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Sihirli Bir Araç Olarak Endüstriyel Kümelenmeler

Year 2017, Volume: 41 Issue: 2, 99 - 122, 01.07.2017


İktisadi kalkınma yarışı, çoğu zaman mevcut sistemin eşitsizlik üreten doğasını görmemize engel olmaktadır. Uluslararası güç ilişkileri ve sınıfsal gerçekliklerden soyutlanmış analizler, ana akım kalkınma yazınını kaplamış görünmektedir. Bunlardan biri de bölgesel kalkınma alanının yeni gözdelerinden biri olan ‘endüstriyel kümelenme’ çalışmalarıdır.

Toplumsal alana ilişkin güven, karşılıklılık, dayanışma ve aidiyet gibi bazı değerleri bölgesel kalkınma çabalarının bir bileşeni haline getirerek ‘toplulukçu bir piyasa’ tahayyülü oluşturan kümelenme konsepti, son yıllarda oldukça ilgi görmektedir. Endüstriyel bölgelerin sağladığı dışsallıkları, bahsi edilen ‘sosyal sermaye’ unsurlarıyla aktive etme veya geliştirme çabası olarak değerlendirilebilecek kümelenme girişimleri, araştırmacılar nezdinde pozitif bir karşılık bulmaktadır. Ancak, bu girişimlere dair yapılan analizler kalkınma meselesinin ele alınışındaki sakatlıkları aynen içermektedir.

Bu çalışma, teknoloji teması üzerinden, endüstriyel bölgeler ve bunun üzerine bina edilen kümelenme girişimlerine dair yazının eleştirel bir değerlendirmesini içermektedir. Çalışmada, konseptin dönüşümünü sağlayan bazı temel tartışmaların yanı sıra, endüstriyel bölgelerin uluslararası işbölümü içerisindeki yeri, bölgesel harmoni çabalarının ideolojik imaları ve konseptin önemli yapıtaşlarından biri olan üniversite-sanayi işbirliklerinin yarattığı sorunlar gibi ilgili yazının ihmal ettiği konular ele alınmıştır.


