Research Article
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Year 2016, Volume: 13 Issue: 36, 0 - 0, 26.12.2016


Bu çalışma, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler,
Fen-Edebiyat ve Mühendislik fakültesi öğrencilerinin Genel İngilizce
ihtiyaçlarının analizini araştırmak amacıyla oluşturulmuştur. Analiz etmek
amacıyla, nitel (öğrencilerle görüşme) ve nicel (sormacalar) veri toplama
araçlarından yararlanılmıştır. Sormaca ve görüşme teknikleri, üniversite
hazırlık sınıfında eğitim almakta olan orta düzeyde İngilizce bilgisine hakim
öğrencilerle gerçekleştirilmiştir (N=75). Her iki sormaca ve görüşme soruları
farklı kaynaklardan uyarlanmış, geçerlik ve güvenilirliği test edildikten sonra
uygulanabilecek son halini almıştır. Katılımcıların etkili profesyonel
becerilerini içeren ihtiyaçlarını bulmak ve eğitim vermekte olan öğretim
elemanlarının içerik ve pedagojik yeterliliklerini analiz etmek amacıyla
bulgular ve sonuçlar bölümünde betimsel istatistiklere yer verilmiştir.
Sonuçlara göre, katılımcıların büyük bir çoğunluğu hazırlık sınıfının önemli
olduğunu vurgulamış ancak İngilizce eğitimi vermekte olan öğretim elemanlarının
yazma, dilbilgisi ve sözcük öğretimi becerilerinin yanında dinleme, konuşma ve
okuma becerilerine de gereken önemi vermeleri gerektiğini vurgulamışlardır.
Ayrıca, sınıf içerisinde kullanılan materyallerin daha özgün, gerçekçi ve
ilginç olması gerektiğini belirtmişlerdir. Bu doğrultuda, öğrencilerin nesnel
ve öznel ihtiyaçları etkili bir biçimde karşılanırken, katılımcılar müfredat
programının hazırlanması ve bu noktada bölüm öğretim elemanlarının fikirlerinin
alınması gibi içeriksel ihtiyaçlarının da etkili bir şekilde karşılanması
gerektiğini düşünmektedirler. 


  • Aiguo, W. (2007). Teaching aviation English in the Chinese context: Developing ESP theory in a non-English speaking country. English for Specific Purposes, 26 (1), 121-128.
  • Akın, G. (2011). Polis akademisi öğrencileri için andragojik ilkelere göre geliştirilmiş problem temelli mesleki ingilizce eğitimi programının etkililiği. Polis Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(1), 115-136.
  • Allwright, R.L. (1982). Perceiving and pursuing learners' needs. In M. Geddes & G. Sturtridge (Eds.). Individualisation, London: Modern English Publications, 24-31.
  • Arnó-Macià, E. and Mancho-Barés, G. (2015). The role of content and language in content and language integrated learning (CLIL) at university: Challenges and implications for ESP. English for Specific Purposes, 37, 63-73.
  • Basturkmen, H. (1998). Refining procedures: A needs analysis project at Kuwait university. English Teaching Forum, 36(4), 2-9.
  • Belcher , D. ( 2009 ). What ESP is and can be: An introduction . In D. Belcher (Ed.),English for Specific Purposes in Theory and Practice. 1 –20. Ann Arbor, MI : University of Michigan Press.
  • Harding, K. (2007).English for specific purposes. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hossain, J. (2013). ESP Needs Analysis for Engineering Students: A Learner Centered Approach. Journal of PU, Part: B, 2/2, 16-26.
  • Hutchinson, T. & Waters, A. (1987). English for specific purposes: A learning-centered approach. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
  • Johns, A. (2013). The History of English for Specific Purposes Research. (in) Paltridge, Brian and Sue Starfield (eds.). 2013. The Handbook of English for Specific Purposes. Boston: Wiley-Blackwell. 592 pp.
  • Johnson, D., & Johnson, R. (1975). Learning together and alone: Cooperation, competition and individualization. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
  • Johnson, D.M. (1992). Approaches to research in second language learning. Newyork: Longman.
  • Keşmer, E. (2007). Needs assessment of the prep- class students in the faculty of engineering at Ondokuz Mayıs University. Unpublished M.A Thesis, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun.
  • Mackay, R., & Palmer, J. (Eds.). (1981). Languages for Specific Purposes: Program design and evaluation. London: Newbury House.
  • Mackey, A., &Gass, S. M. (2005). Second language research: Methodology and design. London, England: Routledge.
  • Nunan, D. (1987). The teacher as curriculum developer: An investigation of curriculum processes within the Adult Migrant Education Program. South Australia: National Curriculum Resource Centre.
  • Nunan, D. (1988a). Syllabus design. London: Oxford University Press.
  • Prior, P. (2013). Writing/disciplinarity: A sociohistoric account of literate activity in the Academy. England, London: Routledge.
  • Richterich, R. (1983). (Ed.), Case studies in identifying language needs. Pergamon/Council of Europe, Oxford.
  • Selinker, L., Tarone, E., & Hanzeli, V. (Eds.). (1981). English for Academic and Technical Purposes: Studies in honor of Louis Trimble. London: Newbury House.
  • Strevens, P. (1988). ESP after twenty years: A re-appraisal. In M. Tickoo (Ed.), ESP: State of the Art (pp. 1-13). Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Centre.
  • Supuran, A. & Mela, D. (2010). Textbook selection - An important factor in introducing ESP in vocational schools. A case study. Analele Universităţii din Oradea, Fascicula: Ecotoxicologie, Zootehnie şi Tehnologii de Industrie Alimentară. 601-606.
  • Teodorescu, A. (2010). Teaching English for specific purposes. Seria Filologie, 62(2), 67-74.
  • Varnosfadrani, A. D. (2009). Teaching English for specific purposes. In Reinelt, R. (Ed.), Into the Next Decade with (2nd) FL Teaching. Rudolf Reinelt Research Laboratory EU Matsuyama, Japan. 181-201.
  • Widdowson, G.H. (1998). Communication and community: The pragmatics of ESP. English for Specific Purposes, 17 (1) , 3–14.


