Writing Rules

Article Preparation

Language: Kurdish, English, Turkish, Persian, Arabic
The language of the journal is Kurdish, English, Turkish, Persian and Arabic.

Article Types: Research article, translation article, book review
However, we advise the authors to be as concise as possible for the dissemination of the work.

Article Format: A4
Image Format: JPEG Minimum 300 dpi
Citation Style: APA 6.

Author Change: Only processed before the article is accepted. Authors are required to carefully review the list and order of authors before submitting their manuscript and provide the final author list at the time of original submission.

Format and Spelling
1. The manuscript should be written in Microsoft Word to make the layout and page layout faster and easier.
2. Articles should be written in Times New Roman font and 12-point font. Line spacing is 1.5 pt. If special fonts are used, their files should also be sent.
3. Research articles should not exceed 30 pages with notes and references, and thesis introductions, book reviews and short articles should not exceed 10 pages.
4. Figures, photographs, graphs and tables should be numbered and their numbers should be shown when needed in the article. Their titles should be written under their captions and if they are cited elsewhere, their references should be indicated in the footnote.
5. Unless there is a special case, examples should be given in alphabetical order:
German, Japanese, Kurdish, Turkish.
Amediye, Diyarbakır, Malatya, Istanbul, Van...

Article Plan
The article planning is as follows in order: Title of the article, author's name, abstract, keywords, text of the article, bibliography and extended abstract.

• Titles;
• In Kurdish articles, Kurdish + English
• In English articles, English + Kurdish
• Turkish, Persian and Arabic articles should be written in the language of the article + English + Kurdish.
• The title of the article should be parallel to the purpose and framework.
• Titles should use a maximum of 14 words.
• In Kurdish articles, Kurdish titles should be written in the dialect in which the article is written, and in other articles in a dialect preferred by the author.
• Titles should be in black and bold, 14-point font, and the first letter of the words should be capitalized except for conjunctions.

Author's Name
• Author's name and surname should be written under the title of the article.
• Author's Name | ORCID | E-Mail, University Name, Faculty Name, Department Name, City, Country and ROR ID should be written below the article title.

• Kurdish articles, Kurdish + English
• In English articles, English + Kurdish
• Turkish, Persian and Arabic articles should be written in the language of the article + English + Kurdish.
• Kurdish abstracts in Kurdish articles should be written in the dialect in which the article is written; Kurdish abstracts in English, Turkish, Persian and Arabic articles should be written in the dialect preferred by the author.
• The abstract should be between 150-200 words.

• The keywords of the article should be written at the end of all abstracts in the language in which the abstract is written.
• The word count should be between 5-8.
• Except for the first word and special words, the first letters of the keywords should be written in lower case.
• A comma (,) should be placed between words and a period (.) should be placed at the end of all words.

Text of the Article
• The article should be written in an understandable language, scientific style and objective evaluations.
• The text of the articles should definitely include introduction, conclusion and references sections. Depending on the situation, the research purpose, theoretical framework (literature review), methodology, findings, results, discussion and recommendation sections should also be written independently.

The bibliography/bibliography section should be prepared according to the APA system. This system is explained in detail in the "Reference, Citation and Bibliography" section of the publication guide.

Extended Abstract
• The extended abstract should be written in English for Kurdish, Turkish, Persian and Arabic articles.
• The extended abstract should be placed after the bibliography of the article.
• The extended abstract should be 500-750 words.
• Extended abstracts should not include subheadings (introduction, rules, etc.), bibliography references and citations.
• The extended abstract should contain the main idea of the article.
• Extended abstracts should include the introduction, research purpose, theoretical framework (literature review), methodology, findings, conclusions and recommendation sections of the article without using a title.

Citation, Quotation and Bibliography

Source Display Style
1. Articles should be prepared according to the sixth version of the APA (American Psychological Association) Citation System.
2. In the discipline, APA 6 footnote or in-text system, whichever is widely used, may be preferred.
3. If there are any notes, they are numbered in the article and written according to their number in the footnote.
4. The author is responsible for the accuracy and inaccuracy of the sources.

1- Quotations exceeding 40 words are given in blocks. These quotations should start one tab in from the left side and should be written in 11 pt. without double quotation marks. Quotations of less than 40 words in the text should be given in double quotation marks and in 12-point font.
2- If two authors with the same surname appear in the text, their names are written with their surnames. Example: "As Shahab Vali said ...", "As Abbas Vali said ..."
3- If the original source is not available and the author has quoted it from a second-hand source, the original source is indicated in [] both in the text and in the bibliography.