  • Acemoğlu D ve Robinson J A (2014). Ulusların Düşüşü: Güç, Zenginlik ve Yoksulluğun Kökenleri. Doğan Egmont Yayıncılık: İstanbul.
  • Agrawal A, Kapur D ve McHale J (2008). How do Spatial and Social Proximity Influence Knowledge Flows? Evidence From Patent Data. Journal of Urban Economics, 64, 258- 269.
  • Alcacer J ve Oxley J (2014). Learning by Supplying. Strategic Management Journal, 35, 204-223.
  • Amin A (2003). Industrial Districts, İçinde: E Sheppard ve T J Barnes (der.), A Companion to Economic Geography, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 149-168.
  • Amin A ve Cohendet P (2005). Geographies of Knowledge Formation in Firms. Industry & Innovation, 12(4), 465-486.
  • Araştırma, Geliştirme ve Tasarım Faaliyetlerinin Desteklenmesi Hakkında Kanun (2008). Son Erişim Tarihi, 02.02.2017.
  • Archibugi D ve Pietrobelli C (2003). The Globalisation of Technology and its Implication for Developing Countries Windows of Opportunity or Further Burden?. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 70, 861-883.
  • Asheim B, Cooke P ve Martin R (2006). The Rise of the Cluster Concept in Regional Analysis and Policy: A Critical Assessment. İçinde: B Asheim, P. Cooke ve R. Martin (der.), Clusters and Regional Development: Critical Reflections and Explorations, Oxon: Routledge, 1-29.
  • Balland P A, Boschma R ve Frenken K (2015). Proximity and Innovation: From Statics to Dynamics. Regional Studies, 49(6), 907-920.
  • Bathelt H ve Cohendet P (2014). The Creation of Knowledge: Local Building, Global Accessing and Economic Development—Toward an Agenda. Journal of Economic Geography, 14, 869-882.
  • Bathelt H ve Henn S (2014). The Geographies of Knowledge Transfers Over Distance: Towar d a Typology, Environment and Planning A, 46, 1403-1424.
  • Becattini G (1990). The Marshallian Industrial District as a Socio-economic Notion. İçinde: F Pyke ve W Sengenberger (der.), Industrial Districts and Inter-firm Cooperation in Italy, Geneva: International Institute for Labour Studies, 37-51.
  • Biggiero L ve Sammarra A (2010). Does Geographical Proximity Enhance Knowledge Exchange? The Case of the Aerospace Industrial Cluster of Center Italy, International Journal of Technology Transfer & Commercialization, 9(4), 283-305.
  • Bimber B (1990). Karl Marx and the Three Faces of Technological Determinis., Social Studies of Science, 20, 333-351.
  • Boschma R A (2005). Proximity and Innovation: A Critical Assessment, Regional Studies, 39(1), 61-74.
  • Bowles S ve Gintis H (1975). The Problem with Human Capital Theory: A Marxian Critique. The American Economic Review, 65(2), 74-82.
  • Broekel T (2015). The Co-evolution of Proximities – A Network Level Study. Regional Studies, 49(6), 921-935.
  • Brusco S (1982). The Emilian Model: Production Decentralization and Social Integration. Cambridge Journal of Economics. 6, 167-184.
  • Bulu M ve Yalçıntaş M (2014). Cluster as a Development Policy Tool: The Turkish Experience. İçinde: M Yülek (der.), Economic Planning and Industrial Policy in the Globalizing Economy: Concepts, Experience and Prospects, 331-344.
  • Bunnel T G ve Coe N M (2001). Spaces and scales of innovation. Progress in Human Geography, 25(4), 569-589.
  • Camagni R (1991). Introduction: From the Local ‘Milieu’ to Innovation Through Cooperation Networks. İçinde: R Camagni (der.), Innovation Networks: Spatial Perspectives, London: Belhaven Press, 1-9.
  • Camagni R (2004). Uncertainty, Social Capital and Community Governance: The City as a Milieu. İçinde: R Capello ve P Nijkamp (der.), Urban Dynamics and Growth: Advances in Urban Economics, Amsterdam: Elseiver, 121-150.
  • Capello R ve Faggian A (2005). Collective Learning and Relational Capital in Local Innovation Process. Regional Studies, 39(1), 75-87.
  • Carlsson B vd. (2002). Innovation Systems: Analytical and Methodological Issues. Research Policy, 31, 233-245.
  • Cassi L ve Plunket A (2015). Research Collaboration in Co-inventor Networks: Combining Closure, Bridging and Proximities. Regional Studies, 49(6), 936-954.
  • Cooke P, Uranga M G ve Etxebarria G (1998). Regional Systems of Innovation: An Evolutionary Perspective. Environment and Planning A. 30, 1563-1584.
