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Joos van Ghistele’nin Hac Seyahati Anlatısında (1491) İslam ve Osmanlılara Dair Söylemi

Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 219 - 234, 26.12.2021


Bu makale, Ortaçağ Avrupa zihniyet tarihi açısından zengin bilgiler sunan Burgonyalı soylu Joos van Ghistele’nin 1491’de Ambrosius Zeebout’a yazdırdığı Hristiyan hac seyahatnamesinin söylem analizini içermektedir. Bu seyahatname, 15. yüzyılın sonlarında Hristiyan Avrupa medeniyetinin İslam’ı ve Osmanlı’yı tasvir ederken ürettiği yaygın söylemi incelemek için önemli bilgiler içeren bir kaynaktır. Çalışmanın amacı, Burgonya kökenli metindeki İslam ve Türk karşıtı söylem ve temsilin, ortaçağdan itibaren Avrupa’da dini, siyasi ve kültürel hedefler doğrultusunda nasıl kurgulandığını beyan etmektir. İdeolojik düzlemde bu söylemin, 15. yüzyılda Avrupa’da oluşmaya başlayan merkezi devlet yapılarıyla bağlantılı olduğu ve Latin Kilisesinin dogmaları tarafından belirlendikleri öne sürülmüştür. Bu söylemin ana hatlarının, modern zamanlardaki Batı sömürgeciliğinden çok önce, orta çağda Hıristiyan teolojisi ve haçlı ideolojisi bağlamında şekillendiği vurgulanmıştır. Joos van Ghistele seyahatnamesinde bu söylem, belli bir strateji güdülerek kullanılmıştır. Osmanlıların Avrupa'nın ezeli hasmı ve İslam’ın “sapkın bir mezhep” gibi kurgulanması Avrupa’nın kendisini “mükemmel, erdemli ve üstün Hıristiyan” olarak tanımlamasına hizmet etmiştir.


  • De la Broquière, Bertrandon, Le voyage d’Outremer de Bertrandon de la Broquière, yay. haz. C. Schéfer, Paris, Leroux 1892. Bertrandon de la Broquière’in Denizaşırı Seyahati, çev. İlhan Arda, İstanbul: Eren, 2000.
  • De Mézières, Philippe, Une epistre lamentable et consolatoire adressée en 1397 à Philippe le Hardi, duc de Bourgogne, sur la défaite de Nicopolis (1396), yay. haz.. Philippe Contamine ve Jacques Paviot, Paris, 2008.
  • Medieval Sourcebook, Center of Medieval Studies at Fordham University, online erişim:
  • Oeuvres de Ghillebert de Lannoy, voyageur, diplomate et moraliste, yay. haz. Ch. Potvin, Leuven, Lefever, 1878.
  • Zeebout, Ambrosius, Tvoyage van Mher Joos van Ghistele, yay. haz. Renaat J. G. A. A. Gaspar, Hilversum, Verloren, 1998.
  • Abu-Lughod, Janet, Avrupa Hegemonyasından Önce: 1250-1350 Yılları Arasında Dünya Sistemi, VBKY, İstanbul, 2020.
  • Abu-Lughod, Janet, Before European Hegemony: the World System A.D. 1250-1350, Oxford Un. Press, Oxford, 1989.
  • Babinger Franz, Mehmed the Conqueror and His Time, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1978.
  • Babinger Franz, Fatih Sultan Mehmed ve Zamanı, çev. Dost Körpe, Oğlak Yay., İstanbul, 2003.
  • Bacqué-Grammont, Jean-Louis, “Le château Saint-Pierre de Bodrum et ses défenseurs à quatre pattes au temps des Chevaliers de Rhodes”, Anthropozoologica 43/2 (2008) s. 39-46.
  • Bejczy, Istvan, “Between Mandeville and Columbus. Tvoyage by Joos van Ghistele”, ed. Z. Van Martels, Travel Fact and Travel Fiction. Studies on Fiction, Literary Tradition, Scholarly Discovery and Observation in Travel Writing, Brill, Leiden, 1994.
  • Bisaha, Nancy, Creating East and West. Renaissance Humanists and the Ottoman Turks, Un. Penn. Press, Philadelphia, 2004.
  • Blanks, David R. ve Frassetto, Michael (ed.), Western Views of Islam in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Perception of Other, Palgrave, New York, 1999.