1- Detailed information about the sources cited in the text of the article is given in the "Bibliography" section at the end of the article, and if necessary, it can be shown in footnotes in the text of the article.
2- The references given in the "References/Bibliography" section should be listed alphabetically according to the surnames of the authors.
3- The bibliography should be prepared according to the system of the sixth version of APA (American Psychological Association, 6th edition).
4- Old authors/poets and names should be written as in the original, not according to the surname system (such as Ahmad-i Khanî, Şerefhan-i Bidlîsî, Hafız-i Şîrazî...)
5- In manuscript works, the date of printing should be written instead of the date of printing. If it is absent or illegible, a note at the end of the source as "manuscript/original work" should suffice.
6- For sources that do not include the date or place of printing in the credits, (no date: ty) or (no place: yy) should be written in parentheses.
7- The names of the cities where the source was published should be written according to the generic spelling.
8- If two or more sources by the same author are used and their publication dates are the same year, they should be coded in alphabetical order. Example: (Eagleton, 2014a) (Eagleton, 2014b).



Single Author Book

Ebdulla, N. (2008). Mem û Zîna Ehmedê Xanî. Erbil: Aras.
Ref: (Ebdulla, 2008, r. 13)
Fuad, K. (1970). Kurdische Handschriften. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner.
Ref: (Fuad, 1970, r. 13)
Tek, A. (2018). A Shâir without a Master, a Text without a Father: A Study on Mem û Zîn and its Ottoman Translations. Istanbul: Nûbihar.
Ref: (Tek, 2018, p. 13)
Ülken, H. Z. (1997). The Role of Translation in the Periods of Awakening. Istanbul: Ülken.
Ref: (Ülken, 1997, r. 13)

Book with more than one author

Alexie, S. & Akif, H. (2001). Ahmedê Khanî: Mem et Zîn. Paris: L'Harmattan.
Ref: (Alexie & Akif, 2001, r.13)
Aslanoglu, O. & Islamoglu, B. & ûyd... (2011). Ferhenga Pirzimanî. Istanbul: Nûbihar.
Ref: (Aslanoğlu & ûyd, 2011, r. 13)
Cindî, H. & Evdal, E. (2008). Folklora Kurmanca. Istanbul: Avesta.
Ref: (Cindî & Evdal, 2008, p. 13)
Malmîsanij & Lewendî, M. (1992). Li Kurdistana Bakur û Li Tirkîyê Rojnamegerîya Kurdî (1908-1992). Ankara, r. Özge.
Ref: (Malmîsanij & Lewendî, 1992, r. 13)
Mosteller, F. & Rourke, R. E. K. & ûyd... (1967). Probability and Statistics. Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing.
Ref: (Mosteller & ûyd, 1967, r. 13)

Edited/Compiled Books (Book whit an Editor)

Çakmak, Y. & Şur, T. (Eds.) (2018). Portraits from Kurdish History and Politics. Istanbul: İletişim.
Ref: (Çakmak & Şur, 2018, p. 13)
Gündoğdu Yücel, S. & ûyd. (Ed.). (2019). Current Issues in Kurdish Linguistics. Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press.
Ref: (Gündoğdu Yücel & ûyd, 2019, p. 13)
Halman, T. S. & ûyd. (Ed.). (2006). History of Turkish Literature. Ankara: Ministry of Culture and Tourism Publications.
Ref: (Halman & ûyd, 2006, r. 13)
Subaşı, K & Geyik, R. (Ed.). (2017). Gotarên Zimannasîyê. Istanbul: Nûbihar.
Ref: (Subaşı & Geyik, 2017, p. 13)
Vali, A. (ed.). (2003). Essays on the Origins of Kurdish Nationalism. California: Mazda.
Ref: (Vali, 2003, r. 13)

Chapter in an edited book: (Chapter in an edited book)

Blau, J. (2010). "Written Kurdish Literature." A History of Persian Literature: XVIII. (Ed: Mohsen Ashtiany & Ulrich Marzolph). New York: I. B. Tauris.
Ref: (Blau, 2010, r. 13)
Gündoğdu Yücel, S. (2015). Negation in Kurmanji. Manova, S. (Ed.). Affix Ordering Across Languages and Frameworks, (154-171). London: Oxford University Press.
Ref: (Gündoğdu, 2015, r. 13)
Vali, S. (2017). A Manzum Document on Guran Kurds in the Qajar-Ottoman Wars: Mîrzayê Kerendî's Jeng-name. Özcoşar, İ. & Vali, S. (Eds.). The Ottoman State and the Kurds, (263-291). Istanbul: Kitap.
Ref: (Vali, 2017, r. 13)


Soleimani, K. (2016). Islam and Competing Nationalisms in The Middle East, 1876-1926. https://books.google.com.tr/books?id=WP9jDAAAQBAJ&lpg=PR2&dq=editions%3ARfunL12OCAYC&pg=PR5#v=onepage&q&f=false 
Ref: (Soleimani, 2016, r. 13)

Books Written by Corporations (Book whit a corporate author)