  • Crescenzi R, Nathan M ve Rodriguez-Pose (2016). Do Inventors Talk to Strangers? On Proximity and Collaborative Knowledge Creation. Research Policy, 45, 177-194.
  • Cruz S C S ve Teixeira A A C (2009). The Evolution of the Cluster Literature: Shedding Light on the Regional Studies-Regional Science Debate. Regional Studies, 44(9), 1263- 1288.
  • Dei Ottati G (1994). Co-operation and Competition in the Industrial District as an Organisational Model. European Planning Studies, 2(4), 371-392.
  • Doloreux D (2002). What We Should Know About Regional Systems of Innovation. Technology in Society. 24, 243-63.
  • EC (European Commission) (2016). Smart Guide to Cluster Policy. Guidebook Series: How to Support SME Policy from Structural Funds. 2507138, Belgium: EC.
  • Enright M. J. (2003). Regional Clusters: What We Know and What We Should Know. İçinde (der.), J Bröcker, D Dohse ve R Soltwedel (der.), Innovation Clusters and Interregional Competition, New York: Springer, 99-129.
  • Farrel H (2005). Trust and Political Economy: Institutions and the Sources of Interfirm Cooperation. Comparative Political Studies, 38, 459-483.
  • Fine B (2001). Social Capital Versus Social Theory: Political Economy and Social Science at the Turn of the Millennium. Routledge: London
  • Fine B ve Lapavitsas C (2004). Social Capital and Capitalist Economies. South Eastern Europe Journal of Economics, 1, 17-34.
  • Fitjar R D ve Huber F (2015). Global Pipelines for Innovation: Insights from the Case of Norway. Journal of Economic Geography, 15, 561-583.
  • Fitjar R D ve Rodriguez-Pose A (2011). When Local Interaction Does not Suffice: Sources of Firm Innovation in Urban Norway. Environment and Planning A, 43, 1248-1267.
  • Fitjar R D, Huber F ve Rodriguez-Pose A. (2016). Not too Close, Not too Far: Testing the Goldilocks Principle of ‘Optimal’ Distance in Innovation Networks. Industry and Innovation, 23(6), 465-487.
  • Florida R (2007) [1995]. Toward the Learning Region. İçinde: R Butten ve F Boekeme (der.), The Learning Region: Foundations, State of the Art, Future, UK: Edward Elgar, 58-70.
  • Fromhold-Eisebith M (2004). Innovative Milieu and Social Capital- Complementary or Redundant Concepts of Collaboration-Based Regional Development?. European Planning Studies, 12(6), 747-765.
  • Giuliani E (2007). The Selective Nature of Knowledge Networks in Clusters: Evidence from the Wine Industry, Journal of Economic Geography, 7(2), 139-168.
  • Grabher G ve Ibert O (2013). Distance as asset? Knowledge collaboration in hybrid virtual communities. Journal of Economic Geography, 14(1), 97-123.
  • Grootaert C (1998). Social Capital: The Missing Link?. The World Bank Social Development Department Social Capital Working Paper Series, No:3.
  • Gündem F (2016). Klasik Politik İktisattan Ekonomik Coğrafyaya Mekânın Seyri. Mülkiye Dergisi, 40(4), 69-90.
  • Hall P V ve Jacobs W (2010). Shifting Proximities: The Maritime Ports Sector in an Era of Global Supply Chains, Regional Studies, 44(9), 1103-1115.
  • Hansen T (2015). Substitution or Overlap? The Relations between Geographical and Non spatial Proximity Dimensions in Collaborative Innovation Projects. Regional Studies, 49, 1672-1684.
  • Hardeman S vd. (2014). Characterizing and comparing innovation systems by different ‘modes’ of knowledge production: A proximity approach. Science and Public Policy, 42(4), 530-548.
  • Harvey D (2011). Umut Mekânları. Çev. Zeynep Gambetti, İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • Herrmann A M, Taks J L ve Moors E (2012). Beyond Regional Clusters: On the Importance of Geographical Proximity for R&D Collaborations in a Global Economy—the Case of the Flemish Biotech Sector. Industry and Innovation, 19(6), 499-516.
  • Hervas-Oliver J L ve Albors-Garrigos J (2009). The Role of the Firm’s Internal and Relational Capabilities in Clusters: When Distance and Embeddedness are Not Enough to Explain Innovation, Journal of Economic Geography, 9, 263-283.
  • Humphrey J ve Schmitz H (2002). How Does Insertion in Global Value Chains Affect Upgrading in Industrial Clusters?. Regional Studies, 36(9), 1017-1027.
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Year 2017, Volume: 41 Issue: 2, 99 - 122, 01.07.2017