  • Blockmans Wim ve Prevenier Walter, The Promised Lands. The Low Countries Under the Burgundian Rule, 1369-1530, PENN, Philadelphia, 1999.
  • Blockmans, Wim, “La Répression de révoltes urbaines comme méthode de centralisation dans les Pays-Bas bourguignons”, PCEEB 28 (1988) 5-9.
  • Boone, Marc, “Yet another failed state? The Huizinga-Pirenne Controversy on the Burgundian State Reconsidered”, ed. Peter Arnade, Martha Howell ve Anton van der Lem, Rereading Huizinga: Autumn of the Middle Ages. A Century Later, Amsterdam Un. Press, Amsterdam, 2019, s. 105-120.
  • Bostan, İdris, “Azeb”, TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi (online erişim).
  • Boulton, D’Arcy J. D., “The Order of the Golden Fleece and the Creation of Burgundian National Identity”, ed. Boulton ve Veenstra The Ideology of Burgundy: The Promotion of National Consciousness, 1364-1565, Brill, Leiden, 2006, s. 24-55.
  • Caron, Marie-Thérèse ve Clauzel, Denis (ed.), Le Banquet du Faisan, 1454. l’Occident face au défi de l’Empire ottoman, Artois Presses Université, Arras, 1997.
  • Caron, Marie-Thérèse, Les voeux du faisan, noblesse en fête, esprit de croisade. Le manuscrit français 11594 de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, Brepols, Turnhout 2003.
  • Cauchies, Jean-Marie, “État bourguignon ou États bourguignons? De la singularité d’un pluriel”, ed. Peter Hoppenbrouwers, Antheun Janse ve Robert Stein, Power and Persuasion. Essays on the Art of State Building in Honour of Wim Blockmans, Brepols, Brüksel, 2010, s. 49-58.
  • Classen, Albrecht, “The Diplomat Pilgrim Bertrandon de la Broquiere”, ed. A. Classen, East Meets West in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times. Transcultural Experiences in the Premodern World, De Gruyter, Berlin, 2013, s. 49-59.
  • Crone, G.R., “Joos van Ghistele and His Travels in the Levant”, The Geographical Journal, 83/5 (1934) s. 410-411.
  • Curtis, Michael, Orientalism and Islam. European Thinkers on Oriental Despotism in the Middle East and India, Cambridge Un. Press, Cambridge, 2012.
  • D’Alverny, Marie-Thérèse, “Deux traductions latines du Coran au Moyen Age”, Archives d’Histoire Doctrinaire et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 16 (1947-1948) s. 69-131.
  • Degryse, Roger, “Les expéditions bourguignonnes à Rhodes, Constantinople et Ceuta”, RSDHA 21 (1987) s. 39-41. Di Cesare, Michelina, The Pseudo-Historical Image of the Prophet Muḥammad in Medieval Latin Literature: A Repertory, De Gruyter, Berlin, 2012.
  • Gaspar, Renaat J.G.A.A, “An Old Account of Turkey in 1481”, Bibliotheca Orientalis, LVII (2000): s. 20-39.
  • Haemers, Jelle, De Gentse opstand (1449-1453). De strijd tussen netwerken om het stedelijke kapitaal, Kortrijk, Heule, 2004.
  • Harper, James G., “Turks as Trojans; Trojans as Turks: Visual Imagery of the Trojan War and the Politics of Cultural Identity in Fifteenth-Century Europe”, ed. Ananya Kabir ve Deanne Williams, Translating Cultures: Postcolonial Approaches to the Middle Ages, Cambridge Un. Press. Cambridge, 2005, s. 151-179.
  • Hentsch, Thierry, Hayali Doğu. Batı’nın Akdenizli Doğu’ya Politik Bakışı, Metis, İstanbul, 1996.
  • Imber, Colin, Varna Savaşı, çev. Ayda Arel, Kitap Yay., İstanbul, 2007.
  • Kaçar, Hilmi ve Dumolyn, Jan, “The Battle of Nicopolis (1396). Burgundian Catastrophe and Ottoman Fait Divers: The Relevance of the ‘Other’ in State Ideologies”, Revue belge de Philologie et d'Histoire 91/4 (2013) s. 905-934.
  • Kalın, İbrahim, “Batı’da İslam Algısının Tarihine Giriş”, Divan İlmi Araştırmalar 15/2 (2003) s. 1-51.
