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Year 2012, Issue: 5, 1 - 24, 01.05.2012



  • Agapius (Mahboub) De Menbidj, (1911). Kitab al-unvan, (A. A. Vasilev, Arapça metin ve Fr. çev.), Patrologia Orientalis, v.7, Paris 1911.
  • Akşit, O. (1985). Roma imparatorluk tarihi, (MÖ.27-MS. 395), İstanbul: İÜEF.
  • Akyüz, G. (1998). Nusaybin’deki mor yakub kilisesi ve nusaybin okulu, Mardin: Resim Matbaacılık.
  • Anonim, (1864). The chronicle of edessa (Urfa Kroniği), (B. Haris Cowper, İng. çev.), The Journal of Sacred Literature and Biblical Record, (B. H. Cowper, ed.), v.5, London: Williams&Norgate.
  • Anonim, (2010). Siirt vekayinamesi, (C. Kabadayı, çev.), İstanbul: Yaba.
  • Baynes, N. H. (1911). Constantine’s successors to jovian: and the struggle with persia, cambridge medieval history, v.1, New York, 55-86.
  • Bede, (1843). The ecclesiastical history of english nation, (J. A. Giles, İng. çev.), London:
  • Bleterie, A. (1784). The history of emperor jovian, (j. duncombe, ing. çev.), select works of the emperor julian and some pieces of the sophist libanius, v.2, London, s.258-364.
  • Buckingham, J. S. (1827). Travels in mesopotamia, London: Henry Colburn, New Burlington Street.
  • Burkitt, F. C. (1904). Early eastern christianity st. margaret’s lectures 1904 on the syriac speaking church, New York: E.P. Dutton&Company
  • Bury, J. B. (1896). Date of the battle of singara, Byzantinsche Zeitschrift, v.5, Leipzig: 302-305.
  • Butler, A. (1845). The lives of the fathers martyrs and other principal saints, v.7, Dublin: J. Duffy, 23 Anglesea Street.
  • Dodgeon, M. H.-Lieu, S. N. C. (1994). The roman eastern frointer and the persian wars, (A.D. 226-363), A Documantary History, London&New York: Routledge.
  • Ebu’l Ferec, Ibnu’l Ibri, Gregory Abu’l Ferec (Bar Habreus), (1999). Abu’l- Farac Tarihi, (Ö. R. Doğrul, çev.), Ankara: TTK.
  • Elliot, H. M. (1849). Bibliographical ındex to the historians of Muhammedan India, v.1, Calcutta: J. Thomas, Baptist Mission Press.
  • Ephraim, (1898) Hymns and homilies, (J. Gwyn, İng. çev.), a select library of nicene and post-nicene fathers of the christian church, v.13, New York:
  • Fletcher, J. P. (1850). Notes from nineveh and travels in mesopotamia, assyria and syria, philedelphia: Lea&Blanchard.
  • Gennadius, (1906). Lives of ıllutrous men, (c. richardson, ing. çev.) a select library of nicene and post nicene fathers of the chrisitian church, v.3, New York:
  • Gibbon, E. (1804). The history of the decline and fall of the roman empire,v.2, Philedelphia: W. Y. Birch&Abraham Small, South Second Street.
  • Harvey, S. A. (1998). St. ephrem on the secent of salvation, Journal of The Theoligical Studies, April 1998, Sayı, 49.
  • Honigmann, E. (1997). Nasibin, İslam Ansiklopedisi, v.9, 99-103.
  • Honigmann, E. (1970). Bizans devleti’nin doğu sınırı, (F. Işıltan, çev.), İstanbul: İÜEF.
  • Honigmann, E.-Bosworth, C. E. (1993). Nisibis, Encyclopedia of Islam, (Yeni Basım), v.7, 983-984.
  • James of Edessa, (1899). The chrological canon james of edessa, (E. W. Brooks, İng. çev.), Zeitschrift für Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, Bd. LIII, 261-327.
