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Year 2011, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 61 - 81, 01.03.2011



  • Akin, S. (2003). Les lois du 3 août 2002 du Parlement turc sur l'autorisation de l'enseignement privé du kurde et des émissions audiovisuelles en kurde. Etudes Kurdes 5, 57–62.
  • Akin, S. (2007). Fêrkariya kurdî ya taybet li Tirkiyeyê: pirsgirek û pêşbînî [The private teaching of Kurdish in Turkey: problems and perspectives] (translated from English into Kurdish by Derînce M. S. & Opengîn E.) Zend 5, 30–38.
  • Bourdieu, P. (1986). The Forms of Capital. In Richardson J. G. (ed.) Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education. New York : Greenwood Press, 241-258.
  • Bourhis, R. Y., Giles, H. and Rosenthal, D. (1981). Notes on the construction of a ‘subjective vitality questionnaire’ for Ethnolinguistic Groups. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 2(2), 145–155.
  • Coşkun, V., Derince, Ş., & Uçarlar, N. (2011). Scar of Tongue: Consequences of the ban on mother tongue in education and the experiences of Kurdish students in Turkey. Diyarbakır: Diyarbakır Sosyal Siyasal Araştırmalar Enstitüsü (DİSA).
  • Coyos, J-B. (2005). L'enseignement suffit-il à « sauver » une langue menacée ? L’exemple du Pays Basque, Lapurdum [online], URL : (May 2009)
  • Cummins, J. (1979). Linguistic interdependence and the educational development of bilingual children. Review of Educational Research, 49 (2), 222-251.
  • Cummins, J. (2000). Language, power and pedagogy: Bilingual children in the crossfire. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
  • Derince, Ş. (2010). The Role of First Language (Kurdish) Development in Acquisition of a Second Language (Turkish) and a Third Language (English), Unpublished MA thesis, Boğaziçi University.
  • Fishman, J. A. (1967). Bilingualism with and without diglossia, diglossia with and without bilingualism. In Paulston C. B. and Tucker G. R. (2003). (eds.) Essential Readings in Sociolinguistics. Malden: Blackwell, 359–366.
  • Fishman, J. A. (1968). Language maintenance and shift as a field of inquiry. In Anwar, S. D. (1972). (ed.) Language in Sociocultural Change: Essays by Joshua A. Fishman. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 76–134.
  • Fishman J. A. (1980). Language maintenance and ethnic mother tongue school. The Modern Language Journal, 64(2), 167-172.
  • Fishman J. A. (1991). Reversing Language Shift. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
  • Haig, G. (2003). The invisibilation of Kurdish: The other side of language planning in Turkey. In Concerman, S. and Haig, G. (eds.) Die Kurden: Studein zu ihrer Sprache, Geschichte und Kultur. Schenefeld: EB-Verlag, 121–150.
  • Hassanpour, A., Skutnabb-Kangas, T. and Chyet, M. (1996). The non-education of Kurds: A Kurdish perspective. International Review of Education, Special issue, 'The Education of Minorities', Normand Labrie & Stacy Churchill (eds.), 367-379.
  • Opengin, E. (2009). La situation sociolinguistique du kurde en Turquie : Une étude descriptive et interprétative. Unpublished MA thesis, Université de Rouen, October 2009.
  • Opengin, E. (2011). Sociopolitical factors influencing the situation of Kurdish in Turkey. In Proceedings of 2nd Patras International Conference of Graduate Students in Linguistics, Patras: Patras University Press, 127-139.
  • Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (1999). Education of Minorities. In Fishman, J. A. (ed.) Handbook of Language and Ethnicity. New York: Oxford University Press, 42–59.
  • Smits, J. and Gündüz-Hoşgör, A. (2003). Linguistic capital: Language as a socio-economic resource among Kurdish and Arabic women in Turkey. Ethnic and Racial Studies 26(5), 829-853.
  • Ramirez, J. D. (1992). Executive Summary. Bilingual Research Journal 16(1&2), 1–62.
  • Thomas, W. P. and Collier, V. (2002). A National Study of School Effectiveness for Language Minority Students' Long-Term Academic Achievement Report: Project 1:1. Fairfax, Virginia: VREDE, George Mason University. [Accessible on the link: (June 2009)]

Dilsel Edimler ve Anadilinde Eğitim: Türkiye’de Kürtçe Anadilinde Eğitime Dair Bazı Sorunlar

Year 2011, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 61 - 81, 01.03.2011


Türkiye’de özellikle Kürtçe ekseninde ilerleyen anadilinde eğitim tartışmalarının siyasallaştırılmış doğası, konunun toplumsal ve dilsel temellerinin kısmen gözardı edilmesine yol açmaktadır. Neticede, Kürtçe anadilinde eğitimi savunan söylem(ler), büyük ölçüde kimlik-kültür değerleri üzerinden oluşturulmakta ve öne sürülmektedir. Halbuki, anadilinde eğitimin temel argümanlarından biri, çocuğa sosyalizasyonunun gerçekleştiği ve duygusal dünyasının biçimlendiği anadilinde eğitim sunmak suretiyle, aile ve yakın çevre dili ile okul dili arasındaki psikolojik ve entelektüel sonuçları önlemektir (Kangas 1999). Bu argüman, çocukların ilk sosyalizasyonlarının anadili ya da dilsel topluluğun dilinde gerçekleştiğini ve çocukların bu dilde daha üstün dilsel yeteneklere sahip oldukları varsayımı üzerine kuruludur. Dolayısıyla, bu çalışmada, Türkiye’nin Kürt bölgesindeki mevcut ikidillilik ve/veya diglosi bağlamının, Kürtçe anadilinde eğitim için ne derece sahici bir toplumdilbilimsel amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma, mevcut toplumdilbilimsel bağlamın anadilinde eğitim konusunda hassas birtakım imalarnı sunmaktadır. Buna göre, bir taraftan, özellikle genç nesillerde gözlemlenen dil kayması, anadilinde eğitimde anadilinin salt araçsal eğiliminde olduğunu göstermekte, diğer taraftan, anadilinde eğitimin, toplumdilbilimsel bağlamın anadilini güçlendirecek yönde evrilmesinin vazgeçilmez şartı olduğunu göstermektedir, zira dilin muhafazasını sağlayacak olan asıl faktör, anadilinin ‘aile-yakın çevre-okul’ çerçevesinde etkin bir iletişim rolüne sahip olmasıdır.


