Research Article
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Ideological Discourses and Women’s Rights: The Case of the Istanbul Convention

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 569 - 587


After the signing of the Istanbul Conventions, serious discussions took place, particularly in Eastern European countries. The interesting aspect of these discussions is that they were usually conducted based on various assumptions and threats rather that the real content of the convention. The aim of the convention is the prevention of all kinds of violence and it was accepted by many countries within a short period of time and later adopted in their domestic legislations. However, in most of the Eastern European countries, it took a different turn. Although the document was signed by them, its ratification was either not carried out or met resistance during its ratification. In Turkey, the discussions were of similar nature, although it was one of the first countries to sign, ratify and adopt it into its legislation. It later decided to withdraw from the convention as the only country to do so. It is interesting to observe the similarities and common discussion points among all these countries regarding the convention. One such similarity in the countries is the claim that the convention has a hidden agenda and aims to undermine national and moral values. In these discussions, the main goal and content of the text is hardly represented and merely used for manipulation. This study focusses on the discussions around the Istanbul Convention in the mentioned countries and highlights the similarities in their argumentation. It also makes reference to discussions in Türkiye both to highlight the similarities and to discuss that the discussions prove not to be very helpful for the women’s problems and violence. Thereby, it underlines the role of ideological perspectives and camps in undermining attempts to solve the problems in the women’s issues.