  • Acemoğlu D ve Robinson J A (2014). Ulusların Düşüşü: Güç, Zenginlik ve Yoksulluğun Kökenleri. Doğan Egmont Yayıncılık: İstanbul.
  • Agrawal A, Kapur D ve McHale J (2008). How do Spatial and Social Proximity Influence Knowledge Flows? Evidence From Patent Data. Journal of Urban Economics, 64, 258- 269.
  • Alcacer J ve Oxley J (2014). Learning by Supplying. Strategic Management Journal, 35, 204-223.
  • Amin A (2003). Industrial Districts, İçinde: E Sheppard ve T J Barnes (der.), A Companion to Economic Geography, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 149-168.
  • Amin A ve Cohendet P (2005). Geographies of Knowledge Formation in Firms. Industry & Innovation, 12(4), 465-486.
  • Araştırma, Geliştirme ve Tasarım Faaliyetlerinin Desteklenmesi Hakkında Kanun (2008). Son Erişim Tarihi, 02.02.2017.
  • Archibugi D ve Pietrobelli C (2003). The Globalisation of Technology and its Implication for Developing Countries Windows of Opportunity or Further Burden?. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 70, 861-883.
  • Asheim B, Cooke P ve Martin R (2006). The Rise of the Cluster Concept in Regional Analysis and Policy: A Critical Assessment. İçinde: B Asheim, P. Cooke ve R. Martin (der.), Clusters and Regional Development: Critical Reflections and Explorations, Oxon: Routledge, 1-29.
  • Balland P A, Boschma R ve Frenken K (2015). Proximity and Innovation: From Statics to Dynamics. Regional Studies, 49(6), 907-920.
  • Bathelt H ve Cohendet P (2014). The Creation of Knowledge: Local Building, Global Accessing and Economic Development—Toward an Agenda. Journal of Economic Geography, 14, 869-882.
  • Bathelt H ve Henn S (2014). The Geographies of Knowledge Transfers Over Distance: Towar d a Typology, Environment and Planning A, 46, 1403-1424.
  • Becattini G (1990). The Marshallian Industrial District as a Socio-economic Notion. İçinde: F Pyke ve W Sengenberger (der.), Industrial Districts and Inter-firm Cooperation in Italy, Geneva: International Institute for Labour Studies, 37-51.
  • Biggiero L ve Sammarra A (2010). Does Geographical Proximity Enhance Knowledge Exchange? The Case of the Aerospace Industrial Cluster of Center Italy, International Journal of Technology Transfer & Commercialization, 9(4), 283-305.
  • Bimber B (1990). Karl Marx and the Three Faces of Technological Determinis., Social Studies of Science, 20, 333-351.
  • Boschma R A (2005). Proximity and Innovation: A Critical Assessment, Regional Studies, 39(1), 61-74.
  • Bowles S ve Gintis H (1975). The Problem with Human Capital Theory: A Marxian Critique. The American Economic Review, 65(2), 74-82.
  • Broekel T (2015). The Co-evolution of Proximities – A Network Level Study. Regional Studies, 49(6), 921-935.
  • Brusco S (1982). The Emilian Model: Production Decentralization and Social Integration. Cambridge Journal of Economics. 6, 167-184.
  • Bulu M ve Yalçıntaş M (2014). Cluster as a Development Policy Tool: The Turkish Experience. İçinde: M Yülek (der.), Economic Planning and Industrial Policy in the Globalizing Economy: Concepts, Experience and Prospects, 331-344.
  • Bunnel T G ve Coe N M (2001). Spaces and scales of innovation. Progress in Human Geography, 25(4), 569-589.
  • Camagni R (1991). Introduction: From the Local ‘Milieu’ to Innovation Through Cooperation Networks. İçinde: R Camagni (der.), Innovation Networks: Spatial Perspectives, London: Belhaven Press, 1-9.
  • Camagni R (2004). Uncertainty, Social Capital and Community Governance: The City as a Milieu. İçinde: R Capello ve P Nijkamp (der.), Urban Dynamics and Growth: Advances in Urban Economics, Amsterdam: Elseiver, 121-150.
  • Capello R ve Faggian A (2005). Collective Learning and Relational Capital in Local Innovation Process. Regional Studies, 39(1), 75-87.
  • Carlsson B vd. (2002). Innovation Systems: Analytical and Methodological Issues. Research Policy, 31, 233-245.
  • Cassi L ve Plunket A (2015). Research Collaboration in Co-inventor Networks: Combining Closure, Bridging and Proximities. Regional Studies, 49(6), 936-954.
  • Cooke P, Uranga M G ve Etxebarria G (1998). Regional Systems of Innovation: An Evolutionary Perspective. Environment and Planning A. 30, 1563-1584.
  • Crescenzi R, Nathan M ve Rodriguez-Pose (2016). Do Inventors Talk to Strangers? On Proximity and Collaborative Knowledge Creation. Research Policy, 45, 177-194.
  • Cruz S C S ve Teixeira A A C (2009). The Evolution of the Cluster Literature: Shedding Light on the Regional Studies-Regional Science Debate. Regional Studies, 44(9), 1263- 1288.
  • Dei Ottati G (1994). Co-operation and Competition in the Industrial District as an Organisational Model. European Planning Studies, 2(4), 371-392.
  • Doloreux D (2002). What We Should Know About Regional Systems of Innovation. Technology in Society. 24, 243-63.
  • EC (European Commission) (2016). Smart Guide to Cluster Policy. Guidebook Series: How to Support SME Policy from Structural Funds. 2507138, Belgium: EC.
  • Enright M. J. (2003). Regional Clusters: What We Know and What We Should Know. İçinde (der.), J Bröcker, D Dohse ve R Soltwedel (der.), Innovation Clusters and Interregional Competition, New York: Springer, 99-129.
  • Farrel H (2005). Trust and Political Economy: Institutions and the Sources of Interfirm Cooperation. Comparative Political Studies, 38, 459-483.
  • Fine B (2001). Social Capital Versus Social Theory: Political Economy and Social Science at the Turn of the Millennium. Routledge: London
  • Fine B ve Lapavitsas C (2004). Social Capital and Capitalist Economies. South Eastern Europe Journal of Economics, 1, 17-34.
  • Fitjar R D ve Huber F (2015). Global Pipelines for Innovation: Insights from the Case of Norway. Journal of Economic Geography, 15, 561-583.
  • Fitjar R D ve Rodriguez-Pose A (2011). When Local Interaction Does not Suffice: Sources of Firm Innovation in Urban Norway. Environment and Planning A, 43, 1248-1267.
  • Fitjar R D, Huber F ve Rodriguez-Pose A. (2016). Not too Close, Not too Far: Testing the Goldilocks Principle of ‘Optimal’ Distance in Innovation Networks. Industry and Innovation, 23(6), 465-487.
  • Florida R (2007) [1995]. Toward the Learning Region. İçinde: R Butten ve F Boekeme (der.), The Learning Region: Foundations, State of the Art, Future, UK: Edward Elgar, 58-70.
  • Fromhold-Eisebith M (2004). Innovative Milieu and Social Capital- Complementary or Redundant Concepts of Collaboration-Based Regional Development?. European Planning Studies, 12(6), 747-765.
  • Giuliani E (2007). The Selective Nature of Knowledge Networks in Clusters: Evidence from the Wine Industry, Journal of Economic Geography, 7(2), 139-168.
  • Grabher G ve Ibert O (2013). Distance as asset? Knowledge collaboration in hybrid virtual communities. Journal of Economic Geography, 14(1), 97-123.
  • Grootaert C (1998). Social Capital: The Missing Link?. The World Bank Social Development Department Social Capital Working Paper Series, No:3.
  • Gündem F (2016). Klasik Politik İktisattan Ekonomik Coğrafyaya Mekânın Seyri. Mülkiye Dergisi, 40(4), 69-90.
  • Hall P V ve Jacobs W (2010). Shifting Proximities: The Maritime Ports Sector in an Era of Global Supply Chains, Regional Studies, 44(9), 1103-1115.
  • Hansen T (2015). Substitution or Overlap? The Relations between Geographical and Non spatial Proximity Dimensions in Collaborative Innovation Projects. Regional Studies, 49, 1672-1684.
  • Hardeman S vd. (2014). Characterizing and comparing innovation systems by different ‘modes’ of knowledge production: A proximity approach. Science and Public Policy, 42(4), 530-548.
  • Harvey D (2011). Umut Mekânları. Çev. Zeynep Gambetti, İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • Herrmann A M, Taks J L ve Moors E (2012). Beyond Regional Clusters: On the Importance of Geographical Proximity for R&D Collaborations in a Global Economy—the Case of the Flemish Biotech Sector. Industry and Innovation, 19(6), 499-516.
  • Hervas-Oliver J L ve Albors-Garrigos J (2009). The Role of the Firm’s Internal and Relational Capabilities in Clusters: When Distance and Embeddedness are Not Enough to Explain Innovation, Journal of Economic Geography, 9, 263-283.
  • Humphrey J ve Schmitz H (2002). How Does Insertion in Global Value Chains Affect Upgrading in Industrial Clusters?. Regional Studies, 36(9), 1017-1027.
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There are 103 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles / Articles