  • Jonha, S. (2003). The mesopotamian schools of edessa an jundi shapur: the roots of modern medical schools, The American Surgeon, Temmuz, 69, Sayı 7, 627-630.
  • Keightley, T. (1841). History of the roman empire, from the accessian of augustus to the end of the empire of the wast, (J. T. Simith, ed.), Boston: Hilliard, Gray and Company.
  • Kütük, A. (2012). Bizans imparatorluğu döneminde nusaybin’in siyasi, sosyal, iktisadi, mimari ve kültürel durumu, (IV.-X. Yüzyıl), Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Fırat Üniversitesi, Elazığ.
  • Malcolmn, S. J. (1829). History of persia, from the most early period to the present time, v.1, London: John Murray, Albemarle Street.
  • Mşiha Zha. (2002). Erbil vekayinamesi, (E. Sever, çev.), İstanbul: Yaba.
  • Neale, J. M. (1846). The triumps of the cross, tales of christian heroizm, London: J. Masters, Aldersgate Street.
  • Neusner, J. (1969). A History of the jews in babylonia, v.4, Leiden: Brill.
  • Oussani G. (1913). Persia, The Catholic Encyclopedia, v.11, 712-725.
  • Parry, O. H. (1895). Six months in a syrian monastery. London: Horace Cox, Windsor House, Bream’s Buildings, E. C.
  • Philostorgius.(1855). The ecclesiastical history of philostorgius, (E. Walford, İng. çev.), London:
  • Rae, G. M. (1892). The syrian church in India, London: William Blackwood&Sons.
  • Rawlinson, G. (1875). Seven great monarchies of the ancient eastern world, v.3, New York: John W. Lovell Company.
  • Saint Ephraemi Syri, (1866). Carmina nisibena, (Dr. G. Bickell, Fr. çev.), Lipsiae: F. A. Brockhaus.
  • Segal J. B. (2002). Edessa (Urfa), (A. Arslan, çev.), İstanbul: İletişim.
  • Sykes, P. M. (1915). A History of Persia, v.1, London: Macmilan and Co., Limited St. Martin Street.
  • Şer, A. (2006). Nusaybin akademisi, (N. Doru, çev.), İstanbul: Yaba.
  • Theodoret, (1854). History of the church from 322 to the death of theodoret of mopsuestia, A.D. 427, (With Memoirs of the Authors, İng. çev.) London: Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Convent Garden.
  • Urfalı Mateos, (1987). Urfalı mateos vekayinâmesi (952-1156) ve Papaz Grigor’un Zeyli (1136-1162), (H. D. Andreasyan, Türkçe çev.), Ankara: TTK.
  • Vailhe, S. (1911). Nisibis, The catholic encyclopedia, v.11, 84-85.
  • Wigram, W. A. (1910). An ıntroduction to the history of the assyrian church, or the church of the sasanid persian empire, (100-640 A.D.), London: Society For Promoting Christian Knowledge.
  • Wright, W. (1894). A short history of syriac literature, London: Adam&Charles Black.
  • Zosimus, (1814). The history of count zosimus, sometime advocate and chancellor of the roman empire, (Oxford Edition, İng. çev.) London: Printed for J. Davis, Essex Street.