  • Aydın-Düzgit, Senem. “De-Europeanisation through Discourse: A Critical Discourse Analysis of AKP’s Election Speeches”, South European Society and Politics, Vol. 21, I.1, 2016, s. 45-58, DOI: 10.1080/13608746.2016.1147717
  • Balogh, Lídia. “The Ratification Status of the Council of Europe's Istanbul Convention Among EU Member States”, MTA Law Working Papers, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia / Hungarian Academy of Sciences Budapest ISSN 2064-4515, 2020
  • Bayar, Tuğba. “Turkey’s withdrawal from Istanbul Convention: international human rights regime vis-à-vis authoritarian survival”, Turkish Studies, Vol. 25, I.1, 2023, s. 22-42 DOI: 10.1080/14683849.2023.2262721
  • Bodur Ün, Marella & Arıkan, Harun. “Europeanization and De-Europeanization of Turkey’s Gender Equality Policy: The Case of the Istanbul Convention”, JCMS, Vol. 60, Number 4, 2022, s. 945–962.
  • Bosak, Martina / Vajda, Maja Munivrana. “The reality behind the Istanbul convention: Shattering conservative delusions”, Women's Studies International Forum, 2019, s. 77-83.
  • Cerami, Carola. “Turkey, Europe and Women’s Rights: The Controversial Debate on the Istanbul Convention”, Nuovi Autoritarismi e Democrazie: Diritto, Istituzioni, Società V. 3 N. 1, 2021, s. 187-195.
  • Commonwealth Electoral Act. 1962,
  • Council of Europe. “The Protection of Women Against Violence Recommendation No. R (2002) 5 of the Committee of Ministers and Explanatory Memorandum”, Equality Division, Directorate General of Human Rights (Strasbourg, Council of Europe), 2004. Cumhurbaşkanı'na sunulan "İstanbul Sözleşmesi" değerlendirme raporundan önemli detaylar (16.7.2020), sozlesmesi-degerlendirme-raporundan-onemli-detaylar-131767
  • Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women. 20.12.1993, mechanisms/instruments/declaration-elimination-violence-against-women.
  • Elsner, Regina. “Ukrainian Churches and the Implementation of the Istanbul Convention in Ukraine: Being Europe Without Accepting “Gender””, The Review of Faith & International Affairs, Vol.20, I. 3, 2022, s. 63-76, DOI: 10.1080/15570274.2022.2111797
  • Eslen-Ziya, Hande. “Establishing networked misogyny as a counter movement: The analysis of the online anti- Istanbul convention presence”. Convergence, Vol. 28, I.6, 2022, s. 1737-1753.
  • Ferguson, Michaele L. “Neoliberal feminism as political ideology: revitalizing the study of feminist political ideologies”. Journal of Political Ideologies, 2017, volume 22, issue 3, s. 221–235.
  • Freeden, Michael. Ideologies and Political Theory: A Conceptual Approach. 1996, Oxford University Press, Oxford
  • Gavrić, Saša. “Understanding Substantive Representation of Women in Consociational Post-Conflict Political Systems”, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 2023, Vol. 30 , s. 173-191, DOI: 10.1080/13537113.2023.2266155
  • Güneş, Ayşe / Ezikoğlu, Çağlar. “Legal and Political Challenges of Gender Equality and Crimes Against Women in Turkey: The Question of Istanbul Convention”, Women & Criminal Justice, Vol.33, I. 1, 2023, s. 14-27, DOI: 10.1080/08974454.2022.2040695
  • Gwiazda, Anna / Minkova, Liana. “Gendered advocacy coalitions and the Istanbul Convention: a comparative analysis of Bulgaria and Poland”, International Feminist Journal of Politics, 2023, s. 1-23. DOI: 10.1080/14616742.2023.2214566
  • Historical Background, t.y.,
  • Isaacs, Rico / Rudzite, Liga. “Conceptualising Culture Wars in the Post-Communist Space: Latvia, the Istanbul Convention and the Struggle for Power”, Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 73, I. 8, 2021, s. 1418-1440, DOI: 10.1080/09668136.2021.1937574
  • İstanbul Sözleşmesi'ne karşı çıkan platform geri çekildi. 4.8.2020, ne-karsi-cikan-platform-geri-cekildi-228469
  • Johnston, Neil. “The History of the Parliamentary Franchise”, Research Paper, 13/14, 2013. Kadına Yönelik Şiddet ve Aile İçi Şiddetin Önlenmesi ve Bunlarla Mücadeleye Dair Avrupa Konseyi Sözleşmesi (2011), Avrupa Konseyi Sözleşmeler Dizisi- No. 210,
  • Keleş, Dilek / Onay, Duygu. “İslamcı Basında İstanbul Sözleşmesi Karşıtlığının İzlekleri: Millî Gazete Örneği”. Kültür ve İletişim, Cilt 24(2), Sayı 48, 2022, s. 372-405. DOI: 10.18691/kulturveiletisim.915364
  • Kütük Kuris, Merve. “The rise and fall of support for the Istanbul Convention: Understanding the case of KADEM”, Women's Studies International Forum, 93, 2022, s.1-14.
  • Kølvraa, Christoffer & Ifversen, Jan. “The attraction of ideology: discourse, desire and the body”. Journal of Political Ideologies, volume 22, issue 2, June 2017, s. 182–196.
  • Married Women’s Property Act, 1882,
  • Nagy, Alíz. “The Non-Ratification of the Istanbul Convention – Gender Inequality in Hungary”, V4 Human Rights Review, No. 3, 2020, s. 19-21.
  • Özdil Gümüş, Esra. "The Contemporary Debates on Conservative Family: The Case of the Istanbul Convention," RAIS Conference Proceedings 0054, 2021, s. 43-52.
  • Parti, Katalin. “Illiberal and Populist Political Narratives on Gender and Underreporting of Sexual Violence: A Case Study of Hungary”, Politics and Governance (ISSN: 2183–2463), Vol. 10, I. 4, 2022, s. 1-11.
  • Positive Discrimination (t.y.), language_content _entity=en
  • Resmi Gazete, 2021, Squire, Isobel, “Gender Ideology and the Istanbul Convention in Bulgaria”, [Master’s thesis, Aalborg Universitet], 2018.
  • Stubbs, Paul / Lendvai-Bainton, Noemi. “Authoritarian Neoliberalism, Radical Conservatism and Social Policy within the European Union: Croatia, Hungary and Poland”, Development and Change, Vol. 51, I.2, 2019, s. 540–560. DOI: 10.1111/dech.12565.
  • Susser, Bernard. “The domains of ideological discourse”. Journal of Political Ideologies, 1(2), 2011, s.165–181. Türkiye’nin İstanbul Sözleşmesi’nden Çekilmesine İlişkin Açıklama, 21.03.2021, aciklama
  • Ünal, Didem. “Securitization of gender as a modus operandi of populism: anti-gender discourses on the Istanbul Convention in the context of AKP’s illiberal transformation”, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 2023, s. 1- 21. DOI: 10.1080/14683857.2023.2262227 Van Dijk, Teun A. “Discourse and Ideology”, içinde: Discourse Studies: A Multidisciplinary Introduction, Sage, 2011.
  • Vassileva, Radosveta. “A Perfect Storm: The Extraordinary Constitutional Attack against the Istanbul Convention in Bulgaria”, Osteuropa Recht, Vol.68, I.1, 2022, s. 78-96. DOI: 10.5771/0030-6444-2022-1
  • Violence against women, 25.3.2024, women
  • What is the Istanbul Conventıon? Who is it for? Why is it important? (t.y.), Yetkin, Murat, İşte Erdoğan’dan fesih isteyen İstanbul Sözleşmesi raporu, 23.7.2020., erişim 21.02.2024.
  • Zorgdrager, Heleen, “Ukrainian churches in defence of ‘traditional values’: two case studies and some methodological considerations”, Religion, State & Society, Vol. 48, I. 2-3, 2020, s. 90-106. DOI: 10.1080/09637494.2020.1757372