Sedat Acar

Bayram Güneş

Publication Date July 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 41 Issue: 2


APA Acar, S., & Güneş, B. (2017). Sihirli Bir Araç Olarak Endüstriyel Kümelenmeler. Mülkiye Dergisi, 41(2), 99-122.
AMA Acar S, Güneş B. Sihirli Bir Araç Olarak Endüstriyel Kümelenmeler. Mülkiye Dergisi. July 2017;41(2):99-122.
Chicago Acar, Sedat, and Bayram Güneş. “Sihirli Bir Araç Olarak Endüstriyel Kümelenmeler”. Mülkiye Dergisi 41, no. 2 (July 2017): 99-122.
EndNote Acar S, Güneş B (July 1, 2017) Sihirli Bir Araç Olarak Endüstriyel Kümelenmeler. Mülkiye Dergisi 41 2 99–122.
IEEE S. Acar and B. Güneş, “Sihirli Bir Araç Olarak Endüstriyel Kümelenmeler”, Mülkiye Dergisi, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 99–122, 2017.
ISNAD Acar, Sedat - Güneş, Bayram. “Sihirli Bir Araç Olarak Endüstriyel Kümelenmeler”. Mülkiye Dergisi 41/2 (July 2017), 99-122.
JAMA Acar S, Güneş B. Sihirli Bir Araç Olarak Endüstriyel Kümelenmeler. Mülkiye Dergisi. 2017;41:99–122.
MLA Acar, Sedat and Bayram Güneş. “Sihirli Bir Araç Olarak Endüstriyel Kümelenmeler”. Mülkiye Dergisi, vol. 41, no. 2, 2017, pp. 99-122.
Vancouver Acar S, Güneş B. Sihirli Bir Araç Olarak Endüstriyel Kümelenmeler. Mülkiye Dergisi. 2017;41(2):99-122.
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