Publication Ethics and Responsibilities

Publication Ethics and Responsibilities

It is important that authors, referees and editors comply with the standards for ethical principles in the publication processes applied in MAUNFBD Journal. Within the scope of publication ethics in MAUNFBD Journal, all authors, referees and editors are expected to carry the following ethical responsibilities. The following ethical duties and responsibilities have been prepared by taking into account the ethical rules and responsibilities published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as open access.

The editorial board of Muş Alparslan University Journal of Science and Technology attaches importance to the diversity of institutions and authors within the framework of publication principles and ethics. For this reason, the publication of publications from authors within Muş Alparslan University is limited to 20% in each issue if they pass the evaluation process.

On the other hand, for similar reasons, it was decided that the works of the members of the Editorial Board would not be accepted for publication during their term of office.

Open Access Policy: Muş Alparslan University Journal of Science and Technology is an international peer-reviewed and free, open access journal.
Privacy Statement: Personal data such as names and e-mail addresses entered into the system of Muş Alparslan University Journal of Science and Technology may not be used for any purpose other than scientific purposes.
purpose will not be used and will not be shared with third parties.

Archiving: All articles published in Muş Alparslan University Journal of Science and Technology are stored in TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM Dergipark servers and made available to users.

Licensing: All content and articles published in Muş Alparslan University Journal of Science and Technology are licensed under ‘Creative Commons CC BY-NC 4.0’ licence.
Copyright Transfer: To Muş Alparslan University Journal of Science and Technology for publication.
The submitted work must be an original work that has not been previously published in full text or submitted for publication anywhere. Authors must agree to waive the copyright of their work and transfer the copyright of their work to Muş Alparslan University Journal of Science and Technology upon submission for evaluation. The Editorial Board of Muş Alparslan University Journal of Science and Technology is authorised to publish the article. Authors who will submit a manuscript to Muş Alparslan University Journal of Science and Technology must fill in the ‘Copyright Transfer Form’ document and sign it with a wet signature. The signed form must be scanned and uploaded through the system. The works of authors who do not submit the Copyright Transfer Form will not be published.

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
The work submitted by the author(s) is expected to be original. In case the author(s) utilise other works or use other works, they are required to cite and/or quote them completely and accurately. Persons who do not contribute to the content of the study should not be added as authors. Authors cannot have their work in the application process of more than one journal at the same time. Each application can be started after the completion of the previous application. A study published in another journal cannot be submitted to MAUNFBD Journal. All manuscripts submitted for publication must disclose any conflicts of interest and relationships that may constitute a conflict of interest. Raw data regarding the manuscript may be requested from the author(s) within the framework of the evaluation process, in such a case, the author(s) should be ready to present the expected data and information to the editorial board and scientific board. It cannot be proposed to change the author responsibilities (such as adding an author, changing the author order, removing an author) of a study whose evaluation process has started. The author(s) must have a document showing that they have the rights to use the data used, the necessary permissions related to the research/analyses, or that the consent of the experimental subjects has been obtained. In the event that the author(s) realises an error or inaccuracy in the published, early version or manuscript under review, he/she must notify the journal editor or publisher, and provide the journal editor or publisher with information, correction and correction of the error or inaccuracy.

Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Editors
The editors and field editors of MAUNFBD Journal should have the ethical duties and responsibilities specified by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which is published as open access on the Dergipark page:

General Duties and Responsibilities
Continuously ensuring the development of the journal, carrying out processes to improve the quality of the studies published in the journal, making efforts to meet the information needs of readers and authors, showing clarity and transparency in terms of publication in matters requiring correction and explanation. It is one of the editor's duties and responsibilities to continue business processes without compromising intellectual property rights and ethical standards.

Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers
Accept to evaluate only the work related to the field of expertise. Evaluate in impartiality and confidentiality. In accordance with the principle of confidentiality, they should destroy the studies they have reviewed after the evaluation process. If they think that they are faced with a conflict of interest during the evaluation process, they should refuse to review the study and inform the journal editor. Evaluate objectively only with regard to the content of the study. They should make the evaluation in a constructive and courteous language. They should not make derogatory personal comments containing hostility, slander and insult. They should carry out the work they accept for evaluation on time and with the above ethical responsibilities.

Ethical Responsibilities of the Publisher
The editor is responsible for all processes of the studies submitted to MAUNFBD Journal. It undertakes to make an independent editorial decision. The editor is the decision-maker in MAUNFBD Journal, regardless of economic or political gains. It must protect the ownership and copyright of every article published in MAUNFBD Journal. The editor has the responsibility to take precautions against any scientific misconduct and plagiarism.

Relations with Authors
The editor should make a positive or negative decision based on the importance, original value, validity, clarity of expression and the aims and objectives of the journal. Unless there is a serious problem with the manuscript, it should be included in the preliminary evaluation stage. Unless there is a serious problem with the study, the editor should not ignore the referee's suggestions in a positive direction. The new editor should not change the decisions made by the previous editor unless there is a serious problem. MAUNFBD should publish an Author's Guide in the Journal. Authors should be notified and returned in an explanatory and informative manner.

Relations with Referees
The editor is obliged to apply the Blind Review and Evaluation Process policies in the journal publication policies. The referees should be selected in accordance with the subject of the publication. It is obliged to provide all necessary information to the referees during the evaluation process of the publication. It is obliged to observe whether there is a conflict of interest between authors and referees. Keep the identity information of the referees confidential during the evaluation process of the publication. Encourage the referees to evaluate the manuscript in an impartial, scientific and objective manner. Take steps to ensure that the referee pool consists of a wide range of referees. Determine practices and policies to improve the performance of referees. It should prevent unscientific evaluations.

Relations with the Reader
The editor should make decisions by taking into account the expectations of knowledge, skills and experience needed by all readers. It should pay attention that the published studies contribute to the reader, researcher, practitioner and scientific literature and that they are original. The editor is obliged to take into account the feedback from readers and to provide explanatory and informative feedback.

Relations with the Editorial Board
The editor should ensure that all editorial board members carry out the processes in accordance with the publication policies and guidelines. Inform the members of the editorial board about the editorial policies and keep them informed about the developments. Train new editorial board members on editorial policies and provide them with the information they need.

Relations with Journal Owner and Publisher
According to the written contract between the editor and the publisher, all decisions of the editor are independent from the publisher and the owner of the journal. In other words, the relationship between the editor and the publisher is based on the principle of independence.

Protection of Personal Data
The editor is responsible for ensuring the protection of personal data regarding the subjects or images included in the evaluated studies. It is responsible for rejecting the study unless the explicit consent of the individuals used in the studies is documented. In addition, the editor is responsible for protecting the individual data of authors, reviewers and readers.

Ethics Committee, Human and Animal Rights
The editor is responsible for ensuring the protection of human and animal rights in the evaluated studies. It is responsible for rejecting the study in the absence of ethics committee approval for the subjects used in the studies and permissions for experimental research.

Precautions Against Possible Abuse and Misconduct
The editor is obliged to take measures against possible misconduct and abuse of office. It is the editor's responsibility to conduct a rigorous and objective investigation to identify and assess complaints, as well as to share the findings on the matter.

Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
The editor is responsible for protecting the intellectual property rights of all published articles and defending the rights of the journal and the author(s) in case of possible violations. In addition, the editor is obliged to take the necessary measures to ensure that the contents of all published articles do not violate the intellectual property rights of other publications. At this stage, a plagiarism report is requested from the authors together with their articles.

NOTE: If you encounter an unethical situation in MSUFBD Journal!
If you encounter any unethical behaviour or content in MSUFBD Journal other than the ethical responsibilities mentioned above, please report it via e-mail to

Last Update Time: 11/28/24, 11:34:02 AM