İdeolojik Söylemler ve Kadın Hakları: İstanbul Sözleşmesi Örneği

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 569 - 587


İstanbul Sözleşmesinin imzalanmasının ardından özellikle Doğu Avrupa ülkelerinin bir kısmında ciddi tartışmalar yaşanmıştır. Bu tartışmaların dikkat çekici tarafı, sözleşmenin içeriğinden ziyade çeşitli varsayımlar ve tehditler üzerinden yürütülmüş olmalarıdır. Her tür şiddeti önlemek maksadıyla ortaya çıkan söz konusu metin, bazı ülkeler tarafından hemen kabul edilerek iç mevzuata yansıtılmış, ancak Doğu Avrupa ülkelerin çoğunda belge imzalanmasına rağmen meclis onayı gerçekleşmemiştir. Benzer tartışmaların yaşandığı Türkiye ise, sözleşmenin mecliste onaylanıp iç mevzuatına yansıtılmasına karşın zaman içinde bu sözleşmeden çekilen ilk ve tek ülke olmuştur. Sözleşme karşıtlığının yaygın olduğu ve çeşitli tartışmaların yaşandığı ülkelerin hemen hepsinde bazı benzerlikler ve tartışmalara esas teşkil eden ortak noktalar bulunduğu görülmektedir. Buna göre, tartışmalar metnin içeriğinde yer alan kadın ve şiddetin önlenmesine dönük olmaktan ziyade, sözleşmenin gizli bir gündemi olduğu, milli ve manevi değerlerin altının oyulmasının hedeflendiği gibi hususlara yoğunlaşmıştır. Bu çalışma, İstanbul Sözleşmesi üzerinden kadın konusunun bahsi geçen ülkelerde nasıl tartışıldığını ve bu tartışmalarda öne çıkan benzerliklere odaklanmaktadır. Bu bağlamda çeşitli Doğu Avrupa ülkelerinden örnekler ile Türkiye’de yürütülen tartışmaların benzer tarafları vurgulanmış, ayrıca, söz konusu tartışmalarda özü teşkil eden kadın konusunun ideolojik bakış ve yorumların hedefinde kalması sebebiyle sağlıklı tartışmalar yürütülme zemininin ortadan kalktığı ileri sürülmektedir.


