The main objectives of the Journal of Accounting and Finance are to enable academicians in our country to share their studies with each other, to meet the need for academic publications, to facilitate access to domestic and foreign literature and to contribute to the development of accounting and finance science.
The Journal of Accounting and Finance, a publication of the Association of Accounting and Finance Faculty Members (MUFAD), is an international refereed journal that is scanned within the scope of field indexes and published quarterly. Our journal, which started to be published quarterly in January 1999, has started to be scanned by TUBITAK-ULAKBIM (Social Sciences Database) since the January 2005 issue, EBSCOhost (Business Source Complete) since our 2009 October issue, and our journal was included in index copernicus and ASOS Index in 2011. Our journal has been scanned by ProQuest since February 2016 and SOBIAD database since 27 January 2017.