Year 2016, Volume: 13 Issue: 36, 0 - 0, 26.12.2016


The current study has
been designed to survey needs analysis of Turkish GE students of School of
Economics and Administrative Sciences, Arts and Sciences and Engineering. To
analyse, a series of qualitative (interview with students) and quantitative
(questionnaires) instruments has been used. The method of questionnaires and
interview is used for undergraduate, intermediate level of preparatory class
students (N=75). Both questionnaires and interview were adapted and after the
validity and reliability analysis was verified they were brought to final shape
to be conducted. For the purpose of finding out needs required for effective
professional skills of participants and analysing the existing instructor
content and their pedagogical knowledge, descriptive statistics have been
provided in findings and results. The results of the study showed that the
majority of the participants expressed that preparatory class is necessary for
them but except from writing, grammar and vocabulary teaching, instructors
should give more importance to listening, speaking and reading skills. Besides,
they stated that materials in the classroom should be more authentic, real-like
and interesting. Accordingly, students’ objective and subjective are satisfied
more or less effectively, on the other hand, content needs -especially
curriculum design and departmental instructors’ opinions- are valuable to
reveal for them. 


  • Aiguo, W. (2007). Teaching aviation English in the Chinese context: Developing ESP theory in a non-English speaking country. English for Specific Purposes, 26 (1), 121-128.
  • Akın, G. (2011). Polis akademisi öğrencileri için andragojik ilkelere göre geliştirilmiş problem temelli mesleki ingilizce eğitimi programının etkililiği. Polis Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(1), 115-136.
  • Allwright, R.L. (1982). Perceiving and pursuing learners' needs. In M. Geddes & G. Sturtridge (Eds.). Individualisation, London: Modern English Publications, 24-31.
  • Arnó-Macià, E. and Mancho-Barés, G. (2015). The role of content and language in content and language integrated learning (CLIL) at university: Challenges and implications for ESP. English for Specific Purposes, 37, 63-73.
  • Basturkmen, H. (1998). Refining procedures: A needs analysis project at Kuwait university. English Teaching Forum, 36(4), 2-9.
  • Belcher , D. ( 2009 ). What ESP is and can be: An introduction . In D. Belcher (Ed.),English for Specific Purposes in Theory and Practice. 1 –20. Ann Arbor, MI : University of Michigan Press.
  • Harding, K. (2007).English for specific purposes. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hossain, J. (2013). ESP Needs Analysis for Engineering Students: A Learner Centered Approach. Journal of PU, Part: B, 2/2, 16-26.
  • Hutchinson, T. & Waters, A. (1987). English for specific purposes: A learning-centered approach. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
  • Johns, A. (2013). The History of English for Specific Purposes Research. (in) Paltridge, Brian and Sue Starfield (eds.). 2013. The Handbook of English for Specific Purposes. Boston: Wiley-Blackwell. 592 pp.
  • Johnson, D., & Johnson, R. (1975). Learning together and alone: Cooperation, competition and individualization. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
  • Johnson, D.M. (1992). Approaches to research in second language learning. Newyork: Longman.
  • Keşmer, E. (2007). Needs assessment of the prep- class students in the faculty of engineering at Ondokuz Mayıs University. Unpublished M.A Thesis, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun.