  • Aydın-Düzgit, Senem. “De-Europeanisation through Discourse: A Critical Discourse Analysis of AKP’s Election Speeches”, South European Society and Politics, Vol. 21, I.1, 2016, s. 45-58, DOI: 10.1080/13608746.2016.1147717
  • Balogh, Lídia. “The Ratification Status of the Council of Europe's Istanbul Convention Among EU Member States”, MTA Law Working Papers, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia / Hungarian Academy of Sciences Budapest ISSN 2064-4515, 2020
  • Bayar, Tuğba. “Turkey’s withdrawal from Istanbul Convention: international human rights regime vis-à-vis authoritarian survival”, Turkish Studies, Vol. 25, I.1, 2023, s. 22-42 DOI: 10.1080/14683849.2023.2262721
  • Bodur Ün, Marella & Arıkan, Harun. “Europeanization and De-Europeanization of Turkey’s Gender Equality Policy: The Case of the Istanbul Convention”, JCMS, Vol. 60, Number 4, 2022, s. 945–962.
  • Bosak, Martina / Vajda, Maja Munivrana. “The reality behind the Istanbul convention: Shattering conservative delusions”, Women's Studies International Forum, 2019, s. 77-83.
  • Cerami, Carola. “Turkey, Europe and Women’s Rights: The Controversial Debate on the Istanbul Convention”, Nuovi Autoritarismi e Democrazie: Diritto, Istituzioni, Società V. 3 N. 1, 2021, s. 187-195.
  • Commonwealth Electoral Act. 1962,
  • Council of Europe. “The Protection of Women Against Violence Recommendation No. R (2002) 5 of the Committee of Ministers and Explanatory Memorandum”, Equality Division, Directorate General of Human Rights (Strasbourg, Council of Europe), 2004. Cumhurbaşkanı'na sunulan "İstanbul Sözleşmesi" değerlendirme raporundan önemli detaylar (16.7.2020), sozlesmesi-degerlendirme-raporundan-onemli-detaylar-131767
  • Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women. 20.12.1993, mechanisms/instruments/declaration-elimination-violence-against-women.
  • Elsner, Regina. “Ukrainian Churches and the Implementation of the Istanbul Convention in Ukraine: Being Europe Without Accepting “Gender””, The Review of Faith & International Affairs, Vol.20, I. 3, 2022, s. 63-76, DOI: 10.1080/15570274.2022.2111797
  • Eslen-Ziya, Hande. “Establishing networked misogyny as a counter movement: The analysis of the online anti- Istanbul convention presence”. Convergence, Vol. 28, I.6, 2022, s. 1737-1753.
  • Ferguson, Michaele L. “Neoliberal feminism as political ideology: revitalizing the study of feminist political ideologies”. Journal of Political Ideologies, 2017, volume 22, issue 3, s. 221–235.
  • Freeden, Michael. Ideologies and Political Theory: A Conceptual Approach. 1996, Oxford University Press, Oxford
  • Gavrić, Saša. “Understanding Substantive Representation of Women in Consociational Post-Conflict Political Systems”, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 2023, Vol. 30 , s. 173-191, DOI: 10.1080/13537113.2023.2266155
  • Güneş, Ayşe / Ezikoğlu, Çağlar. “Legal and Political Challenges of Gender Equality and Crimes Against Women in Turkey: The Question of Istanbul Convention”, Women & Criminal Justice, Vol.33, I. 1, 2023, s. 14-27, DOI: 10.1080/08974454.2022.2040695
  • Gwiazda, Anna / Minkova, Liana. “Gendered advocacy coalitions and the Istanbul Convention: a comparative analysis of Bulgaria and Poland”, International Feminist Journal of Politics, 2023, s. 1-23. DOI: 10.1080/14616742.2023.2214566
  • Historical Background, t.y.,
  • Isaacs, Rico / Rudzite, Liga. “Conceptualising Culture Wars in the Post-Communist Space: Latvia, the Istanbul Convention and the Struggle for Power”, Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 73, I. 8, 2021, s. 1418-1440, DOI: 10.1080/09668136.2021.1937574
  • İstanbul Sözleşmesi'ne karşı çıkan platform geri çekildi. 4.8.2020, ne-karsi-cikan-platform-geri-cekildi-228469