  • Kumrular, Özlem, Avrupa’da Türk Düşmanlığının Kökeni: Türk Korkusu, Doğan Yay., İstanbul, 2008.
  • Kütükoğlu, Mübahat S., “Defterdar”, TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi (online erişim).
  • Lacaze, Yvon, “Politique ‘mediterranéenne’ et projets de croisade chez Philippe le Bon: de la chute de Byzance à la victoire chrétienne de Belgrade (1453-1456)”, Annales de Bourgogne 41/161-162 (1969) s. 5-42 ve s. 81-132.
  • Lafortune-Martel, Agathe, Fête noble en Bourgogne au 15e siècle: Le Banquet du Faisan (1454): Aspects politiques, sociaux et culturels, Vrin, Paris, 1984.
  • Lagast, Alexia, “Omitted in Manuscript, Praised in Print: Nameless Noblemen in the Middle Dutch Travel Narrative Tvoyage van Mher Joos van Ghistele (ca. 1491)”, Bulletin des Musées Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire, 82 (2011) s. 101-118.
  • Lagast, Alexia, “Polémique ou neutralité? La représentation de Mahomet dans les récits de voyage de Josse de Ghistelles (1481-1485) et de Bernhard von Breydenbach (1483-1484)”, Publications du Centre Européen d'Etudes Bourguignonnes, 56 (2016) s. 175-189.
  • Luttrell, Anthony, “Latin Responses to Ottoman Expansion before 1389”, ed. Elizabeth Zachariadou, The Ottoman Emirate, 1300-1389, Crete Un. Press, Rethymnon, 1993, s.119-134.
  • Meserve, Margaret, Empires of Islam in Renaissance Historical Thought, Harvard Un. Press, Cambridge 2009.
  • Özcan, Abdülkadir, “Kapıcı”, TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi (online erişim).
  • Paviot, Jacques, La politique navale des ducs de Bourgogne, 1384-1482, Presses Universitaires, Lille, 1995.
  • Paviot, Jacques, Les ducs de Bourgogne. La croisade et l’Orient, Presses de l’Université de Paris-Sorbonne, Paris, 2003.
  • Potter, David, Renaissance France at War. Armies, Culture and Society, 1480-1560, Boydell Press, Woodbridge, 2008.
  • Richard, Jean, “La Bourgogne des Valois et l’idée de croisade et la défense de l’Europe”, ed. Marie-Thérèse Caron ve Denis Clauzel, Le banquet du faisan, Arras, 1997.
  • Richard, Jean, “Les prisonniers de Nicopolis”, Annales de Bourgogne, 68 (1996) s. 75-83.
  • Schröder, Stefan, “The Encounter with Islam between Doctrinal Image and Life Writing: Ambrosius Zeebout’s Report of Joos van Ghistele’s Travels to the East 1481-1485”, içinde: derl. Cordelia Heß ve Jonathan Adams, Fear and Loathing in the North. Jews and Muslims in Medieval Scandinavia and the Baltic Region, De Gruyter, Berlin, 2015, s. 83-106;
  • Smith, Jeffrey C.‚ “Portable Propaganda: Tapestries as Princely Metaphors at the Courts of Philip the Good and Charles the Bold”, The Art Journal 48/2 (1989) s. 123-129.
  • Sterchi, Bernhard, “The Importance of Reputation in the Theory and Practice of Burgundian Chivalry: Jean de Lannoy, the Croys, and the Order of the Golden Fleece”, ed. Boulton ve Veenstra The Ideology of Burgundy: The Promotion of National Consciousness, 1364-1565, Brill, Leiden, 2006, s. 99-115.
  • Şirin, İbrahim, Osmanlı İmgeleminde Avrupa, Lotus Yay., Ankara, 2006.
  • Şirin İbrahim, “Seyahatnamelerin Sosyal Bilimlerde Kullanım Değeri: Seyahatname Metodolojisi Geliştirmenin Zorunluluğu”, Türk Yurdu Dergisi, 33/310 (2013) s. 38-43.
  • Taparel, Henri, “Une episode de la politique orientale de Philippe le Bon: Les Bourguignons en Mer Noire (1440-1446)”, Annales de Bourgogne, 55 (1983) s. 5-29.
  • Tilly, Charles, Coercion, Capital and European States, AD 990–1992, Blackwell, Oxford, 1994.