Year 2012, Issue: 5, 1 - 24, 01.05.2012


Tarihi kaynaklarda Nemrud tarafından kurulduğu söylenen Nusaybin şehri, Roma-İran imparatorluklarının hâkimiyet mücadelesinin Mezopotamya’daki durak noktasını teşkil etmiştir. Özellikle Hıristiyanlığın Mezopotamya’da hızlı bir şekilde yayılmasını müteakip bu kent siyasi ve askeri öneminin yanında dini bir merkez hüviyetine de büründü. Bu şehirden Aziz Yakub ve talebesi Aziz Efraim gibi şöhretli din adamları yetişti. İznik konsilinde Hıristiyan doğuyu temsil eden ve ardından kentte ilk Hıristiyan okulunu tesis eden Aziz Yakub aynı zamanda o sırada Sasanilerin artan dış saldırılarına karşı Nusaybin’in manevi koruyucusu olmuştur. O, miladi 4. asırda kuşatmalarda kent halkının manevi direncini arttırdı, böylece Nusaybin’i almayı çok isteyen II. Şapur’un ülkesine eli boş dönmesini sağladı. Nusaybinli Yakub, gerek Nusaybin’de kurduğu akademide yetiştirdiği öğrencileri, gerekse geride bıraktığı eserleriyle Hıristiyanlığın o dönemde Mezopotamya bölgesinde yayılmasında önemli bir rol üstlendi


  • Agapius (Mahboub) De Menbidj, (1911). Kitab al-unvan, (A. A. Vasilev, Arapça metin ve Fr. çev.), Patrologia Orientalis, v.7, Paris 1911.
  • Akşit, O. (1985). Roma imparatorluk tarihi, (MÖ.27-MS. 395), İstanbul: İÜEF.
  • Akyüz, G. (1998). Nusaybin’deki mor yakub kilisesi ve nusaybin okulu, Mardin: Resim Matbaacılık.
  • Anonim, (1864). The chronicle of edessa (Urfa Kroniği), (B. Haris Cowper, İng. çev.), The Journal of Sacred Literature and Biblical Record, (B. H. Cowper, ed.), v.5, London: Williams&Norgate.
  • Anonim, (2010). Siirt vekayinamesi, (C. Kabadayı, çev.), İstanbul: Yaba.
  • Baynes, N. H. (1911). Constantine’s successors to jovian: and the struggle with persia, cambridge medieval history, v.1, New York, 55-86.
  • Bede, (1843). The ecclesiastical history of english nation, (J. A. Giles, İng. çev.), London:
  • Bleterie, A. (1784). The history of emperor jovian, (j. duncombe, ing. çev.), select works of the emperor julian and some pieces of the sophist libanius, v.2, London, s.258-364.
  • Buckingham, J. S. (1827). Travels in mesopotamia, London: Henry Colburn, New Burlington Street.
  • Burkitt, F. C. (1904). Early eastern christianity st. margaret’s lectures 1904 on the syriac speaking church, New York: E.P. Dutton&Company
  • Bury, J. B. (1896). Date of the battle of singara, Byzantinsche Zeitschrift, v.5, Leipzig: 302-305.
  • Butler, A. (1845). The lives of the fathers martyrs and other principal saints, v.7, Dublin: J. Duffy, 23 Anglesea Street.
  • Dodgeon, M. H.-Lieu, S. N. C. (1994). The roman eastern frointer and the persian wars, (A.D. 226-363), A Documantary History, London&New York: Routledge.
  • Ebu’l Ferec, Ibnu’l Ibri, Gregory Abu’l Ferec (Bar Habreus), (1999). Abu’l- Farac Tarihi, (Ö. R. Doğrul, çev.), Ankara: TTK.
  • Elliot, H. M. (1849). Bibliographical ındex to the historians of Muhammedan India, v.1, Calcutta: J. Thomas, Baptist Mission Press.
  • Ephraim, (1898) Hymns and homilies, (J. Gwyn, İng. çev.), a select library of nicene and post-nicene fathers of the christian church, v.13, New York:
  • Fletcher, J. P. (1850). Notes from nineveh and travels in mesopotamia, assyria and syria, philedelphia: Lea&Blanchard.
  • Gennadius, (1906). Lives of ıllutrous men, (c. richardson, ing. çev.) a select library of nicene and post nicene fathers of the chrisitian church, v.3, New York:
  • Gibbon, E. (1804). The history of the decline and fall of the roman empire,v.2, Philedelphia: W. Y. Birch&Abraham Small, South Second Street.
  • Harvey, S. A. (1998). St. ephrem on the secent of salvation, Journal of The Theoligical Studies, April 1998, Sayı, 49.