  • Akin, S. (2003). Les lois du 3 août 2002 du Parlement turc sur l'autorisation de l'enseignement privé du kurde et des émissions audiovisuelles en kurde. Etudes Kurdes 5, 57–62.
  • Akin, S. (2007). Fêrkariya kurdî ya taybet li Tirkiyeyê: pirsgirek û pêşbînî [The private teaching of Kurdish in Turkey: problems and perspectives] (translated from English into Kurdish by Derînce M. S. & Opengîn E.) Zend 5, 30–38.
  • Bourdieu, P. (1986). The Forms of Capital. In Richardson J. G. (ed.) Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education. New York : Greenwood Press, 241-258.
  • Bourhis, R. Y., Giles, H. and Rosenthal, D. (1981). Notes on the construction of a ‘subjective vitality questionnaire’ for Ethnolinguistic Groups. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 2(2), 145–155.
  • Coşkun, V., Derince, Ş., & Uçarlar, N. (2011). Scar of Tongue: Consequences of the ban on mother tongue in education and the experiences of Kurdish students in Turkey. Diyarbakır: Diyarbakır Sosyal Siyasal Araştırmalar Enstitüsü (DİSA).
  • Coyos, J-B. (2005). L'enseignement suffit-il à « sauver » une langue menacée ? L’exemple du Pays Basque, Lapurdum [online], URL : (May 2009)
  • Cummins, J. (1979). Linguistic interdependence and the educational development of bilingual children. Review of Educational Research, 49 (2), 222-251.
  • Cummins, J. (2000). Language, power and pedagogy: Bilingual children in the crossfire. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
  • Derince, Ş. (2010). The Role of First Language (Kurdish) Development in Acquisition of a Second Language (Turkish) and a Third Language (English), Unpublished MA thesis, Boğaziçi University.
  • Fishman, J. A. (1967). Bilingualism with and without diglossia, diglossia with and without bilingualism. In Paulston C. B. and Tucker G. R. (2003). (eds.) Essential Readings in Sociolinguistics. Malden: Blackwell, 359–366.
  • Fishman, J. A. (1968). Language maintenance and shift as a field of inquiry. In Anwar, S. D. (1972). (ed.) Language in Sociocultural Change: Essays by Joshua A. Fishman. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 76–134.
  • Fishman J. A. (1980). Language maintenance and ethnic mother tongue school. The Modern Language Journal, 64(2), 167-172.
  • Fishman J. A. (1991). Reversing Language Shift. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
  • Haig, G. (2003). The invisibilation of Kurdish: The other side of language planning in Turkey. In Concerman, S. and Haig, G. (eds.) Die Kurden: Studein zu ihrer Sprache, Geschichte und Kultur. Schenefeld: EB-Verlag, 121–150.
  • Hassanpour, A., Skutnabb-Kangas, T. and Chyet, M. (1996). The non-education of Kurds: A Kurdish perspective. International Review of Education, Special issue, 'The Education of Minorities', Normand Labrie & Stacy Churchill (eds.), 367-379.
  • Opengin, E. (2009). La situation sociolinguistique du kurde en Turquie : Une étude descriptive et interprétative. Unpublished MA thesis, Université de Rouen, October 2009.
  • Opengin, E. (2011). Sociopolitical factors influencing the situation of Kurdish in Turkey. In Proceedings of 2nd Patras International Conference of Graduate Students in Linguistics, Patras: Patras University Press, 127-139.
  • Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (1999). Education of Minorities. In Fishman, J. A. (ed.) Handbook of Language and Ethnicity. New York: Oxford University Press, 42–59.
  • Smits, J. and Gündüz-Hoşgör, A. (2003). Linguistic capital: Language as a socio-economic resource among Kurdish and Arabic women in Turkey. Ethnic and Racial Studies 26(5), 829-853.
  • Ramirez, J. D. (1992). Executive Summary. Bilingual Research Journal 16(1&2), 1–62.
  • Thomas, W. P. and Collier, V. (2002). A National Study of School Effectiveness for Language Minority Students' Long-Term Academic Achievement Report: Project 1:1. Fairfax, Virginia: VREDE, George Mason University. [Accessible on the link: (June 2009)]
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ergin Opengin This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2011
Submission Date September 25, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 3 Issue: 3


APA Opengin, E. (2011). Dilsel Edimler ve Anadilinde Eğitim: Türkiye’de Kürtçe Anadilinde Eğitime Dair Bazı Sorunlar. Mukaddime, 3(3), 61-81.