State Institute of Statistics. (2004). Statistical Yearbook of Turkey. Ankara: State Institute of Statistics.
Ref: (State Institute of Statistics, 2004, p. 13)
Ministry of Interior. (1968). Our Villages. Ankara: Başbakanlık Basımevi.
Ref: (Ministry of Interior, 1968, r. 13)
World Health Organization. (2021). COVID-19: Occupational Health and Safety for Health Workers. Geneva: WHO.
Ref: (World Health Organization, 2021, r. 13)

Articles Published in Print Journals (Print Journal Articles)

Dehqan, M. (2007). A Late Ottoman Turkish Verse Version of Xanî's Mem û Zîn in the Manuscript Collection ot the Islamic Consultative Assembly Library I. Manuscripta Orientalia, vol: 13. (2), 55-58.?
Ref: (Dehqan, 2007, r. 60)
Şerîfî, A. (2015). Muqayeseyek Digel Mesnewîya Kurdî Mem û Zîna Ehmedê Xanî û Leyla û Majnûna Nizamî. (wer: Ayhan Geverî). Nûbihar, 131, 19-24.
Ref: (Şerîfî, 2015, r.19)
Tezcan, N. (2010). Historical Transformation of Masnavi Literature According to the Reasons. Doğu-Batı, 52, 49-74.
Ref: (Tezcan, 2010, r. 60)

Articles Published in Electronic Journals (E-Journal Articles)

Alsancakli, S. (2016). The Early History of Kurdish Studies (1787-1901), Die Welt Des Islams, 56, 55-88.
Ref: (Alsancakli, 2016, p. 60)
Gündoğdu, S. (2016). Remarks on Vowels and Consonants in Kurmanji. Anemon Muş Alparslan University Journal of Social Sciences, 4, (1), 57-70.
Ref: (Gündoğdu, 2016, r. 60)
Tek, A. (2019). Mourning for Karbala as a Rupture and Reconstruction in Collective Memory, Monograph, 11, http://monografjournal.com/sayilar/11/kollektif-bellekte-kirilma-ve-yeniden-insa-olarak-kerbela-yasi-monograf-11.pdf
Ref: (Tek, 2019)


Kut, G. (2003). Lâmii Çelebi. Encyclopedia of Islam, (27, 96-97). Ankara: Türkîye Dîyanet Foundation.
Ref: (Kut, 2003, r. 96)


Nisanyan, S. Nisanyan Dictionary: http://www.nisanyansozluk.com 
Ref: (Nişanyan)

Thesis (Theses)

Ergün, Z. (2012). Di Peydabûna Edebîyata Kurdî ya li Cizîra Botan de Karîgerîya Bajarvanîyê. (Teza Lîsansa Bilind ya Çapnebûyî). Mardin Artuklu University, Mardin.
Ref: (Ergün, 2012, p. 60)
Zeydanlioglu, W. (2007). Kemalism's Others: The Reproduction of Orientalism in Tukey. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge.
Ref: (Zeydanlioglu, 2007, p. 60)


Independent Sites

Yee, I. H. (2003). Cataloging and metadata education: a proposal for preparing cataloging professionals of the 21st century. wergirtina ji înternetê: June 26, 2005, http://www.loc.gov/catdir/bibcontrol/ 
Ref: (Yee)

Digital Articles

Altun, A. (2003). E-literacy. Journal of National Education, 158. Access Date: January 10, 2003, http://www.meb.gov.tr/index800.htm 
Ref: (Altun, 2003)

Digital Articles from the same Database

Aknem, K. (2005). Approaches to meta-analysis: a guide for LIS researchers. Library & Information Science Research, 27(2),164-176. Database Accessed February 25, 2005, ScienceDirect
Ref: (Aknem, 2005, p. 168)

Digital Presentation

Ergun, C. (2002, December 19-21). Metadata and its use in libraries. Presentation at the VIII. Organized "Internet in Turkey" Conference. Retrieved December 29, 2003, from http://inet-tr.org.tr/inet conf8/bildiri/86.doc 
Ref: (Ergun, 2002, p. 3)

Email Sent to Contact Group

Isik, E. (2003, 5 Mijdar). Plant library. Email sent to the Kutup-L Group, available at http://listproc.metu.edu.tr.9000/reguster/archieves/KUTUPL/kutupl.log200311/msg00008.html.
Ref: (Isik, 2003)


Encyclopedia Articles

Ersoy, O. (1973). Paper and Papermaking. In Turkish Encyclopedia (c.21, r. 112-115). Ankara: Ministry of National Education.
Ref: (Ersoy, 1973, r. 113)


Turkish Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association (1999). Restructuring vocational and technical education in Turkey (Report No: TY/184/1999). Istanbul: Turkish Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association.
First Submission
(Turkish Industry and Business Association [TÜSİAD], 1999, p. 32)
Subsequent References
(TÜSİAD, 1999, r. 37

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