  • Mackay, R., & Palmer, J. (Eds.). (1981). Languages for Specific Purposes: Program design and evaluation. London: Newbury House.
  • Mackey, A., &Gass, S. M. (2005). Second language research: Methodology and design. London, England: Routledge.
  • Nunan, D. (1987). The teacher as curriculum developer: An investigation of curriculum processes within the Adult Migrant Education Program. South Australia: National Curriculum Resource Centre.
  • Nunan, D. (1988a). Syllabus design. London: Oxford University Press.
  • Prior, P. (2013). Writing/disciplinarity: A sociohistoric account of literate activity in the Academy. England, London: Routledge.
  • Richterich, R. (1983). (Ed.), Case studies in identifying language needs. Pergamon/Council of Europe, Oxford.
  • Selinker, L., Tarone, E., & Hanzeli, V. (Eds.). (1981). English for Academic and Technical Purposes: Studies in honor of Louis Trimble. London: Newbury House.
  • Strevens, P. (1988). ESP after twenty years: A re-appraisal. In M. Tickoo (Ed.), ESP: State of the Art (pp. 1-13). Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Centre.
  • Supuran, A. & Mela, D. (2010). Textbook selection - An important factor in introducing ESP in vocational schools. A case study. Analele Universităţii din Oradea, Fascicula: Ecotoxicologie, Zootehnie şi Tehnologii de Industrie Alimentară. 601-606.
  • Teodorescu, A. (2010). Teaching English for specific purposes. Seria Filologie, 62(2), 67-74.
  • Varnosfadrani, A. D. (2009). Teaching English for specific purposes. In Reinelt, R. (Ed.), Into the Next Decade with (2nd) FL Teaching. Rudolf Reinelt Research Laboratory EU Matsuyama, Japan. 181-201.
  • Widdowson, G.H. (1998). Communication and community: The pragmatics of ESP. English for Specific Purposes, 17 (1) , 3–14.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Fatma Demiray Akbulut

Publication Date December 26, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 13 Issue: 36


APA Demiray Akbulut, F. (2016). ESP NEEDS ANALYSIS OF UNIVERSITY PREPARATORY SCHOOL STUDENTS: LEARNING-CENTRED APPROACH. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 13(36).
AMA Demiray Akbulut F. ESP NEEDS ANALYSIS OF UNIVERSITY PREPARATORY SCHOOL STUDENTS: LEARNING-CENTRED APPROACH. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. December 2016;13(36).
Chicago Demiray Akbulut, Fatma. “ESP NEEDS ANALYSIS OF UNIVERSITY PREPARATORY SCHOOL STUDENTS: LEARNING-CENTRED APPROACH”. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 13, no. 36 (December 2016).
EndNote Demiray Akbulut F (December 1, 2016) ESP NEEDS ANALYSIS OF UNIVERSITY PREPARATORY SCHOOL STUDENTS: LEARNING-CENTRED APPROACH. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 13 36
IEEE F. Demiray Akbulut, “ESP NEEDS ANALYSIS OF UNIVERSITY PREPARATORY SCHOOL STUDENTS: LEARNING-CENTRED APPROACH”, Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 13, no. 36, 2016.
ISNAD Demiray Akbulut, Fatma. “ESP NEEDS ANALYSIS OF UNIVERSITY PREPARATORY SCHOOL STUDENTS: LEARNING-CENTRED APPROACH”. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 13/36 (December 2016).
JAMA Demiray Akbulut F. ESP NEEDS ANALYSIS OF UNIVERSITY PREPARATORY SCHOOL STUDENTS: LEARNING-CENTRED APPROACH. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2016;13.
MLA Demiray Akbulut, Fatma. “ESP NEEDS ANALYSIS OF UNIVERSITY PREPARATORY SCHOOL STUDENTS: LEARNING-CENTRED APPROACH”. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 13, no. 36, 2016.
Vancouver Demiray Akbulut F. ESP NEEDS ANALYSIS OF UNIVERSITY PREPARATORY SCHOOL STUDENTS: LEARNING-CENTRED APPROACH. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2016;13(36).
