The Impact of Institutional Quality on Income Distribution: An Empirical Analysis for Developed and Developing Countries
Year 2019,
, 201 - 224, 29.04.2019
Güray Akalin
Ergin Uzgören
The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of
institutional quality on income distribution among developed and developing
countries. For this purpose, the Gini coefficient is used as the indicator of
income distribution and the institutional quality index which was formed with
the help of the International Country Risk Guide, is used as the indicator of
institutional structure in models. The annual data covers 1988-2014 period that
is used and recently developed panel data estimators such as CCEMG and System
GMM are employed in this study. The findings obtained in the empirical analysis
section can be listed as follows: i) An increase in institutional quality
affects the Gini coefficient negatively in developed countries while affects
positively in developing countries. ii) An increase in the financial
development index affects the Gini coefficient positively in developed
countries while affects negatively in developing countries. iii) An increase in real income per capita
affects the Gini coefficient negatively in both developed and developing
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Kurumsal Kalitenin Gelir Dağılımı Üzerindeki Etkisi: Gelişmiş ve Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler için Ampirik Bir Analiz
Year 2019,
, 201 - 224, 29.04.2019
Güray Akalin
Ergin Uzgören
çalışmanın amacı kurumsal kalitenin gelir dağılımı üzerindeki etkisini gelişmiş
ve gelişmekte olan ülkeler için araştırmaktır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda kurulan
modellerde, gelir dağılımı göstergesi olarak Gini katsayısı, kurumsal yapı
göstergesi olarak ise Uluslararası Ülke Risk Rehberi’nden yararlanılarak
oluşturulan kurumsal kalite indeksi kullanılmıştır. 1988-2014 dönemini kapsayan
yıllık verilerin kullanıldığı bu çalışmada, panel veri analizi tercih edilmiş
olup, CCEMG ve Sistem GMM gibi yeni geliştirilen katsayı tahmincileri
kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın ampirik analiz kısmında elde edilen bulgular şöyle
sıralanabilir: i) Kurumsal kalitedeki bir artış gelişmiş ülkelerde Gini
katsayısını negatif etkilemekteyken, gelişmekte olan ülkelerde pozitif
etkilemektedir. ii) Finansal gelişmişlik indeksindeki bir artış gelişmiş ülkelerde
Gini katsayısını pozitif etkilemekteyken, gelişmekte olan ülkelerde negatif
etkilemektedir. iii) Reel kişi başına gelirdeki bir artış hem gelişmiş hem de
gelişmekte olan ülkelerde Gini katsayısını negatif etkilemektedir.
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- Anyanwu, C. John; Erhİjakpor, E.O. Andrew; Obi, Emeka (2016), “Empirical Analysis of the Key Drivers of Income Inequality in West Africa”, African Development Review, Vol. 28, No. 1: 18–38.
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- Cogneau, Denis; Guénard, Charletto (2003), “Colonization, Institutions, and Inequality: A Note on Some Suggestive Evidence”,, (Erişim: 20.04.2016).
- Delis, D. Manthos; Hasan, Iftekhar; Kazakis, Pantelis (2012), “Bank Regulations and Income Inequality: Empirical Evidence”, Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers, No. 18: 1-49.
- Demir, Ömer, (1996), Kurumcu İktisat, Vadi Yayınları, Ankara.
- Dias, Joilson; Tebaldi, Edinaldo (2012), “Institutions, Human Capital and Economic Growth: The Institutional Mechanism”. Structural Change and Economic Mechanism, Vol. 23 No. 3: 300-312.
- Gengenbach, Christian; Palm, C. Franz; Urbain, Jean-Pierre, (2009), “Panel Unit Root Tests in The Presence of Cross-Sectional Dependencies: Comparison and Implications for Modelling”, Econometric Reviews, Vol. 29 No. 2: 111-145.
- Granger, W.J. Clive; Newbold, Paul (1974), “Spurious Regressions in Econometrics”, Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 2 No. 2: 111-120.
- Gujarati, N. Domador; Porter, C. Dawn (2012), Temel ekonometri, Şenesen, Ümit; Şenesen, G. Gülay, (Çev.), Literatür Yayınları, 5. Baskı, İstanbul.
- Gupta, Sanjeev; Davoodi, Hamid; Alonso-Terme, Rosa (2002), “Does Corruption Affect Income Inequality and Poverty?”, Economics of Governance, Vol. 3: 23–45.Haggard, Stephan; Tiede, Lydia (2011), ”The Rule of Law and Economic Growth: Where are We?”, World Development, Vol. 39 No. 5: 673-685.
- Hall, E. Robert; Jones, I. Charles (1999), “Why Do Some Countries Produce So Much More Output Per Worker Than Others?”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 114 No. 1: 83-116.
- Hartmann, Dominik; Guevara, Miquel; Figueroa, C. Jara; Hidalgo, Cesar (2015), “Linking Economic Complexity, Institutions and Income Inequality”, Mimeograph, 07907.pdf, (Erişim: 09.08.2016).
- Hodgson, M. Geoffrey (2000), “What Is the Essence of Institutional Economics?”, Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 34 No. 2: 317-329.
- Kapetanios, George; Pesaran, M. Hashem; Yamagata, Takashi (2011), “Panels with Non-Stationary Multifactor Error Structures”, Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 160 No. 2: 326-348.
- Khan, H. Mushtaq (2009), “Governance, Growth and Poverty Reduction”, DESA Working Paper, No. 75: 1-17.
- Khosroabadİ, Mohammad; Zayandehroudi, Mohsen; Shakibaee, Alireza (2015), “Studying the Effect of Indicators of Good Governance on Income Distribution”, Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Science Journal, Vol. 36, No. 3: 3100-3127.
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- Li, Hongyi; Colin Xu, Lixin; Zou, Heng-fu (2000), “Corruption, Income Distribution, and Growth”, Economics and Politics, Vol. 12 No. 2: 155–182.
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