Writing Rules

MSUFBD is an international peer-reviewed journal that is published two times a year. The purpose of the journal is to make contributions to publishing qualified academic studies in sciences, basic and engineering areas.
The articles that are published in the journal cannot be published or presented anywhere else unless permission is granted from the editorial board. The articles that are published either partially or completely cannot be used anywhere else unless reference is given. The content of the articles that are sent to the journal has to be authentic, not previously published or sent to be published. The authors of the articles have to have a consensus regarding the list of the names in the article.
If you download the “sample article” that was prepared according to spelling rules and format of the MSUFBD Journal from our website through the link for authors to help you prepare the article, this will save your time and facilitate the preparation process. You can also prepare your article by saving this sample as a template on the Microsoft Word program.
 The articles should be in MS Word 2007 or higher version.
 The layout has to be custom-designed (15.5x23 cm). The file format has to be MS Word. The font has to be Times New Roman or a similar one with a size of 10. The file has to have single-line spacing. Page margins have to be 2.5 cm on the top and 2.5 cm for all the other sides. The pages have to be numbered.
 The articles need to include the name(s), surname(s), institutional title(s), institution name(s), and e-mail address(es) of the author(s). In addition, the corresponding author has to be indicated in the articles. The font has to be Times New Roman with a size of 10 and single line spacing.
 The title of the article has to be consistent with the content and must reflect the content in the best way possible. The title has to be boldface with a font size of 12. The first letter of all the words has to be uppercase. The title has to be centered. The articles need to have an English title with the same properties.
 The article needs to include an “Abstract” at the beginning not less than 75 words nor longer than 150 words summarizing the content in the most precise and concise way. The abstract must not include references, figures, and table numbers. Leaving a space under the abstract, the author has to add keywords including at least 3 and utmost 6 words. The keywords have to be consistent with the content and need to be comprehensive. Similarly, the articles have to include an English title, keywords, and abstract.
 MSUFBD is published in Turkish and English.
 The works that are presented in any symposium or congress can be published after specifying the name, place and the date of the congress. The works that are supported by a research organization or fund have to indicate the name of the supportive organization and the number of projects.
 The articles have to be organized as introduction, body, experimental, result and discussion and conclusion. Sub-titles and lower-level titles have to have a font size of 10 and be right-aligned.
 Formulas and equations need to be written via Math Type or Word Equation Editor.
 The study has to comply with grammatical rules. The latest Turkish Language Association Spell Check has to be employed regarding the use of punctuation, the spelling of the words, and abbreviations. The text is expected to be clear and simple. No expressions out of purpose and scope must be included in the work. Valid scientific methods have to be employed to prepare the article. The content, purpose, scope, justification, etc. of the study have to be provided as much as needed in a certain order.
 An article is expected to include abstract, sections of the main text, references, and appendices (if there is any) respectively. An article has to have an “Introduction” and “Conclusion” sections. The “Introduction” is definitely expected to include the purpose, importance, period, scope, data methodology, and outline of the study. If it is necessary for the subject to be dealt with, literature review can be given in this section as well. The “conclusion” needs to be in compliance with the study’s purpose and scope. It needs to be given generally and concisely. The points that are not mentioned within the text must not be included in “conclusion”. Headings, titles, and sub-titles can be used to organize the text.
 Tables/Figures need to be numbered and given with their titles. No vertical lines must be used to draw the tables. Horizontal lines can only be used to separate the sub-titles within the table from each other. Table/Figure number has to be at the top left-aligned and non-Italic with Times New Romans 10 font. The name of tables/figures has to be written with each word having its first letter uppercase. In addition, tables/figures have to comply with black and white print. If there is anything in the table that requires reference, the references must be given at the bottom of the table with in-text reference format.
 Headings, titles, and sub-titles can be used to ensure an ordered information transfer. All the other titles except for the title of the article have to have a font size of 10. First-level titles need to be uppercase and boldface; the first letters of all the words in the second-level titles need to be uppercase and not boldface, and only the first letters of the words in the third-level titles need to be uppercase, and these titles have to be italic. In addition, the titles have to be organized with 6 nk before and after the title.
Second-Level Title
Third-level Title
(i) The reference should be marked with "number in square brackets" in the article. Each reference must be given in its original language. The references should be written in Times New Roman 9 point. When writing the references, the sequence should be as follows:

[1]     Surname K.H., Park T.H. Image segmentation of UV pattern for automatic paper-money inspection, 11th International Conference on Control Automation Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), 5:1 1175-1180, 2010.

[2]     Lee J.H., Lee J.M., Kim H.J., Moon Y. S. Machine vision system for automatic inspection of bridges, Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP). 3 363-366, 2008.

[3]     Chen Y.R., Chao K., Kim M.S. Machine vision technology for agricultural applications, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 36 173-191, 2002.

[4]     Yoshino K., Miwa M., Kanamaru A., Kanai N. An automatic through-hole inspection system by analyzing laser diffraction pattern, Proceedings of Annual Conference (SICE). 4:3 2155-2160, 2010.

[5]     Surname K. Book name, Press Place, Press Date, p. 65, 2018.

[6]     Web adress, Date of access.

 The manuscripts that comply with the publication principles of anemon are passed through plagiarism checking. The journal uses the Ithenticate software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. If the similarity level is above %20, the manuscript is not accepted for publication.
 The articles are sent through Online Application System for the first step of the publication. An automatically-sent confirmation message is sent to your e-mail address upon the completion of the application. For further information, please contact the editor via https://dergipark.org.tr/msufbd.