  • Tolan, John V., Saracens. Islam in the Medieval European Imagination, Columbia Un. Press, New York, 2002.
  • Türk, Sezai ve Şahinoğlu, Fatih, “Oryantalist Söylem Doğrultusunda Oluşturulan Türk ve Türkiye İmgesinin Amerikan Sinemasında Sunumu”, Uluslararası Medeniyet Çalışmaları Dergisi 3/1 (2018) s. 463-490.
  • Vaughan, Richard, John the Fearless. The Growth of the Burgundian Power, Boydell, Londra, 1973.
  • Vaughan, Richard, Philip the Good. The Apogee of the Burgundian State, Longman, Londra, 1970.
  • Viane, Antoon, Vlaamse pelgrimstochten. Een verzameling opstellen over bedevaarten en bedevaarders vanuit Vlaanderen in de late middeleeuwen, Gidsenbond, Brugge, 1982.
  • Villerius, Stijn, “Op zoek naar pape Jan of naar avontuur? Een discoursanalyse van boek III van Tvoyage van Mher Joos van Ghistele (1482–1483)”, Handelingen der Maatschappij voor Geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde te Gent, 63 (2009) s. 27–60.
  • Wrisley, David J., “The Loss of Constantinople and Imagining Crusade at the Fifteenth-Century Court of Burgundy”, Al-Abhath 55/6 (2007) s. 85-112.

Discourse on Islam and the Ottoman Turks in Joos van Ghistele’s Pilgrimage Narrative (1491)

Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 219 - 234, 26.12.2021


This article explores the discourse of the Christian pilgrimage narrative of the Burgundian nobleman Joos van Ghistele, written by Ambrosius Zeebout in 1491. The influential account of the travels of van Ghistele offers us remarkable perspectives on the world view of Burgundy and the history of medieval European mentality. Situated within the discursive tradition of medieval Northern Europe, this article analyses the travel narrative in order to determine the nature of the Burgundian discourse on Islam and the variety of motives it served. This article claims that the negative representation of Islam and the Turks in this popular travel report was produced in answer to the religious imperatives and political and ideological needs of the Burgundian dukes. This discourse was shaped by the ideology of the Latin Church and influenced by the process of European state building in the 15th century. Its contours were defined by medieval Christian theology and the crusading ideology. This article highlights that within the discursive strategy of van Ghistele’s travel report, the Ottomans and Muslims functioned as the political and religious arch-rivals in opposition to whom Europe established its own identity as virtuous, Christian and superior.


  • De la Broquière, Bertrandon, Le voyage d’Outremer de Bertrandon de la Broquière, yay. haz. C. Schéfer, Paris, Leroux 1892. Bertrandon de la Broquière’in Denizaşırı Seyahati, çev. İlhan Arda, İstanbul: Eren, 2000.
  • De Mézières, Philippe, Une epistre lamentable et consolatoire adressée en 1397 à Philippe le Hardi, duc de Bourgogne, sur la défaite de Nicopolis (1396), yay. haz.. Philippe Contamine ve Jacques Paviot, Paris, 2008.
  • Medieval Sourcebook, Center of Medieval Studies at Fordham University, online erişim:
  • Oeuvres de Ghillebert de Lannoy, voyageur, diplomate et moraliste, yay. haz. Ch. Potvin, Leuven, Lefever, 1878.
  • Zeebout, Ambrosius, Tvoyage van Mher Joos van Ghistele, yay. haz. Renaat J. G. A. A. Gaspar, Hilversum, Verloren, 1998.
  • Abu-Lughod, Janet, Avrupa Hegemonyasından Önce: 1250-1350 Yılları Arasında Dünya Sistemi, VBKY, İstanbul, 2020.
  • Abu-Lughod, Janet, Before European Hegemony: the World System A.D. 1250-1350, Oxford Un. Press, Oxford, 1989.
  • Babinger Franz, Mehmed the Conqueror and His Time, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1978.
  • Babinger Franz, Fatih Sultan Mehmed ve Zamanı, çev. Dost Körpe, Oğlak Yay., İstanbul, 2003.
  • Bacqué-Grammont, Jean-Louis, “Le château Saint-Pierre de Bodrum et ses défenseurs à quatre pattes au temps des Chevaliers de Rhodes”, Anthropozoologica 43/2 (2008) s. 39-46.