  • Johnston, Neil. “The History of the Parliamentary Franchise”, Research Paper, 13/14, 2013. Kadına Yönelik Şiddet ve Aile İçi Şiddetin Önlenmesi ve Bunlarla Mücadeleye Dair Avrupa Konseyi Sözleşmesi (2011), Avrupa Konseyi Sözleşmeler Dizisi- No. 210,
  • Keleş, Dilek / Onay, Duygu. “İslamcı Basında İstanbul Sözleşmesi Karşıtlığının İzlekleri: Millî Gazete Örneği”. Kültür ve İletişim, Cilt 24(2), Sayı 48, 2022, s. 372-405. DOI: 10.18691/kulturveiletisim.915364
  • Kütük Kuris, Merve. “The rise and fall of support for the Istanbul Convention: Understanding the case of KADEM”, Women's Studies International Forum, 93, 2022, s.1-14.
  • Kølvraa, Christoffer & Ifversen, Jan. “The attraction of ideology: discourse, desire and the body”. Journal of Political Ideologies, volume 22, issue 2, June 2017, s. 182–196.
  • Married Women’s Property Act, 1882,
  • Nagy, Alíz. “The Non-Ratification of the Istanbul Convention – Gender Inequality in Hungary”, V4 Human Rights Review, No. 3, 2020, s. 19-21.
  • Özdil Gümüş, Esra. "The Contemporary Debates on Conservative Family: The Case of the Istanbul Convention," RAIS Conference Proceedings 0054, 2021, s. 43-52.
  • Parti, Katalin. “Illiberal and Populist Political Narratives on Gender and Underreporting of Sexual Violence: A Case Study of Hungary”, Politics and Governance (ISSN: 2183–2463), Vol. 10, I. 4, 2022, s. 1-11.
  • Positive Discrimination (t.y.), language_content _entity=en
  • Resmi Gazete, 2021, Squire, Isobel, “Gender Ideology and the Istanbul Convention in Bulgaria”, [Master’s thesis, Aalborg Universitet], 2018.
  • Stubbs, Paul / Lendvai-Bainton, Noemi. “Authoritarian Neoliberalism, Radical Conservatism and Social Policy within the European Union: Croatia, Hungary and Poland”, Development and Change, Vol. 51, I.2, 2019, s. 540–560. DOI: 10.1111/dech.12565.
  • Susser, Bernard. “The domains of ideological discourse”. Journal of Political Ideologies, 1(2), 2011, s.165–181. Türkiye’nin İstanbul Sözleşmesi’nden Çekilmesine İlişkin Açıklama, 21.03.2021, aciklama
  • Ünal, Didem. “Securitization of gender as a modus operandi of populism: anti-gender discourses on the Istanbul Convention in the context of AKP’s illiberal transformation”, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 2023, s. 1- 21. DOI: 10.1080/14683857.2023.2262227 Van Dijk, Teun A. “Discourse and Ideology”, içinde: Discourse Studies: A Multidisciplinary Introduction, Sage, 2011.
  • Vassileva, Radosveta. “A Perfect Storm: The Extraordinary Constitutional Attack against the Istanbul Convention in Bulgaria”, Osteuropa Recht, Vol.68, I.1, 2022, s. 78-96. DOI: 10.5771/0030-6444-2022-1
  • Violence against women, 25.3.2024, women
  • What is the Istanbul Conventıon? Who is it for? Why is it important? (t.y.), Yetkin, Murat, İşte Erdoğan’dan fesih isteyen İstanbul Sözleşmesi raporu, 23.7.2020., erişim 21.02.2024.
  • Zorgdrager, Heleen, “Ukrainian churches in defence of ‘traditional values’: two case studies and some methodological considerations”, Religion, State & Society, Vol. 48, I. 2-3, 2020, s. 90-106. DOI: 10.1080/09637494.2020.1757372
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Law, Gender and Sexuality
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri (Research Articles)

Şeyma Akın 0000-0002-2000-2287

Early Pub Date December 3, 2024
Publication Date
Submission Date April 20, 2024
Acceptance Date October 25, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 7 Issue: 3


MLA Akın, Şeyma. “İdeolojik Söylemler Ve Kadın Hakları: İstanbul Sözleşmesi Örneği”. Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 3, 2024, pp. 569-87.


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