Writing and Publishing Guidelines of Nûbihar Akademî Journal

1. The articles submitted for publication must not have been published somewhere else before or be in reviewing process. If an article has been presented in a congress, symposium or another meeting, it can be published upon approval of the board of publication and on condition that the date and place of the presentation are stated. The responsibility in this respect belongs exclusively to the author.

2. Articles including whole text, indented paragraphs, notes and references must be written only on one face of an A4 paper with 12 font size in Times New Roman writing characters and with 1. 5 line of writing space; 4. 5 cm space on both sides of paper and 3 cm space on the top and bottom of paper. The article must bear page numbers on right bottom corner. Articles must not be more than 30 pages, including notes and references, and must be delivered with tables, figures and drawings if any. Figures, photographs, graphics and drawings must be numbered and in the text when it is necessary the numbers must be mentioned and their titles must be written on the below. If they are quoted from a different source, then their source must be stated. The source and references must be given within the text (according to APA 6th Edition style). Referencing information must be provided in detail at the end of article and if necessary references can be given in footnote.

3. Articles must be written in a Microsoft Word file for faster page-setting and publication, and sent to bihar Akademî Journal e-mail address. Handwritten articles will not be reviewed.

4. Articles must be submitted in the following order: Title (capital letters), name of author or authors, abstract, the full text, references and (Extended abstracat). The titles of the articles need to be written in both languages (Kurdish-English or English-Kurdish). Titles cannot be written with more than 14 words. The first letter of each word in the title should be capital. Under the title, names of authors will be presented and in the footnote their academic appellation, their affiliation, department, research area, and e-mail adresses will be indicated. Abstracts must be written in both Kurdish and English. The first abstract will be provided in the language the article is written in and the second abstrast will be in the second language. In Kurdish articles the Kurdish abstract needs to be provided in the dialect the article is written in, while in English articles the abstract can be written in any dialect the authors prefer. Abstracts must be written with less than 120 words. Key words should be defined below every abstarct. The articles must absolutely have “Introduction” and “Conclusion” parts. Meanwhile, the ‘’referances’’ part must be placed, as well. References need to comply with the APA style instructions. In case of need, additionally parts such as ‘’method’’, ‘’results’’ and ‘’discussion’’ can be included. Only in Kurdish articles, “(Extended abstracat)”. part will be written in English. “Extended Summary’ must be written in the range of 500 to 750 words and should not include subsections (e. g. Introduction, Method) and should reflect the basic ideas in the article in paragraphs. Quotation should not be included in the summary.

5. The author is responsible for the accurateness of references. As mentioned above, references must be given within the text. If there are any notes, they should be numbered within the text and placed at the bottom of the text by order of numbers.

6. It must be stated in the application letter that (a) the article is original, (b) it has been read and approved by author(s) and (c) it has not been published as a whole in any publication before.

Last Update Time: 12/14/23, 10:49:16 AM

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