Terrell,S.R.(2002) “The Effect of Learning Style on Doctoral Cource Completion in A Web-Based Learning Environment” Journal of the Internet and Higher Education,5 (4),345-352.
- Woolhouse, M., & Blaire, T. (2003). “Learning Styles and Retention and Achievement on a Two-year A-Level Programme in a Further Education College”. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 27 (3) , 257–269.
- Zywno, M. S. ve Waalen, J. K. (2002). “The Effect of Individual Learning Styles on Student Outcomes in Technology-enabled Education”, UICEE Global Journal of Engineer Education, 6 (1), 35-44.