Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Ethics Committee Approval and Permissions
Northern Journal of Health Sciences covers current, clinical and experimental original articles, reviews, case reports and letters to the editor in the field of Health Sciences. The ethical rules that authors, editors, referees and publishers must comply with are carried out in accordance with the guidelines and policies published by the "Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)". The studies submitted to the journal must comply with ethical and scientific standards and the scientific, ethical and legal responsibilities of the published articles belong to the author(s).
Articles submitted to the Northern Journal of Health Sciences must not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The formal, scientific and ethical appropriateness of the manuscripts submitted to the journal are reviewed by the editor/field editor and at least three referees, and if deemed necessary, the manuscripts are published after the required changes are made by the authors.
Ethics committee approval must be obtained for all human or animal studies. In the "Materials and Methods" section of the study, the institution where the Ethics Committee Approval was obtained, the approval number and the date (day-month-year) of approval should be specified. In addition, in the "Materials and Methods" section of the study, the authors must state that they conducted the study in accordance with the Principles of the Declaration of Helsinki, and that they obtained ethics committee approval and "informed consent" from the individuals participating in the study. In studies with experimental animals, the authors should state in the "Materials and Methods" section of the study that they protected animal rights in their studies in accordance with the principles of "Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals" and that they obtained the approval of the ethics committee for animal experiments.
In case presentations, "Informed consent" must be obtained from the patients and must be stated in the study.
In manuscripts submitted for publication, the authors should not be asked to change the order of authorship or add or remove authors. The author(s) should inform the editor and editorial board when they realize the error about their article at the evaluation and early view stage or electronically, and contact them to correct or withdraw it.
If there is a direct or indirect commercial connection or financial support for the study, the authors should indicate the commercial product used; if there is no such situation, they should state that they have no commercial relations with the company or that they have a relationship with the company.

Author's Responsibility
The responsible author of the study should fill out the "Copyright Transfer Form" and sign it on behalf of himself/herself and other authors and upload it to the journal system. He/she should also enter his/her and other authors' ORCID information into the system. All articles submitted to our journal are checked for plagiarism by iThenticate and/or Turnitin programs during the pre-control phase. The similarity rate in the plagiarism report generated after the plagiarism check should be maximum 20%. Articles with a similarity rate above this rate are rejected. Articles submitted for publication in our journal should not be similar to any previously published article, including the authors' personal publications.

All publication rights of the studies accepted for publication belong to the publishing institution. No royalties are paid for the articles published in the journal. Authors should fill out the "Transfer of Publication Rights Form" on the journal website and upload it to the system together with the study. Manuscripts submitted without the Publication Rights Transfer Form will not be evaluated.

All manuscripts submitted to the Northern Journal of Health Sciences should be scanned by the authors using a licensed application (iThenticate) and the similarity report should be uploaded to the system together with the manuscript files. Acceptable similarity rate is below 20%. Manuscripts with similarity above the specified rate are rejected without evaluation.

Northern Journal of Health Sciences is an open access journal. The journal provides free access to the issues published online in electronic media and the full texts of the articles in the issues as soon as they are published.

Last Update Time: 6/26/24, 4:34:58 PM