  • Bejczy, Istvan, “Between Mandeville and Columbus. Tvoyage by Joos van Ghistele”, ed. Z. Van Martels, Travel Fact and Travel Fiction. Studies on Fiction, Literary Tradition, Scholarly Discovery and Observation in Travel Writing, Brill, Leiden, 1994.
  • Bisaha, Nancy, Creating East and West. Renaissance Humanists and the Ottoman Turks, Un. Penn. Press, Philadelphia, 2004.
  • Blanks, David R. ve Frassetto, Michael (ed.), Western Views of Islam in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Perception of Other, Palgrave, New York, 1999.
  • Blockmans Wim ve Prevenier Walter, The Promised Lands. The Low Countries Under the Burgundian Rule, 1369-1530, PENN, Philadelphia, 1999.
  • Blockmans, Wim, “La Répression de révoltes urbaines comme méthode de centralisation dans les Pays-Bas bourguignons”, PCEEB 28 (1988) 5-9.
  • Boone, Marc, “Yet another failed state? The Huizinga-Pirenne Controversy on the Burgundian State Reconsidered”, ed. Peter Arnade, Martha Howell ve Anton van der Lem, Rereading Huizinga: Autumn of the Middle Ages. A Century Later, Amsterdam Un. Press, Amsterdam, 2019, s. 105-120.
  • Bostan, İdris, “Azeb”, TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi (online erişim).
  • Boulton, D’Arcy J. D., “The Order of the Golden Fleece and the Creation of Burgundian National Identity”, ed. Boulton ve Veenstra The Ideology of Burgundy: The Promotion of National Consciousness, 1364-1565, Brill, Leiden, 2006, s. 24-55.
  • Caron, Marie-Thérèse ve Clauzel, Denis (ed.), Le Banquet du Faisan, 1454. l’Occident face au défi de l’Empire ottoman, Artois Presses Université, Arras, 1997.
  • Caron, Marie-Thérèse, Les voeux du faisan, noblesse en fête, esprit de croisade. Le manuscrit français 11594 de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, Brepols, Turnhout 2003.
  • Cauchies, Jean-Marie, “État bourguignon ou États bourguignons? De la singularité d’un pluriel”, ed. Peter Hoppenbrouwers, Antheun Janse ve Robert Stein, Power and Persuasion. Essays on the Art of State Building in Honour of Wim Blockmans, Brepols, Brüksel, 2010, s. 49-58.
  • Classen, Albrecht, “The Diplomat Pilgrim Bertrandon de la Broquiere”, ed. A. Classen, East Meets West in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times. Transcultural Experiences in the Premodern World, De Gruyter, Berlin, 2013, s. 49-59.
  • Crone, G.R., “Joos van Ghistele and His Travels in the Levant”, The Geographical Journal, 83/5 (1934) s. 410-411.
  • Curtis, Michael, Orientalism and Islam. European Thinkers on Oriental Despotism in the Middle East and India, Cambridge Un. Press, Cambridge, 2012.
  • D’Alverny, Marie-Thérèse, “Deux traductions latines du Coran au Moyen Age”, Archives d’Histoire Doctrinaire et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 16 (1947-1948) s. 69-131.
  • Degryse, Roger, “Les expéditions bourguignonnes à Rhodes, Constantinople et Ceuta”, RSDHA 21 (1987) s. 39-41. Di Cesare, Michelina, The Pseudo-Historical Image of the Prophet Muḥammad in Medieval Latin Literature: A Repertory, De Gruyter, Berlin, 2012.
  • Gaspar, Renaat J.G.A.A, “An Old Account of Turkey in 1481”, Bibliotheca Orientalis, LVII (2000): s. 20-39.
  • Haemers, Jelle, De Gentse opstand (1449-1453). De strijd tussen netwerken om het stedelijke kapitaal, Kortrijk, Heule, 2004.
  • Harper, James G., “Turks as Trojans; Trojans as Turks: Visual Imagery of the Trojan War and the Politics of Cultural Identity in Fifteenth-Century Europe”, ed. Ananya Kabir ve Deanne Williams, Translating Cultures: Postcolonial Approaches to the Middle Ages, Cambridge Un. Press. Cambridge, 2005, s. 151-179.
  • Hentsch, Thierry, Hayali Doğu. Batı’nın Akdenizli Doğu’ya Politik Bakışı, Metis, İstanbul, 1996.