  • Honigmann, E. (1997). Nasibin, İslam Ansiklopedisi, v.9, 99-103.
  • Honigmann, E. (1970). Bizans devleti’nin doğu sınırı, (F. Işıltan, çev.), İstanbul: İÜEF.
  • Honigmann, E.-Bosworth, C. E. (1993). Nisibis, Encyclopedia of Islam, (Yeni Basım), v.7, 983-984.
  • James of Edessa, (1899). The chrological canon james of edessa, (E. W. Brooks, İng. çev.), Zeitschrift für Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, Bd. LIII, 261-327.
  • Jonha, S. (2003). The mesopotamian schools of edessa an jundi shapur: the roots of modern medical schools, The American Surgeon, Temmuz, 69, Sayı 7, 627-630.
  • Keightley, T. (1841). History of the roman empire, from the accessian of augustus to the end of the empire of the wast, (J. T. Simith, ed.), Boston: Hilliard, Gray and Company.
  • Kütük, A. (2012). Bizans imparatorluğu döneminde nusaybin’in siyasi, sosyal, iktisadi, mimari ve kültürel durumu, (IV.-X. Yüzyıl), Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Fırat Üniversitesi, Elazığ.
  • Malcolmn, S. J. (1829). History of persia, from the most early period to the present time, v.1, London: John Murray, Albemarle Street.
  • Mşiha Zha. (2002). Erbil vekayinamesi, (E. Sever, çev.), İstanbul: Yaba.
  • Neale, J. M. (1846). The triumps of the cross, tales of christian heroizm, London: J. Masters, Aldersgate Street.
  • Neusner, J. (1969). A History of the jews in babylonia, v.4, Leiden: Brill.
  • Oussani G. (1913). Persia, The Catholic Encyclopedia, v.11, 712-725.
  • Parry, O. H. (1895). Six months in a syrian monastery. London: Horace Cox, Windsor House, Bream’s Buildings, E. C.
  • Philostorgius.(1855). The ecclesiastical history of philostorgius, (E. Walford, İng. çev.), London:
  • Rae, G. M. (1892). The syrian church in India, London: William Blackwood&Sons.
  • Rawlinson, G. (1875). Seven great monarchies of the ancient eastern world, v.3, New York: John W. Lovell Company.
  • Saint Ephraemi Syri, (1866). Carmina nisibena, (Dr. G. Bickell, Fr. çev.), Lipsiae: F. A. Brockhaus.
  • Segal J. B. (2002). Edessa (Urfa), (A. Arslan, çev.), İstanbul: İletişim.
  • Sykes, P. M. (1915). A History of Persia, v.1, London: Macmilan and Co., Limited St. Martin Street.
  • Şer, A. (2006). Nusaybin akademisi, (N. Doru, çev.), İstanbul: Yaba.
  • Theodoret, (1854). History of the church from 322 to the death of theodoret of mopsuestia, A.D. 427, (With Memoirs of the Authors, İng. çev.) London: Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Convent Garden.
  • Urfalı Mateos, (1987). Urfalı mateos vekayinâmesi (952-1156) ve Papaz Grigor’un Zeyli (1136-1162), (H. D. Andreasyan, Türkçe çev.), Ankara: TTK.
  • Vailhe, S. (1911). Nisibis, The catholic encyclopedia, v.11, 84-85.
  • Wigram, W. A. (1910). An ıntroduction to the history of the assyrian church, or the church of the sasanid persian empire, (100-640 A.D.), London: Society For Promoting Christian Knowledge.
  • Wright, W. (1894). A short history of syriac literature, London: Adam&Charles Black.
  • Zosimus, (1814). The history of count zosimus, sometime advocate and chancellor of the roman empire, (Oxford Edition, İng. çev.) London: Printed for J. Davis, Essex Street.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ahmet Kütük This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2012
Submission Date September 25, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2012 Issue: 5
