Research Article
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Svan Funeral Dirges (Zär): Cultural Context

Year 2021, , 133 - 165, 31.12.2021


This article is a companion paper to Scherbaum and Mzhavanadze (2020), Mzhavanadze and Scherbaum (2020) and Scherbaum and Mzhavanadze (2021). Together they describe the results of an interdisciplinary study of the three-part funeral dirge of Svan zär (‘zari’ in Georgian). In the present paper, we provide all the contextual (ethnographic, ethnological, historical) data that we collected from various written and/or oral sources and then processed and organized in a comprehensible way to help the reader better understand this unique phenomenon. We believe that in order to help answer the basic question of ‘how zärs work,’ the results of the acoustical, musicological, and phonetic (as well as language-music interface) analyses in the other three articles must be interpreted through an understanding of the full context of this unique cultural behavior.

Thus, not only did we collect and integrate all the related data and review the literature, but we also raise and discuss some problematic issues, such as, for example, the etymology of the term zär. We also offer an interpretation/description of some conflicting historical data to generate interest for its further research. In addition, we introduce the reader to some details of our field research (2015, 2016), as they may be of great importance when discussing or interpreting the results of the analyses presented in other (analytical) parts of this interdisciplinary study.

Supporting Institution

University of Potsdam

Project Number

DFG MU 2686/13-1, SCHE 280/20-1


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Year 2021, , 133 - 165, 31.12.2021


Project Number

DFG MU 2686/13-1, SCHE 280/20-1


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  • Chokhonelidze, Nineli. (2016). “Zar-Pudziani Omonimuri Tsalebis Ist'oriisatvis Kartulshi" [For the History of the Homonymous Parts With Root of "zar" in Georgian]. Arnold Chikobavas sak'itkhavebi [Studies by Arnold Chikobava]. [Paper presented at Academic Session dedicated to A. Chikobava studies on April 19-22, 2016, Tbilisi, Georgia). (pp. 78-80). Tbilisi: Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics.
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  • Firth, Raymond; Mclean, Mervyn. (2006). Tikopia Songs. Poetic and musical art of a Polypnesian people of the Solomon Islands. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Gabisonia, Tamaz. (2012). “Krist'ianuli K'vali Svanur himnur simgherebshi” (Christian Traces in Svan Hymn Songs). Arhaic Elements in the Ethnic Culture of Highland Georgia. Tbilisi: Unpublished.
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There are 78 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Music
Journal Section Articles

Nana Mzhavanadze 0000-0001-5726-1656

Frank Scherbaum This is me 0000-0002-5050-7331

Project Number DFG MU 2686/13-1, SCHE 280/20-1
Publication Date December 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Mzhavanadze, N., & Scherbaum, F. (2021). Svan Funeral Dirges (Zär): Cultural Context. Musicologist, 5(2), 133-165.