  • Imber, Colin, Varna Savaşı, çev. Ayda Arel, Kitap Yay., İstanbul, 2007.
  • Kaçar, Hilmi ve Dumolyn, Jan, “The Battle of Nicopolis (1396). Burgundian Catastrophe and Ottoman Fait Divers: The Relevance of the ‘Other’ in State Ideologies”, Revue belge de Philologie et d'Histoire 91/4 (2013) s. 905-934.
  • Kalın, İbrahim, “Batı’da İslam Algısının Tarihine Giriş”, Divan İlmi Araştırmalar 15/2 (2003) s. 1-51.
  • Kumrular, Özlem, Avrupa’da Türk Düşmanlığının Kökeni: Türk Korkusu, Doğan Yay., İstanbul, 2008.
  • Kütükoğlu, Mübahat S., “Defterdar”, TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi (online erişim).
  • Lacaze, Yvon, “Politique ‘mediterranéenne’ et projets de croisade chez Philippe le Bon: de la chute de Byzance à la victoire chrétienne de Belgrade (1453-1456)”, Annales de Bourgogne 41/161-162 (1969) s. 5-42 ve s. 81-132.
  • Lafortune-Martel, Agathe, Fête noble en Bourgogne au 15e siècle: Le Banquet du Faisan (1454): Aspects politiques, sociaux et culturels, Vrin, Paris, 1984.
  • Lagast, Alexia, “Omitted in Manuscript, Praised in Print: Nameless Noblemen in the Middle Dutch Travel Narrative Tvoyage van Mher Joos van Ghistele (ca. 1491)”, Bulletin des Musées Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire, 82 (2011) s. 101-118.
  • Lagast, Alexia, “Polémique ou neutralité? La représentation de Mahomet dans les récits de voyage de Josse de Ghistelles (1481-1485) et de Bernhard von Breydenbach (1483-1484)”, Publications du Centre Européen d'Etudes Bourguignonnes, 56 (2016) s. 175-189.
  • Luttrell, Anthony, “Latin Responses to Ottoman Expansion before 1389”, ed. Elizabeth Zachariadou, The Ottoman Emirate, 1300-1389, Crete Un. Press, Rethymnon, 1993, s.119-134.
  • Meserve, Margaret, Empires of Islam in Renaissance Historical Thought, Harvard Un. Press, Cambridge 2009.
  • Özcan, Abdülkadir, “Kapıcı”, TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi (online erişim).
  • Paviot, Jacques, La politique navale des ducs de Bourgogne, 1384-1482, Presses Universitaires, Lille, 1995.
  • Paviot, Jacques, Les ducs de Bourgogne. La croisade et l’Orient, Presses de l’Université de Paris-Sorbonne, Paris, 2003.
  • Potter, David, Renaissance France at War. Armies, Culture and Society, 1480-1560, Boydell Press, Woodbridge, 2008.
  • Richard, Jean, “La Bourgogne des Valois et l’idée de croisade et la défense de l’Europe”, ed. Marie-Thérèse Caron ve Denis Clauzel, Le banquet du faisan, Arras, 1997.
  • Richard, Jean, “Les prisonniers de Nicopolis”, Annales de Bourgogne, 68 (1996) s. 75-83.
  • Schröder, Stefan, “The Encounter with Islam between Doctrinal Image and Life Writing: Ambrosius Zeebout’s Report of Joos van Ghistele’s Travels to the East 1481-1485”, içinde: derl. Cordelia Heß ve Jonathan Adams, Fear and Loathing in the North. Jews and Muslims in Medieval Scandinavia and the Baltic Region, De Gruyter, Berlin, 2015, s. 83-106;
  • Smith, Jeffrey C.‚ “Portable Propaganda: Tapestries as Princely Metaphors at the Courts of Philip the Good and Charles the Bold”, The Art Journal 48/2 (1989) s. 123-129.
  • Sterchi, Bernhard, “The Importance of Reputation in the Theory and Practice of Burgundian Chivalry: Jean de Lannoy, the Croys, and the Order of the Golden Fleece”, ed. Boulton ve Veenstra The Ideology of Burgundy: The Promotion of National Consciousness, 1364-1565, Brill, Leiden, 2006, s. 99-115.
  • Şirin, İbrahim, Osmanlı İmgeleminde Avrupa, Lotus Yay., Ankara, 2006.
  • Şirin İbrahim, “Seyahatnamelerin Sosyal Bilimlerde Kullanım Değeri: Seyahatname Metodolojisi Geliştirmenin Zorunluluğu”, Türk Yurdu Dergisi, 33/310 (2013) s. 38-43.
  • Taparel, Henri, “Une episode de la politique orientale de Philippe le Bon: Les Bourguignons en Mer Noire (1440-1446)”, Annales de Bourgogne, 55 (1983) s. 5-29.
  • Tilly, Charles, Coercion, Capital and European States, AD 990–1992, Blackwell, Oxford, 1994.
  • Tolan, John V., Saracens. Islam in the Medieval European Imagination, Columbia Un. Press, New York, 2002.
  • Türk, Sezai ve Şahinoğlu, Fatih, “Oryantalist Söylem Doğrultusunda Oluşturulan Türk ve Türkiye İmgesinin Amerikan Sinemasında Sunumu”, Uluslararası Medeniyet Çalışmaları Dergisi 3/1 (2018) s. 463-490.
  • Vaughan, Richard, John the Fearless. The Growth of the Burgundian Power, Boydell, Londra, 1973.
  • Vaughan, Richard, Philip the Good. The Apogee of the Burgundian State, Longman, Londra, 1970.
  • Viane, Antoon, Vlaamse pelgrimstochten. Een verzameling opstellen over bedevaarten en bedevaarders vanuit Vlaanderen in de late middeleeuwen, Gidsenbond, Brugge, 1982.
  • Villerius, Stijn, “Op zoek naar pape Jan of naar avontuur? Een discoursanalyse van boek III van Tvoyage van Mher Joos van Ghistele (1482–1483)”, Handelingen der Maatschappij voor Geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde te Gent, 63 (2009) s. 27–60.
  • Wrisley, David J., “The Loss of Constantinople and Imagining Crusade at the Fifteenth-Century Court of Burgundy”, Al-Abhath 55/6 (2007) s. 85-112.
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Hilmi Kaçar 0000-0002-0619-9052

Publication Date December 26, 2021
Submission Date October 20, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Kaçar, H. (2021). Joos van Ghistele’nin Hac Seyahati Anlatısında (1491) İslam ve Osmanlılara Dair Söylemi. Ortaçağ Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(2), 219-234.
AMA Kaçar H. Joos van Ghistele’nin Hac Seyahati Anlatısında (1491) İslam ve Osmanlılara Dair Söylemi. OAD. December 2021;4(2):219-234. doi:10.48120/oad.1012315
Chicago Kaçar, Hilmi. “Joos Van Ghistele’nin Hac Seyahati Anlatısında (1491) İslam Ve Osmanlılara Dair Söylemi”. Ortaçağ Araştırmaları Dergisi 4, no. 2 (December 2021): 219-34.
EndNote Kaçar H (December 1, 2021) Joos van Ghistele’nin Hac Seyahati Anlatısında (1491) İslam ve Osmanlılara Dair Söylemi. Ortaçağ Araştırmaları Dergisi 4 2 219–234.
IEEE H. Kaçar, “Joos van Ghistele’nin Hac Seyahati Anlatısında (1491) İslam ve Osmanlılara Dair Söylemi”, OAD, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 219–234, 2021, doi: 10.48120/oad.1012315.
ISNAD Kaçar, Hilmi. “Joos Van Ghistele’nin Hac Seyahati Anlatısında (1491) İslam Ve Osmanlılara Dair Söylemi”. Ortaçağ Araştırmaları Dergisi 4/2 (December 2021), 219-234.
JAMA Kaçar H. Joos van Ghistele’nin Hac Seyahati Anlatısında (1491) İslam ve Osmanlılara Dair Söylemi. OAD. 2021;4:219–234.
MLA Kaçar, Hilmi. “Joos Van Ghistele’nin Hac Seyahati Anlatısında (1491) İslam Ve Osmanlılara Dair Söylemi”. Ortaçağ Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 4, no. 2, 2021, pp. 219-34, doi:10.48120/oad.1012315.
Vancouver Kaçar H. Joos van Ghistele’nin Hac Seyahati Anlatısında (1491) İslam ve Osmanlılara Dair Söylemi. OAD. 2021;4(2):219-34.

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